Ottahoma State Library A 8 IS OKLAHOMA State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers Seventeenth Annual Report 1952 Copy of Registration Law and A Roster of Registered Professional Engineers Semco Color Press — Oklahoma City EDWARD R. STAPLEY F. EDGAR RICE Dean, Inst, of Tech. Retired Vice-President Oklahoma A.&M. College Phillips Petroleum Co. C.E. 1914, M.C.E. 1930, Cornell University. M. S. in Engr. 1939, Harvard University. PRANK J. MEYER Chairman Retired Vice-President Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company. Fellow A.I.E.E. DAVID E. FIELDS J. S. CLARK Vice-President, Flint Steel Corp. Kay County Engineer; Resident B.S. in C.E. University of Okla. Engineer, State Dept. of 1925 Highways. STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS P. 0. Box 1501 1721 Petroleum Building- Oklahoma City 1, Oklahoma FRANK J. MEYER, Oklahoma City Chairman Term expires June 27, 1953 EDWARD R. STAPLEY, Stillwater.: Member Term expires June 28, 1954 F. EDGAR RICE, Bartlesville Member Term expires July 24, 1955 DAVID E. FIELDS, Tulsa Member Term expires June 28, 1956 J. S. CLARK, Newkirk Member Term expires March 4, 1953 GWYNNE B. HILL LENORE J. SIMMONS Secretary Assistant Secretary TELEPHONE CEntral 2-8425 ADDRESS—All requests for information, Application Blanks, etc, to —STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, P. 0. Box 1501, Oklahoma City 1, Oklahoma. PLEASE SEND CHANGES OF ADDRESS AND BUSINESS CONNECTION TO THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD IN ORDER TO PROTECT YOUR CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION — AND TO HAVE ACCURATE INFORMATION FOR THE ROSTER. r 3 j INDEX Page Board Personnel 3 General Information 5 Reciprocal Relations Between States 5 Written Examinations for E-In-T 5 National Council of State Boards 7 Oklahoma Society of Professional Engineers .____- 10 Oklahoma Registration Statute 11 Roster of Active Registrants 20 In Memoriam 84 FOREWORD This Annual Report of the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and the Roster of registrants is pre­ pared in accordance with the statute creating the Board and pro­ viding for the registration of Professional Engineers. The Re­ port summarizes the activities of the Board for the year and contains the statute regulating professional engineering as amended. The official title and address of all State and Terri­ torial Boards of Registration and other information pertinent to the profession of engineering are included. The Board appreciates the whole-hearted support of those members of the profession who have assisted in administering the law. It is believed that the continued enforcement of the statute will result in greater proficiency and higher standards in the engineering profession. FRANK J. MEYER, Chairman. Oklahoma City, December 5, 1952 [4] GENERAL INFORMATION The Oklahoma State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers has completed the seventeenth year of Administration of the Engineers' Registration Law. Five meetings of the Board were required to transact this year's business, although the law requires but two meetings a year. The Board issued 116 professional licenses from 150 applies tions and reinstated five Professional Engineers whose license had been revoked for non-payment of renewal fee. Fifteen regis­ trants were lost by death and twenty-eight licenses were re­ voked for non-payment of renewal fee, leaving a total of 1936 active registered Professional Engineers, as of November 30, 1952. The Engineers-in-Training program is now in its third year since acquiring legal status. Three written examinations were held during the past year. Twenty applicants were certified, four certificates revoked for non-payment of renewal fee, one certif­ icate was reinstated and two Engineers in Training were reg­ istered as Professional Engineers, making a total of ninety- eight Engineers-in-Training. RECIPROCAL RELATIONS BETWEEN STATES Oklahoma has a reciprocal agreement with the following states: Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. The address of all State Boards will be found on page 8 of this Report. WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS FOR ENGINEERS-IN-TRAINING In answer to a questionnaire sent to State Boards by the National Council Committee on Engineers-in-Training, 21 Boards replied. These 21 Boards have granted a total of 31,830 certifi­ cates. A written examination of graduates of approved engineer­ ing curricula is required for certification as an Engineer-in- Training in 17 of the 21 states. The time allotted to this examina­ tion is 8 hours in all but 4 states. One state requires 16 hours, one requires 9 hours, and two require 6 hours. Oklahoma requires an 8 hour examination. TBI NUMBER OF REGISTRANTS IN EACH STATE As Of June 1952 Engineers Land Total Non-Resident in STATE Engineers Surveyors Registrants Engineers Training Alabama 1,292 283 1,575 455 Alaska 122 13 135 32 1 Arizona 836 62 898 425 Arkansas 639 639 289 151 California 25,487 635 26,122 1,452 3,765 Colorado 1,600 107 1,707 398 48 Connecticut 2,521 208 2,729 852 41 Delaware 887 27 914 277 20 Dist. of Columbia 1,315 1,315 218 Florida 1,322 228 1,550 387 549 Georgia 2,849 859 3,708 661 412 Hawaii 354 69 423 66 Idaho 485 35 520 190 Illinois 16,020 828 16,848 1,068 Indiana 4,494 93 4,587 900 5,050 Iowa 1,749 39 1,788 716 1,221 Kansas 2,296 2,296 600 1 Kentucky 1,487 1,487 508 860 Louisiana 2,930 136 3,066 465 Maine 760 760 261 Maryland 1,929 148 2,077 433 173 Massachusetts 5,525 485 6,010 650 Michigan 4,221 215 4,436 725 938 Minnesota 2,344 136 2,480 464 2,255 Mississippi 850 850 300 Missouri 5,158 5,158 3,672 Montana 378 62 440 97 Nebraska 969 969 387 Nevada 541 20 561 293 26 New Hampshire 558 558 201 25 New Jersey 5,565 323 5,888 1,100 334 New Mexico 866 98 964 New York 18,478 953 19,431 4,428 4,165 North Carolina 997 237 1,234 337 North Dakota 296 296 114 112 Ohio 16,112 1,120 17,232 2,962 5,555 Oklahoma 1,910 1,910 85 Oregon 2,035 245 2,280 675 Pennsylvania 13,314 558 13,872 1,819 1,423 Puerto Rico 1,400 250 1.650 650 Rhode Island 956 78 1,034 323 South Carolina 773 207 980 332 627 South Dakota 267 38 305 153 Tennessee 1,413 1,413 362 Texas 8,282 8,282 1.570 981 Utah 1,045 63 1,108 307 Vermont 494 494 255 Virginia 1,776 336 2.112 Washington 3,077 156 3.233 615 West Virginia 1,939 1.939 701 179 Wisconsin 3,264 3,264 636 602 Wyoming 356 83 439 220 TOTAL 176,533 9,433 185,966 28,294 35,656 r R NATIONAL COUNCIL OF STATE BOARDS OF ENGINEERING EXAMINERS The National Council of State Boards of Engineering Ex­ aminers is composed of 52 legally constituted Boards of Engi­ neering Registration or Examiners. These Member Boards have a total of 300 official members. The Congress of the United States of America and the State Legislatures of seventy per cent of the States have legally recognized NCSBEE as a national agency by naming it, or one of its functions, National Bureau of Engineering Registration, in Legislative Acts. Engineers who wish to secure legal registration or license in any particular state must communicate directly with the state board or department in that state and request its applica­ tion form and regulations. Registration or license in one state, or certification by the National Bureau of Engineering Registration, does not permit or authorize the practice of engineering in other states. How­ ever, most states grant registration to registrants of other states, or temporary permits to practice, provided they first comply with the regulations of those states and have the re­ quired qualifications. The registration laws of all states are not uniform due to local conditions, date of adoption, etc.; however, most laws re­ quire either graduation in an accredited engineering curriculum, or a written engineering examination, or adequate and satisfac­ tory engineering experience, or a combination of these. Registered engineers who require registration or license in several states will find that their application for registration is greatly expedited and, in most cases, promptly approved when they have been certified by the National Bureau of Engineering Registration and endorsed by their State Board of Registration. This service to professional engineers is one of the functions of NCSBEE and the "Information Pamphlet" of the Registration Bureau containing the procedure, requirements and fees can be secured from the Executive Secretary. For information concerning the functions of the National Council and the National Bureau of Engineering Registration, write to: The National Council of State Boards of Engineering Examiners, P. O. Drawer 1404, Columbia, South Carolina. [7] STATE BOARDS Members of Council and Addresses ALABAMA— ILLINOIS— State Board of Registration for Department of Registration and Professional Engineers and Land Education, Professional Engi­ Surveyors, 609 Monroe Street, neer's Examining Committee, Montgomery. Capitol Building, Springfield. ALASKA— INDIANA— Territorial Board of Engineers and State Board of Registration for Architects Examiners, Box 251, Professional Engineers and Land Juneau. Surveyors, 230 State Capitol ARIZONA— Bldg., Indianapolis. State Board of Technical Registra­ IOWA— tion, P. O. Box 1029, Phoenix. State Board of Engineering Exam­ ARKANSAS— iners, State Capitol Building, Des Moines 19. State Board of Registration for KANSAS— Professional Engineers, P. 0. Box State Board of Engineering Exam­ 175, Pulaski Height Station, Lit­ iners, 422 Garlinghouse Bldg., tle Rock. Topeka. CALIFORNIA— KENTUCKY— State Board of Registration for State Board of Registration for Civil and Professional Engineers, Professional Engineers, Univer­ 1020 N.
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