164 POLITICAL AND SECURITY QUESTIONS ster of Pakistan accused India of having action had been announced in the Indian mounted a treacherous armed attack and stated Parliament and publicized in the Indian press. that Pakistan would exercise its inherent right When, after exercising restraint for two weeks, of self-defence until the Security Council had Pakistan had been forced to take defensive taken effective measures to restore peace and action in the Chhamb area of Kashmir, India security. had been the first to throw aircraft into combat During the Council's meeting of 6 September and thus make another move towards escala- the representative of Pakistan said that India's tion of the conflict. invasion of Pakistan was an event without The representative of Pakistan observed that parallel in the history of the United Nations. the foregoing events had now been over- It was not only a brazen aggression on the shadowed by the attack on Pakistan territory territory of a Member State but also a de- that the Indian army had just launched across liberate transgression of the very purposes and the international frontier on the Lahore front. principles of the United Nations. India's pre- The pretexts India was using to justify that sent attack on Pakistan had come as the culmi- attack were entirely false. It was in fact an nation of a series of planned, provocative acts, act of naked aggression consistent with the he continued. Although the Foreign Minister attitude India had maintained in the Kashmir of Pakistan, in response to the Security Coun- dispute for 18 years, which was to thwart every cil's appeal in 1964 for a climate of moderation attempt, spurn every offer, and ignore every between the two countries, had offered a mora- Security Council resolution which would facili- torium on all contentious issues between India tate the implementation of the international and Pakistan, India's response, on 4 December agreement embodied in the two resolutions of 1964, had been to announce its decision to the United Nations Commission for India and annex Kashmir in a way that would make self- Pakistan of 13 August 19482 and 5 January determination impossible, and in May to re- 1949,3 jointly accepted by India and Pakistan. arrest Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, the Kash- Ever since the establishment of India and Paki- mir leader who favoured self-determination. stan as sovereign nations, India had sought to Those political moves had been followed by undo the partition of British India and to annex military action. Indian troops had been massed Pakistan; the occupation of Kashmir was a in offensive positions along the borders of West vital part of its design of eventually crushing and East Pakistan and, on 17 May, Indian Pakistan. forces had crossed the Cease-Fire Line in the In conclusion, the representative: of Pakistan Kargil area of Kashmir and occupied three stated that Pakistan appealed to all freedom- posts on the Pakistan side. loving countries to support it in its exercise The representative of Pakistan asserted that of its inherent right of self-defence. It would none of the above-mentioned actions had had exercise that right until the Security Council anything to do with the alleged infiltration took effective measures to vacate India's aggres- of armed men into Indian-occupied Kashmir. sion against Pakistan and Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan had solemnly declared that no troops Such measures, including enforcement action, of Pakistan or Azad Kashmir had crossed the were urgently required, and were the only way Cease-Fire Line, and had suggested that the to secure a lasting peace in the region. Secretary-General's Personal Representative, The representative of India then read to Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, proceed to both parts the Council his Government's comments on of Kashmir and examine the situation for him- the resolution adopted by the Council at its self. If there was any truth in India's allega- last meeting. It was India's view that an tions, why had it not accepted that proposal? immediate cease-fire and the implementation The Cease-Fire Line had been in a state of of the Security Council's resolution could be agitation for a year, with numerous violations brought about only when Pakistan stopped on both sides. But there was a difference be- 2 tween violation and invasion, and it was India See Y.U.N., 1947-48, p. 402. 3 that had staged an invasion in Kashmir. That See Y.U.N., 1948-49, pp. 280-81..
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