MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994. Box Folder 41 3 Israel Education Fund. 1973. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org , ISRAEL EIlUCATIOII FUlID DONORS ,,",y- 1. 1Q73 , , , (1) Albert. Charles J. (Family of) -Blaustein, Jacob (Fdn.) Albert Pipe Company The Blaustein Building 101 Varrick Avenue 1. North Charles Brooklyn, Uev York 11237 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Alperin, }.iax Bloom , Dr . Harry 25 Linden Drive Charles Bloom, Inc. Providence. Rhode Island 295 Firth Avenue 02906 Nev York, New York 10016 (NO MAlL--all correspondence to go through Henry Bernstein) .Appleman, Harry The Harry & Bina Appleman Family Foundation Bloom Family Foundation (Sol) 1454 Fifty-First Street c/o Mr. Nahum Bernstein Brooklyn, Hev York 295 Madison Avenue Kew York, New York Becker, Mrs. Isidore 215 East 68th Street Hev York. New York 10021 -Blumberg, Benjamin c/o Mr. Morris Bl~berg (son) 809 South Center Street Beckerman, Frank Terre Haute, Indiana 41801 Donuts Management, Inc. 999 Asylum Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06105 Boxer, Mr. Alvin B. 3~1 lIest 2~th St., Apt. 15D Bensley. Charles J. Nev York, Ney York 100l~ 180 East End Avenue Nev York. New York Brecher, Mollie, Morris & Susan Benson, Miss Betty 29-28 41st Avenue 243 West End Avenue Long Island City, NeY York 11101 Nev York, Ne\{ York 10023 Berman, Gerrard 561 W. Broad.... ay Brenner , Jacob Memorial Foundation Patterson, Nev Jersey 07522 c/o Mr. Herbert Wasserman, Pres. 250 West 30th Street New York, !few York 10001 Billig, Max J. Evy Footwear Company, Inc. 353 Park Avenue, South Bressler Foundation New York. Ne'o1 York 1 0010 c/o Leonard Bressler 33 North Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 (~) Bridge ~ Mrs . f.fax Cohen, Mrs. Bess J . 131 Carriage Street 45 East 72nd Street St. Louis, Missouri Ney York, Nev York 10021 (vith MRS . A. SILVER/WI) Cohen, Nehemiah M. Brovo, Mrs. Samuel Giant Food, Inc. 1821 Campeau 6900 Sheriff Road South Bend, Indiana Landover, Maryland Carp. Dr. Elias Cummins, Mrs. Samuel Dal-Tex Optical Company Tva East 86th Street 1430 Dragon Street Nev York, Ney York 10028 Dallas. Texas 75207 (vi th SHANBAUH & GREElIBERG) Danciger, Sadie (Estate) c/o Mr. Harry L. Jacobs Carter, Mr. Victor Stimson , Mag , Thomson , McEvers 1900 Avenue of the Stars and Fizze11, Esqs. Suite #2230 10 Main Center -- Suite 82100 Los Angeles, Calif. 90067 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Chanin. JI!l" . Marcy Chanin Management Daniels, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald 122 East 42nd Street 139 37th Street NeY York, New York 10017 Des Moines, Iova 50310 Chilevich Foundation c/o Aron; Simon; t·Uchael Dusky , Mrs. Joseph Cbi1evich Invood Manor 120 Wall Street 37ll San Felipe Nev York, Nev York Houston, Texas Davidson. Mr. Philip Clairmont, M. M. Hampshire House 545 Madison Avenue 150 Central Park , South NeY York, Ney York 10022 Nev York, Nev York *Davret, Mr5. Martin (sec hack ~a~e) Coffey, Mrs. Lee W. Ebi n, Mr. Emanuel 465 Park Avenue 1070 Park Avenue Nev York . Ney York 10022 Apartment #10-A llev York, Nev York Cohen, Mrs . Arthur C. 205 Kings Point Road Edelstein, Dr . Sidney M. Kings Point, Long Island 338 Hil1cress Road NeY York 11024 Eng1evood , Ne'W Jersey Bus: Dexter Chemical Co. 845 Edgevater Road Bronx, Nev York 10474 (3) Efroymson, Clarence W. Ferkauf, Eugene Rural Route #2 c/o Don Defabio ' s Box #292 964 Third Avenue Carmel, Indiana Nev York, New York 10022 (with R. EFROYJoISON) Fishman, William - President Efroymson, Robert A. Automatic Retailers of America Real Silk Hosiery Mills . Inc. Services, Inc . - 636 Walnut Street 6th at Walnut Street Indianapolis, Indiana ~ Philadelphia, Penn. 19106 (with C. EFROYl-lSON) ..•.. / Fobs Foundation Att: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sohn POB #1001 Roseburg, Oregon 97470 Farb, Mr. Harry E. 4444 Yerba Santa San Diego, Calif. 92111 Frankel, Mr. Harry 5151 Collins Avenue Miami, Florida Everett, Mr. Henry J. 1297 East 21st Street *Freedlander, A. L. Brooklyn, New York 11210 Dayco Corporation . 333 West First Street Dayton, Ohio Faige1- Leah FO\4~dation, Inc . c/o Robert S. Rubinow 55 Fifth Avenue Freedman, Mrs. Moses New York, New York 2806 Chesterfield Place, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Feinberg, Mr. Abe American Trust Company Fr eeman, Mrs . Betty 70 Wall Street 703 Hillcress Road New York, New York 10005 Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210 (wi th J. lIISHNI CK Feinstein, The Myer & Rosaline & II. lIISHNICK) Foundation , Inc . 220 West Rittenhouse Square *Friedland, Samuel (see back na~e) Philadelphia" Pennsylvania 19144 Furman, Saul 63 East 79th Street New York, New York 10021 Furst, Joseph (Estate) c/o Theodore Love' Feldman, Jacob Laventhol, Krekstein, Horvath Commercial Hetals Company and Horwath 512 South Akard Street Tvo Center Plaza Dallas, Texas 75202 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 (4) Furst, Sol* and Hilda Ginsburg, Mr. Martin 170 Broadway 54 Kent Road Nev York, New York Tenafly, New Jersey Gant z, Mrs. Emanuel Goldey, lofr. Edward N. 65 Bates Road 36 Sutton Place, South Harrison, New York 10528 New York, New York 10022 (with P . GANTZ) Gantz, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldfarb, Samuel (Fdn.) 8 Dorchester Road 2100 South Ocean Land Rye, Nev York Fort Lauderdale, Florida Gantz, Mrs. Philip 18 Copper Beach Circle Goodstein, Foundation (Family) White Plains, Nev York Mes srs. Lawrence & Albert 10605 Goodstein Brothers (with E. GANTZ) 10 West 20tb Street New York, New York Geller, Judge Abraham c/o Bruce Geller 101 N. Arden Drive Grass Family Foundation Beverly Hills, Calif. 91210 4025 Crooked Hill Road Harrisburg , Penn. 11110 Germanov and Simon Tamily *Creen, Irwin & Bethea (see hack naAe) c/o Mr. Leon Germanow Greenberg, Irving Germanow- Simon }'1achine Co., Inc. Dal-Tex Optical Company 408 St. Paul Street 1430 Dragon Street Ro chester, New York 14605 Dallas, Texas 15207 (with SHANBAUM & CARP) Ginns Estate, Morris & Bertha Greenfield, Mrs. Caroline c/o JFD 101 Shipley Street Great Northern Hotel Wilmington, De1avare 19801 118 West 57th Street Nev York, New York 10019 Ginsberg, Edward (Friends of) Ginsber g , Guren & Merritt Greenspun, Hank 650 Terminal Tower Building 121 S. Highland Public Square Las Vegas, Nevada Cleveland , Oh io Grossman, Mrs . Loui.s Ginsburg, Alan H. 350 Central Park, West 1543 Meadowbrook Lane New York, Nev York 10025 East Lansing, Michigan Grubman , Seymour 629 North Arden Drive Beverly m.lls, Calif. 90210 (5) * Hurwitz , f, .'3 t at es of Pllilin 8' l'hirlev· (see back nagc) Gruss . Oscar Jacobs , Lesl ie L. Oscar & Regina Gruss Charitable The Athena Apartments #1218 and Educational Foundation 6335 W. Nort hwest H'way 80 Pine Street Dallas , Texas 75225 !lew York, Hev York Haas, Walter A. Janson, Mrs . Marian A. Levi- Strauss & Company 20 38 Calita Str eet 98 Battery Street Carl sbad, Calif. 92008 San Franci sco , Calif. 94111) (with KOSHLAND & LILIENTHAL) Jessel son, Ludwig Matanah Foundati on 299 Par k Avenue Hamburg, Jed L. Rev Yor k , New York 10017 ~5 East 89th Street New York . Nev York 10028 Jewish Federation of Southern I llinois Hassan, Sylvia and Alexander 327 Missouri Avenue 404 North Watergate , East East St. Louis . Missouri 2510 Virginia Avenue , N.W . 62201 Washington, D.C. 20037 Jewish Teachers Community Chest Himroelfarb Foundation (Paul) c/o Dr . Charles M. Shapp , Pres. c/o Hr. Ben Greenspoon 515 Park Avenue 100 Vermont Avenue, n.w. flew York , Nev York Washington , D.C. Hirsch , Mrs . Alexander P. Kagan, Lawrence 910 Fifth Avenue 1900 Avenue of the Stars New York , New York 10022 Suite #1600 Los Angeles , Calif 90067 Hoffberger Foundation . LeRoy Kamber , Mr. Abraham Hoffberger & Hollander Tvo Park Avenue 900 Garrett Building Nev York. Nev York Redwood & South Streets Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Kanter , Joseph H. The Kanter Corporation Horovitz Foundation. Louis & Mary 3~01 North-West 36th Street Attention: r·ir. Samuel Nass Miami Beach, Florida Stratford Road Harrison. llev York 10528 Kar gman . Max R. The First Realty Company of Boston. Inc. 151 Tremont Street Bos ton ,. Mas s 02111 (6) Karl, Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Kuffler, Julius L. 6868 North Bar nett Lane 860 Fifth Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin New York, New York 10021 Katzman, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Leff, Mrs. Carl 2004 South 85th Avenue 860 Fifth Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68124 New York, New York 10021 Klingenstein~ Paul (Mrs.) Lehrman, Jac J. 56 Franklin Road 2839 Chester field Place Scarsdale, New York 10583 Washington, D.C. Klorfein; Jerome & Rose aLeidesdorf, Samuel Rose: Ritz Towers Hotel 125 Park Avenue 51th Street & Park Avenue New York, Ney York New York, New York Jerome : 350 Fifth Avenue Room #4301 Levin, Mr . Harry New York, NY 10001 Lor et Mills POB 6749 Chattanooga, Tenn . 31401 Klutznick, Mr. Philip M. Urban Investment & Develop . Co . ·Levinson, Jack (Estate) 401 N. Michigan Avenue c/ o Mr . Julius Levinson Chicago, Illinois 60611 5445 N. Sheridan Road Apt. #3240 Chicago , Illinois 60640 Koftman, Burton I . & Richard E. Public Loan Company , I nc. 4149 Chanango Street Levinson, Morris L. Binghamton. New York 13901 Associated Products , Inc. 445 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022 Kohl . Mr . Max Kohls Food Stores 11100 W. Burleigh Street Levy, Mrs . Benjamin J . Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53222 926 Fifth Avenue Nev York , Nev York 10021 (with RUDNICK) Kolodny, Joseph National Association of Tobacco Dist. 360 Lexington Avenue Levy , Mrs . Max New York , llew York c/o Relene Levy Israel Consulate 800 Second Avenue . Koshland , Daniel D. Nev York, New York Levi- Strauss & Company 98 Bat~ ~ry ~~r r~ t San Fr "11 Lilienthal , Mrs . Phili T- (with HAAS & LILIENTHAL) 2215 Summit Drive Hillsbor o , Calii'. (with Hk~S & KOSHLAND) CT) Livingston , Mrs .
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