The Commissariot Record of Stirling, Register of Testaments, 1607-1800

The Commissariot Record of Stirling, Register of Testaments, 1607-1800

941.0004 Sco87s ttrmtrntti 941.0004 SC087s Opt .26 1403843 GENEALOGY COLLECTIONT ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00676 3491 : ?ABT XXVI. JUNE 1904. SCOTTISH RECORD SOCIETY. pT. ^^ THE doinmissariot IRecorb of Stirling, 1 607- 1 800. CONTENTS. ABERCROMBIE to HOUSTOUN, . Pages i to 80. EDINBURGH PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY JAMES SKINNER & COMPANY. 1904. 1 1403843 ^ht €ommhmmt l^ortr oi Stirling. REGISTER OF TESTAMENTS, 1607-1800. Abercrombie, Christian, in Carsie. See Abercrombie, William. „ Mr. David, Margaret, and Bessie, lawful children to the deceased Alexander A., in Stirling ii Oct. 1661 „ Elizabeth, relict of John Scheillis 7 Oct. 1653 „ Elspeth, relict of Robert Heige, in Carsie, par. of Airth (533) 18 Oct. 1675 „ James, wright at St. Ninian's-kirk (628) 29 Nov. 1689 „ James, of Brucefield, par. of Clackmannan T. 18 Nov. 1775 „ James, wright in Carssie. See Mayne, Elspet. „ John, of Throsk i Aug. 1608 „ John, wright in Plean, par. of St. Ninians T. 13 Mar. 1715 „ John, in Lochens of Greenyeards. See Gillespie, Katherine. „ Margaret, relict of Thomas Matson, potter in Throsk, par. of St. Ninians 8 June 1726 „ Marion, in Carssie, relict of William A., wright, par. of St. Ninian 5 Oct. 1616 „ William, in Carsie, and Christian A., his spouse, par. of Airth (549) 31 Dec. 1675 „ William, wright in Carssie. See Abercrombie, Marion. Adam, Alexander, in Carsie, par. of St. Ninian 6 July 1616 „ .Alexander, in Westertoune of Cowie, par. of St. Ninian 27 June 1640 „ Alexander, in Cowie, par. of St. Ninians 14 Feb. 1668 See also Ronald, Marion. „ Alexander, tenant in Elphingstone, par. of Airth T. 27 Apr. 1744 „ Alexander, shipmaster in Airth T. 10 Mar. 1759 „ Alexander, merchant in Falkirk T. 21 Oct. 1767 „ Andrew, at Carnok-milne, par. of St. Ninian 12 Aug. 1615 „ Andrew, in Glenhead of Dundaff 2 Apr. 1662 „ Andrew, in Starkerstock, par. of Kirk of Muir 25 July 1677 „ Andrew, in Slachristock, and Janet Dine, his spouse, par. of Kirkamuir ]6 June 7682 „ Andrew, portioner of Clacharie, par. of St. Ninians 23 June 1682 „ Andrew, in Kent-end, par. of St. Ninians 10 Nov. 1704 „ Andrew, in Airth 17 Feb. 1720 „ Andrew, farmer of the Doll-mylne of Carnock. See Heggine, Euphan. „ Andrew, maltman in Falkirk. See Smith, Agnes. „ Archibald, in Elphingstoune, par. of Airth 16 Mar. 1666 „ Bessie, spouse to James Aikman, in Mossyde, par. of St. Ninians 20 Oct. 1665 „ Catherine, lawful daughter to John Adam, maltman in Stirling, and Helen Alexander, his spouse T. 26 Sept. 171 „ David, in Cowie, par. of St. Ninians (517) 6 Aug. 1675 „ David, at Carronfoard 19 Mar. 1686 A 2 Commissariot of Stirling. [1607- 1800. Adam, David, of Braes of Blairbinchie T. 9 Nov. 1733 „ David, portioner of Bannockburn, par. of St. Ninians T. 8 Oct. 1742 „ Elizabeth, spouse to John Jervay, wright in Falkirk, and Margaret Jervay, their daughter 20 Mar. 1695 „ George, of Blairblinchie, par. of St. Ninians 25 July 1677 See also Liddell, Janet. „ George, merchant in Alloway 22 July 1702 „ Grace, in Clackmannan. See M'Gowan, Harry. ,, Isobel, spouse to William Muirhead, in Falkirk 7 Dec. 1664 „ Isobel, in Clacharie (291) 5 Nov. 1685 „ Isobel, par. of Kirkamuire. See Young, John. „ James, in Slachristock, par. of Muniaburgh 8 Jan. 1690 „ James, in Herding, par. of St. Ninians 14 Feb. 1724 „ James, indweller in Stirling T. 31 Dec. 1728 „ James, lawful son of the deceased John A., tenant in Clachary, old par. of Kirkamuir T. 30 Aug. 1765 „ James, farmer in Burnhouse of Dundaff, par. of St. Ninians T. i Apr. 1778 „ James, smith in Falkirk. See Galbraith, Christian, and Hodge, Margaret. „ James, barber in Falkirk. See White, Agnes. „ Janet, spouse to Thomas Patersone, in Drussaill, par. of St. Ninian 22 Jan. 1642 „ Janet, spouse to David Moderell, in Murmylne, par. of St. Ninians 7 Mar. 1 652 „ Janet, spouse to John Hall, in Doall of Carnock, par. of St. Ninians (403) 5 June 1674 „ Janet, spouse to William Forrest, of Glenhead, par. of St. Ninians 21 Jan. 1681 „ Janet, in Greenhead of Carinoch. See Dick, Andrew. „ John, in Bothkenner 3 May 1662 „ John, in Slaughferquher, par. of Kirkamure 4 June 1669 „ John, notar in Stirling 13 May 1670 „ John, merchant in Falkirk (408) 20 May 1674 in par. ,, John, Kackchry-stocke, of St. Ninians 9 June 1676 „ John, portioner of Clackharrie, par. of Kirkamuir 2 Aug. 1678 „ John, in Orchzaird, and Jean Anderson, his spouse, par. of St. Ninians 6 Aug. 1686 „ John, in Easter Corsspatrick, par. of St. Ninians 13 Apr. 1687 „ John, in Slafarchar, par. of St. Ninians 9 Dec. 1687 „ John, maltman in Stirling, and Janet Robine, his spouse 2 May 1694 ,, John, smith in Sauchie, par. of St. Ninians 12 Aug. 1702 ,, John, elder, in Cowie, par. of St. Ninians T. 1707 ,, John, in Bridgeland Stalls, par. of St. Ninians T. 10 June 1709 „ John, portioner of Dennygreenes, par. of Denny T. 22 May 1731 „ John, in Leds, and Agnes Baird, his spouse, par. of Denny T. 9 May 1735 „ John, indweller in Bent End, par. of St. Ninians T. 31 July 1776 ,, John, stocking weaver at Newhouse, par. of St. Ninians T. 25 Nov. 1785 „ John, of Greensburn, par. of St. Ninians T. 28 Mar. 1797 „ John, maltman in Stirling T. 14 Mar. 1799 „ John, in Slafarchir. See Dick, Marjorie. „ John, in Airth. See Guidlet, Christian. ,, John, in Houstounsglen. Sec M'Lay, Isobel. „ John, in Ortchyeard of 15alquadrock. See Mitchell, Janet. ,, John, portioner of Slackrystock. Sec Neilson, Margaret. in ,, John, cotter Elphingstone. See Robb, Elspeth. „ Katherine. Sec Thomson, Gilbert, weaver in Touchadame. „ Margaret, and John Gillespie, in Cowie, her husband, par. of St. Ninians 21 Feb. 1688 „ Margaret, lawful daughter to William A., in Hiltown of Cowie, and Margaret Lamb, his spouse T. 15 May 1706 „ Margaret. See Batherstoun, John, cordiner in Falkirk. ,, Patrick, at Randiefoord, par. of St. Ninians T. 29 Dec. 1709 i6o7-i8oo.] Commissariot of Stirling. 3'\ 1^ .—^Adam, Patrick, at Craigengelt. See Provand, Janet. ^O „ Robert, in . breick, par. of Morrowingsyde 25 Oct. 1652 ^^ „ Robert, in Altoun, par. of Campsie 23 Oct. 1657 "Jj^ „ Robert, in Carnock, par. of St. Ninians 4 Nov. 1664 ,^ „ Robert, in Falkirk 9 July 1669 U „ Robert, in Cowie, par. of St. Ninians 29 Nov. 1689 \J See also Waiche, Janet. „ Robert, sometime tenant above Kirk of Muir, and lastly in yv Overtoun of Denny T. 29 June 1773 ^ „ Robert, in Hillhead of Plaine. See Anderson, Janet. „ Thomas, in Quarrel-bridges, par. of Bothkenner 11 Aug. 1676 t) „ Thomas, in Bothkenner (84) 8 Feb. 1677 ^ „ Thomas, in Nether Mungall, par. of Falkirk 28 Mar. 1688 L^fV " Thomas, in Blairblenchey T. 2 June 1773 *^ „ Thomas, in Bent of Bothkenner. See Simpson, Margaret. V „ William, in the Bin (148) 5 Feb. 1658 I William, in Slaferquher, par. of Kirkamuir 7 Oct. 1670, 10 Nov. 1671, and 2 Feb. 1672 ^ William, in Blairblinshie, par. of Muniebrugh 11 Apr. 1684 V^^ „ William, chapman in Balquhiderock, par. of St. Ninians 26 Apr. 1728 *' „ William, in Dursaill. See Wilson, Marjorie. ^ Adams, Mr. Hendrie, minister at Clackmannan T. 19 Dec. 1740 f>^ Adamson, Mr. David, minister of Fintrie, par. of Stirling (254) 9 Feb. 1675 ^; See also Nairn, Elizabeth. \ „ Elizabeth, relict of David Forrester, merchant in Stirling (331) 9 July 1673 ^ „ William, burgess in Stirling 27 Dec. 1616 ^ „ William, mailmaker in Stirling. See Modrell, Elspet. vAdie, Christian, spouse to John Cloggie, in Middlerigge, par. of Falkirk 9 July 1669 James, coalhevver in Sauchie, par. of Clackmannan 14 Mar. 1666 Janet, spouse to Robert Dick, in Quhytrig, par. of Morrounsyde 15 Mar. 1617 Janet, relict of Thomas Shaw, in Androiszard, par. of St. Lawrence 5 June 1624 Janet, spouse to Andrew Mungall, in Mulwudeall, par. of Slamannan 8 Oct. 1677 Jean, at Bridge-end of Slamannan T. 16 June 1786 John, in Stainrig, par. of St. Lawrence 27 July 1633 John, at Bridgend of Evine. See Shaw, Helen. Patrick, in Bogo, par. of Morrowingsyde 18 May 1666 „ Robert, in Boogo. See Shaw, Helen. „ Thomas, tailor in Carnok. See Foster, Madge. Agnew, Dame Mary, eldest lawful daughter of the deceased Sir Andrew A., of Lochnaw, Bart., and spouse of Sir Michael Bruce, of Stenhouse, Bart. T. 4 June 1795 Aikinhead, John, of Jaw, par. of Falkirk (389), 3 Apr. 1674 Aikman, Agnes, in Cambusbarron. See Brown, John. „ Alexander, in Easter Greenyairdis, par. of St. Ninian 24 Jan. 1662 „ Alexander, in Catcraig of Bannockburn, par. of St. Ninians 15 Apr. 1687 and 2 Dec. 1691 „ Alexander, changekeeper at Newhouse, par. of St. Ninians T. 1 1 Feb. 1 791 „ Archibald, chapman traveller, sometime residing in the Com. of Stirling T. 1729 „ Bessie, relict of Archibald Bowie, in Mossyde of Easter Greenyairdis, par. of St. Ninians 5 May 1699 Elizabeth, spouse to in „ James Thomson, Dykes' of Polmais, par. of St. Ninians 19 Dec. 1666 „ Elspet, spouse to James A., in Cambesbarane 19 July 1661 „ Eupham, relict of James Ramsay, in Stirling 30 Apr. 1613 „ James, in Skock, par. of St. Ninians 18 Oct. 1618 51 4 Commissariot of Stirling. [1607- 1800. Aikman, James, in Mossyde of Greenyeards, par. of St. Ninians 15 Apr. 1681 „ James, in Mossyde. Sec Adam, Bessie. „ James, in Camesbarane. See Aikman, Elspet. „ Janet, relict of John Broun, in Nether Bannockburne, par. of St. Ninians 21 Feb. 1662 „ Janet, spouse to John Aitkine, in Bannockburn, par. of St. Ninians 20 Feb. 1662 „ Janet, lawful daughter to the deceased John A., in Bolfornocht, par. of St. Ninians 7 Mar. 1662 „ Jean, spouse to William A., in Wester Greenyairds, par. of St. Ninians 21 Aug. 1668 „ John, in Dykis of Polmaise, par. of St. Ninians 18 Feb.

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