Bulford - Census 1851

Bulford - Census 1851

Bulford - Census 1851 Year Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes Born HO107/1845 1 Bulford Andrews Joseph Head W 43 M 1808 Ag Lab Bulford Page 9 Andrews Miriam Dau U 17 F 1834 Farm Serv Bulford Andrews Eliza Dau 14 F 1837 Farm Serv Bulford Andrews Kezia Dau 9 F 1842 Scholar Bulford Andrews George Son 3 M 1848 Bulford 2 Bulford Canning William Head M 43 M 1808 Shepherd Bulford Canning Rebecca Wife M 37 F 1814 Bulford Canning Dinah Dau U 20 F 1831 Farm Serv Bulford Canning Charles Son U 17 M 1834 Shepherd Bulford Canning George Son U 15 M 1836 Shepherd Bulford Canning Elizabth. Dau 13 F 1838 At home Bulford Canning Ann Dau 11 F 1840 Scholar Bulford Canning William Son 7 M 1844 Scholar Bulford Canning Lucy Dau 5 F 1846 Scholar Bulford Canning Fanny Dau 0 F 1851 Bulford Aged 2 months 3 Bulford Hedges Joseph Head M 35 M 1816 Ag Lab Fisherton Delamere Hedges Elizth. Wife M 36 F 1815 Durrington Hedges Emily Dau 10 F 1841 Scholar Bulford Hedges Cathere. Dau 1 F 1850 Bulford 4 Bulford Sturgess George Head M 41 M 1810 Ag Lab Bulford Page 10 Sturgess Hannah Wife M 42 F 1809 Milsten Sturgess John Son U 18 M 1833 Carter Bulford Sturgess James Son U 16 M 1835 Carter Bulford Sturgess Charles Son 14 M 1837 Shepherd boy Bulford Sturgess George Son 7 M 1844 Bulford Sturgess Samuel Son 4 M 1847 Bulford Sturgess Mary Dau 1 F 1850 Bulford 5 Bulford Gilbert Ann Head W 73 F 1778 Fundholder Oare 6 Bulford Adlam George Head M 32 M 1819 Paper maker Bulford Adlam Fanny Wife M 24 F 1827 Amesbury 7 Bulford Good Christopher Head M 63 M 1788 Retired farmer Blandford, Dorset Good Mary Wife M 56 F 1795 Blandford, Dorset Good Georgiana Dau U 24 F 1827 Blandford, Dorset Sainsbury Harriet Serv U 19 F 1832 House serv. Woodgreen, Hants 8 Bulford Godwin Henry Head M 43 M 1808 Paper maker Bulford Godwin Charlotte Wife M 43 F 1808 Bulford Godwin Alfred Son U 19 M 1832 Shoe maker Durrington Godwin Ann Dau 2 F 1849 Bulford 9 Bulford Sturgess Samuel Head M 35 M 1816 Ag Lab Bulford Page 11 ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/Gill Cannell Page 1 of 11 Bulford - Census 1851 Year Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes Born HO107/1845 Sturgess Sarah Wife M 28 F 1823 Milsten Sturgess Edwin Son 6 M 1845 Scholar Bulford Sturgess My. Ann Dau 4 F 1847 Bulford Sturgess Jane Dau 1 F 1850 Bulford 10 Bulford Batchelor William Head M 39 M 1812 Thatcher Bulford Batchelor Mary Wife M 38 F 1813 Everley Batchelor William Son 4 M 1847 Scholar Shrewton Batchelor Elizabth. Dau 6 F 1845 Scholar Bulford Batchelor Robt. Pierce Son 0 M 1851 Bulford Aged 9 months 11 Bulford Canning John Head W 83 M 1768 Pauper, Ag Lab Fifield Canning Mary Dau U 40 F 1811 Farm Serv Bulford 12 Bulford Kill David Head M 44 M 1807 Carter Bulford Kill Mary Wife F 41 F 1810 Sydlin, Dorset Kill Sarah Dau U 17 F 1834 Farm Serv Bulford Kill Emily Dau 8 F 1843 Scholar Bulford Kill Jonathan Son 5 M 1846 Scholar Bulford Kill Willm Son 3 M 1848 Bulford Kill George Son 0 M 1851 Bulford Aged 10 months 13 Bulford Swatton Jonah Head M 26 M 1825 Ag Lab Bulford Page 12 Swatton Charlott Wife M 25 F 1826 Bulford Swatton Samuel Son 0 M 1851 Bulford Aged 2 months Swatton Benjamin Grandfather W 85 F 1766 Pauper, Ag Lab Bulford 14 Bulford Swatton John Head M 75 M 1776 Pauper, Ag Lab Bulford Swatton Ann Wife M 72 F 1779 Pauper, Ag Lab Figheldean Swatton Elizth. Dau U 34 F 1817 Farm Serv Bulford Swatton Sarah Dau U 31 F 1820 Pauper Bulford 15 Bulford Sturgess Edward Head M 39 M 1812 Bricklayer Journeyman Bulford Sturgess Charlotte Wife M 35 F 1816 Yourn, Dorset Sturgess Silas Son 12 M 1839 Bricklayers Lab. Bulford Sturgess Edward Son 9 M 1842 Scholar Bulford Sturgess Elizabth. Dau 7 F 1844 Scholar Bulford Sturgess Mark Son 5 M 1846 Scholar Bulford Sturgess Simeon Son 2 M 1849 Scholar Bulford Grace James Father-law W 65 M 1786 Pensioner 15th Regt. Dragoons. Groom Downton 16 Bulford Wittick Catherine Head W 74 F 1777 Pauper Bulford Wittick Ann Dau U 41 F 1810 Farm Serv Bulford Wittick William Son U 33 M 1818 Carter Bulford Wittick Jonathan Grandson U 16 M 1835 Ploughboy Bulford 17 Bulford Andrews William Head M 36 M 1815 Ag Lab Bulford Page 13 ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/Gill Cannell Page 2 of 11 Bulford - Census 1851 Year Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes Born HO107/1845 Andrews Sarah Wife M 33 1818 West Amesbury Andrews Emma Dau 5 F 1846 Scholar West Amesbury Andrews Elizabth. Dau 3 F 1848 Scholar West Amesbury Andrews Mary Dau 0 F 1851 Bulford Aged 11 months 18 Bulford Truckel John Head M 57 M 1794 Shepherd Amesbury Truckel Elizth. Wife M 57 F 1794 Bulford Truckel John Son U 20 M 1831 Ag Lab Bulford Truckel Reuben Son U 18 M 1833 Ag Lab Bulford Truckel Elizth Dau 11 F 1840 Scholar Bulford 19 Bulford Bendell Elizabeth Head U 21 F 1830 Dressmaker Ludgershall Bendell Eliza Sister U 18 F 1833 Working at paper mill Bulford 20 Bulford Hedges James Head M 32 M 1819 Ag Lab Fisherton Delamere Hedges Orah Wife M 31 F 1820 Durrington Hedges Matthew Son 10 M 1841 Plough boy Bulford Hedges Ann Amelia Dau 8 F 1843 Scholar Bulford Hedges Sarah Dau 4 F 1847 Scholar Bulford Hedges Mary Jane Dau 0 F 1851 Bulford Aged 7 months 21 Bulford Andrews James Head W 54 M 1797 Ag Lab Bulford Page 14 Andrews Eliza Dau U 20 F 1831 Farm Serv Bulford Andrews Jonathan Son 16 M 1835 Ploughman Bulford 22 Sturgis Jonathan Head M 37 M 1814 Ag Lab Bulford Sturgis Ellen Wife M 23 F 1828 Durrington 23 Bulford Thorn John Head M 38 M 1813 Ag Lab Bulford Thorn Elizth Wife M 31 F 1820 Farm Serv Durnford Thorn Susanna Dau 10 F 1841 Scholar Bulford Thorn My. Ann Dau 6 F 1845 Scholar Bulford Thorn Willm Son 4 M 1847 Scholar Bulford Thorn Thomas Son 2 M 1849 Bulford 24 Thorn Thomas Head W 77 M 1774 Ag Lab Allington Thorn Elizabth. Dau U 26 F 1825 Farm Serv Bulford 25 Bulford Adlam Joseph Head M 28 M 1823 Ag Lab Bulford pob: Durrington x-out Adlam Maria Wife M 26 F 1825 Durrington Adlam Mary Dau 6 F 1845 Scholar Bulford Adlam Leah Dau 4 F 1847 Scholar Bulford Adlam James Son 2 M 1849 Scholar Bulford Adlam G. Son 0 M 1851 Bulford Aged 2 months 26 Bulford Kinsman Thomas Head M 51 M 1800 Ag Lab Bulford Page 15 Kinsman Jane Wife M 54 F 1797 Ag lab x-out Bulford Kinsman George Son U 20 M 1831 Ag Lab Bulford ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/Gill Cannell Page 3 of 11 Bulford - Census 1851 Year Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes Born HO107/1845 Kinsman William Son 14 M 1837 Plough boy Bulford 27 Bulford Adlam Robert Head M 56 M 1795 Ag Lab Bulford Adlam Dennis Wife M 55 F 1796 Farm Serv Bulford 28 Bulford Sturgess William Head M 49 M 1802 Ag Lab Bulford Sturgess Sarah Wife M 53 F 1798 Collingbourne Sturgess Martha Dau U 27 F 1824 Collingbourne Sturgess Frederic Son U 25 M 1826 Shepherd Bulford Sturgess Timothy Son U 23 M 1828 Ag Lab Bulford Sturgess Noah Son U 16 M 1835 Plough boy Bulford Sturgess Anna Dau 13 F 1838 Scholar Bulford Sturgess Lucy Dau 10 F 1841 Scholar Bulford Sturgess William Son 8 M 1843 Plough Boy Bulford Sturgess Emanl. Son 5 M 1846 Bulford Sturgess Fanny Grandaughter 0 F 1851 Bulford Aged 9 months 29 Bulford Cooper Thomas Head M 59 M 1792 Dealer in Rags &c. Durrington Cooper Jane Wife F 55 F 1796 Bulford 30 Bulford Dimer John Head 33 M 1818 Ag Lab Bulford Page 16 Dimer Rachal Wife M 29 F 1822 Bulford Dimer Emma Dau 4 F 1847 Scholar Bulford Dimer Samuel Son 0 M 1851 Bulford Aged 9 months 31 Bulford Sawyer Thomas Head M 61 M 1790 Ag Lab Bulford Sawyer Louisa Wife M 59 F 1792 Bulford Sawyer George Son U 38 M 1813 Ag Lab Bulford Sawyer Ephraim Son U 20 M 1831 Shepherd Bulford 32 Swatton Ann Head M 24 F 1827 Ag Labs Wife Bulford Swatton Willm Son 2 M 1849 Bulford Blind 33 Bulford Sawyer Jonathan Head M 34 M 1817 Ag Lab Bulford Sawyer Mary Wife M 19 F 1832 Bulford Sawyer Willm Son 0 M 1851 Bulford Age 1 month 34 Spredbury William Head W 60 M 1791 Ag Lab Milston Spredbury Ann Dau U 21 F 1830 Bulford Spredbury George Grandson 1 M 1850 Bulford 35 Bulford Sturgess Thomas Head M 33 M 1818 Bricklayer Bulford Sturgess Sarah Wife M 31 F 1820 Stanton Sturgess Eliza Matilda Dau 9 F 1842 Scholar Bulford Sturgess Frank Son 5 M 1846 Scholar Bulford 36 Bulford Smith Daniel Head M 70 M 1781 Ag Lab Bulford Page 17 Smith Sophia Wife M 59 F 1792 Midwife Worton Smith William Son U 39 M 1812 Ag Lab Bulford ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2019/Gill Cannell Page 4 of 11 Bulford - Census 1851 Year Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Occupation Place of Birth Notes Born HO107/1845 Smith George Son U 25 M 1826 Ag Lab Bulford Smith Ann Dau U 23 F 1828 Washerwoman Bulford Smith Elizabeth Dau U 18 F 1833 Washerwoman Bulford 37 Bulford Andrews Charles Head M 49 M 1802 Carter Bulford Andrews Mary Wife M 50 F 1801 Lake Andrews John Son U 19 M 1832 Carter Bulford Andrews Charles Son U 17 M 1834 Carter Bulford Andrews George Son U 14 M 1837 Plough boy Bulford 38 Bulford Sturgess William Head M 60 M 1791 Bricklayer Bulford Sturgess Jane Wife M 57 F 1794 Lambourne, Berks Sturgess Carole.

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