Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-12-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1965). Winona Daily News. 672. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/672 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. No License Needed To Hunt Bargains. In The Classified Ads EIGHTEEN PAGES Break Called , Treaso' ¦ n Penalty ' ¦ ¦ ¦—¦ : Death —" — . : . ' . i more Men British Warn Will Be Rhodesians, Sent to Viet Nam JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) after a day-long policy confer- move "as they become availa- Set Sanctions — President Johnson has given ence Thursday at the LBJ ble for that purpose. LONDON (AP) - The British American field commanders in Ranch, that Johnson bad "in- The defense chief said 160,000 government warned Prime Min- Viet Nam broad authority to structed me to meet the re- uniformed Americans - already ister Ian Smith and his Rhode- call for — and get — additional quests from our military com- are stationed in South Viet fighting men to step up the war manders for additional person- Nam. He wouldn't speculate on sian regime today their defiance against the Communist Viet nel as they are received." how many, more would be sent of British authority is treason. Cong. Some requests for more men because "we don't wish to give The penalty is death. Secretary of Defense Robert already have been received, Mc- our opponents advance informa- Atty. Gen. Sir Elwyn Jones is- S. McNamara told newsmen, Namara said, and troops will tion on the forces that they will sued the warning in the House confront in the future." of Commons as the government Secretary of State Dean Rusk, who joined McNamara and oth- sought emergency powers to re- er top policy advisers for the store Britain's authority over marathon session with Johnson, the breakaway, white-run colo- Heavy Fighting said Viet Nam actually took ny in central Africa. second place in the discussions Joneg warned Britons Inside to "the unilateral action of the and outside Khodesia that ac- white minority government in tions furthering the aims of Rhodesia in illegally seizing Smith's regime would be trea- North of Saigon power, an action which the sonable. SAIGON, South Viet Nam troops of the U.S. 1st Infantry United States government de- The bill giving the British (AP) — . Heavy fighting raged Division. plores." government massive powers of retaliation against Rhodesia north of Saigon today as about An American military spokes- Promising a further Rhodesia 500 Viet Cong attacked about 700 man said 100 Communists had sped toward adoption in the policy statement today, from House. been killed and the toll of the United Nations Ambassador enemy probably would go high- Quick passage was urged by Arthur J. Goldberg, Rusk said -—- ^ - Prime_- Minister Harold Wilson, er. He reported that American Johnson had ordered the recall casualties were light. CREWS SEARCH AIRLINER ... A United Air Lines the hunt for the dead when the plane burst into flames on whow Thursday night accused of American diplomats in the Boeing 727 jet is searched by masked crews hunting lor landing. (AP Photofax) o SSmith's regime of taking police A Viet Cong battalion made ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ African country — headed by ¦ -i the attack just after dawn on bodies. The pilot survived, but cutting torches were used in __ state measures and assuming : ' ¦ ' - ' ¦ Highway 13 on a western fringe Consul General Roswell B. Mc- —.—, : i i r "the sickeningly familiar, atti- of the Communist-controlled D Clelland — and the shutdown of tudes of authoritarian rule." Zone. activities there by the United States Information Agency. Jones Introduced the bill ask- Heavy fighting was still going "The United States govern- Byrd's Son ing for these special powers: on 10. hours later, the spokes- ment," said R—% "in no way Airliner Burns —An order invalidating any on laws passed or business man said. Only sketchy details recognizes the rebel regime, trans- were available on the action. and continues strongly to sup- acted by Rhodesian Prime Min- The 1st Division force, de- port a solution in Rhodesia that Hay Be Given ister Ian Smith's regime after scribed as a reinforced battalion will be just and acceptable to its unilateral declaration of in- with armored Bupport, had set the population as a whole" — dependence Thursday: ' Landing, 40 Dead —Authority for the British out to secure the highway, black as well as white. which had been the scene of Senate Sea) SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A gines of the 727 are fed by fuel cinnati Monday night, and 58 of government to exercise execu- many bloody ambushes. McNamara and Rosk report- Boeing 727 jet airliner with 90 tive control and to make laws WASHINGTON (AP) - There lines leading back from tanks in the 62 persons aboard died. The Americans had deployed ed'to newsmen at Bergstrom persons aboard burst into the wings. in Rhodesia; is strong speculation around the The Civil Aeronautics Board along the highway when the Air Force Base near Austin, 65 flames on landing at the city The flight originated in New —An amendment to British Viet Cong attacked.The road is miles east of the Johnson ranch, Senate that the Harry Byrd airport Thursday night, burning in Washington dispatched 12 in- legislation to make it easier for name mav not be missin. from York and reached Salt Lake vestigators to seek the cause of I flanked on both sides by rubber while waiting fot a plane to take 40 passengers to death in the City after stops in Cleveland, ''loyal Rhodesian citizens" to plantations. them back to Washington. the 1S68 roll- fire-swept fuselage. the crash. obtain citizenship of the United call lists de- 1 Chicago hnd Denver. Its sched- A spokesman for the Federal The Americans fired 105mm Another 50, including the en- uled destination was San Fran- Kingdom and the colonies; spite Sen. Har- tire crew of six, dived through Aviation Agency said in re- -An order enabling the Brit- howitzers at the enemy at close ry F. Byrd' cisco. sponse to question, "At this range, and U.S. planes ham- s windows and emergency hatch- ish immigration authorities to resignation. The pilot, Capt. Gail C. Kei- point we can see no relationship mered the Viet Cong/ es seconds before the fire raged mierer, 48, of Denver, was confiscate passport documents LBJ Issues The 78-year- forward from the three jet en- between the three accidents and issued or renewed by the Rho- The spokesman said several among the hospitalized survi- we have no plans for grounding . old Virginia gines in the tail all tbe way to desian regime. COMBINED ACTION . U.S. armored personnelcarriers Democrat quit vors. Hospital officials said he 727 jets." A Viet Cong force ambushed were damaged. , . the flight deck. kept repeating, "Terrible, terri- the Senate Of the survivors, 43 were hos- A similar view was expressed Jones pointed out that other a South Viet Nam unit east Thanksgiving Thursday with ble " by Pader Hogue, chief flight actions by Britain-such as the (A) The Viet Cong assault was the pitalized. The dead were in the of Saigon near Baria second Communist attack in a formal re- blackened fuselage. It was the third 727 involved safety engineer for Boeing. "I ban on import of Rhodesian to- today but 130 Communists signation sub- A spokesman for United Air in fatal accidents since August think it's a fine airplane and re- bacco and sugar—had already five days against a major U.S. ' were killed by combined air- combat unit On Monday a bat- mitted to and Lines, owner of the plane, and the second this week. The cent unfortunate experiences been carried out under existing ground action, a spokesman talion from the 173rd Airborne Proclamation accepted Harry Byrd Jr. blamed the disaster on the col- first plunged into Lake Michigan are in my opinion unrelated," statutory powers. by Gov. AlbertisS. HarrisonJr. off Lake Forest, 111., on Aug. 16, he declared. The bill proclaimed that the reported. A new squadron Brigade fought the paratroop- JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) lapse of a nose wheel as the air- of F100 Super-sabre jets ar- ers' toughest battle of the war Byrd said he was stepping craft touched down. killing all 30 aboard. The second The survival of the pilot and Rhodesian government's decla- — President Johnson, proclaim- down because of his health. He The three rear-mounted en- hit a bill while approaching Cin- other crew members provided rived at Bien Hao afrbase against a Viet Cong battalion in Nov. 25, Thanks- ration of independence and all ing Thursday, has been suffering from arthri- an opportunity for investigators acts that flowed from it were il- (B). Two Viet Cong were D Zone 30 miles north of the giving Day, called upon all per- capital. tis. to obtain first-hand expert opin- legal. reported killed and 18 sus- sons to give thanks for "the ion on the cause. The paratroopers reported blessings that have been be- Harrison Is expected to act Wilson dismissed Smith and pects captured in a search- more than 400 Viet Cong were speedily to name a successor to Mrs. Lyndon R. Day of Ar- his government of white settlers and-destroy mission north- stowed upon our nation during killed by ground and air action. the past 12 months." fill Byrd's seat until next No- Experts Continue lington, Va., a passenger who immediately after the Rhodesi- west of Chu Lai (C) while American casualties were re- vember's election.
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