Journal of the Senate Number 8—Regular Session Wednesday, March 26, 2014 CONTENTS PLEDGE Bills on Third Reading . 325, 331 Senate Pages, Michael Hunschofsky of Parkland; Louis Hoffpauir of Call to Order . .325 Hobe Sound; Sean Welz and Luke Shulla of Live Oak; and Stephanie Co-Introducers . 351 Bradley of Fleming Island, the daughter of Senator Bradley; joined by Lottie Brandes of St. Petersburg, the five-year-old daughter of Senator Committee Substitutes, First Reading . 347 Brandes, led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the Enrolling Reports . 351 United States of America. Executive Business, Reports . 336 Executive Business, Suspensions . 336 House Messages, Final Action . .351 DOCTOR OF THE DAY House Messages, First Reading . 350 The President recognized Dr. Ryan Jawitz of Bradenton, sponsored by Motions . 334, 335 Senator Galvano, as the doctor of the day. Dr. Jawitz specializes in Motions Relating to Committee Reference . 334 dermatology. Reference Changes, Rule 4.7(2) . 349 Remarks . 333 Reports of Committees . 335 SPECIAL GUESTS Resolutions . 329 Senate Reunion . .335 Senator Flores introduced her son, Maximo Anderson, who was pre- Special Guests . 325, 330, 334 sent in the chamber. Special Order Calendar . .333 Senator Braynon introduced his son, Oscar Braynon III, who was present in the chamber. CALL TO ORDER Senator Smith introduced his son, Christian Smith, who was present The Senate was called to order by President Gaetz at 9:00 a.m. A in the chamber. quorum present—39: Senator Galvano introduced his mother, Betty Galvano, who was Mr. President Flores Montford present in the gallery. Altman Galvano Negron Bean Garcia Richter BILLS ON THIRD READING Benacquisto Gardiner Ring Bradley Gibson Sachs CS for CS for CS for SB 542—A bill to be entitled An act relating to Brandes Grimsley Simmons flood insurance; amending s. 627.062, F.S.; adding projected flood losses Braynon Hays Simpson to the factors that must be considered by the Office of Insurance Reg- Bullard Hukill Smith ulation in reviewing certain rate filings; amending s. 627.0628, F.S.; Clemens Joyner Sobel requiring the commission to adopt standards and guidelines relating to Dean Latvala Soto flood loss by a certain date; creating s. 627.715, F.S.; authorizing in- Detert Lee Stargel surers to offer flood insurance on residential property in this state; re- Diaz de la Portilla Legg Thompson quiring the insurer to also offer coverage equivalent to that provided by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); defining the term “flood”; Evers Margolis Thrasher establishing the minimum coverage requirements for a flood insurance policy; providing coverage limitations that an insurer may include in Excused: Senator Abruzzo such policies; requiring that certain limitations and notices be noted on the policy declarations or face page; requiring the insurer to obtain a PRAYER signed acknowledgement from the applicant which provides certain specified information; providing the insurer with rate options; author- The following prayer was offered by Pastor Brooks Braswell, First izing the office to conduct an examination with respect to any rate Baptist Church of Umatilla: change; authorizing an insurer to export a contract or endorsement to a Dear Heavenly Father, surplus lines insurer without meeting certain requirements; requiring prior notice for cancellation or nonrenewal of a policy; providing addi- We thank you for blessing us with another day here on earth to wor- tional requirements with respect to notifying the Office of Insurance ship your name. We praise you for your provision to our families and our Regulation before writing flood insurance, filing a plan of operation with country. We thank you for allowing us to live, work, and worship in this the office, using forms that have been approved by the office, and filing great nation. Today we call upon you for wisdom and direction as we reinsurance contracts before a certain date; prohibiting Citizens Prop- seek to lead the people of this state. Give us hearts with pure motives, erty Insurance Corporation from writing flood insurance; prohibiting the compassion for those who are hurting, and concern for our neighbors. Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund from reimbursing losses caused by Help us make decisions that please you, knowing that pleasing you will flooding; providing certain exemptions; preempting any conflicts with bring about your blessing to this state. Forgive us for when we have other provisions of the Florida Insurance Code; providing that the failed you and gone our own way. We also ask for your continued pro- tection on those who diligently fight the good fight for freedom. Help us Commissioner of the Office of Insurance Regulation may provide certi- always remain steadfast in being “one nation under God.” fication that a condition qualifies for flood insurance or disaster assis- tance; providing that such certification is not subject to ch. 120, F.S.; In Jesus’ name I pray this. Amen. providing an effective date. 325 326 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE March 26, 2014 —as amended March 20 was read the third time by title. governmental entity until registering; establishing registration re- quirements; requiring public availability of lobbyist registrations; es- On motion by Senator Brandes, CS for CS for CS for SB 542 as tablishing procedures for termination of a lobbyist’s registration; au- amended was passed and certified to the House. The vote on passage thorizing a governmental entity to establish a registration fee; requiring was: a governmental entity to monitor compliance with registration require- ments; requiring the commission to investigate a lobbyist or principal Yeas—36 upon receipt of a sworn complaint containing certain allegations; re- quiring the commission to provide the Governor with a report on the Mr. President Galvano Montford findings and recommendations resulting from the investigation; au- Altman Garcia Negron thorizing the Governor to enforce the commission’s findings and re- Bean Gardiner Richter commendations; amending s. 286.012, F.S.; revising disclosure require- Bradley Gibson Ring ments with respect to a voting abstention at a meeting of a governmental Brandes Grimsley Sachs body; authorizing a member to abstain from voting on a decision, ruling, Braynon Hays Simmons or act in a quasi-judicial proceeding under certain circumstances; Bullard Hukill Simpson amending s. 288.901, F.S.; specifying the applicability of certain provi- sions of the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees to the Clemens Joyner Smith president, senior managers, and members of the board of directors of Dean Latvala Sobel Enterprise Florida, Inc.; prohibiting the president, senior managers, and Diaz de la Portilla Lee Soto board members from representing a person or entity before the cor- Evers Legg Thompson poration for a specified timeframe; amending s. 288.92, F.S.; specifying Flores Margolis Thrasher the applicability of certain provisions of the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees to certain officers and board members associated Nays—None with the divisions of Enterprise Florida, Inc.; prohibiting such officers and members from representing a person or entity for compensation Vote after roll call: before Enterprise Florida, Inc., for a specified timeframe; amending s. 288.9604, F.S.; specifying the applicability of certain provisions of the — Yea Benacquisto, Detert, Stargel Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees to the board of directors of the Florida Development Finance Corporation; amending s. 627.351, F.S.; specifying the applicability of certain provisions of the Code of — CS for CS for CS for SB 846 A bill to be entitled An act relating to Ethics for Public Officers and Employees to the executive director of governmental ethics; amending ss. 11.045 and 112.3215, F.S.; defining Citizens Property Insurance Corporation; prohibiting a former executive “ ” the term local officer ; prohibiting a local officer from registering to director, senior manager, or member of the board of governors of the lobby the Legislature or an agency on behalf of another person or entity corporation from representing another person or entity before the cor- other than his or her political subdivision; authorizing a local officer to poration for a specified timeframe; prohibiting a former executive di- be employed by or contracted with a lobbying firm under certain cir- rector, senior manager, or member of the board of governors from en- cumstances; providing for applicability; amending s. 28.35, F.S.; speci- tering employment or a contractual relationship for a specified fying the applicability of certain provisions of the Code of Ethics for timeframe with certain insurers; amending ss. 11.0455 and 112.32155, Public Officers and Employees to members of the executive council of the F.S.; conforming cross-references to changes made by the act; providing Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation; amending s. 112.3142, an effective date. F.S.; requiring elected municipal officers to participate in annual ethics training; providing legislative intent; amending s. 112.3144, F.S.; re- —as amended March 20 was read the third time by title. quiring an officer required to participate in annual ethics training to certify participation on his or her full and public disclosure of financial Senator Sobel moved the following amendment which was adopted by interests; revising the conditions under which a qualifying officer for- two-thirds vote: wards a full and public
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