This Week COVERING TOWN8HIP8 OP 2450 COPIES ‘ 1IOLMDKL, MADISON OJfB SECTION . MARLBORO, MATAWAN , . ; ’ A N D ■' ' 16 PAGES UATAWAN BOROUGH Member National Editorial Association Member 88th .YEAR — 39th WEEK . ‘N t * Jeraey P r u i A nodatloa MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 2# 1957 Monmouth County Pr««« AuocUtUm Single CopyTen Cents Marz Hails Offer Safe Great Success _ Further Plans Proposed HoUndcI tWpship, Elementary School At Stake New Acre Minimum Lot Ordinance The tremendous response to the Matawan Sale Days By Raritan Ridge prompts Matnwan mer- For Celebration In Holmdel Aimed To Upset Suits chaoti to tom their thoughts Gas Station Measure To Be Passed In Mayor Assails Foes to » future return engage­ Centennial Group ' -- For "Exaggeration" ment. “The sale met with . Meets In Township ^ Way To Foil Illegal Procedure Count ....... great success,” reports Ten* Mayor J o h o M a r z , Jr.. E jck Bonson,Matawan ap­ .". Further : plans for a Uiree* .'Holmdol Township Commit­ Matawan Township, said Tues- pliance dealer, and the re­ day. celebration marking tbe tee yesterday introduced dot’, da; be wished U make a gen­ ports are. similar from mer­ 100th anniversary ol the found­ Total Costs For amendment'to Its nonlng, or*, eral statement on the Raritan chants in . various* lines of dlnanco ostensibly to regulate ing of M a t a w a ri Township Ridge Ino. proposal submitted business, ' . tho establishment'of uas stn- - at Thursday’s planning board Customers began, arriving were made at a regular semi­ School Plans lions in th e municipality, monthly meetlog ‘of the Town­ meeting ln view of the fact he in large Dumbers for^ t h e Building In Area However, under the articles of had been challenged to reveal opening ot Matawan stores ship’s Centennial Celebration tills ameiidmont, all. the verb- Committee Sunday-at the Cllff­ the number of homes project­ on Friday and Saturday, Over $2,000,000 ngo Sotting up the 200-by-300- ed and their- location.- T h e and remained late, thor* wood .Flrehouse. ; -■ foot, or full aero, minimum, mayor said he was reserving oughly Investigating ’ each Mayor J o h n/M arz,. Jr.. a Public school 3onsti'Uclidn. lot slzo "In each of the live more specific analysis of the and every sale of bai£&ins; memher of the / general com­ olthor planned or nlrondy un­ Bones Is ropeated, derway in six bayshore area proposal agfilnst future attacks which were plentiful. Park* mittee,- congratulated, chair­ Wilh tho adopting of this on lt by the opposition. ■ ing almost became a prob* man Roy Matthews com­ sohool (tlatrlols, totals morn Boning amendment, all tognl; than $3,600,000, according to n Mayor Marz’s statement 15 as^ Jem due to-the great Influx mittee ■ members for their ex­ attacks on tho procedure used rcccnt district survey. Bohool follows: “ At tha regular meet-' of purctiasers, seeking the cellent work and commended 10 ndopt tho nnioiulmont sot-, districts involved ln llio con­ Ing of the Matawan Township sales which had* been ad­ the group for the olose co-op- ting up tho full aoio lot atf.a eratlon r'lown by the sub-com­ struction u'ogrnm are Mata­ Planning' Board last Thursday; vertised In The Matawan Uolmdel Township. School District voters go to the polls today.to decide whether plans pro­ by ordlnanco given approval conflicting opinions arose a: Journal. ' • , mittees. He. said he expected wan Township, Marlboro posed by the Board ef Education for a 12-room elemontnry school In Iho Haslet area shall Township, llalmdcl Township; Doo. 1, 1050, will be overoome, - to the Raritan jttdBe-Inc., pro A U the merchants ngre£T~ state dignitaries to attend dur-. be approved. The soliool will require a bond Issue totaling $420,000 whloh will raise the net It Is expao'td, Theso ot.incka posal and I wish to clarity my that the sale** by Us' success, Ing the three-day. celebration. debt or the' township $236,032. beyond Its-borrowing oapnolty. The school Includes 10 class­ Union Bcnoh, Koyport nnd ltnrllnn Township. on tho proccduro used Don, 1 ’ stand. -. ■ . ... ■ warrants a repeat perform­ Parade chairman. John..B. rooms, health rodin;. teachers' room, office nnd an all-purpose room. Polls will be open from aro prime points nindo in suits “The proposal submitted was ance in the very near fo. Kenner said plans have been 0 to 9 p.m. : v__________________ .. ' . ' ' _________ ._____________ . Matawan Township, wilier* filed by Theodore D, Parsons, one for 1400 homes to be lo­ ture. *; • v « made to award a number of pi'ofioBCS to build n 20-room Ited Bank tUorney, and Ed­ olomontary school ln tho Cliff cated: 1q the Church St. and prizes to organizations parti­ Fined For Walking . ward W. currlo, Matawan at­ Llne Rd. area. It provides for cipating In the huge parade wood area along with n throe- torney. tor ollonts desiring to Regional School Holmdel School room addition to Matawan lllglt pared streets, curbs, complete Township Hall which tentatively Is planned Magistrate Luther A. Fos­ have tho amendment rillod. Il­ sewerage system, 20 acres of for July 6. Invitations are be­ School has slated the Ini-born legal by the courts. ... — ter, Matawan Township, bond Issue, $705,000, which ground for school purposes, ing mailed to organizations Hires Teachers said In ruling on one trafflo Will Be Dccidcd and a school erected at the de- will bo subject to votor ap­ Tho ordinance Introduced Plans Prepared throughput the - state to take pffenso case Tuesday that II yosterday r o q ti | r o s anyone .velopeip expense tor eachlOO Beck.Sees 19 Needed; Residents Vote Today proval In tho nonr future, part In the parade and festi­ should receive speolal men­ scoklng tj start a gns stutlou i homes sold. Marz Sees Building vities. tion as Involving something Sohool dlstrlot voters In „ M3! Tax Revenue Average Von Rodeck Opposed On Board's Proposals In Holmdel to appear before Ample Parking Space about which the publlo Aid Jlolmdel Township vAft vote s “A close study ol the propos­ Completed By Fall tlio township's zoning board of Freehold Regional High not appear to be generally tonlRht on tho board's ulnim al 'indicates that tht homes, Ample parking space will be Residents of Holmdol Town­ adjustment for a varianco. School's twlco defeated budget Informed. ship will go to tho polls to­ tor a $420,000 bond Issuo to f 1 to be priced from "$16,800 to Mayor. John Marz, Jr.', re­ available during the parade on nnnoo construction of a 13- Should this board dooldo a is due for public hearing in The magistrate Imposed a night to vote, on a $420:000 (20,000, selling lor an aver­ ported at the Matawan Town­ baseball fields and ln the Cliff; room elementary soliool to bo varianco from tho provision* Trenton today when Fred von fine of $1 and $1 coats on D, bond. Issue to finance construc­ age for $10,000.- According to ship- Comml’.tee meeting yes­ wood school yard. In addition! built lu tlio Ilaelot area alona of tho. original zr -'ig ordin­ Rodeck, mrtmber ot the re­ Williams, Second St., Mata­ tion of a proposed 13-room . today's tax ratio, thla means a terday that Robert C.~ Ed­ chairman John Armltage re­ tho Keyport-IIdlmdel Rd, Polls ance - barring" gns stations li gional bfcard from Marlboro wan, for walking on Ih e elementary school In tho Hat- ' t a x revenue average of $432 wards, Fair Hayen, has' been ported that refreshments will will be opon from 0 to 0 p.m wiii'inutcd, It dan roooinn'iond be so]d on the property of Township, •will oarry on b is property of tlio New Jersey let nron. Polls will be o p e n suoh n varinnco lo the town­ from each house sold. Allowing retained by the township; to 10 Rooms In Keyport Frank Savltskivhlch has been tight to force a further $40,000 Highway Authority, whloh from 0 '.o 0 p.m. to permit vot­ ship commlttoo. But to pro­ for veteran’s exemption, thl3 draw plans and-specifications Tlio lCoyport Board ot Edu­ reduction lit $SB4,713.1B tax to operates Uio Garden State ors to oast tholr ballots on Uio vent n gas atlon from being will still mean an averageTiUnl- for the township hall. Prelim­ donated for that purpose dur­ cation In tho nonr futuro will inary blueprints for the mu­ ing the celebration. support tbat school ln 1057-58. Parkway, Mr, Williams mid board of oduoatlon's proposal, looatcd oil leas than a 200-by- mum tax ■ to Ee\real)Bed \of Mr. von Rodeck was the seok votor authorization lo • $352 per home. TodSythe aV nicipal building are expected The committee is consider­ he had no idea It was an of­ ' Tho bond Issue as proposed 200-fool, lot, tho amendment lone negative vote Monday on oonstruot a 10-room $435,000 erase tax paid by. townshl] by the committee later, this ing plans to. erect a centennial fense Under the law to walk by tlie board provides lor the rcpatvtt the phrnneology ol the $0045 raises granted by the re­ olomontary soliool building lo *eek. ; banner across Route 35 and to on the-land of the Garden purchase ot a 10-noro tr$ot of Doc, 1 amondinent that "any - homeowners Is $180, as an gional board. The board hired onted on proporty noar the analysis of official records will construct sheltered reviewing State Parkway when ho was land' for tlio sohool on tlio lot on which a dwelling house r'Tlh 6 ■ proposed- structure, 10 pew'teachers to which Mr.
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