US 2010.0246361A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0246361 A1 MiaZZ0 et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 30, 2010 (54) METHOD FOR CONVERTING STANDARD Related U.S. Application Data DVDS INTO BLU-RAY FORMAT (60) Provisional application No. 61/141,614, filed on Dec. 30, 2008. (75) Inventors: Valentino Miazzo, Macherio (IT): Publication Classification Gregory Maertens, Cernusco Sul Naviglio (IT): Bob Saffari, San (51) Int. Cl. Carlos, CA (US) GIB 27/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................... 369/83: G9B/27 Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT TOWNSEND AND TOWNSEND AND CREW, In various embodiments, systems, methods, and computer LLP readable storage media are provided to repurpose DVD TWO EMBARCADERO CENTER, EIGHTH authored content allowing any movie experience, high defi FLOOR nition video, high quality Sound, and/or interactivity provided SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3834 (US) by the DVD authored content to be accessed via next genera tion optical disc players. In one embodiment, DVD authored content may be stored as-is on a Blu-ray Disc for playback on (73) Assignee: Mozaik Multimedia, Inc., a Blu-ray Disc player. The Blu-ray Disc player can be con Redwood City, CA (US) figured to interpret DVD navigations information in the DVD authored content and/or reformat audio/video information in the DVD authored content allowing any movie experience, (21) Appl. No.: 12/644,501 high definition video, high quality sound, and/or interactivity provided by the DVD authored content to be experienced by (22) Filed: Dec. 22, 2009 USCS. BD AUTHORED CONTENT 230 BD WIDEO CONTENT 240 BD AUDIO CONTENT DVD AUTHORED 250 CONTENT 130 BD INTERACTIVE CONTENT 260 210 Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2010 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2010/0246361 A1 -" DVD AUTHORED CONTENT 130 DVD VIDEO CONTENT 140 120 DVD AUDIO CONTENT 150 DVD INTERACTIVE CONTENT 160 110 VO <DDD C C FIG. 1 (PRIOR ART) Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2010 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2010/0246361 A1 200 BD AUTHORED ? CONTENT 230 BD WIDEO CONTENT 240 BD AUDIO CONTENT DVD AUTHORED 250 CONTENT 130 BD INTERACTIVE CONTENT 260 210 VO <DDDD C C FIG 2 Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2010 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2010/0246361 A1 DVD AUTHORED CONTENT 130 ADAPTATION LAYER 310 BD ADAPTED CONTENT 320 210 Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2010 Sheet 4 of 7 US 2010/0246361 A1 BEGIN 410 READ BLU-RAY DISC TO OBTAIN DVD AUTHORED CONTENT 42O INTERPRET DVD NAVIGATION INFORMATION IN 430 DVD AUTHORED CONTENT REFORMAT CONTENT AUTHORED IN DVD 440 FORMAT INTO BLU-RAY FORMAT STORE REFORMATTED CONTENT 450 OUTPUT REFORMATTED CONTENT FOR 460 PLAYBACK END 470 FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2010 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2010/0246361 A1 DVD PROGRAM STREAM (PS) MPEG-2 VIDEO DVD AC3, DTS, MPEG, NAVIGATION PCMAUDIO DVD SUBPICTURE ADAPTATION LAYER 310 NAVIGATION LAYER A/V STREAM ANALYZER ANALYZER 510 520 BD TRANSPORT STREAM (M2TS) MPEG-2 VIDEO BDNAVIGATION AC3, DTS, MPEG INFORMATION PCMAUDIO BD SUBTITLES FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2010 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2010/0246361 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 30, 2010 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2010/0246361 A1 WELSÅSÆTIS ?ZI GTZÕTT O/] (S)EOVHJELNI ?ZI US 2010/0246361 A1 Sep. 30, 2010 METHOD FOR CONVERTING STANDARD and interactivity and give consumers a reason to purchase the DVDS INTO BLU-RAY FORMAT content in BD format. Some studios may not have the budget to perform Such a conversion or the expected return on invest CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED ment (ROI) may not worth the cost. APPLICATIONS 0006. Accordingly, what is desired are improved methods 0001. This Application claims priority to and the benefit of and apparatus for Solving some of the problems related to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/141,614, filed Dec. 30, distributing content using optical discs, some of which may 2008 and entitled METHOD FOR CONVERTING STAN be discussed herein. Additionally, what is desired are DARD DVDS INTO BLU-RAY FORMAT,” which is hereby improved methods and apparatus for reducing some of the incorporated by reference for all purposes. drawbacks related to distributing content using optical discs, Some of which discussed may be discussed herein. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0002 Blu-ray Disc (also known as Blu-ray or BD) is an optical disc storage medium. Generally, BD has the same 0007. The following portion of this disclosure presents a physical dimensions as standard Digital Versatile Discs (also simplified Summary of one or more innovations, embodi know as Digital Video Discs or DVDs) and Compact Discs ments, and/or examples found within this disclosure for at (CDs). The main uses of BD can include the storage of data, least the purpose of providing a basic understanding of the high-definition video, and games. BD may support storage Subject matter. This Summary does not attempt to provide an capacities of around 25 GB per single layered and 50 GB per extensive overview of any particular embodiment or example. dual layered disc. Thus, a two-layer Blu-ray Disc can store Additionally, this summary is not intended to identify key/ approximately six times the capacity of a two-layer DVD, or critical elements of an embodiment or example or to delineate ten times that of a single-layer DVD. The name Blu-ray Disc the scope of the Subject matter of this disclosure. Accordingly, may be derived from the blue laser (violet-colored) used to one purpose of this Summary may be present some innova read and write this type of disc. Because of the beam's shorter tions, embodiments, and/or examples found within this dis wavelength (about 405 nanometers), Substantially more data closure in a simplified form as a prelude to a more detailed can be stored on a Blu-ray Disc than on discs configured to be description presented later. read by lasers having a longer wavelength, such as a red laser 0008. In various embodiments, systems, methods, and (about 650 nm) typically used for DVDs. Other optical stor computer-readable storage media are provided to repurpose age mediums, such as HD-DVD, may incorporate such blue DVD authored content allowing any movie experience, high laser technology to achieve greater storage capacities than definition video, high quality Sound, and/or interactivity pro standard DVDs and CDs vided by the DVD authored content to be accessed via next 0003 BD and other high definition (HD) formats thus may generation optical disc players. In one embodiment, DVD bring various improvements to a movie experience. Such as authored content may be stored as-is on a Blu-ray Disc for high definition video, high quality Sound, and interactivity. playback on a Blu-ray Disc player. The Blu-ray Disc player Table 1 provides an overview of some differences between can be configured to interpret DVD navigations information Standard DVD and BD: in the DVD authored content and/or reformat audio/video TABLE 1 Feature DVD Blu-ray Maximum native resolutions supported via HDMI EDTV (480p) HDTV (720p, 1080i, 1080p) Disc capacity 4.7GB (single layer) 25GB (single layer) 8.5GB (dual layer) 50GB (dual layer) Video capacity (per dual-layer disc) SD: approximately 3 hours SD: approximately 23 hours HD: 8.5 or 5.6 hours, depending on encoding method Copy protection digital rights management Macrovision, CSS AACS, ICT, BD+, BD-ROM Mark Region-coded discs and players Yes Yes 0004 As the home video format of choice changed from information in the DVD authored content allowing any movie the Video Home System (VHS) format to DVD, many con experience, high definition video, high quality sound, and/or Sumer's existing VHS tape collection were slowly rendered interactivity provided by the DVD authored content to be obsolete due to the physically incompatible difference in experienced by users. format. Nowadays, with the transition from standard DVDs to 0009. In some embodiment, one or more adaptation layers BD, or other HD formats, most consumer electronic players can be hosted a Blu-ray Disc player for accessing DVD are capable of playing back individual standard DVDs. Some authored content stored on a Blue-ray Disc. In one embodi BD players also include upconverting DVD technology. ment, an adaptation layer executed by a Blu-ray Disc player 0005. However, content owners and movie studios already can interpret DVD navigation information of DVD authored have a lot of content which has been previously authored in content stored on a Blu-ray Disc. In another embodiment, an the DVD format. Preparing, converting, or reformatting exist adaptation layer executed by a Blu-ray Disc player can ing DVD authored content to BD can be a costly process receive audio and/or video information of DVD authored involving the authoring, remastering, interactivity develop content stored on a Blu-ray Disc. The adaptation layer may ment, etc. to take advantage of BD's enhanced video, Sound, format, convert, or transcode the received audio and/or video US 2010/0246361 A1 Sep. 30, 2010 information into audio and/or video information suitable for forms to the DVD standard. DVD 120 may include (or have playback by the Blu-ray Disc player. stored thereon) DVD authored content 130. DVD authored 0010. In further embodiments, DVD navigation informa content 130 can include one or more various forms of content, tion may be interpreted offline for DVD authored content such as DVD video content 140, DVD audio content 150, and representing multiple standard DVDs before being stored to a DVD interactive content 160. Video, audio and subtitle Blu-ray Disc. In one embodiment, an adaptation layer streams can be multiplexed and stored on DVD 120 as DVD executed by a Blu-ray Disc player can use the DVD naviga authored content 130 in the Video Object (VOB) container tion information to access the multiple DVDs as found on the format.
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