m*. ANTIQUE RADIO CLASSIFIED VOLUMEVOLUME 14 14 • SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER 19919977 NUMBERNUMBER 9 9 A ScotScottt Classi Classicc frofromm ththee BreeBreedd CollectioCollectionn Auctio Auctionn A.R.CA.R.C.. - -TH THEE NATIONA NATIONALL PUBLICATIO PUBLICATIONN FOR BUYERFOR SBUYERS AND SELLER ANDS SELLERS OFOF OLOLDD RADIO RADIOSS AN DAND RELATE RELATEDD ITEM S ITEMS- PUBLISHE - PUBLISHEDD MONTHLY MONTHLY .J GUARANTEE. You may cancel your subscription at any ANTIQUE RADIO CLASSIFIED time and receive a pro rata refund for issues not yet mailed. If Antique Radio Classified {ISSN:8750-7471} is pub• errors to ads are made by A.R.C, upon request a free correction lished monlhly. 12 times per year, by John V Terrey, One will be run in the next available issue. River Road, P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. Periodicals PAYMENT. Please send in full payment with your order or postage paid at Cadisle, MA, and additional mailing of• ad. A.R.C. does not carry accounts; all subscriptions, ads, etc. ANTIQUE RADIO CLASSIFIED fices. Telephone: (508) 37K0512, 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM ET must be prepaid (except for the 6 and 12 month display ads weekdays; machine answers phone at other times. indicated below). Pay in U.S. funds. Checks drawn on a U.S. Annual subscription rates within the U.S. are $38.95 by bank, money orders, VISA or MasterCard ($10.00 min.) are Periodicals mail and $55.95 by First Class mail. preferred. Make check out to "A.R.C." U.S. stamps or cash are Annual foreign rates. By air: Canada $59.00; Mexico OK for small amounts. Canadian payers may send a Canadian $65.00; Other foreign countries $100.00. Surface mail: check but specify U.S. funds. Subscriptions will be prorated to Canada $49.00; Other foreign countries $55.00. (Surface amount sent if amount is incorrect. EDITOR'S COMMENTS A.R.C. readers' fancy. After a letter in our June FAX & E-MAIL PROCEDURES/PAYMENT. Subscrip• delivery to countries other than Canada may take two or No question about it the big season of radio issue on the Rhythm Belle, a follow-up letter more months and cannot be guaranteed.) tions, book orders, classified ads, display ads, etc. are welcome Two-year subscriptions are twice these rates and receive by fax or e-mail. Deadlines are the same as for ads received by events is underway. Reports of meets and auc• appears this month. And Ted Depto sent in a mail. Please calculate the amount due. Payment by VISA or an extra month. Sample issues are available free on request. tions abound in ourfiles, and we try to get them out short piece on the Rhythm Maid, which we in• MasterCard is preferred if your order is over $10. If under $10, © Copyright 1997 by John V Terrey. or if you prefer to send a check or money order, state the amount there as soon as possible for all of you to savor clude as well. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Antique being sent and that the payment is in the mail. Do not send But once in awhile, an event stands out as Photo Review shows a surprise Hallicrafters Radio Classified, P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. another copy of your ad with your payment; simply indicate that set not a "boat anchor" communications re• Printed in U.S.A. something unique, or at least extra special, and we it is a fax or e-mail payment. If you want confirmation of our must give it precedence. The Breed Collection ceiver but a sleek plastic table model with 2 receipt of your fax, call immediately after sending your fax. STAFF: CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Please notify us 4 weeks in auction reported in this issue strucl< me as one bands. A rare Kodel 2-tube portable set and a Publisher and Editor: John V Terrey advance of a change of address. Send both your new and old such event for many reasons. First, it is the largest radio card game are also shown. Production Manager: Scott J. Young addresses, and include your SUB# and effective date of your private collection up for auction in my recent mem• Daniel Schoo presents another of his detailed Office Manager: Lisa A. Friedrichs new address. Temporary address changes can be made also. ory; second, its proceeds will go to a good cause — repair articles testing and replacing selenium Advertising Manager: Cindie P. Bryan SUBMISSION OF MATERIAL. Antique Radio Classi• Managing Editor: Dorothy Schecter fied welcomes and solicits information that pertains or relates to scholarships at two educational institutions; and rectifiers. From 1938 to the late 1960s, these Publishing & Editorial Staff: Ray Bintliff, Peggy Brink, Dave radio history or collecting. This may include articles, book third, its owners, Arie and Catherine Breed, are still plate-type rectifiers were used in radios. Howev• Crocker, Dick Desjarlais, Bobby Lyman, Jean Meldonian reviews, photos, information on upcoming radio events, meet• enjoying an active life and can participate in the er today, they are very expensive when they Founding Publisher/Editor: Gary B. Schneider ings, antique radio organizations, radio auctions, sources of old recipients' pleasure in their generosity. have to be replaced. A sidebar by Blake Dietze Contributing Writers: Mike Adams, Richard L. Arnold, Ray radio and restoration supplies, and other related and interesting Bintliff, Ron Boucher, Paul J. Bourbin, Norman S. Braithwaite, material. All material submitted should be carefully researched, In addition, this remarkable auction seemed to adds to Schoo's discussion of the replacement of Dave Crocker, Alan S. Douglas, Richard C. Foster, Fred Geer, typed and accompanied by good photos, if appropriate. Com• contain something for nearly everyone bread• the selenium rectifier with the less expensive and Jim Kreuzer. Ron Ramirez, Henry Rogers, Ian L. Sanders, Gary puter disks are appreciated. Writing guidelines are available boards, rare horns, novelty sets, Catalins, etc. In easier-to-find silicon rectifier B. Schneider, Daniel Schoo, Dwane Stevens, Frank R. White, upon request. Unless prior arrangements are made, all submitted our report, you will note one very special category Radio Miscellanea is doing its job when it con• Ralph Williams materials may be edited, become the property of Antique Radio PURPOSE. Antique Radio Classified is published for Classified and will not be returned. Publication is subject to over 100 Zenith radios, including consoles, tains feedback on earlier articles, as well as an people involved in the radio collecting hobby. Its purpose is to approval by A.R.C. and to time and space constraints. chairside, tombstones, and cathedrals, with one exchange of ideas about how to make sales trans• stimulate growth of ihe hobby through the buying, selling and MAILING OF ISSUES. U.S. subscribers can receive splendid Zenith Louis XV Model 15U273 selling actions better with clearer information and common trading of radios and related items, and to provide a monthly A.R.C. by First Class or Periodicals mail (Periodicals is the way courtesy. Alton DuBois has built Gary Strelow's forum for the interchange of ideas and information. most magazines are mailed). The mailing of First Class copies for over $4,000. CONTACTING ANTIQUE RADIO CLASSIFIED. All is staggered with faraway copies mailed before local copies. Small wonderthat so many at the Elgin, Illinois, tube substitutes (A.R.C. February 1996), while Dave correspondence should be sent to: Non-U.S. copies are mailed on the first day. Periodicals copies Radiofest asked me when the Breed auction would Gonshor opens a discussion about whether a set is A.R.C., P.O. Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741. are mailed on the last day. Mailing dates change each month, but be reported in A.R.C. Obviously this is an event priced with or without tubes. We're also glad to Only UPS, Federal, etc. items to street address: One River Road. mailing is usually completed by the 27th of the month. First Telephone: (508) 371-0512; Fax: (508) 371-7129 Class copies usually arc received by the 5th of the month; copies everyone wants to know more about, and so we report that services advertised in A.R.C. are suc• E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.antiqueradio.com by Periodicals mail, by the lOlh. have done our best to give you the full flavor of a cessful and that the pleasures of radio collecting Please, no classified ads by telephone; thanks. ETHICS. No person involved in the production of A.R.C. is memorable day for the collectors lucky enough to are as far-reaching as Japan. Your ads, renewals, letters, etc. can be handled faster and more to acton any information in the magazine undl the first delivery have been there. Coming Radio Events, With the Elgin, Illinois efficiently if your name, address and SUB# are written on each. day after local copies are mailed. Unfortunately, A.R.C. is not staffed to answer letters with DISCLAIMER. The publisher is not responsible for any We also report on the smaller Boccelli auction in Radiofest '97 just past (we will report on this very questions about antique radios or requests for advice. However, buying and selling transactions incurred, or for any other use of nearby Watertown, Mass. The A.R.C. "radio boys," successful meet in a future issue), collectors are A.R.C. docs solicit letters of interest to its readers and publishes the contents of this publication. Dick Desjarlais and Ray Bintliff, remind us not to looking forward to the September 5-day, Antique them as space permits, A.R.C. assumes that permission is given Antique Radio Classified subscription rates, frequency of forget to check out the estate auction ads because Wireless Association Conference in Rochester, New to edit and to publish all correspondence and articles received publication, content, policies, size and ad details, and rates are unless otherwise indicated.
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