6 ,' J UTTEflAT VOLUME 18 NUMBER ” > Washington, Wednesday, September 30, 1953 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE (b) Ceilings and walls shall have a CONTENTS surface of tile, enamel, paint, or other Chapter I— Production and Marketing water-resistant material. Agriculture Department Pa&e Administration (Standards, inspec­ (c) Floors shall be free from cracks See Entomology and Plant Quar­ tions, Marketing Practices), Depart­ or rough surfaces which form pockets antine Bureau; Production and ment of Agriculture for accumulation of water or dirt, and Marketing Administration. the intersections with walls shall be im­ Alien Property Office Part 55—Sampling, G rading, G rade La­ pervious to water with ample drainage Rules and regulations: beling, and Supervision of P ackaging provided. Claims, procedure for; motion of Eggs, and E gg P roducts (d) All packaging equipment and ac­ cessories which come into contact with to dismiss_____________ 6237 Subpart C— S anitation, F acilities, and the dried product shall be constructed Army Department O perating P rocedures without open seams and of materials Rules and regulations: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SANITATION, that can be kept clean and which will Personnel; dental attendance— 6238 FACILITIES, AND OPERATING PROCEDURES have no deleterious effect on the product. Civil Aeronautics Board IN OFFICIAL PLANTS PROCESSING AND PACK­ Service tables shall be of approved metal Notices: AGING EGG PRODUCTS; CORRECTION construction without open seams and all Air America, Inc. enforcement Minimum requirements for sanitation, metal surfaces shall be smooth to permit proceeding; postponement of . facilities, and operating procedures in thorough cleaning. oral argument_____________ 6249 official plants processing and packaging (e) Packaging rooms shall be kept in Proposed rule making: a clean condition free of flies, insects, Flight check of flight engineers; egg products were published in the F ed­ and rodents. eral R egister on September 18, 1953 (18 supplemental notice_________ 6246 P. R. 5583). Several paragraphs in (f ) Storage racks or cabinets shall be Rules and regulations: §§ 55.219 and 55.220 were inadvertently provided for the storing of drying room Certification and operation omitted from the document (F. R. Doc. and packaging room accessories and rules for scheduled air carrier 53-8053) that was submitted for pub­ tools. operations outside continental lication. The aforesaid document is (g) Package liners shall be inserted limits of U. S.; special civil hereby corrected by the addition of the in a sanitary manner, and equipment air regulation, flight time provisions set forth herein which are and supplies used in the operation shall limitations for pilots not reg­ be kept off the floor. ularly assigned to one type of the same as published in the notice of (h) Utensils used in packaging dried crew; correction_______ ____ 6238 rule making published in the F ederal eggs shall be kept clean at all times and Register on June 27,1953 (18 F. R. 3690). Commerce Department whenever contaminated shall be washed, See Federal Maritime Board; Na­ 1. Sections 55.219 and 55.220 are cor­rinsed, and sanitized. When not in use tional Production Administra­ rected to read as follows: scoops, brushes, tampers, etc., shall be tion. § 55.219 Albumen flake process dry­ stored in sanitary cabinets or on racks Defense Department ing operations, (a) The fermentation, provided for this purpose. See also Army Department. drying, and curing room shall be kept in (i) Automatic container fillers shall Notices: a dust-free, clean condition and free of be of a type that will accurately fill given Claims, settlement of, under flies, insects, and rodents. quantities of product into the contain­ Foreign Claims Act, Jan. 2, (b) Drying units, racks, and trucks ers. Scales shall be provided to ac­ 1942______________________ 6247 shall be kept in a clean and sanitary curately check the weight of the filled Entomology and Plant Quaran­ condition. containers. All equipment used in tine Bureau (c) Drying pans, trays, belts, or scrap­ mechanically packaging dried egg prod­ Proposed rule making: ers, if used, shall be kept in a clean con­ ucts shall be vacuum cleaned daily. Virgin Islands; domestic quar­ dition, including curing racks if edible 2. Substitute the word “clean” for the antine notices_____________ 6243 product comes into contact with racks. word “clear’'in paragraph (f) of § 55.223. Rules and regulations: (d) Oils and waxes used in oiling dry­ (67 Stat. 217) Quarantine notices, domestic; regulation areas___________ 6227 ing pans or trays shall be of edible Issued at Washington, D. C., this 25th quality. day of September 1953. Federal Communications Com­ (e) Equipment used for pulverizing or mission sifting dried albumen shall be kept in a [seal] R oy W. Lennartson, Notices : clean condition. Assistant Administrator, Pro­ Hearings, etc.; duction and Marketing Ad­ Clinton Radio Advertising § 55.220 Drying rooms and packing ministration. Co______________________ 6250 room facilities (on or off premises'). (a) IF. R. Doc. 53-8342; Filed, Sept. 29, 1953; Cowles Broadcasting Co. and The rooms shall be well-lighted. 8:48 a. m.] Murphy Broadcasting Co 6249 6225 6226 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Page Interstate Commerce Commis- Pa§e FEDEBAIÄREGISTER mission— Continued sion ' í/W1934 lTfO» ¿ r Notices—Continued Notices: Hearings, etc.—Continued Applications for relief: Hilltop Management Corp. Ammonia, anhydrous, from and Northern Allegheny El Dorado, Ark., to Beau­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Broadcasting Co-------------- 6251 mont, Port Arthur and and days following official Federal holidays, Latrobe Broadcasters---------- 6250 Chaison, Tex------------------ 6253 by the Federal Register Division, National Paducah Broadcasting Co. Lumber from California to Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ and Tulia Broadcasting Co_ • 6250 points generally east of ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Rocky Mountains------------ 6253 thority contained in the Federal Register Richland Broadcasting Corp_ 6250 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Smith, George A., Jr., and Justice Department amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Trinity Dispatch Co-------- 6251 See Alien Property Office; Immi­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ South Plains Broadcasters gration a n d Naturalization mittee of the Federal Register, approved by and Texas Telecasting, Inc_ 6252 Service. the President, Distribution is made only by Southern Baptist College the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ (KRLW) et al___________ 6252 Labor Department ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. See Wage and Hour Division. The regulatory material appearing herein Southwest Broadcasting Co. is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, and Kennedy Broadcasting Land Management Bureau which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Co., Ltd_________________ 6250 Notices: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Westlund, Arthur----- ----------- 6250 New Mexico; amended classifi­ amended June 19, 1937. Yates, Darrell E—-------------- 6251 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by cation order________ 6247 Proposed rule making: Rules and regulations: rna.ii to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Stations on shipboard in mari­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Colorado; withdrawal of public advance. The charge for individual copies time services; periodic certifi­ lands for use of Atomic (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the cation of condition of required Energy Commission, amend­ 6ize of th e issue. Remit check or money radio facilities on compul­ ment _____________________ 6242 order, made payable to the Superintendent sorily equipped ships----------- 6246 of Documents, directly to the Government Rules and regulations: National Production Authority Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Practice and procedure; radio Rules and regulations: There are no restrictions on the republica­ broadcast services; time for Diamond grinding wheels (M- tion of material appearing in the F ederal filing applications for renewal 103, revocation)___________ 6239 R egister. of broadcast station licenses, license periods of noncom­ Production and Marketing Ad­ mercial educational FM ministration broadcast stations-------------- 6242 Notices: Now Available Stations on shipboard in mari­ Wage rates in sugarcane indus­ time service; interior commu­ try; Puerto Rico and Virgin UNITED STATES nications systems------------ -— 6243 Islands; hearings and desig­ GOVERNMENT nation of presiding officers— 6247 Federal Maritime Board Rules and regulations: ORGANIZATION Notices: Egg products; minimum re­ MANUAL Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., et al.; quirements for sanitation, agreements filed for approval- 6248 facilities, and operating pro­ 1953-54 Edition Federal Power Commission cedures in official processing (Revised through July 1) Notices : and packaging plants; correc- Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas tion— ___ «------------------------ 6225 Published by the Federal Register Division, Co., Inc______ _____ _____ — 6252 Milk handling in Puget Sound, the National Archives and Records Service, Nevada Natural Gas Pipe Line Wash., marketing area-------- 6230 General Services Administration Co___ ______ 6252 Pears, certain, grown in Ore­ 734 pages— $1.00 a copy Otter Tail Power Co---------------- 6253 gon, Washington and Califor­ Southern Natural Gas Co-------- 6253 nia; determination relative to Order from Superintendent
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