% JULY, 1935 \\TSTERN EDITION" KONALU /v\cLEOD Grand Lodge Meets in Columbus July 15 T Quality AAinei 10,000 miles People who have examined the new fied you have received full value for the Master De Luxe Chevrolet marvelat its money paid for it. This new Chevrolet quality. Very likely you will marvel, too has a habit of staying yovmg. Its quality ... because Chevrolet has made this car shines brightest after ten thousand miles. so big and sturdy—so fine in every part The most surprising thing of all is that that it no longer looks or acts like a its prices are among the lowest and that low-priced car! The most pleasii^ result it gives the greatest operating economy of this high quality manufacture is that in Chevrolet history. But, as we have the Master De Luxe will continue to give said before, quality is remembered all the real satisfaction long after you are satis more pleasantly when price is so low. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Chevrolet's low deliveredprices andeasy G.M.A.C. terma. A General Motors Value ^^vrJ935' 0 TURRET-TOP BODY BY FISHER (WITH NO DRAPt VENTILA TION) ... IMPROVED KNEE-ACTION RIDE - • • FIAME VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE ... WEATHERPROOF CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES ... SHOCK-PROOP STEERtNG At Eleven OXIock and every other hour of the day, you v^ill find Budweiser KING OF BOTTLED BEER the key to gracious hospi^ tality and good fellowship* AN HEUSER.BUSC H, INC.* ST. LOUIS trade mark QUe Magazine National Publication of the Benevolent AND Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. Published Under the Direction of the Grand Lodge by the Na tional Memorial and Publication Commission "To inculcate the principles of Charily, Justicc, Brotherly Love and FirUlSrv to promote the welfare and enhance the hanniness r»f ^ i quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellow^ip^^' —From Preamble to the Constitution, Benevolent and Protective Order of 'Elks Charles Spencer Hart: Joseph T. Fanning Business Manager James S. Warren Editor and Executive Director Managing Editor JUI.Y, I035 This Month—The Convention General Features News oj Elkdotn OcTAvus Roy Cohen The Order in the Harlem^ Bedroom Nation's Service. ... 4 and Bath 7 Editorial 20 John R. Tunis Under the Spreading Antlers 22 Big Thrills in Sport. 10 t'hufUa I'iuipf i'uHhiti'j In Columbus—amidst shaded laivns— stands Ohio's beautiful Capitol Building Official Program of the Weston Hill July ISth to IStb ... in Columbus ... Grand Lodge Conven Elkdom's greatest annual gathering ... tion 27 To the Scandal and pomp and pageantry ... fun and frolic ... recreation and relaxation ... the inspira Disgrace 12 tion that comes from hearing the annual A^ll Roads Lead to Co Grand Lodge reports and from playing your part in the conduct of America's greatest lumbus 28 On the Screen 15 Fraternity. Columbus ... a fine civic and business The Order Presents a center, centrally located, easy to reach ... stands eager and ready to welcome you. Flag Staff to a National Wynant Davis Hubbard Special, round trip fares on all railroads ... ask your Lodge Secretary about them. Shrine 3j Buholozi 16 Or see pages 28 and 29 of this issue for the U. S. automobile routes ... also page 27 News of the State Elks for the official program. For a glorious good time ... for a fresh Associations 32 Cast and Broadcast. 19 viewpoint on things fraternal and eternal ... for the good of your Order ... come The Launching of the to CoIuml)us this month . and bring your Good Will Tour.... Cover Design by family with you. Ronald McLeod Elkdom Outdoors 36 oMhe'un^ J. by the Ben.ralent and Protcrtlvc Order or El!,, I>rfn at Ncif York, N. Y. Acccmance for maillnB nt special rate of in '^'^'^itionai pli r1'Ji r'unellcn, N J. Slnftfe copy price. 20 cems. Subscription price lo the T-l^f 1'[,',1'If " ^c! tif October 3. Ifll7, authorized May 2ft, jgoo O'J" « m, 0, tt, C,„„ July, 1935 THIS IS TOM COLLINS WEATHER H/S5S;s^ iSSfJfi*"-,: •» make WITH ^!T7^ Made in America to save you money The Elks Magazine mini The,Order in the Nation's Service The following prominent public officials areor have been members of the Order most of them for many years. In addition to the President and Vice-President the list includes three Cabinet Members, 35 Governors, 63 Senators and 239 Representatives. The President and Members of His Cabinet: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Poughkeepsie, N. Y, Lodge, No. 275 Vice-President John Nance Garner, Del Rio, Texas, Lodge, No. 837 ' Attorney General Homer S. Cummincs, Stamford, Conn., Lodge, No. 899 Postmaster General James A. Farley, Haverstraw, N. Y., Lodge, No. 877 Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swanson, former member, Danville, Va., Lodge No 227 Governors of States and Territories: . B. B. MOEUR Phoenix, Ariz. Lodge Xo. 335 CLYDE Jj. HERRING FRANK H. COONEY Atlantic, lon-a Lodge Xo. Missoula "Hellgafe". Mont. GEORGE n. EARLE. Ill J. MARION PDTRELL Lodge Xo. 383 Philadelphia, Pa. Lodge Xo. 2 North Littio Rock. Ark. ALFRED M. LANDON Independence. Kans. Lodge Xo. 780 R. L. COCHRAN HILL McALISTER Lodge Xo. 1004 Nashville, Tcnn. Lodge Xo. 72 RUBY LAFFOON .. , Former member EDWARD C. JOHNSON Madlsonrllle, Ky. Lodge Xo. 738 NorthPlattc. Nebr. LodgeXo. 985 JAMBS V. ALLRED Craig, Colo. Lorf^e Ao. 15 77 RICHARD KIRMAN Wichita Falls. Texas „ WILBUR L. CROSS OSCAR K. ALLEN Ueno, Ncv. Lodge Xo. 597 Lodge Xo. 1105 New Haven. Conn. Lodge Xo. 25 Baton Rouge. La. Lodge Xo. 490 H. STYLES BRIDGES CLARENCE D. MARTIN DAVE SHOLTZ LOUIS J. BRANN Concord. N. H. LodgeXo. 1210 Spokane, Wash. Lodge Xo. m Daytona Beach. Pla. Lodge Xo. 1141 Lewiston, Me. Lodge Xo. 371 o .u HAROLD HOFFMAN HERMAN G. KUMP EUGENE TALMADGE JAMES M. CURI.BY Perth Amboy, N. J. LodgeXo. 78J Elkins, W. Va. Lodge Xo. 1135 Atlanta, Ua. Lodge Xo. 78 Boston, Mass. Lodge Xo. 10 CLYDE TINGLEY Albuquerque, N. Mex. LodgeXo. 401 PHILIP F. LaFOLLETTE _ ^ „ C. BEN ROSS FLOYD B. OLSON Madison, Wis. Lodge Xo. 410 Pocatello. Idaho Lodge Xo. 674 .. HERBERT H. LEHMAN Minneapolis, Minn. Lodge Xo. 44 New ^ork, N. Y. Lodge A'o. 1 JOHN W. TROY HENRY HORNER MIKE S. CONNER (Alaska) Chicago, 111. Lodge Xo. 4 Uattiesburg, Miss. Lodge Xo. 599 ElizabethCity,=..• N.ehringhaus C. Lodge Xo. 856 Port Anselcs "Naval", Wash. Lodge Xo. 353 PAUL V. AIcNUTT GUY B. PARK ^martin L. DAVEY BloominBton. InU. Lodge Xo. 4id Kansas City, Mo. Lodge Xo. 26 Kent, Ohio LodoeNo. 1377 JOSEPH B. POINDEXTER Honolulu. Hawaii Lodge Xo. 610 The United States Senate (Seventy-fourth Congress): .\LVA B. ADAMS JAMES J. DAVIS M. M. LOGAN Pueblo. Colo. Loage Xo. 90 Elmwood. Ind. Lodge Xo. 368 Bowling Green. Ky. Lodge Xo. 320 . , ROBERT R. REYNOLDS Ashevllle. N. C. Lodge Xo. 1401 „ WARREN B. AUSTIN WILLIAM H. DIETERICH HUEY P. LONG Burlington. Vt. Lodge Xo. 916 Reardslown, III. Lodge Xo. lOfil Shreveport. La. Lodge Xo. 122 TI..1LlttloKock, Ark. .T- ROBI.NSON Lodvc No. 29 NATHAN L. BACHMAN VIC DONAHEY Chattanooga. Tenn. Lodge Xo. 91 Ohio Former member »tMerlden. ™ANCIS( onn. T. MALONEY Lodge Xo. 35 ..RICHARD B. RUSSELL. JR. WILLIAM GIBBS .McADOO Atlanta. Ca. Lodge Xo. 78 JOHN H. BANKHEAD F. RYAN DUFFY LosAngles.Calif. LodgeXo. 99 Former member F'ond du Lac. Wis. Lodge Xo. 57 LEWIS B SCHWELLENirACH Birmingham. Ala. Lodge Xo. 19 WALTER F. GEORGE PATRICK McCARRAN Ballard (Seattle). Wash Former member Reno. Ncv. Lodge Xo. 557 Lodge Xo. 82 7 r, WARREN BARBOUR Red Bank. N. J. Lodge Xo. 233 Cordele, Ga., Lodge pEORGE McGlLL SHEPPARD ERNEST W. GIBSON Wichita. Kans. Lodge Xo. 42 7 Texarkana. Ark. Lodge Xo. 399 ALBEN W. BARKLEY Former member KE.NNETH D. McKELLAR Paducah, Ky. Loilge Xo. 21 7 Keene. N. H. Lodge Xo. 927 Former member Memphis, Tcnn. Lodge Xo. 27 Pendlelon, Ore. Lodge Xo. 288 ^ THEODORE G. BILBO CARTER GLASS Hattiesburg. Miss. Lodge Xo. 599 Lynchburg. Va. Lodge Xo. 321 CHARLES L. McNARY ELMER THOMAS . WILLIAM E. BORAH .Salcm. Ore. Lodge Xo. 236 t . » Former member Boise, Idaho Lodge Xo. 310 THOMAS P. GORE Chlckasha, Okla. Lodge Xo. 755 Former member JESSE H. METCAI.F ^ , EDWARD R. BITRKE Lawton, Okla. Lodge Xo. \(S4\ Providence. R. 1. Lodge Xo. 14 PARK TRAMMELL Omaha. Nebr. Lodge Xo. 39 member FREDERICK HALE SHERMAN MINTON Lakeland. Fla. Lodge Xo. 1231 HARRY FLOOD BYRD Portland. Me. Lodge Xo. 188 New Albany. Ind. Lodge Xo. 270 Harry s. trijmam Winchester. Va. Lodge Xo. 807 PAT HARRISON A. HARRY MOORE ARTHUR CAPPER Gulfport. Miss. Lodge Xo. 978 Jersey City. N. J. Lodge Xo. 211 Kansas City. Mo. Lodg^ Xo. 26 Topeka. Kans. Lodge Xo. 204 MILIjARD E. TYDTVpq DANIEL O. HASTINGS LOUIS MURPHY Towson. Md. Lo^iWo. 469 ROBERT D. CAREY Wilmington. Del. Lodge Xo. 307 Dubuque, Iowa Lodge Xo. 297 Casper, Wyo. Lodge Xo. 1353 M. M. NEELY H. VANDENRPUp CARL A. HATCH Fairmont. W. Va. Lodge Xo. 294 (.rand Rapids. Mich. tffivo 48 DE.NNIS CHAVEZ Former member Albuquerque. N. M. Lodge Xo. 461 Clovls. N. Mex. Lodge Xo. 1244 PETER NORBECK FREDERICK VAN NUVS TOM COXNALLY Huron. S. Dak. Lodge Xo. 444 Anderson. Ind. LodZxl 209 CARL HAYDEN Former member I'hoenlx, .\riz. Lodge Xo. 335 .lOH.V H. OVERTON ROBERT F. WAGNER Marlin, Texas. Lodge Alexandria. La. Lodge Xo. 546 New lork. N. \. Lodge Xo 1 MARCUS A. COOLIDGE rush D. HOLT Fitchburg. Mass. Lodge Xo. 847 Clarksburg. W. Va. Lor/iic Xo. 482 key PITTMAN Reno. .Ncv. .Vo. 597 I-ilehburg.r . ... .Mass. WALSHLodgeXo ROYAL S.
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