ETHNOBIOLOGY IN HUMAN WELFARE (Proceedings of IV International Congress of Ethnobiology held at Lucknow, India, during 17-21 November 1994) Chief Editor S.K. JAIN Honorary Director, Institute of Ethnobiology c/o National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow, lndia-226001 Foreword By Prof. Richard Evans Schultes Tyler Laureate Prof, of Biology and Director, Botanical Museum (Emeritus) Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass (USA) DEEP PUBLICATIONS 1996 CONTENTS S. Article 1'agt No. No. Foreword v Preface vii Inaugural Address 1 M.S. Swaminathan Section 1 : Food 1 Insect Consumption as a Mean of National Identity l> Julieta Ramos-Elorduy 2 NATTO : Non-Salted Soybean Fermentation in Tropical Asia 13 Yoshiko Yoshida 3 Emergency Food in Kautilya's Arthasatra—Ail Ancient Sanskrit Work 20 Priyadarsan Sensarma 4 Wild Edible Plants of Mandi District in Northwest Himalaya 22 P.B. Singh 5 Life Support Promising Food Plants among Aboriginals of Bastar (M.P.). India 26 T.R. Saliu 6 Wild Edible Plants in Markets of Assam, India—An Ethnobotanieal Investigation 31 S.K. Borthakur 7 Importance of Grasshoppers as Traditional Food in Villages in Northern Transvaal, South Africa 35 B.C.W. van der Waul 8 Wild Edible Plants of Manipur, India 42 S.C. Sinha 9 Ethnobotany of Wild Edible Plants of Kerala, India 48 K. Rudhakrislinan, A.G. Pandurangan A P. Pushpungudan 10 Some Lesser Known Edible Plants among the Tribals of Kerala, India 52 Jawaliar C. Raveendran 11 Emergency Foods of the Mixtec Highlands (Mexico) 54 Esther Kntz 12 Utilisation of Wild Cereals by Nomadic Tuaregs in Gourina, Western Sahel 62 Brill Hveem, Gunnvor Berge & Drissa Dinllo Section 2 : Health - care 13 Old Lead : New Drug: : oc, p* Arteether: An Effective Blood Schi/ontocidal Agent for P. falciparum Malaria 71 Omkar P. Asthanu, J.S. Srivastava, A. Gluitak, R. Triputhi, G.P. Dmia, S.K. Mishru, B.S. Das, J.K. Pamaik & D.C. Jain 14 Screening of Indian Medicinal Plants for Antimicrobial Activity 76 R. Valsaraj, P. Pushpangadan, U. Nyman, V.W. Smitt, A. Adsersen & L. Gudiksen 15 Antimicrobial and Antiviral Studies on Selected Medicinal Plants of Nepal 79 R.S. Taylor, N.P. Manandhar & G.H.N.Towers 16 'Picroliv'—From Indigenous Knowledge to Modern Drug 83 Shanta Mehrotra, A.K.S. Rawat & Uslia Shome 17 Antimicrobial f/Ietabolites from British Columbian Medicinal Plants : Ethnopharmacology and Phytochemistry 87 Geela Saxena, R.E.W. Hancock & G.H.N. Towers 18 Four Candidate Plant Species for Evaluation of Anti-Cancer Property from Adian Tribals of Kerala, India 91 P.J. Mathew, P. Pushpangadan <£ CM. Unnitlum 19 Seasonal Variation in the Chemical Constituents of Bacopu monnieri (L.), a Reputed Traditional Remedy 93 Subha Rastogi, B.N. Mehrotra & Dinesli K. Kulshreshtha 20 Time-tested Household Herbal Remedies 96 Usha Shome, A.K.S. Rawat & Shanta Mehrotra 21 Traditional Medicine in the Sahel: Plants Used for Healing in the Malian Gourma, W. Africa 101 D. Diallo, B. Hveem & G. Berge 22 Plants Used as Household Remedies in India 105 M.V. Viswanathan & H.B. Singh 23 Role of Household Remedies in Primary Health Care 108 R.D. Dixit & D.C. Pal 24 From Ethnobiology to Ayurveda—The Science of Life IK) V.K. Joshi 25 "The Blisters" : Smallpox and an Early Case of Mayan Self-Help 112 Luisa Maffi 26 Ethnomedical Explanatory Models and Indigenous Classification of Mental Illness among the Maya of Highland Chiapas, Mexico 120 Dorothy M. Castille & Elois Ann Berlin 27 Ethnomedicobotany of Dards Tribe of Gurez Valley in Kashmir Himalaya 129 Virendra Singh 28 Conservation of Ethno-medicinal Plants Diversity of Garhwal Himalaya in India 133 B.S. Aswal 29 Credibility of Folk-claims in Northwestern Himalaya and Northeastern India 136 Arvind Saklani & S.K. Jain 30 Plants in the Welfare of Tribal Women and Children in Certain Areas of Central India 140 V.K. Saini XI 31 Ethnobotanical Observations on Sonbhadra District of Southern Ullar Pradesh, India : Utilization and Conservation 145 K.K. Singh 32 Some Ethnomedicinal Plants of Lalitpur District, Uttar Pradesh, India 149 Vinay Ranjan 33 Belief and Health Care : A Study among the Saoras of Koraput Dist. (Orissa) 151 Seema Malik 34 Some Medicinal Plants Used by Tribals of Sundargarh District, Orissa, India 153 K.B. Satapalhy & M. Brahmam 35 Some Promising Medicinal Plants among the Tribes of Bay Islands in Bay of Bengal 159 B.K. Sinha 36 Native Phytotherapy among Rural Population of District Bliadrak, Orissa 162 R.D. Girach, Aminuddin, M. Ahmed, M. Bralimam & M.K. Misru 37 Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of Some Folk Medicines among Chenchus of And lira Pradesh 165 R.R. Venkata Raju 38 Folk Medicine of Kerala : A Study on Native Traditional Folk Healing Art and Its Practitioners 167 S. Rajasekaran, P. Pushpangadan & S.D. Biju 39 Ethno-Medico-Botany of the Southern Western Ghals of India 173 A.N. Henry, V.B. Hosagoudar & K. Ravikumar 40 Unrecorded Medicinal Uses of Plants among Parambikulam Tribals. Kerala. India INI S.M. Rajendran & B.N. Mehrotra 41 Folk Medicinal Plants Used for Family Planning in India IN4 V.K. Singh & Zaheer Anwar Alt 42 Plants Used by the Tribals of North Indian Plains lor Hair and Scalp Preparation 1X7 D.K. Banerjee c£ D.C. Pal 43 Plants in Ethnoveterinary Practices in Darbhauga (North Biliar) IS1) Sunita Mishra, Vidyanath Jha ct Slmktinatli Jim 44 Ethno-Veterinary Herbal Medicines in Morena District of Madhya Pradesh. India 194 R.L.S. Sikarwar 45 Ethnoveterinary Medicine with Special Reference to Cattle Prevalent among the Nepalis of Assam. India 1>>7 S.K. Bortlwhir Si U.K. Surma 46 Investigation of Some Animal Drugs (Mammals) I'sed by I he Tribal People in India 200 A.K. Ghosh A P.K. Maiti 47 The Products of Animal Origin as Recipes in Ayimidie Medicaments 203 V.N. Pandey 4<S Drugs of Animal Origin in Unaui Medicine: The Nerd lot Scu'iitilic [/valuation 206 M.P Slianmi XII 4U Use of Certain Animals and Animal Products in Indigenous System of Treatment in Assam, India 209 A. Dulta, A. Borkotoki, J. Kalita, D.K. Sharma A S. Bonhakur 50 Kallawaya-Bolivian Herbalists: Analysis of Their Medicinal Plants for Leads to Anti-HIV, Anti-Tumor, Anti-Chagas Drugs 211 Joseph W. Baslicn, Sainia Abdel-Malek, Jia Qi, Manfred G. Reinecke, Thomas H. Corbett, Fred A. Valcriote, William F. Mahler, W. Edward Robinson, Jr. A Jaime Ziillcs-Asin 51 Medicinal Use of Special Pineresin among the P'uihepecha (Mexico) 223 Elisabeth Molle-Frorac Section 3 : Conservation . t Biodiversity 52 Is Biodiversity Conserved hj Indigenous Peoples? 233 Janis B. Alcorn 53 The Huanchaco Extractive Reserve : Integrating Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development in Peru—A Report 239 Gonzalo Castro. Victor Puliilo, Thomas VaU/ui, Jorge Chavez A Bernardo Alba 54 Re-establishing the Link between Rural Women and Forest Biodiversity in Kenya 243 Gacheke Simons 55 Important Role of Seafaring People of South Sulawesi in Conservation of Mango Germ-Plasm 247 Net)gall Wirawan 56 The Conservation of Freshwater Turtles and the Dwellers of the Amazonian Jau National Park (Brazil) 253 George Henrique Rebelo A Lucu.ua Litgli 57 Non-Timber Forest Products and Hie Challenge of Sustainable Forest Management 259 Jeffrey Y. Campbell 58 Management of 'Bhabbar' Grass under Joint Forest Management 266 O.N.. Kaul A. Varsha Mehta 59 Elhnobotany and Conservation of Medicinal Plants by Irulas of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve 271 P. Balasitbramanian A S.N. Prasad 60 Biotechnology in Aquaculturc and Gcrmplasm Conservation in India 274 P. Das 61 Conservation of Cultural Diversity of Indigenous People Essential for Protection of Biological Diversity 280 Rajiv Kumar Sinha 62 Strategies for Sustainable Use of Threatened Medicinal Plant Resources in Western Himalaya 284 M.K. Kaul (>3 Role of t'llmoboiany in the Conservation and Use ol Plant Genetic Resources in India 287 R.K. Arora XIII 64 Ethnobotany in Mountain Development and Conservation 297 Pei Shengji 65 Sacred Groves for in situ Conservation 300 V.D. Vartak 66 Ethnobotanical Studies in Nepal—Conservation of Economically Important Plants by Rural People 303 Narayan P. Manandhar 67 Traditional Forage Resources of India: Exploitation Potential 307 J.P. Singh & Vinod Shankar 68 Role of Indigenous People in the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources 310 T. Ravishankar 69 Indigenous Agriculture and Germplasm Conservation in North Eastern Region: An Overview 315 Sudhir Kumar A S. Rajeshwari 70 Attributes on Utility and Scarcity of Valerianaceae in India 318 Ved Prakash A B.N. Mehrotra 71 Arunachal Pradesh, Its People, Ethnobotanical Diversity and Conservation 323 HJ. Chowdhery 72 Socio-economic and Domestic Utilization of Forest Tree Resources by Tribal Communities in Maharashtra 329 Vinaya S. Ghate A V.D. Vartak 73 Strategies for Sustainable Exploitation of Ethnobotanical Resources of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, S. India 331 S.N. Prasad A P. Balasubramanian 74 People in the Parks: Establishing Sustainable Resource Utilisation from within Uganda's National Parks 334 R.G. Wild A J. Mutebi 75 Studies of Traditional Tea-Gardens of Jinuo Nationality, China 339 Long Chun-lin A Wang Jieru 76 Role of Tribals in Preservation of Sacred Forests 345 A rchana Godbole 11 Religious Forest Patches among Mahadco Koli Tribal Localities—Social. Cultural and Environmental Relationship 34l> M.S. Kumbliojkar, A.S. Upadhye A D.K. Kulkarni Section 4 : Regional Studies 78 Intercontinental Comparative Ethnobolanical Studies—A Case Study Irom India & Brazil -Vs 3 S.K. Jain A Vera Frocs Fernandes 79 Ethnobolanical Research and Exchange between Vietnam and Br.i/il : EthnolxUanical Projects of the Brazilian Team 362 G.C.C. Born, O. A. Ftivcro A S. Pavan 80 Indigenous People and Forests : Perspectives of an Ellinobcitanical Study from Nagaland, Norlh-Easl India 367 R.R.
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