4 BOSTON, MASS., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1907 I- Ps I - -- --· ~~~~~~~~~ ~~I s I ~~~~ - - L -1 d I - - -I --- I -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I COMMUNICATIONS. I I i MORSE & HENDERSON (Continued from Page 3.) Photographer for Tech '06 lower the "high purpose" for a -Tailors- year but not for the one day of ~ graduation. He further says, N O T M-A N Roomps 14 and 15 Telephone Oxford, 99 Jack Williams did not find it nec- 384 Boylston Street and 3 Park Street 18 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON, MASS. essary to appear in formal dress 1 ~ before his Chief. No he probably appeared in the "soiled dirty over- ¶Our Fall and Winter Fabrics are now alls." Would the writer have the STUDENTS' ATTENTION i ready for your inspection. ¶Thanking you students appear in the same garb ~ for past favors we earnestly solicit your before their chief when they re- m future patronage. TEarly orders desired. port on their four years' work? All MTHE: AVENUE CAFI E this talk about our loss of respect is the Only Place to iEat in the Back Bay. Music every ~ for the "sturdy democratic ways of night from 6 to 8. Special attention (paid to Students. our Fathers" is absurd and beside U. HOLZER the question. The essence of the WM. PINK & CO. 25 Bromfield St. whole thing is in the desire of 1YS ~ students who have worked hard 471 Columbus Ave., near W. Newton St. Binds and Repairs all Kinds of Books during four long years at Tech to P.S. Open from 6 A.M. to 12 P.M. make the day that closes their 7.~r ~ work; the ceremonies that attend Try our 8 x 10 Bromide Enlarge- I ments made from Films or. Plates the conferring of their degrees, as I impressive as possible. It is the 25 cents each, 5 for $I,1D ...... I dayI of days to the graduate, a day Bargains$10 soa in TYPEWRITERS ~ Rebuilt machines with new platen, type, ribbons, etc., $25 to $35, Guaranteed, F. T. KING & CO. always to be remembered and treas- Machines almost new at low prices. Rented, Repaired, Exchanged. 51 Bromfield Street Boston, Mass. ured, and if the impressiveness, I Dealers in Anti-Trust Photographic Supplies the solemnity of that great occa- TIE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 38 BoMTeNL, MASReeT, sion may be increased; the enjoy- J. e. McCOLOAN, Mgr. Tel. 166, Main ment added to by the wearing of THE POPULAR PLACE I capI and gown, shall wve say nay TO TRADE PLACE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Spreads and Banquets POOLE'S ORCHESTRA when it means so much to them 180 TREMONT STREET A SPECIALTY and really so little sacrifice to us ? The Students'THEPOPULAR Drug Store Tel. 2821 .1'Oxford Under Copley Square Hotel 51 HUNTINGTON AVENUE H. J. SEILER Caterer HOLLIS STREET THEATRE. E. G. BOSSOM, PROPRIETOR We carry a full line of Drug Store Goods ICallI for Estimates 115 Dartmouth St The only place to dine Robert Loraine will have only I- oneI week at the Hollis Street Zbeatre EttractioonI. se Theatre and that will be altogether Z 1BOOKS s 1 BOSTON.--"I Way Down East." 0nono a. eo is at the o o too short a time to satisfy all those BQ%.v se who were disappointed in not ob- COLONIAL.-I " The Grand Mogul." taining seats for this play by CASTLEI SQUARE. - "The Altar or George Bernard Shaw given here Friendship." last season. This is the first chance GLOBE.-" Bedford's Hope." for a return visit. and it will be HOLLIS.-" Man and Superman." given in splendid fashion. Mr. MAJESTIC.-Lew Fields in About Town. 332 MASSACHUSEIrSAVENUF r Loraine will be seen in his original BOSTON, character, and the supportingcoai- PARK.-"The Little Cherub." ' 406 COLUMIBUS AVENUE pany will be a strong one made up TREMONT.-Mr. Mantell in Shakspere. of Boston favorities. The end of I THE OLD COLONY PRESS the engagement will be next C TICKETS , Saturday night. Co ALL THEATRES printcrt COLONIAL THEATRE Copley Square Books, Periodicals, Catalogues Telephone Commercial and Society Work Klaw and Erlanger 11 -.-e given 2329, 2330 and 2331 Back Bay Bostonians many a co: ,ic opera FOR SALE BY .| Telephone -1380 Main success, but the best of them all is F. W.BARRY, BEALE & CO. now at the Colonial Theatre in the STATIONERS , I5i PURCHASE STREET shape of "The Grand Mogul." It PACH BROS. 108-110 Washington cor. Elm St., Boston Boston, Mass. is not strange that there is anl un- - usual amount of interest in this I ELEVATOR production, for it is the latest comic Ihbotograpbs Fine Athletic Goods opera from the joint efforts of MAKEIR TO WE.-REiR Frank Pixley and Gustav Luders, Lawn Tennis Foot Ball A and one has only to think of " Wood- SPECIAL RATES TO TECH MEN Basket Ball land," "The Prince of Pilsen," Hockey Sticks "King Dodo" and "The Burgo- 1181 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. Hockey Skates Skating Shoes e2o_ HAT master" to know what to expect. Next to Beck Hall - - - Cambridge I 412 WASHINGCTON ST. BOSTN Its company is anl exceedingly Sweaters Jerseys SPRING STYLES ON strong one with Frank Moulan as TEL. 734-3 CAMBRIDCE I and all kinds of the chief funmaker and with Maud I I Lillian Berri, Elsa Ryan, John All Goods Required by ATHLETIC CLOTHING a THE BRUNSWICK I Dunsmuir, Sager Midgeley and and Athletic Implements hosts of other popular favorites in Students at_ Catalogue Free to any address Boylston and Clarendon Sts.; BOSTON I congenial characters and with a (Adjoining Copley Square) WRIGHT & DITSON chorus of pretty girls. Boston and Cambridge, Mass. -Chicago, Ill. Providence, R.I. PARK THEATRE. Maclachlan's I Hattie Williams is in the third WALDO H. COVELL. week of her engagement at the 502 Boylston St. MEN'S WEAR I Park Theatre, and "The Little Cherub" is proving more popular Drawing Instruments and Materials, etc. HAIPC Ak D CAE I5 than ever. So emphatic has been Fountain Pens, Text-books 12828 !HUNTI.NOTONHUNTINGTON AVENUE. I the success of the piece here in .II- Boston that Charles Frohman has cabled over from London so as to I TECHNOLOGY CHAMBERS SPRING GOODS extend the engagement which was nearing its end. Therefore the IRVINGTON and ST.-BOTOLPH STREETS now in merry. musical comedy will run longer with audiences testing the Special Prices made for capacity of the theatre at every early orders. performance. The full makers are BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR all good and James Blakele.vy Tom Conducted on both the American and European BURKE & CO. Tailors Wise and all the others help; ini Public Bowling Alleys for Ladies and I Plans. winning the great Boston subcess 18 School Street 843 Washington Street AMOS BARNES, Proprietor. which has been seeured in the past GCentlemeri, Private Parties Solicited I BOSTON HERBERT I. BARNES, Manager. fortnight. Telephone, Back Bay 22036 I 1246 Mass. Ave., Harvard Sq., Cambridge.
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