Draft 17.11.2017 International Public Forum-Dialogue and Exhibition "AtomEco-2017" (November 21-22, 2017, Moscow) THE FORUM-DIALOGUE PROGRAM 20 NOVEMBER 7:00-19:00 Complex technical tour to the to the town of Obninsk, Kaluga region 21 NOVEMBER International Trade Center (12 Krasnopresnenskaya emb., Moscow) 8:00-9:30 Participants Registration 8:00-09:30 Welcome coffee break 09:00-09:30 Official opening ceremony and the exhibition exposition bypass 09:30-11:00 Plenary discussion “Clean energy for future generations” Conference hall “Amphitheater” Moderator: Stanislav Naumov, President of the Russian Public Relations Association Discussion participants: Alexey Likhachev, General Director of State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM Sergey Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Alexey Aleshin, Chairman of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) Mikhail Chudackov, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy Michail Kovalchuk, President of Scientific Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” SRC Gloria Kwong, Acting Head of Radioactive waste management and decommissioning Working Area, The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA OECD) 11:00-11.30 Coffee break Track SAFETY, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES, ENVIRONMENT 11:30-13:30 Round table "Arctic and atom: Development and Environment" Moderators: Vyacheslav Pershukov, special representative of ROSATOM for International and Scientific and Technical Projects Alexander Moiseev, Deputy Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation to the Urals Federal District, Member of the Maritime Board of the Government of the Russian Federation Press Hall 11:30-11:35 Introductions Reports: 11:25-11:40 Representative of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of 1 the Russian Federation "Ecological safety of the Arctic region. Current state and tasks» 11:40-11:55 Anton Zubkov, project Manager of Project Office for Business Development Projects, ROSATOM "Innovative technologies of ROSATOM State Corporation 11:55-12:10 Stanislav Golovinsky, Deputy General Director for the Development of the FSUE “Atomflot” "Nuclear energy safe use in civil nuclear fleet is the basis of environmental policy of FSUE "Atomflot " 12:10-12:25 Alexander Pimenov, Deputy General Director of JSC “NIKIET” for Innovative Issues "Various aspects of using autonomous nuclear power sources (safety, energy efficiency, hard-to-access territories)" 12:25-12:40 Vladimir Khandobin, the head of the group "Elimination of the nuclear legacy of the Arctic" of FSUE "RosRAO" "Clearing the Kola Bay from flooded and sunken objects" 12:40-12:55 Andrey Korolev, Deputy Director for Research National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" "Environment rehabilitation of territories and water areas of the Arctic region of Russia" 12:55-13:10 Sergey Zhavoronkin, member of ROSATOM Public Council "Arctic projects: view, participation and hope" of the public in their implementation " 13:10-13:30 Q&A Track REGULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 11:30-13:30 Session "On the Fifth National Report of the Russian Federation "On the fulfillment of obligations arising from the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management" Conference hall “Amphitheater” 11:20-11:30 Opening remarks by Oleg Kryukov, Director of State Policy in the field of RWM, SNF and NF Decommissioning of ROSATOM Reports: 11:30-11:50 Igor Linge, Deputy Director for information and analytical support of complex problems of nuclear and radiation safety of the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAS) 11:50-12:15 Anzhelika Khaperskaya, senior manager of the Project Office “Spent Nuclear Fuel management“ of ROSATOM 12:15-12:40 Evgeny Kudryavtsev, Head of the Department for Safety Regulation of 2 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Nuclear Power Plants of Vessels and Radiation-hazardous Facilities of Rostechnadzor 12:40-13:30 Q&A Track SOCIETY AND NUCLEAR POWER 11:30-13:30 Round table "Public acceptance of nuclear power. Ethics of decision making » Conference Hall A Moderators: Vladimir Potsyapun, Deputy Director for Public Policy in the Field of Radioactive Waste, SNF and VE YarOI - Head of the Department of Rosatom State Corporation Tatyana Rakitskaya, expert of the International Programs Office in the field of RWM, SNF and NF Decommissioning 11:30-11:40 Introductions Reports 11:40-12:00 Tatyana Rakitskaya, expert of the Office of International Programs in the field of radioactive waste, SNF and RE of State Corporation Rosatom "Safety criteria (5S) and performance Criteria (4LE) for modern Nuclear Energy Programs" 12:00-12:30 Gaston Meskens, researcher in Nuclear Science and Technology Studies Institute for Environment, Health and Safety Nuclear Research Centre, Belgium Deborah Oughton, Professor in Environmental Chemistry Institute of Plant and Environmental Sciences Norwegian University of Life Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway. "Environment, ethics and aesthetics factors in modernization/initiating on the national nuclear programs " 12:30-12:45 Claudio Pescatore, researcher in Stakeholder Involvement and knowledge management, France "High" Added Value "of public acceptability and the problem of cross- cultural communication in nuclear energy decision-making" 12:45-13:00 Sergey Romanov, Director of FSUE "South Ural Institute of Biophysics" "Ethics of the Radiological Protection System" 13:00-13:15 Diana Engström, Nuclear Safety Officer of Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, IAEA "Fostering the culture for safety in nuclear area" 13:15-13:30 Q&A 13:30-14:00 Coffee break Track 3 SAFETY, NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGIES, ENVIRONMENT 14:00-16:00 Session "The decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities. Radioactive waste management» Conference hall “Amphitheater” Moderator: Alexander Dorofeev, Chief of the Project Office "Forming the Unified state system of radioactive waste management" of ROSATOM. Rafael Arutynyan, Deputy Director for Research and Coordination of Advanced Development the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAS), Deputy Chairman of ROSATOM Public Council 14:00-14:05 Introductions Reports 14:05-14:20 Igor Linge, Deputy Director for information and analytical support of complex problems of nuclear and radiation safety of the Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAS) , deputy editor-in-chief of the “Radioactive Waste” journal. "Radioactive waste" - a new Russian scientific and technical journal " 14:20-14:35 Alexander Samoilov, General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan» FMBA of Russia "Ecological and hygienic problems of ensuring the quality of life of the population and environmental protection in the territories of the location of radiation-hazardous objects and ways to solve them" 14:35-14:50 Anton Ponizov, Head of the Division for fuel cycle facilities safety of the Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Rostechnadzor (SEC NRS) "Safety regulations for radioactive waste management safety" 14:50-15:05 Veronika Dolgikh, research officer, JSC “State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering named after A.I. Leipunsky” "The period of potential danger is the criterion of acceptability when choosing the method for handling radioactive waste" 15:05-15:20 Jörg Hammer, Head of Geological Exploration, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany "Analysis of the rationale for the safety of near-surface disposal of radioactive waste on the example of a national radioactive waste disposal facility under construction in Bulgaria and / or the Buryakivka facility constructed under the VNIPIET project after the Chernobyl accident" 15:20-15:35 Mikhail Stakhiv, Deputy Director of the Deputy Director of Engineering Support Department SC Concern Rosenergoatom (SNF, RW and Preparation for Decommissioning) 4 "Experience in RWM at NPPs of JSC" Concern Rosenergoatom" 15:35-15:50 Bernt Haferkamp, Deputy Head of International Projects Department, DBE Technology, Germany "Post-operational safety analysis of a national near-surface storage facility for burial of medium and weakly active radioactive waste generated during operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants" 15:50-16:00 Q&A Track REGULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 14:00-16:00 Session "Current Challenges and Approaches to Safety Regulation in the Field of the Atomic Energy Use Taking into Account the Interests of Society and the State " Press Hall Moderators: Evgeniy Kudryavtsev , Head of the Department for Safety Regulation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Nuclear Power Plants of Vessels and Radiation-hazardous Facilities of Rostechnadzor; Vladimir Grachev, Advisor to the General Director, Coordinator for the implementation of the Environmental Policy of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Chairman of the Rostechnadzor Public Council, member of ROSATOM Public Council 14:00-14:10 Introductions. Search for an effective format for interaction between stakeholders in the implementation of the program for the development of a radioactive waste disposal system Reports: 14:10-14:30 Nikita Medyantsev, Head of the Center for Public, Mass Media, International and Public Organizations Relations, FSUE “National Operator for RW Management”
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