THE AKP HEGEMONY AND THE GEZİ PROTESTS: BETWEEN RESISTANCE AND DISSIDENCE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY YÖNTEM TURHAN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SEPTEMBER 2018 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Tülin GENÇÖZ Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Ayşe AYATA Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak ALPAN Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Filiz ZABCI (Ankara Uni., SBKY) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak ALPAN (METU, ADM) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aylin TOPAL (METU, ADM) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Yöntem Turhan Signature : iii ABSTRACT THE AKP HEGEMONY AND THE GEZİ PROTESTS: BETWEEN RESISTANCE AND DISSIDENCE Turhan, Yöntem M.S., Department of Political Science and Public Administration Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Alpan September 2018, 166 pages In this thesis, I examine the Gezi uprising and the way in which it positions itself vis-a vis the AKP hegemony and its neoliberal policies. For this purpose, I trace the concept of hegemony in a Gramscian and post-Marxist sense since these approaches evaluate social movements and civic actions with respect to the hegemonic struggle. I criticize post-Marxist perspectives for their limitations in describing the components of social movements and the forms of struggle. I also problematize the transformation of capitalism and social movements especially after the capitalist crisis of the 1970’s. In this sense, I examine the literature on new social movements and contemporary social movements from a class perspective. I argue that the Gezi protests of 2013 were directly related to the AKP hegemony within the framework of Gramscian ‘hegemony’. For this purpose, I explore the notion of ‘neoliberalism’ with reference to the processes of commodification, flexibilization of labor, privatization of land and social policies that were directly related to the depoliticisation of poverty and the concept of neoliberal populism. Lastly, I problematize the Gezi uprising by exploring its iv components, forms of protest and outcomes. All in all, this thesis mainly aims to understand the relationship between the AKP hegemony and the Gezi protests and problematizes the ways in which the protests were able to influence the AKP hegemony. Keywords: The Gezi protests, hegemony, AKP hegemony, neoliberal populism v ÖZ AKP HEGEMONYASI VE GEZİ PROTESTOLARI: DİRENİŞ VE MUHALEFET ARASINDA Turhan, Yöntem Yüksek Lisans, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Başak Alpan Eylül 2018, 166 sayfa Bu tezde Gezi protestoları ve Gezi'nin AKP hegemonyası ve onun neoliberal politikaları karşısında nasıl konumlandığı incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, hegemonya kavramı Gramsci ve Post-Marksizm hattında ele alınmıştır; çünkü bu iki yaklaşım, toplumsal hareketleri ve kitlesel eylemleri hegemonya mücadeleler kapsamında incelemektedir. Bu çalışmada Post-Marksist yaklaşım toplumsal hareketlerin bileşenlerini ve mücadele biçimlerini açıklamadaki kısıtlılıkları üzerinden eleştirilmiştir. Bunun yanında, bu tezde kapitalizmin ve toplumsal hareketlerin özellikle 1970’lerdeki kapitalist kriz sonrasındaki dönüşümü de sorunsallaştırılmıştır. Bu anlamda, yeni toplumsal hareketler literatürüyle birlikte güncel toplumsal hareketler de incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada 2013’teki Gezi protestolarının Gramsci'nin ‘hegemonya’ kavramı bağlamında, doğrudan AKP hegemonyasıyla ilişkili olduğu savunulmuştur. Bu amaçla, ‘neoliberalizm’ kavramı metalaşma, emeğin esnekleşmesi, mekânın ve sosyal politikaların özelleşmesi, yoksulluğun depolitikleştirilmesi ve neoliberal popülizm bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Son olarak, tezde Gezi ayaklanmasını bileşenleri, protesto biçimleri ve sonuçları tartışılmıştır. Bu vi bağlamda, bu tez esas olarak AKP hegemonyası ve Gezi protestoları arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamayı ve protestoların AKP hegemonyasını ne şekilde etkilediğini anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Gezi protestoları, hegemonya, AKP hegemonyası, neoliberal popülizm vii To Paco de Lucía viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Başak Alpan for her guidance, advice, criticism, encouragement and insight throughout the research. She consistently motivated me with her constructive criticism that make this study possible. I would like to thank to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aylin Topal for her helpful comments, criticisms and advises that were contributed this thesis a lot. I would also like to thank to Prof. Dr. Filiz Zabcı for his support and criticisms to this study. Finally, I am grateful to Mustafa Çağlar Atmaca for providing me with unfailing support and encouragement throughout this study. I express my profound gratitude to him. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM ........................................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. iv ÖZ .............................................................................................................................. vi DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................ ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. xii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................ xiv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 2. HEGEMONY, SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND THE POTENTIAL FOR CHANGE ................................................................................................................... 9 2.1. The Question of Hegemony from Historical Viewpoint ..................... 10 2.1.1. Gramsci’s Concept of Hegemony ........................................... 13 Coercion and Consent ................................................ 16 The Crisis of Hegemony ............................................ 18 The War of Position and The War of Maneuver ....... 20 2.2. Social Movement Theories with the Transformation of Capitalism ..... 23 2.2.1. The Capitalist Crisis in the 1970’s and Transformation of Capitalism ................................................................................ 26 Post-Marxist Approaches to Hegemony ..................... 30 2.2.2. New Social Movements ........................................................... 32 Middle-Class Radicalism ............................................ 38 2.2.3. Anti-Globalization Movements ............................................... 40 Occupy Movements .................................................... 43 x 3. THE AKP HEGEMONY ..................................................................................... 46 3.1 The Condition Before AKP Came to Power ....................................... 47 3.2. Neoliberalism in Turkey under the AKP Rule .................................... 51 3.2.1. Commodification of Labor ........................................................ 54 3.2.2. Commercialization of Land ....................................................... 59 3.2.3. Social Policies and the Question of Poverty ............................. 65 3.3. Neoliberal Populism of the AKP Hegemony ...................................... 69 3.3.1. ‘Conservative’ and ‘Democratic’ Party ..................................... 74 3.3.2. Ideological Sources of the AKP Hegemony .............................. 79 3.4. The Rise of Authoritarian Neoliberalism ............................................ 81 4. THE GEZİ PROTESTS........................................................................................ 85 4.1. Global Background of the Gezi Protests ............................................. 91 4.2. The Effects of the AKP Hegemony on the Gezi Protests .................... 93 4.3. Who is ‘the Çapulcu’ ........................................................................... 95 4.4. New Forms of Protesting ................................................................... 100 4.4.1. Anarchism? .............................................................................. 104 4.4.2. Resistance or Dissidence? ....................................................... 106 Standing Man vs. Moving Man .................................. 107 4.5. What did the Protestors Actually Protest? ......................................... 109 4.6.
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