1910. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3239 l\Ir. CUMMINS. I am deeply chagrined in discovering that NEW H~SHIRE. I am not able to finish my consideration of this bill to-day. Eugene Lane, at Suncook, N. H. I apologize, but accompany my apology with the suggestion that I have occupied a minor part of the time in which I have NEW JERSEY. been technically given the floor. '~herefore, if it is the pleasure De Witt C. Winchell, at Carteret, N. J. of the Senate, I would be glad to be relieved at this time, to NORTH CAROLINA. resume to-morrow whenever the bill is taken up. Charles F. l\IcKesson, at Morganton, NJ C. [For Mr. CuMMINs's entire speech see Senate proceedings of omo. March 18.] Charles E. Hard, at Portsmouth, Ohio. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Frank M. Martin, at Woodsfield, Ohio. Mr. GALLINGER. I move that the Senate proceed to the PENNSYLVANIA.. consideration of -executive btisiness. Edward C. Dithrich, at Coraopolis, Pa. The m6tiori was agreed 'to; and the Senate proceeded to the William G. Miller, at Yatesboro, Pa. consideration of executive business. .After five minutes spent in WEST VIRGINIA. executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 5 o'clock and 5 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Thurs­ Sira W. Willey, at Hlnton, W. Va. day, March 17, 1910, at 12 o'clock meridian. WYOMING, Elmer T . Beltz, at Laramie, Wyo_ Frank C. Fawcett, at Newcastle, Wyo. NOMINATIONS. Executive n01ninatiof48 received by the Senate March 16, 1910. PROMOTION IN THE NA VY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Naval Constructor Henry Williams, with the rank of lieuten­ · WEDNESDAY, M areh 16, 1910. ant, to be a naval constructor in the navy with the rank of lieu­ tenant-commander from the 12th day of March, 1910. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D. PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and SIGNAL CORPS. approved. • Capt. Daniel J. Carr, Signal Corps, to be major from March SWEARING IN OF A MEMBER. 14, 1910, vice Maj. Eugene 0. Fechet, retired from active service The SPEAKER. The Cha.ir lays before the House the follow­ on that date. ing credentials. INFANTRY ARM. The Clerk read as follows: Lieut.. Col. William T. Wood, infantry, unassigne~ to be Co.MMONWEALTH {)Ji' VIRGINIA : This is to certify that at a meeting of.the board of state canvassers, colonel from March 12, 1910, vice CoL George F. Cooke, Nine­ held at the ofil.ce of the secretary of the Commonwealth the 15th day o:t teenth Infantry, retired from active service on that date. March, 1910, on an examination of the ofil.eia.l abstract of votes on file Maj. Harry L. Bailey, Second Infantry, to be lieutenant­ in that office, it was ascertained and determined that at the speeial March 12, 1910, G. election, held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March, 1910, colonel from vice Lieut. Col. Charles Morton, for Member of Congress, R. TURNBULL was duly elected a Member of the Fifth Infantry, detailed as inspector-general on that date. House of Representatives for the Fourth Congressional District of Vir­ Capt. William Weigel, Eighteenth Infantry, to be major from ginia for the unexpired term prescribed by law. Given under my hand and seal of office at Richmond this 15th day March 12, 1910, vice l\Iaj. Harry L. Bailey, Second Infantry, of March. 1910. promoted. [SEAL.] B. 0. JAMES, First Lieut. James G. Hannah, Tenth Infantry, to be captain Secretary of the Oommo1t.wealtl•. from March 12, 1910, vice Capt. William Weigel, Eighteenth In­ The SPEAKER. If the Member-elect is present, he will pre­ fantry, promoted. sent himself before the bar of the House and take the oath of Second Lieut. Ellery Farmer, Twenty-sixth Infantry, to be office. first lieutenant from March 12, 1910, vice First Lieut. James G. Mr. R. TuRNBULL, Representative-elect from the .Fourth Con­ Hannah, Tenth Infantry, promoted. gressional District of Virginia, presented himself t;>efore the bar of the House and took the oath of office. CONFIRMATIONS. MESSAGE FROM THE SENA.TE. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate Mm·ch 16~ 1910. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Crockett, one of its clerks, POSTMASTERS. announced that the Senate had passed with amendments bills CONNECTICUT. of the following titles, in which the concurrence of the House James A. Pitkin, at Portland, Conn. of Representatives was requested : H. R. 19959. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions ILLINOIS. to certain soldiers and sailors of the civil war and certain wid­ Fred C. Kile, at Blue Island, m ows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors; Eld~ard F. Ledoyt, at Sandwich, IlL H. R. 20480. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions Harry B. Ward, at Duquoin, ill to certain soldiers and sailors of the civil war and certain wid­ IOWA. ows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors; and A. W. Jackson, at West Liberty, Iowa. H. R. 20490. An act granting pensions and increase of pen ions John R. Smull, jr., at Stuart, Iowa. to certain soldiers and sailors of the Regular Army and Navy, and certain soldiers and sailors of wars other than the civil MAINE. war, and to widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers Fitz M. Fish, at Hallowell, Me. and sailors. Newton H. Fogg, at Sanford, Me. The message also announced that the Vice-President had ap­ Winthrop 0. Fogg, at Freeport, Me. pointed l\Ir. PERcY a member of the Joint Immigration Commis­ Reuel W. Norton, at Kennebunk Port, Me. sion on the part of the Senate, as provided for in the act of William Stackpole, at Saco, Me. February 20, 1907, entitled "An act to regulate the immigra­ MA~SA.CHUSETTS. tion of aliens into the United States," in place of Mr. McLaurin, Benjamin F. Brooks, at Barre, Mass. deceased. George G. Cook, at Milford, Mass. The message also announced· that the Senate had agreed to Louis C. Hyde, at Springfield, Mass. the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to MICHIGAN, the bill (H. R. 15816) to amend an act entitled "An act to regu· Arthur L. Fitch, at Charlevoix, Mich. late the immigration of aliens into the United States," approved Richard M. ;Johnson, at Middleville, Mich. February 20, 1907. William B. Kelly, at Tawa.s City, Mii!h. The message also announced that the Senate had passed bills George w. Moulton, at Belding, Mich. and joint resolution of the following titles, in which the concur­ Lester R Place, at Three Rivers, Mich. rence of the House of Representatives was requested: Judson M. Spore, at Rockford, Mich. S. 1056. .An act for the relief of Benjami.Ii Hyde; MISSISSIPPI. S.1751. An act to amend an act entitled "An act creating the W. C. Peel, at Greenwood, Miss. Mesa Verde National Park," approved June 29, 1906; ·3240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 16, S. 2984. An act to grant certain lands to the town of La Junta, The SPEAKER. The call of the roll shows present 282 Mem­ Colo.; bers; a quorum. S. 8792. An act for the relief of the Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Mr. OLMSTED. Mr. Speaker, I move to dispense with fur­ Black River band of Chippewa Indians in the State of Michi­ ther proceedings under the call. gan; The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania moyes S. 3793. An act for the relief of the Miami Indians; to dispense with further proceedings under the call. S. 5314. An act to extend the time of payments on certain The question was taken, and the motion was agreed to. homestead entries in Oklahoma; The SPEAKER. The Doorkeeper will open the doors. The S. 5432. An act to authorize the city of Seattle, Wash., to gentleman from Indiana-- purchase certain lands for the protection of the source of its Mr. CRUMPACKER. l\Ir. Speaker-- water supply ; Mr. HULL of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. S. 5629. An act to set apart certain lands in the State of The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Oregon as a public park, to be known as the Saddle Mountain l\Ir. HULL of Iowa. Is not this calendar Wednesday? National Park; . The SPEAKER. This is calendar Wednesday; but the· Chair S. 5783. An act authorizing and directing the Secretary of the desires to hear what the gentleman from Indiana, who ad­ Interior to vacate certain lands in Oklahoma reserved for a dressed the Chair, has to say. For what purpose does the gen­ town site, and for other purposes ; tleman from Indiana rise? S. 6152. An act providing for the allotment of land to the Mr. CRUMPACKER. Mr. Speaker, I call up for considera­ Apache and other Indians under the charge of the War D~ tion House joint resolution 172, a resolution of constitutional partment, Fort Sill Military Reservation, Okla., and for other privilege, which resolution I believe to be in order to-day under purposes; the rules of the House. S. 6793. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the resolution. the Columbia River in the counties of Okanogan and Douglas, The Clerk read as follows: Wash.; House joint resolution 172, enlarging the scope of inquiry of the sched­ S. 6794. An act authorizing the construction of a bridge across ules relating to population for the Thirteenth Decennial Census. the Okanogan River in the county of Okanogan, Wash.; Resolved, etc., That the schedules relating to population for the S.
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