' RJpoA % StaitUjS by' $-fations Volume 11 rteporx. rio, jo f, X w f \ VL. Normal Beds Available 1942 \ Service^'Comtek . -■"* 47. h 2 -Ak ■ Perm. Temp. Total Total Week ;■ -\/Strqhgth Bldgs. Bldgs. Total Occupied Vacant Ending L : Statign_ ■>.>■■■. SERVICE 'COMMAND:’ , 4874 Sept. FIRST El ■ m ■ 4277 _ _.,„J.429 . 2044 5 " * .* • • • - > ' Bradley Field, Conn. r 2468 0 108 108 82 26 Dovens-, . Fort- Massachusetts 29130 78. 1081 ... .1159 790 369 ~ Dow Field, Maine 1759 ■ 0 151 ■* 151 50 101 Camp • Edwards’. Mas saehusetts 46046 0 1150 1150 1031 119 Fort Ethan Allen. Vermont 2551 .A . 49 . 165 214. 43 207 Grenier Field. N. H. 2228 0 118 118 80 62 * H. D. of Boston 5455 136 ..' 63 219 181 169 • Long .. H. D. of Island 3403. 99 ■ 59 - 158 99 71 ” H. D. of Narraeransett Bay ' . ' 3145 .' 48 109 157 87 120 H. D. of New Bedford, Mass. 1127 16 33 . 49 • 29' ' 29 X-D. of.-Portland,, -Maine • __ . 3116 151 0 151 62 337 Jl. D. of N. H. 1430 0 51 51 34 42 Hospital.Mass. 0 888 888 Lovell General' ... 1328 679 275 •Presaue Isle A.~B.. Maine 1619 0 52- 52 35 25 ’ : Westover Field,: Mass. 4979 0 - 249 249 157 92 ■ —— •• ■ - - • - —fcy- -■ ” ? COHMANjH’r . Sept. -SECOND. SERVICE -I ''"^3348 _ 3209 _ ...65.5.7. .__.A30S 3090 5 - T&C? • * r _ j Atlantic City, NLw Jersey * ■ 30238 528 0 528 394 266 Delaware Ordnance Depot 55 6 - 18 24 0 24 Fort Dix. New Jersey 42809 ... 70 . 1286 1356 1161 289 II. D. of Delaware 4291 0 118 118 ' 88 30 PH9 -Fort Hard 1 ton ., New "York 46 177 223 194 53 Fort Hancock, New Jersey 642 283 0 -283 130 170 .For.t .1to York . 2369 136- 112 248 336 31 Csmp Kilmer. New Jersey 18177 1375 0 1375 366 1009 Madison Barracks. New York 616 43 57 100 12 83 Mitehoi Field. New York 6165 5.0. „ 118 168 175 46 Service Command Normal Beds Available 1942 and Perm. Temp. Total Total Week Station Strength Bldgs. Bldgs. Total Occupied Vacant Ending • SECOND SSRV. COMMAND: (Con.) Fort Monmouth. New Jersey 25516 61 439 500 364 192 Fort Niagara. New York 3284 27 66 93 79 22 Fort Ontario, New York 1292 102 0 102 74 28 Fine Camp. New York 18668 . 0 609 609 _ _ 369 .. 248 Plattsbure Barracks. N. Y. 1666 70 0 70 35 55 Raritan Arsenal. New Jersev Report not received. Rome Air Depot, New York 1097 35 0 ■ 35 10 25 Fort Slocum. New York 1651 145 ...0 ' .. 145 43 158 Fort Tildem New Yolk" 277 42 33 75 14 61 Tilton General Hospital Report not received. Fort Totten. New York 579 100 0 100 85 68 . Camp- Upton, New York .. 6473 0 176 176 178 132 Fort i'/ar!sworthf New York 903 71 0 71 61 39 'Test Point Rea. Armv - 2274 71 0 71 74 5 Nest Point Cadets 2485 87 0 87 66 51 *' jv • • • ' THIRD SERVICE COMMAND: 1657 7781 . 9438 6984 4409 ' Sept. 5 Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. 19504 12 504 _516 386 207 A* P. Hill Mil. Res., Va. 6695 0 200 . 200 ,18 162 Fort Belvoir. Virginia 20295 0 . 853 . 853 728 125 Bolling Field. D. C. 3658 0 . 112 112 77 40 ' Carlisle Barracks. Pa. 2252 22 59 81 39 58 Edgewood Arsenal, Md. 5349 0 235 235 66 169 Fort Eustis, Virginia 19886 0 - 791 - 791 620 271 Ft. Geo. G. Meade, Md. 25706 48 1102 1150 919 432 Holabird Q. LI. Depot,. Md. 3400 45 117 162 41 154 Indiantown Gap. Pennsvlvania 7061 0 827 827 516 447 Langley Field. Virginia 6642 no . .5.8 168 97 86 Normal Beds Available 1942 Service Command ' and \ • Perm. Temp. Total Total Week Station - -Strength Bldgs. Bldgs. Total Occupied Vacant Ending THIRD SERV. COMMANDr (Con.) - Camp Lee-, Virginia- 38811 0 1102 1102 1005 567 Fort Monroe,-Virginia 3324 163 0 163 101 138 Fort liver. Virginia 7422 67 0 67 62 29 Camp Pickett, Virginia 16513 0 1244 1244 577 809 Richmond, Virginia MB 3429 0 268 268 66 202 Ft.Story & Cp.Pendleton, Va._ 5460 • 0 309 309 333 26 Walter Reed General Hospital 3187 1190 0 1190 i 487 FOURTH SERVICE COMflAND: 3309 ; 27012 30321 19018 17570 Sept. 5 Augusta Arsenal. Georgia 39 25 0 25 0 40 ; ■Zort...Barrancas. Florida • - 2243 - : 47 158 205 " 78 167 Fort Banning. Georgia 64421 228 1737 1965 1395 1024 Camp Blanding. Florida 40314 o -- 1925 1925 830 1228 Fort Bragg. North Carolina 79925 98 2536 2634 2319 714 Brookley Field, Alabama 3189 0 52 52 101 19 Camp Butner.-North Carolina 535.4 1403- . 0 1403 ' 62 2302 Classification Center. Tenn* 5385 0 • 311 311 ' 151 448 Cochran Field, Georgia'. • . 3151. 0 15.1 151 79 ~ 318 Columbus A. F. -S'.. Miss. - 3186 100 0 100 86 - 39 Craig Field. Alabama 3227 0 92 92 58 : 34 Camp Croft. South -Carolina 18894 0 750 ~ 750 572 244 Dale Mabry Field. Alabama • 3552 0 200 200 113 87 Daniel Field. Georgia 3886 0 118 118 107 ~~ 115 Camp Davis, -North Carolina 14670. 0 760 • 760 300' 460 ' Eglin Field. Florida 5357 139 Q 139 64 75 : Camp Forrest. Tennessee 32480 0 1003 1003 1120 383 Gadsden, .Alabama 2808 0 90 90 34 56 ..C.Qlds.bo.r.o,, North ..Qar olina 4224 0 '118 118 98 20 Service Command Normal Beds Available 1942 and Total Total Week Station Strength Bldgs. Bldgs * Total Occupied Vacant Ending FOURTH SSRV. COMMAND: (Con.) Camp Gordon, Georgia 28907 0 1528 1528 659 867 Greenville, Miss.. A. F. S. 3157 0 118 118 49 69 Greenville AAB. S. C. 1026 0 209 209 53 ' 156 Hendricks Field., Florida A031 0 210 210 103 122 Hunter Field, Georgia 6979 0 235 235 203 72 Huntsville Arsenal. Ala. 518 80 0 80 20 60 _ Jackson A. B., Mississippi. ... 2007 0 118 118 77 41 Fort Jackson. South Carolina 48600 0 2124 2124 1562 s 1488 : . Jacksonville. Fla. sm .10 0 .10 5 5 ... Mississippi ’ ' Keesler Field.. 31319 0 951 951 . __ZZ2 413 Kcv Field, Mississippi 5077 0 75 75 81 14 Key West Barracks. Florida 2329 50 0 50 28 . 57. 1900 569 Lawson General Hospital 2999 0 1 19QQ 1331 " Fort McClellan, Alabama 23849 . .0 to oo 800 678 337 " Fort McPherson. Georgia 4154 89 142 231 . 211 112. ■MacDill Field. Florida 22928 0 611 611 4.97_. 114 Maxwell Field, Alabama 9618 72 351 423 223 26.5 34060 250 0 250 . 301 49 Georgia Moody Field. .. 3352 0 146 146 74_. 29_ Morris Field. North Carolina 1408 0 123 L. 123 73 -.97 Morrison Field. Florida 3495 0 150 150 H sd 4- Fort Moultrie. .South.Caroline 2344 62 0 62 58 87 Napier ... Field. MLabama 3372 0 ... 151 151 .5.3 9-8 Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia 8086 108 410 518 240 354 F. G. S. Orlando, Florida 8624 0 200 200 130 70 Camp. Rucker f Alabama 23456 0. 1177 1177 719 458 Fort Screven, Georgia 590 36 33 69 20 73 Shaw Field, South Carolina . .3132 . 0 86 86 101 17 Camp Shelby, Mississippi 50806 0 1854 1S5A ..-1Q53 1.4.12— i Service Command Normal Beds Available 1942 and- . .. Perm, Temp, Total ■ Week ...... Total Station Strength Bldgs. Bldgs, Total Occupied Vacant Ending FOURTH SERF. COEEAND: (Con.) Snvra, . Tennessee- . 1977 ■ 0 209 209 26 183 Spence Field.. Georgia ■ 2609 0 118 118 80 70 Stark General Hospital 1299 0 895 895 680 215 Canp Stcwart, Georgia 9888 0 603 60 3 207 396 Camp Sutton. North Carolina 9404 165 120 285 201 146 Camp Toccoa, Georgia 172.8 152 0 152 39 213 Turner Field. Georgia . 4352 . 0 . 150 150 58 112- <* Tuskegee ACAFS, Alabama 2218 0 81 81 48 33- Tyndall Field, Florida 4224 195 0 195 100 95 0 a Camp Tvson, Tennessee . 3812 386 386 74 312 • Camp Wheeler. Georgia 23141 -.0 747 -747 • 418 454 .- ■ • ■ ----- FIFTH SERVICE COMAND: 2144 -2762 4906 3202 2866 Sept. 5 Camp Atterbu-rv. Indiana 3261 654 0 654 100 554 A Baer Field.. Indiana- 2688 0 78 78 49 41 Fort Ben.i, Harrison, Ind. 9784 112 0 112 331 16 - Billings General .Hospital 2186 0 : 968 968 711 257 -Ecmnan Field,, Kentucky 3006 118 0 118 84 34 - Cp. Breckinridge, Ky. - - . 3843 0 99 99 51 48 Go. Campbell. Kentucky 4661 98 0 98 59 39 Darnall- General Hospital 316 272 0 272. 212 60 Erie Proving Ground. Ohio ■ 1.086 96 0 96' 75 21 Fort Hayes,. Ohio - 2811 230 0 230 161 69 Fort Knox. Kentucky. 29058 13,2 . 1547 1659 1026 1143 - . Lockburne AAB, Ohio 2698 209 0 209 3i 424 Stout Field, Indiana II522 118. 0 118 84 A84 Fort Thomas. Kentucky LhLS 65 . 70 135 130 70 Wright-Patterson Fields 8881 . 60 - 0 60 94 6 ----- ...Normal Beds Available Service Command 1942 and Perm*' Temp. Total Total Week Station Strength Bldgs. Bldgs. Total Occupied Vacant Ending SIXTH- SERVICE COMMAND: - 450 2808 3258 2332 1409 Sept.5 ! Alcan Highway, B. C. 1243 0 65 65 39 61 Fort Brady, Michigan 5871 45 0 45 116 34 - Chanute Field, Illinois 18580 108 .. 492 600 343 257 A.A.F.T.S.,Chicago, Illinois . 2228 24 0 24 7 17 J 0 i Ftrt Custer, Michigan 9123 750 750 479 336 { 0 i Camp Grant, Illinois 18785 518 518 472 144 i Camp McCoy, Wisconsin * 3826 . 24 0 24 30 28 i Parks Air College, Illinois 579 8 0 8 0 10 'Savanna Ordnance Depot, 111.
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