' Z: -.• DAILY OBDDLAYION o f O. A . te r M oatk « IMS Hartford dollar, telUmed BiM 5335« l the Aodte i glaahiy late M e m iM tr V O L . U H n N O . 48. l A ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NbvEMBER 25, 1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE C E N li CHAUTEMPS HCKED ASKSMmiON Father Meets Husband of Victim 6 PERSONS DIE FOX STORY ABOUT INBIDSONNRA AS AUTO HTIS TO FORM A CABINET H i m Y JOBS BIG MOTORBDS INSULT TO HOOVER Herriot Refuses French Post NARCOTICS A N O E Contractors’ Estimates On Party m Anto On W ay to IS QUICKLY DENIED Becanse of III Health — IN MURDER GROWS Six New Projects Sought; Announce Engagement of Press Agent Says Wiggins Fourth Change in Cahinets Tiny B laze Brings Number to 14; Two of Victims — None Never Sent W ord to Presi­ Scene Shifts to Tmmboll S t, Within Year. Covers 24 Miles of Road. in Bos Injured. But- Tragedy dent to H in d His Own Hartford, Where Victiin P aris, N ov. 26.— ( A P ) — C am ille Not Much of a Fire, They Said, Chaut' ips today agreed to at­ Highway Commissioner John A. Goshen, N. Y., Nov. 25 — (AP) Only a Few Old Packing Bosmess” and Let New tempt the organization of a new Had R ^ e r e i Macdonald today armounced that —Six persons were killed In a col­ Boxes—4)h, Yes, Two Fel­ French Cabinet to succeed that of he w oi^ call for contracton^ bids, lision between an automobile and a lows Were Burned to Death- York Bankers Alone; H u - former Premier Albert Sarraut, to be submitted December 11, on motorbus about ten miles south of Hartford, Conn., Nov. 25— (A P ) overthrown two days ago. six more of toe projects to be fi­ here on the highway between By DALE HARRISON — ^Whlle police aw aited fin gerp rin t Goshen and Chester last night. ton Never a Gnest of The opportunity to organize the nanced with Connecticut’s ^,865,- N ew Y ork , N o v. 25.— (A P ) — The victims were occupants of new ministry, in which Chautemps identification of toe three men ar­ 000 appropriation from toe Nation­ There was a fire about one o’clock to e autom obile. N o one in to e b\u would serve as premier, was t^ - rested in Providence, R. L, in con- al ladustrial Recovery Act High­ this morning to the excavation near Qiase Banker. dered him by President Lebrun fol­ was injured. P ie r 96, N orth R iver. nectioB with toe bruUd slaying of way Section Fund. lowing a series of consultations The victims were: Two fellows were burned to Albert Silverman, New York and Three More Left witn political leaders and after the Jacob Kaiser and his wife, Ger­ death; but it was not much of a Newark gangster near Somers Mon­ These six new jobs will bring toe trude, of Middletown; N ew Y ork , N ov. 25.— Prom pt de­ refusal of the same offer by total number of NRA highway jobe fire. Edoiard Herriot, veteran states­ day, toe scene of toe investigation Rose, Marie and ^therine Dur, nial last night followed the state­ in progress in Connecticut to four­ Just a few packing boxes burn­ shifted today to Hartford. sisters who lived on the outskirts of ment of William Fox, to finishing man former premier. teen, leaving only three more to be ing, going up more qtockly, because The offer to Herriot, it was un­ Several times in toe last few Middletown; acted upon. Originally Commission­ of the pitch to toe boards. As far his story of toe loss of his film derstood, was more or less of a months and finally on October 26, Rennetb Baird, of Middletown. a Tnim who may have been Silver- er Macdonald had scheduled nine­ Details of Crash as property loss was concerned, properties before toe Senate Bank­ g^esture as i'is friends previously teen projects with this appropria­ there was none. Just a few pack­ had said he was stUl unable, be­ man, r^fistered at a Hartford hotel, They were boimd for Brookl3m to ing and Currency Committee, that the investigators have discovered. tion, two of them calling for land­ attend a party at which the engage­ ing boxes, shoved together to make Albert Wiggto. then head of toe cause of recent illness, to under­ scaping work in accordance with a rough toelter, burning. go the strain of another premier­ B^^tered At HotM ment of Baird and Rose Dur was to Chase N ation al Bank, to 1929 sent A Departmoit of Justice agent rules laid down by toe National Re­ have been announced. The bodies of the two men were ship at tills time. covery Administration. Subsequent­ word to President Hoover to mtoid Fourth Premier and two other officers, checking toe Investigation showed that toe charred past recognition. narcotic angtes of toe case, went to ly, these two jobs were changed in bus, driven by Roland Nelson of his own business emd not toterfeN In undertaking the formation of Of course, trivial as it was, toe with New York bankmg affairs- ... Trumbull street known to toe pol e the method of financing and placed Monticello, and bovmd from New a Cabinet, Chautemps becomes the fire caused a bit of a stir. A hand­ Mr. Fox testified that Claudhjs as toe heart of the narcotic racket imder toe Public Works Section of York for Liberty, was proceeding fou rth ensn this yeBX to head a gov­ ful of ragged mai, resident to other Huston, a former Chairman of tlm here, and found one hotel that, toe the NRA, BO that toe total of NRA upgTEide in the early evening. The packing box shacks, huddled ernment in France. Highway Section jobs became sev­ Republican National Committee, The three previous Cabinets were r^ ;i^ r contained toe name of one bus overtook a farm wagon driven around. Members of a fire company Albert Silverman, alias Sflvers, of enteen. had Christmas dinner to 1929 with overth-own on the question of fi­ by Konstandy Sienaskowitz. Nelson lost a few minutes sleep. Someone Brooklyn. The six new developments will Albert H. Wiggto, then head of toe nances because of toe lack of bal­ said there was no light on toe wagon had put to an alarm. When toe The agents also foimd that on entail toe improvement with vari­ Chase National Bank, and askdd ance in toe govemm oit budget and and he did not see toe vehicle until firemen arrived there was little him, on behalf of President H oov^ other occasions, someone had regis­ ous types at road surfacing of he /was almost upon it. He swung toe flight of gold from toe French Hlaiie J. Wynekoop, right, husband of the slain Mrs. Rheta Gardner they could do. to be lenient with Mr. Fox. tered as Albert Silverman, toe dead about 24 2-5 miles of Connecticut toe bus to the left of toe road to treasury. man’s family name and that toe highway and they will involve a W 3mekoop, and the victim’s father, Burdlne H. Gardner, of Indianapolis, Drag Out Bodies “ A fte r to a t dinner,” M r. F o x sedd. ■i By his acceptance Chautemps as they met in a Chicago police station where Wynekoop was held on his pass the wagon. At the same In­ “Mr. Huston told me Mr. Wiggln names Albert Lubln and Albert cost o f $1,080,(X)0. stant toe automobile which was The bodies were dragged forth. wUl undertake to rescue toe French return from Kansas City. Earle’s mother, Dr. Alice Wynekoop, yester­ Some of the ragged men moved over told him to tell toe President of to4 Shaw, also appeared in the register, A t toe same time, Commissioner driven by Kaiser came over toe fran c. names known by toe police to be Macdonald also announced one day confessed she murdered her daughter-in-law. closer to toe dying bonfire. There United States to mind his own bad­ Political circles estimated his brow of the hill and crashed head- Silvers’ aliases in New York City. project invo-vlng toe erection of was still heat, and toe night held a ness and not to interfere with what ministerial life at one month, and on into toe bus. the bankers were doing to NsUr Three StUl Held approximately fifty-five miles of Kaiser, his wife, and Rose and November chill. it was freely predicted that he A few of toe men, having been York. They could take care of toajir Meanwhile, toe three men held on wire rOi>e railing at various loca­ Marie Dur were killed instantly. would be succeeded, in turn, by awakened, shuffled away, east. own business and they resented Ur. suspicion in toe slaying appeemed in tions on toe highway system. Katherine Dur and Baird died of Herriot, who, with his illness Broadway was there, blazing bright Hoover’s interference to the ipat- borough court at Stafford Springs, The contractcrs’ bids on aO of their Injuries shortly afterward. toer behind him, would also be able FRANK E. GANNEn BACKS and crowded with gay people. ter.” Conn., and after pleading guilty to a toe seven projects wtO be received By order of District Attorney Late yesterday a denial of tote to return to toe leadership of toe charge at vagrancy, they were sent at toe Highway Department Head­ Qness at Identity government without embarrass­ Franklin Schriver and Coroner Ed­ episode was read into the record on to Tolland County Jail for 10 days quarters in toe State Office Build­ Most of the men, however, stayed, ment after Dec.
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