'; Rq~qh fOr ·AutOmobile .Thieves William F. Dart of Mason has made it he's off. Only a few professionals use jump tough for automobile thieves. He has invent­ Wll'eS. now manufacturing a plastic key case con­ the production line. Dot·othea Mae Adkins ed a key container which jerks:the ignitio11 taining spl'ings. When the driver shuts off of Leslie, Bevel'ly Ann Uttel' of Dansville 1nsurance companies have pleaded the motol' the key and the case fly out of the key out of the lock when tlle dl'iyer shuts off witl1 people to always remove the key fl'om and Ma1tha B. Howe of Mason m·e assem­ r ,lock. Sure, the cll'ivel' can still leave the key the motor. the switch when they pal'l( their ca1·s. City bling the Key-Matics. A closeup of the key Nearly all car thieves sear6h ui1til they case on the flool'. But few of them will. At case is shown in the centel' pictul'e .. At the orclinances.have been passed to,fine cll'ivel'S Jeast the automobile insurance companies find a caJ' whel'e a caJ·eless drivel' bas left who leave theil· keys in ignition switches l'ight are William F. Dart, the fathel', a.ncl llis key in the switch. That makes it easy. after parking a car. · don't think they will. They a1·e swamping William A. Dmt, tl1e son. rrhe son 1·esig;ned All the thief has to do is to· climb in behind 'the Dmt Manufacturing· Co. with ol'Clel's fm· ' It l'emained for a Mason man to do Key-Matics. - · l1is post with DuPont resem·ch labol'atories the wheel, tum the key, sta1t'the motor, and something about it. He has invented and is in New Jersey to join his father in the man­ The picture at the left shows a pa1t of ufacture of the latest Dart invention. Too High An Aim THE. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Bullet Hits Car ·Factory Starts Ninety-second Year- No. 43 Somebody hunLJr.g- ilir ciH with a MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1951 .22 l'lfie Sunday afternoon made a Manufactur~ng -3 Sections - 24 Pages wrld ~hot Till' bullet ~lr·uck the windshrel<i of Hug-h J. Bartley's car. Congress Lifts 1 News Index Mr. ancl Mrs. J:!arlley uncl son Of l<ey .. Matics Servi~e Men's Addresses. FFire CProtrt~cHtion Want ads, Pag-es 6, 7 and 8, Other Workers Bril were relur·ning- to Mason fmm Part, 1. Dansvrlle. They were lll•c mrlcs Automobile Insurance Secrecy Veil . B L. d . P . or.. ou ouse Sncralnews, Page 1, Pmt 1; east of Ma.~on when the shot W 11 Page 1, Pa1'l 2. struck the wmdshielcl. Mr·s. Bart­ Companies Place Orders 1 · 1 e 1ste 1n aper Is Und~r Study Church news, Page 5, Part Get Increases ley, 11ding in lhe rig-ht fr·ont Heat, For Darfs Invention To make it easier f"or folks back home to keep in touch 2. was showered with glass. IL fell p d · 1 1 · On Welfare with men serving in the army, navy and air force, the Ing· in her lap hut did not slnkc her I ro uctto~ startec t us week No dcciston has been r·eachecl on Legal news, Page 8, Pat·t 1; face. on Key-Mattes at the Dart fire pr•otection· for the court house Page 6, Part 2; Pages 6, 7 and No General Publication 'ham County News plans to publish service men's addresses. On. County Jobs m Supel'VIllOI' .fohn H. Russell of Lan­ 8, Part 3. There \\'ere several huntcr·s a Manufacturing Co. in Mason. Of Recipient's Names T.he list will appear just as soon as the parents or other~ distant field, the Bar·ticys r·epor·ted. The schedule calls for 5,000 sing, cnamnan of the eou11ty Editorials, Page 2, Part 3, Is Anticipated in Ingham supply the information. There will be no charge, of course. bulldings committee, said hi.9 con{­ Road Commission and ------- per d3y, but the ma1 k is not mlttee Is studying three Hystt:'Jlls , Farm news, Pages 1 and 5, Welfare Employees Also The name, rank or. rate, and complete .mailing address ~· Part 3. likely to be reached before 30 Secrecy wh,ich has sur- should be provided. unci Will hRve a rcpor·t to Jn>Jke to Get Raises from County the CGtmty board November 5, Sports, Page 3, Part 1; Page f:ifth-Grade Girl days. rounded the identity of those Midi or telephone the -information to the Ingham Coun- 1, Part a. on relief and old age assistance N · The three systems are chemical The Kev-JI.IatJI• ,lllllljls r·rglll 011\ ty ews, ' Othel· county employees be-' 10lls was removed by congress - -- ·--- _- bomb.s, spr·inltler heads which stdes ·those who look to the l's .w.·nnt.ng F·tght ot most rllllomobile H;n!Lloll !Oc!k.'i - - -~- -- . -- -·---- -·-------- would call for ins lallation of " when ch·rvf'J'S tum of r Uw rgntl 1011. in the closing hours of last • . , booster pump to carry water to board of supervisors for their A • p I" By using " lhnm!J bnl ton, the lte.r ~cek'5 session. Senat?r Wil- ·Graham ReJects VUl'i'U J)ftfVJ\rCONTINUES the court house attic, >1nd Hll 'Farmers Win Out ~:~~~r..hav~ been granted in- gaJnSt 0 10 lo !"arced frorn tlw plnsllc •·asc ancl ham F. Jenner of Ind1ana at- Canvassers fat· the 'out-county' alar·m system based on a thet·mo- when the iguitwn I'-' 1n Uw •~on" ]l051liOll l.hc Itt',\' I C01111111S ill I h•J tached a rider to a bill which Recl Feather campaign arc con-' stat Ill the r..ltic. '. Tlw county I'OA<I commission Chanon, 10, o£ Masnn, Sue.~nn loclc B1 t when tilt' :;wrt.('h 13 resulted in parting the curtain. •tmumg then· sohcitatlon. The cam-. Thcr·e Is no~ enough water pres­ On Rifle Issue gTRntect blanket increa~es aver- Is fig~ing off an attack of polio Bids on Drain pitign In Lansing, East Lansmg ~ur e l.n the crty marns to operate lill'llPCJ to "OI f" !he irP\' jllllljlR 0111. It 8gmg five pet cent or about seven She was talren to .the isolation Heretofore, federal aid has allCI the townships of Delhi, Lan- a sp11nkle1· systen~ without a took, the state legislature, Insu1 a nee con1pnnic~ nl o enthu~ called mto special session W.edncs­ cents per hour, Co 11 nty Eng1necr· war·cl. of the Spar•row hosp1tal In been denied to welfare units ~ing and Meridran is nearly e:om- hoQster· Pt!mp, Cluur.nwn Russell Frnnk K. Evans r·e.ported Wectncs- Lansmg last Thursday when she s1nstw ove1· Uw JHPc'll<~nil:mL Thev ·Near.. Webberville pietect.' Sheriff Wrllard Ba1·ncs Is sa1d. A spnnlrler system rs the only day, only a few minutes to do cir1im ll will reduce ''"'' lilc[l~ l;, which revealed the names oi what the conservatwn commission. dny. Daryl Minnis, socral welfnl'e encountered dUfrculty in swallow­ out-county >'chairr'lian. on.c which would t•educc fii'C 111- a Jnmimnm JJ tl1e I-\:t•y-1\l,ltJc,"i 1~­ families on relief. or:ain Comni1so10ncr Gcmld L. ers said they couldn't do. That du·ector, smrl Ural no hlanket m- ing. Her. leg muscles.also grew --,---·--- sura nee tcs, he added. creases were given but thflt met t weak. • CCIVC mass clistr·ibutron. Gm.ham rejected all birls pn the ra was t(} prohlbi t the use of nfles in 1 No g"(menll publicatwn of names Th f I 1 The e.1~c i:-l thtee Jlll'llL':i long is cxpceierl unrler the new Jegisla- Monroe & Lc.lch cl11tltn south of The comnuttee has an appoint­ hunting deer in southcm countic~. mrseo arc bemg provieled. e par· ra para ysr.s of the anrl dll in~h wrdc• IL rs mo~clt• or ment with N. S, Davrs of the fir·e 1ion, Dil'eclol' Dal'yl Minnis of the Webberville al the lcttmg Wednes­ When the conservation commrs­ Incr·eases have ~lso been rc- throat 'has. lo.~sened to the exl?nt pla.,tlc Il ho rso:; two lH•ys wllicJ marshal's drvision Thursday after­ 1 1 !nr;hnm IJemnl of soerHI welfar·c day. He said the breis were 011l of Red Cross Starts sion announced its inabrhty to .ported at the\ tuber culosr.s sana· t_ha~ the grrl rs now able to dl'lltlr '"'''he lei scc111 c hy loll :;pnng:;, 'l'he snid. He rer;nr·rlcd the new lcgrsla- line. noon to dtHcuss fil'e Jli'Dlectron. prevent the use of r·rfles-tn south­ wnum. ,irqm~s. She hns been grvcn hot Key-Malic will '<'il Jar S!J ccnh. Howevm·, if chemicai bomb's wril Th l . pack treatment for the wealmess Tl D , tron as aulho1·1zing the g-iving of The drain plans call for 7,600 ern counties, farmers made heated . ': roac conm~'·'·~ron mcreascs ·in her· legs. Doctm·s have said that le nl 1 J• 1<llllllnl' 1llllllg Co cx- lnfot·mation to ptrblic offi<'lals. feel of open lirtch. Class 'in Nursing afford the protcctron, Chairman protests. The govcrnot· and the W!ll run . ,riJoLrt $180 pet· ,.veat, there is paralysis in tile Ieo-s ,Jccts lo have them 111 >iott•s ' Rus~ell stated, they might be· usc ct.
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