PAGE 2 PAGE 11 PAGE 16 Trip to game Women’s creations Priest cycles for a hit with fans grace churches environment TheTHE NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO A A SECTION OF THE ANGnLICAN JOURNAL g l www.tiorontoc.anglican.ca SUMn MER ISSUE, 2013 ‘This is a very special day’ One of the high points of the Hundreds service for her was seeing him in his mitre and chasuble. “I couldn’t believe it. I don’t know attend what to call him now. For me, he’ll always be Father Peter.” The Rev. Canon Stephen Fields, consecration the incumbent of Holy Trinity, Thornhill, said he was “over - BY STUART MANN whelmed” by the occasion. Bish - op Fenty had been his parish VALERIE Davis of St. Hugh and St. priest in Barbados in 1977, and Edmund, Mississauga, was lined they have been close friends ever up outside St. James Cathedral in since. Toronto at 7:30 a.m. on June 22— “Personally, this is fulfilling,” a full three hours before the start said Canon Fields. “I think the of Bishop Peter Fenty’s consecra - church here has made a very im - tion service. portant statement: that we affirm Ms. Davis was one of hundreds all peoples; whatever your back - of people who arrived early to get ground or culture, we are a seat for one of the most antici - church.” pated services of the year. Before In a sign of their affection for the doors of the church opened at Bishop Fenty, many people waited 9 a.m., the lineup stretched half- for up to an hour after the service way down the block. to greet him. “We just wanted to be part of “This is a very special day, not this day,” said Ms. Davis, who only to be called to be a bishop of came with her friend, Marjorie the church, but to be surrounded Taylor of Christ Church, Bramp - by the love, prayers and support ton. “It’s so monumental.” of my family and the many, many Ms. Davis said Bishop Fenty’s faithful people of God in this dio - election on April 6 and consecra - cese,” he said. “I look forward to tion on June 22 has created ex - this new ministry with joy and citement in Barbados, where he great expectation, and by the was born and raised. “My family grace of God I will seek to be a in Barbados is going nuts and the faithful pastor to those whom God island is going crazy. Everyone is has entrusted to my care.” so excited.” Bishop Fenty is now the area About 50 people flew up from bishop of York-Simcoe, one of Barbados and the United States four episcopal areas of the dio - for the service, and others came cese. He said he plans to get start - from the Diocese of Montreal, ed right away. “I am hitting the where Bishop Fenty served as a road and running as we speak,” parish priest before coming to the he said. “I ask for the prayers and Diocese of Toronto. The Barbadi - continued support of the church an High Commissioner to Canada in general, but I also want the and his wife also attended. clergy and people of York-Simcoe When the service started at to know that they’re in my 10:30 a.m., the cathedral was full, prayers and I’m looking forward with about 800 people, with an - to serving them in the days and other 250 in nearby Snell Hall and years ahead.” some listening to the service on A webcast of the service is post - the church lawn. Clockwise from above: Bishop Peter Fenty (right) leaves St. James Cathedral after his consecration, accompa - ed on the diocese’s YouTube chan - Several bishops and clergy nied by Archbishop Colin Johnson; bishops lay their hands on Bishop Fenty’s head; Bishop Fenty hugs his daugh - nel, www.youtube.com/tordio135. from the Caribbean took part in ter, Peta-Anne, after the service. PHOTOS BY MICHAEL HUDSON the service, including Archbishop John Holder, who is the Bishop of “send down your Holy Spirit upon cross and episcopal ring. Hall. “I was so moved. I loved how Barbados and Primate of the your servant Peter, whom we con - After placing the mitre on Bish - all the bishops were there and Meet the West Indies. “Go forth to plant secrate in your name to the office op Fenty’s head and giving him gathered around him. It was an and water, but never forget that and work of a bishop in the his pastoral staff, Archbishop honour to be here.” God, and God alone, gives the church.” Johnson presented Bishop Fenty Ms. Mederick, who knew Bish - new bishop growth,” he told Bishop Fenty In a delightful moment, liturgi - to the congregation. The crowd op Fenty when he was the incum - during his sermon. cal dancers then presented Bish - gave him a long, loud round of ap - bent of St. Joseph of Nazareth in During the service, Archbishop op Fenty with his new chasuble, plause, and some cheered. Brampton, came with her mother, BISHOP Peter Fenty writes his Colin Johnson and the other bish - mitre and crosier. The suffragan “It was really beautiful,” said sister, daughter and others from first column in The Anglican . ops laid their hands on Bishop bishops of the Diocese of Toronto Denise Mederick, who watched a St. Joseph’s. “He’s going to be a Learn about his life and journey Fenty’s head, praying to God to presented him with his pectoral webcast of the service in Snell fantastic bishop,” she said. as a Christian. See Page 4. PRIEST REFLECTS ON JEWISH ROOTS – SEE PAGE 5 2 The Anglican N E W S Summer Issue, 2013 Trip to game is a big hit ‘Team FaithWorks’ cheers Jays BY SUSAN MCCULLOCH able evening, and for the hospital - ity provided by our suite host, An - YOUTH, volunteers and staff from toinette. The pizza was a real hit.” FaithWorks’ ministry partners The Rev. Helena Houldcroft, ex - cheered the home team on April ecutive director of Flemingdon 17 as the special guests of TD Park Ministry, led Team Faith - Bank Group, a corporate partner Works’ cheering section. One of to the diocese’s annual appeal her guests, Faaiq Ahamat, is the since 2004. 10-year-old son of a staff member TD generously provided the at Flemingdon Park Ministry and keys to its hospitality suite for the a die-hard Blue Jays fan. Ms. Young people from FaithWorks’ ministry partners have a bird’s eye view of the ballgame from TD Bank Group’s Blue Jays game against the Chica - Houldcroft described Faaiq’s reac - corporate box. PHOTOS BY MICHAEL HUDSON go White Sox at the Rogers Cen - tre. Eighteen guests had a bird’s- eye view of the game from seats on the 300 level, along the first base line. TD also provided com - plimentary popcorn and soft drinks throughout the evening. When asked how he enjoyed the game, 11-year-old Miles Anto - nio responded, “We’ll get them next time.” He added, “Thank you, TD, for inviting us to watch the game. My mom and I had a great time.” Bishop Philip Poole, co-chair of the FaithWorks Corporate appeal, enjoyed the chance to relax with his wife, Karen, while getting to know several of the youth who are involved in FaithWorks-funded programs. “This was a terrific op - Bishop Philip Poole (middle, front row), the Rev. Helena Houldcroft Youth decorate a sign thanking TD Bank Group for its hospitality. portunity to thank some of the (standing behind him) and the rest of ‘Team FaithWorks’ support the staff and volunteers who provide home team. welcoming, supportive environ - ments for young people,” he said. tion when he learned he would be cial prize, he will treasure the and love of the game. His favourite has something going on.” Mr. “It was heartwarming to see the attending the game: “Faaiq really memory of his first trip to the ma - player is Jays’ third baseman, Dryfhout, like Mr. Lawrie, proudly sheer joy and excitement on the hoped he might be able to catch a jors. Brett Lawrie. “Lawrie is an in - displays body art underneath the faces of the young people visiting game ball and told me that if he Ken Dryfhout, youth program - credible athlete and one of only 17 sleeves of his #13 player’s jersey. the Rogers Centre for the first was successful, he knew he would ming director at The Dam, kept Canadians on major league ros - time. We are sincerely grateful to be too excited to sleep.” Although the crowd entertained between ters,” said Mr. Dryfhout. “On a Susan McCulloch is the TD for providing such a remark - Faaiq went home without his spe - pitches by sharing his knowledge style note, I think Lawrie really FaithWorks campaign manager. 6W-RKQ·V'L[LH(%!$' "+" 6W-DPHV·(# ' 6W(-%R!K$Q'·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ummer Issue, 2013 N E W S The Anglican 3 Seafarers amalgamate THE Toronto and Hamilton executive director of the Toronto erative, ecumenical ministering to branches of the Mission to Seafar - branch to the position of chaplain seafarers,” he said.
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