• • ewsstaIlcL 25c aCllC citizen t75 PostpaId) Established 1929 • National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League #2,567 1 Vol. 110, No. 11 1. ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 Friday, March 23, 1990 An Address from JACL-LEC Spark to Stay Legislative Strategy Chair on Job Despite Editor' ~ Iwte The followmg I the te",t that there would have been no redres . I Grave Illness 01 a peech gIven by Grant Ujifusa m re peet and love Deno} Yasuhara He IS Spokane. Wash, lru.t month, JACL-LEC like a brother to me You hould be proud legislauve trategy chair Ince 19 5. of him. I am one who i Ujifu a received a BA with honors from I would like to talk about three thing Harvard College In 1965. and has worked tOnight and. along the way, pay tribute to ill> an editor at Random How;e and MacmIl­ some people whose dogged work has not lan publishing companie in ew York.. as yet been WIdely appreciated Co-author of the AlmalWC of Amencan First, how was the political rruracle of Politics. he I now enior editor of Reader's entitlement aclueved? Second, what led Digest magazme. Ronald Reagan to ign the redre bill? ThIrd, what was the basIC hape of the * * trategy used by the LEC? How we tried I am very happy to be In Spokane tOnight to make redress a motherhood i ue To be your guest i to become part of your Entitlement What Happened? Photo by Donie! Inouye ( community , lIS warmth and its graciou - APPLAUDING HIS CONTRIBUTION-Donna Komure-Toyama, Florin nes . Once a farm boy , I find myself up­ The truth here i very imple. Entitlement lifted by you here who live by lhe old was enator Dan Inouye' Idea in the first JACL Chapter president, presents a gift to Rep. Norman M ineta for his value, alues that made redre po ible, and la t place ~ and II was he using A BIg role in the redress campaign at the chapter's Day of Remembrance. value that I know sustain a person like Chll who got It done. (Story on Page 2) Denny Yasuhara, who can then proVIde Getting money out of Congres had to leadershIp to Japanese Amencan allover be done in ide, because that' what the ap­ the counuy. The old value can be ummed propriation proces i . What goes on i up In one word: ervice. Down-to-earth , often described with a lot of Washington San Diego Princess Resort Site face-to- face service. mumbo-Jumbo, but in essence II' pretty traJghlforward Understand first that Con­ What else can you say about Denny' gress for the mo t part controls the purse of 1990 National Convention leadershIp? I ay, thoughtful and bold. He tring of the federal govemment. Under­ By Robert Ito Each room has a coffeemaker and a reminds me of what Benjamin Franklin said tand second that in the Senate the Appro- about John Adam : Sometimes wrong, but AN DIEGO refrigerator. For more room , uit pnauon Committee, on whicb Dan Inouye he 1990 ational JACL Con­ with fuU kitchen are available. never In doubt. That pirit i what a long­ I the second-ranking Democrat, oversees Ana odd project like redre absolutely had to T vention will take place June 17- for more family fun , your children those purse tring . 23 at the San Diego Princes Resort. have, a !rong bIas toward action: Think In hon, the community had a powerful under 12 can ta in your room al ( thing through but when in doubt, atlack. player on the inside of an in ider' game You and your family or friends Denny' contnbution were behind the who went to bat for us and lugged it out and guests can reserve room at the CONVENTION cenes and rarely publiCIzed Hi mo t Im­ of the park. Prince at an exclu ive JACL con­ portant was to fighi doubt and doubters. What Inouye did was really a political vention rate. UPDATE Day after day, he brought to our common mlf3c1e. Why? Because otherwIse Gramm­ Ju t think. You ' U get all the L effon an ethical imperative: We go all out, Rudman would have kept a heavy lid on luxuriou amenitie of one of the San with no thought to winning or 10 ing. hon any money cOming to us. Dan got Congre no additional harge. Diego' fin t vacation pot , at a Handicapped-ac ible a com- of that we break faIth willl our 1 ei and to set asIde the severe restriction that are pecial low rate. i el forebearers. modation are available on reque t. 10 ide your conage- tyle hom Without hun , I will confidently assen Conrinued on Page 2 * * * away from home, you 'U find plenty Within the Prince Re ort, four of room to tretch out and relax. restaurants, five wlmming pool , eight tenni courts, and 4 a re of lu hl y land aped garden ,all ur­ P.C. Board Appoints round d by a andy bea h and the parkling wate of Mi ion Bay. SEN . SPARK MATSUNAGA New Editor-in-Chief Then minut away, are the an Diego Zoo, ea World, and the co - LO ANGELES - Lillian KJmura, mopolitan deligh of merica' P. board chair, has announced the ixth-Iarg I city. appointment of Mark 0 aki editor­ All which make the an Diego in-clllef of the PA 1FT CJTIZE . Prin the perfect getaway for your Formerly principal editor at the ni­ entire famil . versity of Califorrua, 0 ala has al 0 Look for the onvennon regi tra­ rved editor of The Berkeley tion brochure Ifl P tFt ITlZEN. Monthly and The Bo ron Monthly, and Ot was Ifl ned Ifl the Feb. I P.e.) has re eived more than 20 national and To!' erve your pot at the Prince , regional awards from adverti 109, de- imply fill out the re rvation fonTIS FORMING PARTNERSHIPS-Among the panelists joining Paul Igasaki ign, magazine publi hers and educa­ and mail before May 10. For infor­ (right) to discuss relations between Asion Americons and African Amer­ ti nal organization . Hi ba kground mation, call the Prin e at (6 19) Icans were (I to r) Marshall Wong and Ralph Dickerson. al 0 include award-winning multi­ 274-4630. men!. media productions and development First to Register Indi VIdual WI hmg to end card and commurucation . e prcion f up n to the ~nat r National League of Cities: George and Mary Ogawa of Tor­ o ald' writing has appeared in hould wnte 10 hIm at 109 Hart Senate rance Calif., are the flfSt offkial del- numerou publications, including The Office Bldg.. W hlflgl n, D. Asian Pacific Municipal Officials Caucus Georgia Review. Sourh Carolina Re­ Contillll~d on Page 3 20 10 view, ell' York Quanerly, Breaking Holds Workshop on Black!Asian Relations Silence ' An Amhology of COlllempo­ rary Asian Amertcan Poers (reclptem NEWS BRIEFS of an American Book ward ), and Car­ rylllg the DarkJ/es . The Poetry of the Campaign to Protect State Benefits Under Way Vietnam H'ar He h recet ed awards YORK- for III work from th ational Endow- ment for the AIl! , ademy of mer- lean Poets, an Franclco Arts Council, attle rv Comml ,Ion, and the ru­ ve It) of California Plnton thaI redre I.m 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN I Friday, March 23 , 1990 Allow 6 weeks 10 report Address Change with label on front page and advanced. Because m the end redress don't want something dooe, five isei SPEECH was the collective work of thousands of men. IF YOU ARE MOVING I WISH TO SUBSCRIBE ikkei in hundreds of communities, led, in And Min Yasui, the founding chairman Effedlve DateI:'" _________ CoflIlJUUd from From Pag~ my judgment, by the much-maligned of the LEe, can be remembered this way. Please send the Pacific Citizen for: Let' say that nobody. no/ onefrom anwng LO thi nunute imposed on anything or any­ J CL, our only national organization. And o 1-Yr. S25 02-YIS: S48 0 3-YIS: S71 body who wants a dime out of Washington. it took a national organization to lead a lIS, did what Min did. How much poorer TQ-Name: ______________________________________ Imagine the Appropnations Committee national effon in our nation's capital. in spiril would our community be today? Address: _____________________________ But why after the mumbo-jumbo and the Like the ve of the 442, let' saytbey never as a group of powerful senior e)(ecutives at City, State ZIP; ____________________________________ Boeing. The question before them is closed doors were individual Japanese fought. Where would we be nm and bo whether LO build a new 1.25 billion plant Americans imponant? Because, as Bob would we feel about ourselves without their All subscriptions payable in ad v a n ~ _ Foreign: USS13.00 extra per year. in Kentucky when last year the company's MatSui put it, ''Grnot, I can close a sale, sacrifice? We stand tall this evening be­ Checks payable to: Pacific Citizen, 941 E 3rd St. Los Angeles. CA 90013 but I can't open one. Consutuents who vote cause Min did e actly that when it was e)(penditures ran way over Its revenues--a EXPIRAnON NOnCE: If the last lour dqls on the top lone 01 address IaDel "'_ 0190, the 6O-<la big deficit, in other words. In our case, the for or against somebody have to do that." very.
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