Date Printed: 06/16/2009 JTS Box Number: lFES 78 Tab Number: 43 Document Title: Specimen Ballot Document Date: 1996 Document Country: United States -­ District of Columbia Document Language: English lFES ID: CE02785 Ward Ward 1 District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics 1 NOVEMBER 5, 1996 -- GENERAL ELECTION AVISO: SOUCrrE LA TRADUCCION AND ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION ELECTION DE ESTA BQLETA SPECIMEN BALLOT EN ESPANOL .---------A-CARD-------.... .---------B-CARD-------... .-----C-CARD--....... ELECTORS OF AT-LARGE AT-LARGE MEMBER ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSIONER PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION INITIATIVE MEASURE No. 51 OF THE UNITED STATES VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN TWO (2) VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN TWO (2) FOR VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) "The Real Property Assessment SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICT . and Tax Amendments Act" JOHN HAGELIN NATURAL VINTON "MIKE" TOMPKINS p::~. SUMMARY STATEMENT [ ] VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) This initiative changes the real property BOB DOLE REPUB~~~~ • assessment law 10: JACK KEMP - Allow any taxpayer to challenge tax ROSS PEROT REFORM. assessments on the public's behalf, PAT CHOATE PARTY or 10 intervene in assessment ap­ peals belore the Board of Real Prop· erty Assessments and Appeals. RALPH NADER GREEN. WINONA LaDUKE PARTY - Require that all proceedings ot the Board be held in public and that all Each voter DEMOCRATIC • information presented to the Board will be issued the PARTY be publicly available. Advisory Neighborh~od JAMES E. HARRIS SOCIALIST WARD ONE MEMBER - Establish a -Public Advocate- to Commission Ballot WORKERS· OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION represent the public interest before LAURA GARZA PARTY lor the VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) the Board and the courts on matters including but not limited to property Single Member HARRY BROWNE LIBERTARIAN • assessments; to conduct investiga­ District in which JO JORGENSEN PARTY tions; to appeal any assessments; the voter resides UNITED STATES SENATOR and to advise the public of its rights under the tax laws. DELEGATE TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) TURN CARD OVER -VOTE BOTH SIDE5- -VOTE BOTH SIDES­ GO TO CARD "C" ----.--- - -VOTE BOTH SIDE5- -VOTE BOTH SIDE5- c NOTICE TO VOTERS: The offices of U.S SENATOR and U S REPRESENTATIVE are local District of Columbia offices which DC·SB·'E have the same·titles as the ~ offices that will be created if the District becomes a state. Ward Ward 2 District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics 2 NOVEMBER 5, 1996 -- GENERAL ELECTION AVISO: SOUCITE LA TRADUCCION AND ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION ELECTION DE ESTA BQLETA SPECIMEN BALLOT EN ESPANOL ~------------A-CARD----------~ ~----------- B-CARD----------~ ~---C-CARD----...... ELECTORS OF AT-LARGE AT-LARGE MEMBER ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSIONER PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION INITIATIVE MEASURE No. 51 OF THE UNITED STATES VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN lWO 12) FOR VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE II) "The Real Property ASBessmenl SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICT and Tax Amendments Act" JOHN HAGELIN NATURAL VINTON "MIKE" TOMPKINS PA'ti;· SUMMARY STATEMENT [ ] VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) This Initiative changes the real property BOB DOLE REPUBLICAN assessment law to: JACK KEMP PARTY • - Allow any taxpayer to challenge tax ROSS PEROT REFORM. assessments on the public's behalf, PAT CHOATE PARTY or to intervene in assessment ap· peals before the Board 01 Real Prop­ I I erty Assessments and Appeals. RALPH NADER GREEN. WINONA LaDUKE PARTY WARD TWO MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL - Require that all proceedings of the Board be held in public and that all Each voter VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE II) DEMOCRATIC • information presented to the Board will be issued the PARTY be publicly available. Advisory Neighborhood JAMES E. HARRIS SOCIALIST , , - Establish a ~Public Advocate~ to Commission Ballot LAURA GARZA. WORKERS· represent the public interest before lor the PARTY the Board and the courts on maHers including but nOllimited to property Single Member HARRY BROWNE LIBERTARIAN • assessments; to conduct investiga­ District in which JO JORGENSEN PARTY tions; to appeal any assessments; the voter resides UNITED STATES SENATOR and to advise the public of its rights under the tax laws. VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) TURN CARD OVER -VOTE BOTH SIDES- OELEGATE TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE -VOTE BOTH ~DES­ VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE II) GO TO CARO ·C· DC·103A -VOTE BOTH SIDES- DC·201B -VOTE SIDES- c NOTICE TO VOTERS: "The offices of U,S, SENATOR and U.S. REPRESENTATIVE are local District of Columbia offices which DC-S8-2E have the same tilles as the ~ offices that will be created if the District becomes a stale. Ward Ward 3 District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics 3 NOVEMBER 5, 1996 -- GENERAL ELECTION AVISO: SOUCITE LA TRADUCClON AND ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION ELECTION DE ESTA BQLETA SPECIMEN BALLOT EN ESPANOL r----------B-CARO-------------.... ...----C-CARO----.... ELECTORS OF AT·LARGE AT·LARGE MEMBER ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSIONER PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION INITIATIVE MEASURE No. 51 OF THE UNITED STATES VOTE FOR NO MORE TIlAN lWO (2) VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN TWO (2) FOR VOTE FOR NO MORE TIlAN ONE 11) "!The Real Property Assessment SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICT and Tax Amendments Act- JOHN HAGELIN NATURAl.. VINTON -MIKE- TOMPKINS p)ti!t. SUMMARY STATEMENT [ ] VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) This initiative changes the real property BOB DOLE REPUBLICAN assessment law to: JACK KEMP PARTY • - Allow any taxpayer to challenge tax ROSS PEROT REFORM. assessments on the public's behalf, PAT CHOATE PARTY or to intervene in assessment ap­ peals before the Board of Real Prop­ erty Assessments and Appeals. RALPH NADER GREEN. WINONA LaDUKE PARTY - Require that all proceedings of the Board be held in public and that all Each voter DEMOCRATIC. information presented to the Board will be issued the PARTY be publicly available. Advisory NeighborhOod JAMES E. HARRIS SOCIAlIST WARD THREE MEMBER - Establish a ~Public Advocate" to Commission Ballot WORKERS· OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION represent the public interest before LAURA GARZA PARTY for the VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE 11) the Board and the courts on maHers including but not limited to property Single Member HARRY BROWNE LIBERTARIAN • assessments; to conduct investiga­ District in which JO JORGENSEN PARTY tions; to appeal any assessments; the voter resides UNITED STATES SENATOR and to advise the public of its rights under the tax laws. VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE 11) DELEGATE TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE 11) TURN CARD OVER UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE -VOTE BOTH SIDES- -YOTE OOTH Sloes­ VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) GO TO CARD "C" -VOTE BOTH SIDES- -VOTE BOTH SIDES- C NOTICE TO VOTERS: The offices of U.S. SENATOR and U S REPRESENTATIVE are l.2£lII Disirici of Columbia offices which DC·SB-3E have the same 'titles as the fed'era) offices that will be created if the District becomes a state. ,,,.. Ward Ward 4 District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics 4 NOVEMBER 5, 1996 -- GENERAL ELECTION AVISO: soucrre LA TRADUCCION AND ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION ELECTION DE ESTA BOLETA SPECIMEN BALLOT EN ESPANOL ~-------------A-CARO------------~ ------------B-CARO------~ ~-- C-CARO------.. ELECTORS OF AT-LARGE AT-LARGE MEMBER ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSIONER PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION INmAllvE MEASURE No. 51 OF THE UNITED STATES VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN TWO 12) VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN TWO (2) FOR VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) -The Real Property Asse8sment SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICT and Tax Amendments Act- JOHN HAGELIN . NATUFW. VINTON -MIKE- TOMPKINS pi::!,. SU ....ARy STATEMENT [ ] VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) This initiative changes the real property BOB DOLE REPUB~l~~ • assessment taw 10: JACK KEMP - Allow any taxpayer to challenge tax ROSS PEROT REFORM. assessments on the public's behalf, PAT CHOATE PARTY or to intervene in assessment ap­ peals before the Board of Real Prop­ erty Assessments and Appeals_ RALPH NADER GREEN. WINONA LaDUKE PARTY WARD FOUR MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL - Require that all proceedings of the Board be held in public and that all Each voter VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) BILL CLINTON DEMOCRATIC. information presented to the Board will be issued the AL GORE be publicly available. PARTY AdviSOry Neighborh,ood Commission Ballol JAMES E. HARRIS SOCIALIST - Establish a ·Public Advocate- to WORKERS· .. , represent the public interest before LAURA GARZA for the PARTY the Board and the courts on matters including but not limited to property Single Member HARRY BROWNE LIBERTARIAN • assessments; to conduct investiga­ District in which JO JORGENSEN PARTY tions; to appeal any assessments; the voter resides and to advise the public of its rights UNITED STATES SENATOR under the tax laws. VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) Write-in, il any TURN CARD OVER -VOTE BOTH SIDES- DELEGATE TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE -VOTE BOTH SlDE~ VOTE FOR NO MORE THAN ONE (1) GO TO CARD "C' . , DC-105A -VOTE BOTH SIDES- c NOTICE TO VOTERS: The offices of U.S SENATOR and U,S. REPRESENTATIVE are local Disirici of Columbia offices which DC-SB-4E have the same titles as the federal offices that will be created if the District becomes a state. Ward Ward 5 District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics 5 NOVEMBER 5, 1996 -- GENERAL ELECTION AVISO: SOUCrrE LA TRADUCCION AND ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION ELECTION DE ESTA BOLETA SPECIMEN BALLOT EN ESPANOL ---------c"----A-CARD -------...
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