G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Rev.2 8 de junio de 2021 (21-4693) Página: 1/94 Comité de Acceso a los Mercados Original: inglés NOTIFICACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD CON LA DECISIÓN SOBRE EL PROCEDIMIENTO DE NOTIFICACIÓN DE RESTRICCIONES CUANTITATIVAS KAZAJSTÁN Revisión La siguiente comunicación, de fecha 4 de mayo de 2021, se distribuye a petición de la delegación de Kazajstán. A. Miembro notificante: República de Kazajstán B. Fecha de la notificación: 7 de mayo de 2021 C. Primera notificación: Sí No, la última notificación se presentó con la signatura (signatura del documento): G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Rev.1 D. Tipo de notificación: 1. Completa (es decir, notificación de todas las restricciones cuantitativas en vigor) 2. Cambios de una notificación presentada anteriormente con la signatura (signatura del documento) consistentes en lo siguiente: 2.1 Establecimiento de nuevas restricciones, enumeradas en la sección 1. 2.2 Eliminación de restricciones, como se describe en la casilla G infra. 2.3 Modificación de una restricción notificada anteriormente, como se indica en la sección 1. 3. Notificación inversa de restricciones mantenidas por (Miembro): E. La notificación proporciona información sobre el siguiente período bienal: 2020-2022 y se refiere a restricciones en vigor al 10 de septiembre de 2020 F. La presente notificación contiene información* relativa a: Sección 1: Lista de restricciones cuantitativas actualmente en vigor. Sección 2: Referencia a otras notificaciones presentadas a la OMC que contengan información sobre restricciones cuantitativas actualmente en vigor e información adicional. G. Observaciones de carácter general, con inclusión de una descripción de la eliminación de restricciones notificada en el apartado 2.2 de la casilla D y la fecha en que esas restricciones dejaron de estar en vigor. La presente notificación revisada tiene por objeto corregir un problema de numeración y añadir información que faltaba en las columnas 5 y 6 del anexo 1 del documento G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Rev.1. * En inglés solamente. Section 1: List of quantitative restrictions that are currently in force QR General Type of Tariff line Detailed Product Description WTO National legal basis Administration, No. description of restriction code (s) affected, Justification and entry into force modification of the restriction based on HS and Ground previously (2017) for notified Restriction, measures, and e.g. Other other International comments Commitments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Prohibition to CP of 2903 77 600 0 Fluorotrichloromethane CFCl3 Article XX(b) Annex No. 1 to Decision import/export of CP-X GATT No. 30 of the Board of the ozone destroying Eurasian Economic substances Montreal Commission dd. Protocol on 21.04.2015 (as revised in Substances that Decision No. 99 of the G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Re Deplete the Board of the Eurasian Ozone Layer Economic Commission signed on 16 dd. 30.08.2016); (as September revised in Decision No. - 1987 145 of the Board of the 2 Eurasian Economic - Commission dd. 15.11.2016). Article 46 of the EAEU Treaty of 29 May 2014 v.2 and paragraphs 4 and 37 of the Protocol on Non- Tariff Measures Concerning Third Countries (Annex No. 7 to the EAEU Treaty of 29 May 2014) of 2903 77 600 0 Dichlorodifluoromethane CF2Cl2 of 2903 77 600 0 1,1,2-trichlorotrifluoroethane C2F3Cl3 of 2903 77 600 0 1,1,2,2-tetrafluorodichloroethane C2F4Cl2 of 2903 77 600 0 Pentafluorochloroethane C2F5Cl 2903 76 100 0 Bromochlorodifluoromethane CF2BrCl 2903 76 200 0 bromotrifluoromethane CF3Br of 2903 76 900 0 1,1,2,2-dibromotetrafluoroethane C2F4Br2 QR General Type of Tariff line Detailed Product Description WTO National legal basis Administration, No. description of restriction code (s) affected, Justification and entry into force modification of the restriction based on HS and Ground previously (2017) for notified Restriction, measures, and e.g. Other other International comments Commitments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of 2903 77 900 0 Chlorotrifluoromethane CF3Cl of 2903 77 900 0 Pentachlorofluoroethane C2FCl5 of 2903 77 900 0 tetrachlorodifluoroethane C2F2Cl4 of 2903 77 900 0 Heptachlorofluoropropane C3FCl7 of 2903 77 900 0 hexachlorodifluoropropane C3F2Cl6 of 2903 77 900 0 Pentachlorotrifluoropropane C3F3Cl5 G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Re of 2903 77 900 0 Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropane C3F4Cl4 of 2903 77 900 0 trichloropentafluoropropane C3F5Cl3 - of 2903 77 900 0 dichlorohexafluoropropane 3 C3F6Cl2 - of 2903 77 900 0 chloroheptafluoropropane C3F7Cl 2903 14 000 0 carbon tetrachloride, or tetrachloromethane CCl4 of 2903 19 000 0 methyl chloroform, i.e. 1,1,1- trichloroethane v.2 1 C2H3Cl3 of 2903 79 300 0 dibromofluoromethane CHFBr2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromodifluoromethane CHF2Br of 2903 79 300 0 bromofluoromethane CH2FBr of 2903 79 300 0 tetrabromofluoroethane C2HFBr4 of 2903 79 300 0 tribromodifluoroethane C2HF2Br3 of 2903 79 300 0 dibromotrifluoroethane C2HF3Br2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromotetrafluoroethane C2HF4Br of 2903 79 300 0 tribromofluoroethane C2H2FBr3 of 2903 79 300 0 dibromodifluoroethane C2H2F2Br2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromotrifluoroethane C2H2F3Br of 2903 79 300 0 dibromofluoroethane C2H3FBr2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromodifluoroethane C2H3F2Br 1 This formula does not apply to 1,1,2-trichloroethane. QR General Type of Tariff line Detailed Product Description WTO National legal basis Administration, No. description of restriction code (s) affected, Justification and entry into force modification of the restriction based on HS and Ground previously (2017) for notified Restriction, measures, and e.g. Other other International comments Commitments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of 2903 79 300 0 bromofluoroethane C2H4FBr of 2903 79 300 0 hexabromofluoropropane C3HFBr6 of 2903 79 300 0 pentabromodifluoropropane C3HF2Br5 of 2903 79 300 0 tetrabromotrifluoropropane C3HF3Br4 of 2903 79 300 0 tribromotetrafluoropropane C3HF4Br3 G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Re of 2903 79 300 0 dibromopentafluoropropane C3HF5Br2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromohexafluoropropane C3HF6Br of 2903 79 300 0 pentabromofluoropropane C3H2FBr5 - 4 of 2903 79 300 0 tetrabromodifluoropropane - C3H2F2Br4 of 2903 79 300 0 tribromotrifluoropropane C3H2F3Br3 of 2903 79 300 0 dibromotetrafluoropropane C3H2F4Br2 v.2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromopentafluoropropane C3H2F5Br of 2903 79 300 0 tetrabromofluoropropane C3H3FBr4 of 2903 79 300 0 tribromodifluoropropane C3H3F2Br3 of 2903 79 300 0 dibromotrifluoropropane C3H3F3Br2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromotetrafluoropropane C3H3F4Br of 2903 79 300 0 tribromofluoropropane C3H4FBr3 of 2903 79 300 0 dibromodifluoropropane C3H4F2Br2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromotrifluoropropane C3H4F3Br of 2903 79 300 0 dibromofluoropropane C3H5FBr2 of 2903 79 300 0 bromodifluoropropane C3H5F2Br of 2903 79 300 0 bromofluoropropane C3H6FBr 2903 39 110 0 bromomethane CH3Br QR General Type of Tariff line Detailed Product Description WTO National legal basis Administration, No. description of restriction code (s) affected, Justification and entry into force modification of the restriction based on HS and Ground previously (2017) for notified Restriction, measures, and e.g. Other other International comments Commitments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of 3824 71 000 0 Cooling mixtures of 3824 72 000 0 of 3824 74 000 0 of 3824 75 000 0 of 3824 76 000 0 of 3824 77 000 0 of 3824 78 of 3824 79 000 0 G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Re 8415 10 Air conditioners and heat pumps 8415 81 00 8415 82 000 0 8418 61 00 of 8418 69 000 - 5 of 8418 10 200 Refrigerators - of 8418 10 800 of 8418 50 of 8418 69 000 of 8418 Ice-making machines, milk of 8419 cooling units v.2 of 8418 10 200 Freezing compartments of 8418 10 800 8418 30 200 8418 30 800 8418 40 200 8418 40 800 of 8418 50 of 8418 69 000 of 8418 69 000 Air driers of 8479 89 9701 of 8479 89 970 8 of 3921 11 000 0 Insulating boards, plates, panels and cellular of 3921 12 000 0 pipe coatings, using cellulating of 3921 13 100 0 agents as foaming agents of 3921 13 900 0 containing ozone-depleting of 3921 14 000 0 substances of 3921 19 000 0 QR General Type of Tariff line Detailed Product Description WTO National legal basis Administration, No. description of restriction code (s) affected, Justification and entry into force modification of the restriction based on HS and Ground previously (2017) for notified Restriction, measures, and e.g. Other other International comments Commitments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of 3907 20 200 1 Components, formulations based of 3907 20 200 9 on polyesters (polyols) for the production of expanded polyurethane (component A) of 8424 10 000 0 Portable fire extinguishers2 2 Prohibition to P of 2805 40 Wastes that contain any of the Article XX(b) Annex No. 1 to Decision import of of 7204 following substances as a GATT No. 30 of the Board of hazardous of 7404 00 component or contaminant: the Eurasian Economic G/MA/QR/N/KAZ/3/Re wastes Movements of Commission dd. Hazardous 21.04.2015) Wastes and (as revised in Decision their Disposal No. 145 of the Board of signed in Basel the Eurasian Economic - 6 of 22 March Commission dd. - 1990 15.11.2016 of 7503 00 arsenic, arsenic compounds of 7602 00 mercury, mercury compounds of 7802 00 000 0 (excluding mercury lamps and luminescent tubes) v.2 of 7902 00 000 0 Zinc waste and scrap of 8002 00 000 0 Tin and products made from it of 8101 97 000 0 other non-precious metal waste of 8102 97 000 0 and scrap of 8103 30 000 0 of 8104 20 000 0 of 8105 30 000 0 of 8106 00 100 0 of 8107 30 000 0 of 8108 30 000 0 of 8109 30 000 0 of 8110 20 000 0 of 8111 00 190 0 2 Except for products containing ozone-depleting substances controlled by the export control system of the Eurasian Economic Union Member State being the State of departure/destination of these commodities.
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