Tuesday December 23, 1980 Montrose Voice Good Evening ISSUE #9, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SEE PAGE 8 AND CALL 529-8490 Holiday drinking: Experts say small amount may be good for you, but a 'd-rinking binge' is not That New Year's Eve to the heart. A measure of party or that drinking the severity of heart dis­ binge every now and then ease, it is commonly used may be damaging to your to tell whether heart heart even if your overall patients need surgery, AP consumption of alcoholic said. beverages is moderate, AP Ninety-six of the men reports a new study was classified as "binge shows. drinkers," meaning that The finding is an impor­ every now and then-less tant warning in light of often than once a week­ recent evidence that mild they drank more than drinking may help prevent usual, and that this heart disease, according to amount exceeded the eqUI­ researchers from the Med­ valent of five ounces of ical College of Wisconsin, pure alcohol, it was AP says. reported. Their report, the news About eight mixed service said, was pres­ drinks or a six pack of beer ented to the American contains five ounces of Heart Association scien­ alcohol. tific meeting in Miami The news service Beach recently. reported that those who "While there seems to be drank much more on a a protective effect of alco­ "binge night" than on a hol at moderate levels, it's normal n ig h t tended to probably countered by have more heart disease. drinking occasional large Men on a binge who amounts," Dr. Harvey W. drank three times their Gruchow, the biostatisti­ Gee, Montrose people sure normal amount had fifty cian w h o headed the percent more heart block­ stu dy, was quoted as age than those w h ose saying. have the best parties. binges involved drinking "Our study suggests only about twice the nor­ t hat this 'binge effect' is mal amount, AP said. independent of total con­ The researchers said sumption. T he crucial var­ they do not know why iable is not so much how England Journal of Medi­ These studies, however, examined the drinking binge drinking is harmful. much they're drinking as cine, have shown that have measured only the history of 225 men who but it may be because t he difference bet ween moderate drinking seems overall consumption of underwent a procedure occasional heavy drinking what they usually drink for unknown reasons to be alcohol, not drinking hab­ called coronary angio­ either interfers with or and the amount they drink associated with a lower its, Gruchow was report­ graph y. does not promote the for­ on these special occa­ risk of heart disease, ed to have added . mation of so-called "high­ sions," AP q uoted him as although it helps poses Corona ry a ngiography density lipoproteins," a saying. having a greater ris k of To see whether drinking is used to measure the form of cholesterol that Several recent st udies, other disesaes, including habits mattered, research­ amount of blockage in the S(:ientists now think may including one in the New diseases of t he liver. ers were said to have arteries that supply blood be beneficial. Medical conference listens as noted psychiatrist calls homosexuality abnormal Homosexuality is "not nor- psychiatrist, was reported to removed homosexuali ty undemocratic and been bratn. mal behavior" regardless of have criticized the way from its list of sexual dis­ threatened, but someone has "Those are common myths. what the American Psychiat- society has gone "way over- orders. The organization rec­ to speak out ... to correct the but homosexuality has no ric Association a nd gay board" to guarantee rights to lassified it as a "sexual misconceptions," the repor­ hereditary etiology. .. ThP rights groups claim, Dr. Cha- gay people. orientation difference." ter quoted the psychiatrist as briefest definition for lay rl es W. Socarides told a Bay- "You cannot eq uate gay Socarides is a psychiatry saying. people is that homosexuality lor Co ll ege of Medicine right s and civil rights," he professor at Albert Einstei n is a psychosexual disorder co nference on psychosexual to ld the reporter in an inter- Coll ege of Medicine in New The most important mes­ sage Socarides was said to caused by faulty parental disorders earli er this month view. "It's utter fo ll y and York. His book. Homoscx- upbringing in which a child have had for the Dec. 5 con- in Houston. social reck lessness to con- ualit y, published two years does not achieve good gender This is according to a sider obligatory homosex- ago, was the first single- ference was his belief that self-identity," the reporter report by Houston Post med­ uality as being equal to author medical text devoted homosexuality is not an said Socarides claimed. ical writer Mary Jane Schier. heterosexuality." exclusively to homosexuali- inherited condition or caused Socarides was said to have He is at odds with the APA, ty. by some type of abnormal first suggested in 1968 that a Socarides, a New York which seven years ago ''I've been accused of being hormones circulatmg in the PAGE 2 I MONTROSE VOICE I DECEMBER 23, 1980 j~;\j~~ ~~(£0:~-~0J,j Environmental Designs/ Fine Furnishings 608 Westheimer/ Houston, Texas 77006 (7JJ) 529-8002, Mon.-Sat. 10-6 Gay News DECEMBER 23, 1980 I MONTROSE VOICE I PAGE 3 'Freeway Killer' suspect Medical conference listens as pleads innoncent noted psychiatrist calls LOS ANGELES-Gregory truck driver, also is charged homosexuality abnormal Matthew Miley, one of five with eleven counts of continued from page 1 chiatrist is how many people inine traits. suspects in the "Freeway robbery, one count of sod­ combination of a domineer­ now think of homosexuality "The only way to prevent Killer" sex slayings of more omy and one count of ing mother with a weak as a normal, though differ­ the problem from getting than 40 young men and boys, meyhem. father who abdicates family ent, form of sexual behavior. worse is to treat homosex­ pleaded innocent Thursday, Butts, a self-styped magi­ responsibilities predisposes "It's tragic that for social uality as the same type of Dec. 18, to murder charges in cian, according to AP, has both boys and girls to and political reasons such an psychiatric problem as the strangling of two of the also been charged with three homosexuality. organization as the Ameri­ obsessive neurotic behavior teenagers. counts of robbery. "We can see-if we would can Psychiatric Association or anxiety.... We absolutely This is according to a Another co-defendant, only look-by ages three, rushed to adopt a policy must quit condoning it as report from UPI. Eric Marten Wijnaendts, 20, four and five the potential for which, in effect, pronounces normal." the reporter quoted Miley, a former Houston of Garden Grove, Calif., has homosexual tendencies," he homosexuality as normal." Socarides as saying. resident being held without been charged with killing 15- claimed, the reporter said.. the reporter quoted him as Socarides was said to have bail, is accused of helping year-old Harry Todd Turner, Reporter Schier said that saying. agreed with estimates that William Bonin, the prime whose nude body was found what really bothers the psy- The APA members were in the U.S. population is 8-10 Freeway Killer suspect, kill in a Los Angeles alley last sort of a "Catch-22" situation percent homosexual. Charles Miranda, 14, and March 25. when they adopted their new james McCabe, 12, whose Wijnaendts was the last of policy, he was said to believe, bodies were found last the group to be arrested and Wallflowers "But I hope enough of us will The Disease at February. was taken into custody in work to revise the policy." Miley had already early December. Less he be misunderstood, Our Place described to authorities in Socarides was said to favor a The MONTROSE VOICE 11 published graphic detail how he and weekly. Offices: 3520 Montrose, suite "national law protecting New wave music remains Bonin, 33, strangled the two 227, Houston, TX 77006. Phone 1713} 529- obligatory homosexuals who alive in the form of The Dis­ boys with the victim's own 8490. Contents copyriRht 1980 express their tendencies in Henry McClurg, pubhsherledilor. Randy ease, a group that will per­ shirts in the rear of Bonin's Brown, advertising. privacy from any prosecu­ form at Our Place, 1419 van, UP! reported. Advertising deadline: Tuesday, 3:00p.m .. tory actions. No one Richmond. for regular luues. Monday. noon. for hol­ Bonin is charged with mur­ iday issuu should be penalized. They The group was formerly dering 14 young men whose National advertisinR representative: should be protected and known as Legionnaire's Dis­ bodies were left nude near Rivendell MarkehnR. New York. offered voluntary treatment ease. They are managed by Southern California free­ Subscribing member of Surburban Fea­ programs." tures/ Newspaper Enterprise Associa· Robert Gonzales, known for ways. Co-defendant Vernon lion Too often, he reportedly his shows at the defunct Lib­ Butts is charged with six of Address mquir•es for permission to claimed, the gender roles are erty Hall and recently at the killings in which prosec­ reprint articles to Publisher blurred and little boys POSTMASTER Send address corrections Steamboat Springs. utors say Bonin also was to 3520 Montrose. su1te 227. Houston. TX encouraged or ignored when They will be performing involved. 17006. Subscription rate 1n tJS: $29 per they play with dolls, shun year. 52 issues, or S 19 ror six months.
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