PORTLAND DAILY PR: 38. ~ EsuMUkei June 23, wen, vot. THURSDAY APRIL r._PORTLAND, MORNING, 30. 1868. tHZ Js 7o per mmZn, Z TI1E PORTLAND DAILY PRESS >• published BUSINESS CARDS. riBitOUANDIBB every day, (Sunday excepted,! at No. J Printers' LEANEOU8. MISCELLANEOUS. Halltn ii Miw \.,u Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. __MISCE the Sew Main the N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. DAILY PRESS.1 Completion of of Brooklyn SHERIDAN k GRIFFITHS, Water Works—Sandy Hook—the Sound steam- Terms Eight Dollirsa year in advauee. Flour. & crt. 4 PL ASTERERSj Flour, Davis, Chapman Haskell, poutland. Single copies Dividend Paid in 1868—100 cent. New Yobk, April 27, 1808. being per To the THE MAINE ST ITi. i'rtESS, is published at the PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CHOICE FALL GROUND 51 & 53 Middle Street, Editor o/the Press: same at a ^ place every Thursd-iy morning $2.00 year, Sreat work in with invariably in advance. STUC O & MASTIC WORKERS, Tharsday Morning, April 30 1868. connection supply- or OFFER TO THE TRADE AVERY LARGE AND ing the city of ArO 6 SOUTH PORTLAND, MS. Spring & Win! Wheats Flour! Brooklyn with an adequate Rates op Adverii«i'-ci.—One inch oi in ST., of space, kinds of supply water, ha, just been ol constitutes a “square.” ty Prompt attention paid to all .lobbing The .lluinc Slate I'rr.., completed. ler’gili column, Magnolia, Archer, Edwards’, Walker’s, Attractive Stock A main .^1 50 t-quaic daiiy hist week. 75 cents In our lire. api22dtf four-feet pipe bus been per per Griffith’s, F. F. F. G., Eagle Published this contains laid down week aber; three insertions, or less, continu- morning, synopses from the reservoir $1.00; great at Rid/uwood to the g every oilier day atier first week, 50 cents. Steam, Imperial. BROADCLOTHS, of the of Managers Boutwell, Ste- HL E. arguments heart of the at au Hal (square, three insertions or less, 75 cents: one STEVENS, For sale by fancy city, expense of 81,010 000. MUTUALBENEFIT cassimeres, vens and Williams before the Court ot Im- 50 week, $1 00; cents per week alter. State MARK & TRUE, coatings, All the water received in Unde head o( $2.00 Agent CASHMERE Groesbeck Brooklyn “AmtsEMESTB,” per square 155 Commercial Street. ITS, peachment, and ot Messrs. Nelson, per w eek; three inserti ns or DOC BLE AND heretofore has been through a three feet less, $1 50. 7.1868. dtf TWIST CASSIMERES, aud News Spm ial -5 April 1 Evarts for the President; Election Notices, $1. per square ler the first Union Mutual Life Insurance WEEDS. main. That gave a supply of about 7,000,000 insertion, and 26 cents per square lor each subse- Co., KENTUCKY JEANS, and from Louisianr; news of the of Mag- HAS REMOVED TO Life Capture gallons per Now with the new quent insertion. Insurance COTTONADES. day. main, * New Teas. dala and Death of King of the at- the Advertisements inserted in the “Maims State UlurAlvaulBiocb.dOO Exchange Si.) Crop Company! Theodoras; Brooklynites will have 20,000,000 gallons Press” has a circulation in ALSO (which large every part iy office Hours 11 to 12 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. A GOOD ASSORTMENT tempted Assassination of Prince Alfred in a ol M. IV. J. of water day with a fall or the Slate) ior $1.00 per Equate io* first insenion JUST RECEIVED Newark, head, 30,000,000 inter April 3-dAwtf OB' Australia; of the conviction of Barrett and 60 cents pier equate for each substqaeut charged gallons per day with a diminished -head—• tiou. Some rory Choice New BLACK and with Crop Tons, 1843, COLORED ALPACAS, being accessory to the Clerkenwell ex- to M. JP. Organized, Charter Perpetual, CHE ME enough comparatively iuundate the city in FRANK, Selling Cheap at the POPLINS, plosion; Jack Campbell's revelation of the TAKKO CLOTHS, a needed emergency. This.four teet iron pipe BUSINESS CABIN. Counsellor at MOUSSELINE DE LAINES, Ac, Ac., character of the Kuklux Klan; Fred. Law Attorney and Law, Japanese Tea Store, is a curiosity. It required almost a year to Olmstead’s narrative of the of one of Together with a Full Line ot origin it cast and the line. NO. 99 MIDDLE S3 Federal St. get along Atlantic Ave- STREET, Assets Over WHITE the reports of General Grant's Fsb 29-dtt WM. L. WILSON. GOODS, drunkenness; nue last season had a continuous liue of It Bonnell & Pelham. Next Door above C isoo Bank. $15,000,000. MARSEILLES QUILTS, two columns of agricultural a of matter; page above ground out to East New York. It is ENGINEER’# AND ARCHITECTS. PORTLAND,.MAINE. PIQUE CL THS, 15-dtf Annual Income over DAMASK CLOTHS interesting miscellany; the shipping news ol April $6,000,000. and NAPKINS, so large that a boy could wheel a barrow PLAIN, CHEKED and STRIPED CAMBRICS the we market the usual of Chamber Sets ! k, reports, variety to the new BROWN A CROCKER, SWISS MUSLIN, through it; though it is not equal To Parlies about to Build. BISHOP local and news, &c. LAWN, general &c., main of the Croton over High Bridge, which Plans, Specifications and Estimates and F* Annual Dividends 50 et. in Three BRILLIANTS, Is made, LA Years. a STERERS, per and large enough for to drive Buildings Superintended by 1 HAVE ON HAND BOSOMS, BDKFS., CRASH. Important 1 ■ Chicago Delegates. drayman PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL through. It is now under This CfcO. B. Also, a ground. PELHAM, Architect. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT Dividends Declared to Members, over Complete Stock ot The press of the State will no doubt confer Office Canal $7,000,000. pipe (Brooklyn) was cast by 8amuel Fulton National Bank Building, Middle st. Stucco and Mastic Workers# SHEETINGS, a —OF— great favor upon the delegates to the Chica- Portland, April 20, 18Ci. d2in This Company is STRICTLY MUTUAL,—It has no “Leech-like SHIRTINGS, & Co., in Pennsylvania, and was laid No. 91 Union Me. Conventiou by Street,.Portland, Siockholdei s”—pays no bonuses to officers, nor immoderate commissions TICKS, go by copying the following au- William C. Black Walnut DENIMS, Kingsley, who took the contract, jy* Coloring, Whitening, and Job Work prompt- to Agents. thentic announcement of the arrangements TB (JE & ly aitnnded to. apr3d3m STRIPES, involving great expense from the great sise WOODMAN, CO, Care in the selertion of risks, and in FLANNELS, Ac., made tor their transportation to Importers and Dialers in economy expenditure, are the Ac., Chicago: and depth of the excavation. The length is MRS. M. A. BOSWORTH, Chambier Sets distinguishing features of its management. about six Which they Will Sell at the Boston, April 22,1868. miles to the pump-well at Ridge- Hon. Sam’lE. Spuing,—Dear Sir: It Dry Goods, Woolens, dfEvery desirable or advantageous feature, new or old, has either gives wood which holds the vast amount me pleasure to that an Reservoir, MARBLE TOPS, been introduced or this notiiy you arrange- And Small Fashionable adopted by Company. ment has been of and is a Wares, Millinery Lowest Market Prices made by which a Bpecial car, Hil.OOO.OUO, gallons, situated at -AND- Corner ol' Middle and Pearl Streets, WHICH WILL BE Dividends can remain with the Company to accumulate and be paid for the me of delegates solely, will leave Boston level of 170 leet above East River. Thus the with the After a lew it Will become AGENTS FOR THE (Boston & on PORTLAND. policy. years thus self sustaining. STATE OF MAINE Albauy Railroad) Thursday, reader may see at a what Brook- Drew at 3 1-2 glauce just E3T*Agents <or Maine for the Manu- Making, Closed Out May 14th, o’clock, P. M., arriving at Washington It has always made Annual Dividends. For the celebrated lyn has to depend upon for water. A facturing uo’s Cloth Button Hole Paper Collars and No* 163 Middle Street, Portland, Me* Cheap Chicago on Saturday evening, the 16th. Cuffs. It never hazards for and has never No charge will be made to either reservoir holding 161,000,000 gallons fed from March 1868. dtt principal interests, lost a dollar delegates a Iso Agents for and 9, or ^ Singers' Sewing Machines, FOR from in vestments. PHIL SHERIDAN going returning; and tickets will be pro- seven lakes and of Sanborn’s Patent Si earn CASH! ponds draining upward Fire Proot baler. vided upon application to the April 4ili-d4ui SIMONTON & undersigned a brick MERRILL, It expenses of management have been for a series of years lower, while Collars and prior to the afternoon of the 14th of sixty square miles, supplied by con- its Cuffs, May. duit ratio or surplus has been and still is, proportionality larger, than any Very truly yours, capable of transmitting 40,000,000 gal- Manufacturers of and Dealers in HENRY R. other from it THE PAGE, RICHARDSON & BURROUGHS, Company; which necessarily and mathematically follows: BEST IN THE MABKET. Chas. W. Slack, lons per day, to the great well at Ridgewood. Go., April at— dim Treasurer State Committee. 1st—That this Company having the largest ratio of affords Republican Here are two immense Hankers and Coflees and LANCASTER HALL. surplus pumping engines (and Merchants, another is to be added at an of Spices, April 25. (it! More Centralization. — The expense $140, 114 movement hlate Street, Boston. The Greatest and to MRS. L 000) to elevate the water into the CREAM Safety Security its Members. P. JOHNSON, made in Congress, Monday, looking to the ul- reservoir; TARTAR, and the EXCHANGE on 2d—That as it consumes the least of its income in timate here, 161,000,000 held in LONDON and PARIS.
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