*TOMATO List 2021 WEB:NO

*TOMATO List 2021 WEB:NO

2021 ABUNDANT GREENS TOMATO LIST website: www.abundantgreensurbanfarm.com TOMATO VARIETY *new for 2021 Open Pollinated / Indeterminate / Days To Description Website (Picture) Hybrid Determinate Maturity *42-Days Red Cherry OP D 42 days Red Cherry (1 oz) https://awhaley.com/product/42-day/ Agi Red (H) H I 75 days Red/yellow stripe, saladette, slightly oval https://store.growartisan.com/product/agi-red *Ambrosia Red Cherry OP I 60 days Red cherry, 3/4”, (brix 10) http://jandlgardens.com/xencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_8&products_id=180 Amy’s Apricot Cherry OP I 74 days Gold cherry, 3/4” https://store.tomatofest.com/Amy_s_Apricot_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0017s.htm Amy’s Sugar Gem OP I 70-75 days Red, 1.5”, (2 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Amy_s_Sugar_Gem_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0018.htm *Apricot Zebra OP I 60-70 days Orange/yel stripe, (Brix 7.5), golf ball sized 1.5-2ʺ https://www.totallytomato.com/product/T00019/82 Artesano Red/Gold Cherry OP I 65 days Red/gold cherry, bushy 4’ plant, round grape, 1” http://jandlgardens.com/xencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_85&products_id=638 Aunt Ginny's Purple/Pink OP I 75-80 days Deep-pink, beefsteak, (16 oz) https://www.tomatofest.com/Aunt_Ginny_s_Purple_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0031.htm Aunt Ruby’s German Green OP I 75-80 days Greenish-yellow, slight pink blush, (16 oz) https://www.tomatofest.com/Aunt_Ruby_s_German_Green_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0033.htm Azoychka OP I 70-75 days Yellow, 3-inch, (10-16 oz) https://www.tomatofest.com/Azoychka_Tomato_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0037.htm Ballard Red Cherry OP I 70-80 days Red shiny cherry, 1” N/A Better Boy (H) H I 75 days Red, beefsteak, (16 oz) https://www.seedsnsuch.com/product/better-boy-hybrid-vfnast/ Beauty King OP I 75-85 days Red/Yellow, bi-color/stripes, beefsteak, (16-20 oz) https://wildboarfarms.com/product/beauty-king/ Big Beef (H) H I 70 days Red, beefsteak, (10-12 oz) http://www.johnnyseeds.com/vegetables/tomatoes/beefsteak-tomatoes/big-beef-f1-tomato-seed-2063.51.html Big Italian Plum OP I 75 days Red, (8-12 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Big_Italian_Plum_p/tf-0049.htm *Big Rainbow OP I 80-85 days Pink/yellow bi-color beefsteak, (1-2 Lb) https://awhaley.com/product/big-rainbow/ Big Sungold Select OP I 75 days Gold cherry, larger than Sungold, 1.5” https://wildboarfarms.com/product/big-sungold-select/ Black Beauty OP I 78 days Blue-black, anthocyanin, (6-8 oz) https://www.rareseeds.com/black-beauty-tomato/ Black Cherry OP I 65-75 days Black cherry ~1” https://store.tomatofest.com/Black_Cherry_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0059.htm Black Ethiopia OP I 80 days Black, (5 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Black_Ethiopian_Heirloom_Tomato_p/tf-0061.htm Black Icicle OP I 80 days Black, oblong, roma, (4 oz) https://www.rareseeds.com/black-icicle-tomato-1/8-oz/ Black Krim OP I 75 days Purple-Black, 3-4" https://www.tomatofest.com/Black_Krim_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0063.htm *Black Opal Cherry OP I 70 days Black/purple cherry, 1/2” https://awhaley.com/product/black-opal/ Black Pear OP I 75 days Mahogany-brown, (6-8 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Black_Pear_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0063a.htm Black Plum Cherry OP I 70 days Black cherry, 2 x 1” https://store.tomatofest.com/Black_Plum_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0064.htm Black Prince OP I 70 days Black, 2”, (2-3 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Black_Prince_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0065.htm Black Sea Man OP D 75 days Black, (12-16 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Black_Sea_Man_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0065a.htm *Black Strawberry OP I 60 days Black/pink, gold stripes, anthocyanin, saladette http://jandlgardens.com/xencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=435 Black Zebra OP I 75-80 days Black striped, ~2” https://store.tomatofest.com/Black_Zebra_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0066.htm Blondkopfchen 75 days Lemon yellow cherry, 20-30 per cluster, 1/2” https://www.tomatofest.com/Blondkopfchen_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0070.htm Bloody Butcher OP I 54 days Red, 2”, (~4 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Bloody_Butcher_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0070a.htm Blue Berries Cherry OP I 75 days Blue-black/red cherry, anthocyanin, 1” https://store.tomatofest.com/Blue_Berries_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0070e.htm Blue Beauty OP I 80 days Pink, blue/black shoulders, anthocyanin, (6-8 oz) https://wildboarfarms.com/product/blue-beauty/ Blush Cherry OP I 70 days Yellow w/pink stripes, pointy 2 1/2” https://store.growartisan.com/product/blush-cherry-tomato Brandywine OP I 80 days Pink, beefsteak https://store.tomatofest.com/Brandywine_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0078.htm *Bronze Torch (H) H I 60-70 days Dk red/bronze stripe, 1.25ʺx2.5ʺ long, Brix 8.0 https://awhaley.com/product/cream-of-the-crop-bronze-torch-f1/ Brown Berry Cherry OP I 70 days Brown/mahogany cherry, 1” https://www.tomatofest.com/Brown_Berry_Organic_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0086.htm Bush Beefsteak OP D 62 days Red, compact 3” plant, (8-10 oz) https://www.tomatofest.com/Bush_Beefsteak_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0569.htm California Stripey OP I 75 days Dark red w/ green stripes, saladette, 2 1/2” http://jandlgardens.com/xencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=372 (AKA Cal Red and Green) Camp Joy Cherry OP I 75-80 days Red cherry, 1” (Chadwick’s Cherry) https://store.tomatofest.com/Chadwick_Cherry_Organic_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0106.htm *Carbon OP I 80 days Black/purple/brown, (10-12 oz) https://www.ufseeds.com/product/carbon-organic-tomato-seeds/OTOCA.html Celebrity (H) H D 70 days Red, medium-large, 24-36” plants, (7-8 oz) https://www.johnnyseeds.com/vegetables/tomatoes/slicing-tomatoes/celebrity-f1-tomato-seed-733.html Cherokee Chocolate OP I 75-80 days Mahogany-brown, (10-16 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Cherokee_Chocolate_Organic_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0112.htm Cherokee Purple OP I 75-80 days Rose/purple/brown, (10-16 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Cherokee_Purple_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0113.htm Chocolate Pear Cherry OP I 70 days Brown/purple cherry https://www.rareseeds.com/chocolate-pear-tomato/ Chocolate Sprinkles (H) H I 70 days Chocolate red/brown, green stripes, pointed grape cherry, http://www.territorialseed.com/product/chocolate-sprinkles-tomato-seed/cherry_tomato_seed 1-1/2” Chocolate Stripes OP I 78 days Brown striped, (12-16 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Chocolate_Stripes_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0115a.htm Cocoa Berries Cherry OP I 75 days Chocolate/brown/black, small cherry https://heritageseedmarket.com/index.php/product/black-jon-cherry/ (AKA Black Jon Cherry) Cosmonaut Volkov OP I 72 days Pink/red, beefsteak, 1-2 Lb https://store.tomatofest.com/Cosmonaut_Volkov_Red_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0123.htm Costoluto Genovese OP I 78 days Red, scalloped, (7 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Costoluto_Genovese_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0125.htm Cream Sausage OP I 73 days White/cream, roma, 3” https://store.tomatofest.com/Cream_Sausage_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0128.htm *Darby's Inspiration Red/Yellow OP I 60 days Red/Yellow Stripes, (2-4 oz) (AKA Darby Red & https://www.adaptiveseeds.com/product/vegetables/tomatoes/other-colors/tomato-darby-red-yellow-organic/ Yellow) Delicious OP I 77 days Red, beefsteak, 1-2 Lb http://www.holmesseed.com/delicious/ Early Girl (H) H I 57 days Red, (4-6 oz) https://www.seedsnsuch.com/product/early-girl-hybrid-vff/ Early Goliath (H) H I 58 days Red, round, (8 oz) https://www.totallytomato.com/product/T00003/83 Early Wonder OP D 55 days Pink/red, (6 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Early_Wonder_p/tf-0157.htm Evan’s Purple Pear OP I 75 days Large Purple-pink, cherry, (2 oz) https://wildboarfarms.com/product/evans-purple-pear/ Fireworks OP I 60 days Red, 3”, (8-10 oz) https://store.tomatofest.com/Fireworks_p/tf-0174.htm Flamme (‘Jaune Flamme’) OP I 70-80 days Yellow/orange, 1.5”-2” https://store.tomatofest.com/Flamme_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0175.htm Fourth of July (H) H I 49 days Red, (4 oz) https://www.burpee.com/vegetables/tomatoes/tomato-fourth-of-july-hybrid-prod000988.html Galinas Yellow Cherry OP I 65-75 days Cherry, yellow, 1” https://store.tomatofest.com/Galinas_Tomato_Seeds_Organic_p/tf-0181.htm Gardener’s Delight OP I 65 days Red cherry, 1”, (aka Sugar Lump) https://store.tomatofest.com/Gardener_s_Delight_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0183.htm OP I 65 days Red, heart-shaped cherry, 20-25 per truss, (.5 oz) https://www.adaptiveseeds.com/product/vegetables/tomatoes/cherry-grape/tomato-gardeners-sweetheart- *Gardener’s Sweetheart organic/ Gill’s All Purpose OP I 70-75 days Red, 3-3 1/2” https://store.tomatofest.com/Gill_s_All_Purpose_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0197h.htm Glacier OP D 55 days Red, 2” https://store.tomatofest.com/Glacier_p/tf-0198.htm *Goliath Bush H D 68 days Red slicer, 3 to 4" https://www.totallytomato.com/product/T00002/79 Gold Medal OP I 75-80 days Yellow/Red, beefsteak, (1-2 Lb) https://store.tomatofest.com/Gold_Medal_p/tf-0205.htm Gold Nugget OP D 60 days Yellow cherry, compact plant, 3/4-1” fruit. https://store.tomatofest.com/Gold_Nugget_Cherry_Heirloom_Tomato_Seeds_p/tf-0206c.htm Golden Jubilee OP I 75-80 days Gold/orange, (6-12 oz) https://www.ufseeds.com/product/golden-jubilee-tomato-seeds/ Golden Sweet Grape (H) H I 60 days Yellow grape cherry http://www.tomatogrowers.com/GOLDEN-SWEET-HYBRID/productinfo/4940/ 1 TOMATO VARIETY *new for 2021 Open Pollinated / Indeterminate / Days To Description Website (Picture) Hybrid Determinate Maturity H I 80-85 days Roma, red plum, (4-5 oz) https://www.osborneseed.com/catalog/item-content/78822/granadero-f1/pr_78822/cp_/catalog/vegetables/ *Granadero Roma (H) tomato/roma Grandma Mary's Paste OP I 70 days Roma, large/pointed, (6–10 oz) http://www.tomatogrowers.com/GRANDMA-MARYS-PASTE/productinfo/6099/ Green Grape

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