DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS • CALIFORNIA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION 2005 Evergreen St., Suite 2010, Sacramento, CA 95815 P (916) 263-2195 I TTY (800) 326-2297 I www.dca.ca.gov/csac Members of the Commission John Carvelli, Chair Mary Lehman, Vice Chair Martha Shen-Urquidez Van Gordon Sauter Vernon Williams, M.D. Luis Ayala COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA James Araby Tuesday, February 19, 2019 10:00 a.m. - Conclusion of Business Location: Double Tree Suites by Hilton Anaheim Resort 2085 South Harbor Blvd., Tuscany Room · Anaheim, CA 92802 ORDER OF ITEMS. SUBJECT TO CHANGE OPEN SESSION 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call/Establishment of a Quorum. 2. Welcome - Chairman's •Opening Remarks. 3. Election of Officers for 2018 Pursuant to the Requirements of Business and Professions Code section 18606. 4. Approval of the December 11, 2018, Commission Meeting Minutes. 5. Update from Dean Grafilo, Director of the Department of Consumer Affairs. 6. Review and Possible Action on Petition to Change the Decision for Cathilee Zingano vs. Megan Anderson bout on December 29, 2018, in Los Angeles, CA. 7. Review and Approval of changes to Examination of Boxer Applicants regulation language. 8. Subcommittees Updates: a. Pension Fund Subcommittee (Commissioners Lehman and Ayala) i. Report from Beth Herrington from Benefit Resources regarding the pension fund administration. ii. Report from Cyril Shah of Raymond James Financial Services regarding the status of the Pension Fund investment account and allocation of assets. iii. Reassessment of criteria for eligibility. 9. Discussion and Possible Action of creation of Pension Benefits for Mixed Martial Arts Athletes. California State Athletic Commission Meeting February 19, 2019 Page 2 (--, 10. Executive Officer's Report a. Budget Update for the Support Fund, the Neurological Fund, and Pension Program b. Report on Pending and Proposed Regulations • Examination of Boxer Applicants (Amendment to Title 4, California Code of Regulations section 280.) 0. Status Update of Delegated Entities • California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organizations (CAMO) • USA Boxin"g'' (USA Boxing) ' • United States Fight League (USFL) • International Kickboxing Federation (IKF) d. Update on C3 Logix Sports Concussion Management Program e. Staffing update ~· .• f. Association_ otBoxing Cornn,issiQns Rating Criteria g. Association -of Boxfng Comrn1ssions (ABC) Report on Number of Shows Regulated h. Upcoming Event Schedule and discussion regarding event activity 11. Business and Professions Code section 18640.5 requires the Commission to invite stakeholder testimony at Commission meetings in order to identify actJons that may lead to greater opportunities for licensees to participate in major professional boxing contests. 12. Public Comment on Items Not on The Ag_enda. (The Commission may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section, except -to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting pursuant to Government Code sections 11125 and 11125. l(a)) CLOSED SESSION 13. The Commission will meet in closed session as authorized by Government Code §11126(e)(1) to confer with legal counsel regarding pending litigation. OPEN SESSION 14. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs disabfllty-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Heather Jackson at (916) 263-2195 or email [email protected] or sending a written request to the California State Athletic Commission, 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 201 O, Sacramento, ·CA 95815. Providing your request at least five (5) days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation. Requests for further information should be directed to Heather Jackson at the same address and telephone number. Meetings orthe California State Athletic Commission are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The audience will be given appropriate opportunities to comment on any issue presented. This meeting will be available for viewing via live webcast. To view the webcast, click the following link and click on the Athletic Commission's fink on the Calendar. https:llthedcapage.wordpress.comlwebcasts Please note - While the Athletic Commission intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast the entire open meetin due to limitations on resources. C:SRC: STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM #4 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS BUSINESS; CONSUMER SERVICES, AND HOUSING AGENCY • GOV~RNOR EDMUND G. BROWN JR. CALIFORNIA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2010 I Sacramento, CA 95815 Phone: (916) 263-2195 I Fax: (916) 263-2197 Website: www.dca.ca.gov/csacl Email:[email protected] Members of the Commission John Carvelli, Chair Agenda items may be taken out of order the Mary Lehman, Vice Chair agenda except public comment. Martha Shen-Urquidez Action may be taken i>i'I any item listed on · Van Gordon Sauter Verno.o\l\fi[liaxns,,.M,,Pct. '". ,,,,: L4i~1t~1g,~~'.,t;:b,)i~. "" - CALIFORNIA STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, December 11, 2018 10:00 a.m. - Conclusion of Business Location: California State Capitol Room 127 Sacramento, CA 95814 Commissioners Present Staff Present Chair John Carvelli Andy Foster, Executive Officer Vice Chair Mary Lehman Spencer Walker, Legal Counsel Commissioner Martha Shen-Urquidez Heather Jackson, Staff Commissioner Vernon Williams, MD Alma Amaya, Staff Commissioner Van Gordon Sauter Commissioner Luis Ayala OPEN SESSION Agenda Item 1 - Call the meeting to Order I Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance/ Establishment of Quorum The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m., Executive Officer (EO) Andy Foster called roll and a quorum was established. Agenda Item 2 - Welcome -Chairman's opening remarks Vice Chair Lehman welcomed everyone to the meeting and summarized significant events of the past calendar year. She stated the last two out of three years showed record high revenues and a stable budget, thanks to EO Foster. In addition, the Commission had numerous high-profile TV fights and title fights this year, including a boxing World Heavy Weight Title fight. California State Athletic Commission Meeting Minutes December 11, 2018 Page 2 of 16 She further stated the Commission is on track to meet its goal of 1,000 C3 Logix neurological examinations. Also, the 10-point plan to reduce dehydration has been shared, revised and adopted not only nationally, but internationally. With this plan, the Commission identified fighters in danger of dehydration and moved them up to more appropriate weight classes. Vice Chair Lehman further stated changes to the ratings criteria for ranking boxers include weight cutting as a major factor. She also emphasized the importance of changing the culture ofweight cutting. ·-· -:. ,.,,:.f~::.:. _.. _, . , , ::.:;. .. ,-,:.i.l~:;,;·:;:·:t: -.:f-:/t~,·f:K;~:: ..:~~f:;~r-~~ ;";~__ ::\./·/ .- .:,'"··-_ .. _. ·,~ ... Vice Chair Lehman shared the CommissionAice'l:\s_edits first transgenderathlete·and used,the license provisions adopted a few y~ars ago. Vice Chair Lehman stated EO Foster has an importa-nt job and It 1s hard work. Th.e Commission is hoping to get the Chief Athletic Inspector classification reinstated to assist EO Foster. Agenda Item 3 - Approval of the October 2, 2018, Commission Meeting Minutes EO Foster presented the October 2, 2018, Commission Meeting minutes for approval with three additional changes. Commissioner Shen-Urquidez motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. No commissioner or public comment. / \ The motion passed 5-0 by roll call vote. / Agenda Item 9-Executive Officer's Report a. Budget Update for the support Fund, the Neurological Fund, and Pension Program · The EO presented to the Commission the updated revenue numbers as of the morning of December 11, 2018. The support fund has $1,111,755, the neurological fund has $7,609.78, and the boxing pension fund has $251',291.68, part of which was a transfer from Raymond James. b. Report on pending and proposed Regulations The Commission is working with the new process to obtain approval for proposed regulations. Chief Legal Counselwith the Department of Consumer Affairs made a few changes, which staff is in the process incorporating into the proposed regulations. Mr. Spencer Walker, staff counsel, informed the Commission the recommended language changes will require further Commission approval. EO Foster stated that staff have been working with the Department of Consumer Affairs on this regulation change for some time now, and perhaps it would be faster to get this language approved through legislation rather than the regulatory process; Vice Chair Lehman stated once we get the new language, the. Commission could do a special telephonic meeting to approve the language. California State Athletic Commission Meeting Minutes December 11 , 2018 Page 3 of 16 c. Status update of Delegated Entities • USA Boxing (USA Boxing) Mr. Mike McAtee presented the Commission with his written report, which is contained in the meeting materials. Mr. McAtee added a_few things to the report about California boxers, officials and coaches who participated in the National Championship in Saft Lake City. Specifically, 174 boxers,_89 coaches and 7 officials from California participated in the National : Char,npio:nshiptSevera!; boxers from California became National Charrtp'ions·
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