ANNUAL SESSION OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL May 19, 2009 SUMMARY OF MOTIONS MOTION 090519.01 In-Camera Session-Personnel Matter .............................................................. 1 MOTION 090519.02 Minutes: April 21, 2009 Regular Session ......................................................... 1 MOTION 090519.03 250th Celebration of Democracy in Action-5 Original Municipal Counties ........ 2 MOTION 090519.04 Monthly Report of Municipal Solicitor – Approved ...................................... 3 MOTION 090519.05 Annual Report of Municipal Solicitor - Approved ......................................... 3 MOTION 090519.06 CRGP: Active Kids Healthy Kids ($1,500) ...................................................... 3 MOTION 090519.07 Build Canada Infrastructure Secretariat – Letter of Appreciation .............. 3 MOTION 090519.08 Shaw Group – Letter of Appreciation ............................................................. 3 MOTION 090519.09 Subdivision Parks Levy Offer: Andrew-by-the-Lake Dev. Co. Ltd. ............. 4 MOTION 090519.10 Fire Services Reserve Fund: Margaretsville Vol. Fire Dept. ($27,600) ........ 4 MOTION 090519.11 Community Program Officer Pilot Project – Permanent Service ................. 4 MOTION 090519.12 Derelict Vehicle Removal Program (Hauler for Multi-Year Contract) ....... 4 MOTION 090519.13 Honorary Doctorate for Edith Cromwell, Inglewood .................................... 4 MOTION 090519.14 Nova Scotia Power Inc: Fish Ladder at Martins Mill .................................... 4 MOTION 090519.15 Levying and Collection of the Tax Rates 2009-10 - Approved ...................... 5 MOTION 090519.16 Area Rates and Charges 2008-09 - Approved ................................................. 5 MOTION 090519.17 Operating Budget 2008-09 - Approved ............................................................ 5 MOTION 090519.18 Grants to Organizations List 2009-10 - Approved.......................................... 5 MOTION 090519.19 2009-10 to 2013-14 Fire-Year Capital Budget - Revision in Year 1 .............. 5 MOTION 090519.20 Share the Road Initiative................................................................................... 6 MOTION 090519.21 Annual Report: Annapolis Basis Conference Centre - Approved................. 6 MOTION 090519.22 Annual Report: Heritage Advisory Committee - Approved .......................... 7 MOTION 090519.23 Annual Appointments - Approved ................................................................... 8 MOTION 090519.24 Annual Report: Annapolis County Fire Services ........................................... 9 MOTION 090519.25 M10 Sewer Charge Bylaw: Refer Exemption Request of M&H Charlton... 9 MOTION 090519.26 Annual Report: Annapolis Valley Regional Library – Approved .............. 10 MOTION 090519.27 Annual Report – ACMHC Mountain Lea Lodge – Approved .................... 10 MOTION 090519.28 Annapolis Royal Historic Garden Society, Request Funding Increase ...... 11 MOTION 090519.29 Dept. of Natural Resources-Iron Bridges in Clementsport & Bear River.. 11 MOTION 090519.30 Proclamation of June as Recreation Month - Approved .............................. 11 MOTION 090519.31 Fire Services Reserve Fund: Nictaux & Dist. Fire Dept. ($137,825 Payment) .... 11 MOTION 090519.32 Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Heritage-Provincial Heritage Registration of North Hills Museum ........................................................................................ 12 MOTION 090519.33 In-Camera Session-Personnel Matter ............................................................ 12 MOTION 090519.34 Nictaux & District Volunteer Fire Dept-Milford Porter .............................. 12 MOTION 090519.35 Western Counties Regional Library, Request $500 for Heritage Property 13 MOTION 090519.36 Bridgetown Curling Club, Letter of Support for Funding Application ..... 13 MOTION 090519.37 Warden’s Monthly Report for April - Approved ......................................... 13 MOTION 090519.38 Annapolis County Municipal Housing Corporation, Appointment ............ 13 Minutes of the annual session of Municipal Council held on May 19, 2009, in the Municipal Administration Building, Annapolis Royal, N.S. at 10:00 a.m. Present: Warden Peter Newton; Deputy-Warden Reginald Ritchie; Councillors: Marilyn Wilkins, Brian “Fuzzy” Connell, Wayne Fowler, Paul McDonald, Tom Vitiello, Patrick McWade, Frank Chipman, Martha Roberts and Ron Trimper; Municipal Clerk Jacquie Farrow-Lawrence; and CAO Brenda Orchard. Also Present: Laurie Emms, Municipal Services Director and Gerald Hackenschmidt, Deputy-CAO, and one member of the public. In-Camera Session: MOTION 090519.01 In-Camera Session-Personnel Matter Pursuant to Section 22(2)(c) of the Municipal Government Act, Council went in-camera at 10:05 a.m. upon motion of Councillor McWade, seconded by Councillor Fowler, to discuss a personnel matter. Motion carried unanimously. Council reconvened into regular session at 10:12 a.m. with all Councillors present as previously stated. Minutes MOTION 090519.02 Minutes: April 21, 2009 Regular Session Councillor Wilkins moved, seconded by Councillor Connell, that the minutes of the regular Council session held on April 21, 2009, be approved with the following amendments: on Page 10, under Royal Bank Signing Authorities, the mover of the motion should state “Councillor Wilkins”. Motion carried unanimously. Additions/Revisions to Addendum The following additions were made to the Agenda and Addendum: NT2(A) Annapolis County Municipal Housing Corporation, Council Appointment; NT4(A) Nictaux & District Volunteer Fire Department, Acknowledge Milford Porter for 40+ Years of Service; NT4(B) Western Counties Regional Library (WCRL), Request $500 for Heritage Project; NT4(C) Bridgetown Curling Club, Letter of support for RINC Funding Application; and NT4(D) Warden‟s monthly report for April. Business Arising From The Minutes: Re: Buy Back Nova Scotia Initiative – The following letters were circulated: 1. an email sent April 21st from the Hon. Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, advising that in view of previous land purchases and the current economic environment, the Province has decided not to invest in purchasing land from J.D. Irving in the southwestern region; and 2. a letter dated May 5th from Buy Back Nova Scotia, recommending the implementation of a municipal planning strategy which would address problems and opportunities related to environmental, social and economic development county wide. It was moved by Deputy-Warden Ritchie, seconded by Councillor Chipman, that the foregoing correspondence be received for information. Motion carried unanimously. Page 1 of 17 Annual Session of Council May 19, 2009 Re: Fire Services Association of Nova Scotia (FSNAS): Position Paper – Council received the following correspondence regarding this matter: 1. a letter dated March 24th from the Hon. Mark Parent, Minister of Labour and Workforce Development, addressed to the President of FSNAS, noting: firstly, the Province acknowledges the dedication and hard work of emergency responders; secondly, the Province agrees that the change in economics and demographics is having a detrimental impact on rural Nova Scotia and is working with volunteers with respect to the recruitment and retention of firefighters and has had a history of financially supporting volunteer fire departments; and thirdly, the backlog of issuing certificates for the firefighter training program has been addressed by the Fire Service Professional Qualifications Board, the Deputy Fire Marshalls will resume attending Board meetings and staffing levels are under constant review. 2. a letter dated April 30th from the County of Cumberland to the FSANS, requesting clarification on several points. Deputy-Warden Ritchie moved, seconded by Councillor Chipman, to receive the foregoing correspondence for information. Motion carried unanimously. Re: 250th Celebration of Democracy in Action – 5 Original Municipal Counties – The following letters were circulated to Council: 1. a letter dated April 21st from the Hon. Richard Hurlburt, Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations, advising the Department is not in a position to commit additional funding for this program; and 2. a letter dated April 23rd from the District of Lunenburg supporting the program. MOTION 090519.03 250th Celebration of Democracy in Action-5 Original Municipal Counties Councillor Wilkins moved, seconded by Councillor Fowler, that the foregoing letters be referred to the Heritage Advisory Committee. Motion carried unanimously. Re: Annapolis County School Review – In response to the Warden‟s letter in support of maintaining schools in the Annapolis County area, letters were received from MLA David Morse (April 17th) and MLA Percy Paris (April 23rd) acknowledging the County‟s concern and supporting the position in principle. The foregoing letters were received for information upon motion of Councillor Wilkins, seconded by Councillor Fowler. Motion carried unanimously. Reports and Recommendations: Re: Reports of the Municipal Solicitor Monthly Report – The Municipal Solicitor submitted a report on the following legal services for the month of April: o Bylaw Enforcement – phone conference with Clerk re A1 Dogs Bylaw; phone conference with CAO re bylaw enforcement procedures; meeting with CAO and Clerk re bylaw amendment (S5 Orderly & Peaceful Conduct Bylaw), and review of various MGA provisions. o Solicitor arrangements – consultation with CAO to review solicitor arrangements, general practices
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