DRAFT: Still under consideration Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology Course HX 7365 United Methodist History Ted A. CAmpbell, Instructor Summer Semester 2017 (Hybrid Online/On-CAmpus Format) Course Objectives The principal objective of this course is to form students in the practice of critical reflection on the history And distinctive identity of The United Methodist Church. A secondAry objective is to form students in the trAditions And lore of the Methodist movement. The course exAmines both formally sAnctioned materiAls (e.g., hymns, liturgies, writings of John Wesley) As well As materiAls reflecting populAr religion (testimonies, AutobiogrAphies) in pursuing the goAl of forming students in the practice of critical reflection on the history and distinctive identity of The United Methodist Church. This course counts As 3 semester hours And it complements Perkins courses in United Methodist polity (1.5 semester hours) And doctrine (1.5 semester hours) As fulfilling some of the ordinAtion requirements for deacons And elders in The United Methodist Church. Course Components Assigned Reading and Viewing. Students will reAd from specific texts and view one contemporAry film. These are as follows: Film “Bernie” (2011), directed by Richard LinklAter, written by Richard LinklAter And Skip HollAndsworth, stArring Jack BlAck, Shirley MAcLaine, And Matthew McConaughey. Syllabus, UM History (Campbell), Summer (Hybrid) 2017 Page 2 Ted A. CAmpbell, Encoding Methodism: Telling and Re-Telling Narratives of Wesleyan Origins. A drAft manuscript thAt will be made AvAilAble to students and will serve as a secondary textbook for the course. (See also the optional reAdings by HeitzenrAter And by Richey, Rowe, And Schmidt listed below). ________, ed., “Methodist Testimonies on The ‘Way of Salvation’ in the Nineteenth Century.” *This document will be made AvAilAble As A PDF file And does not need to be purchased by students. Robert StewArt Hyer, “The Purposes And IdeAls of A University.” Ed. Ted A. CAmpbell. Published on the SMU DigitAl Repository. *This document will be made AvAilAble As A PDF file And does not need to be purchAsed by students. Albert C. Outler, “Visions And DreAms.” Sermon preAched At the Uniting Conference of the United Methodist Church, DAllAs, TexAs, April 23, 1968. *This document will be made AvAilAble As A PDF file And does not need to be purchased by students. José Policarpo Rodríguez, “The Old Guide”: Surveyor, Scout, Hunter, Indian Fighter, Ranchman, Preacher: In His Own Words. Originally published: Nashville, Tennessee and DallAs, Texas: Publishing House of the Methodist EpiscopAl Church, South, 1898. *This document will be made AvAilAble As A PDF file and does not need to be purchased by students. WilliAm Stevenson, The Autobiography of William Stevenson. DallAs: Bridwell Library, 2015. *This document will be made AvAilAble As A PDF file And does not need to be purchased by students. The United Methodist Hymnal. Nashville: United Methodist Publishing House, 1989. John Wesley, A Wesley Reader (ed. Ted A. CAmpbell; DAllAs, TexAs: TuckApAw Media, 2009). *This document will be made AvAilAble As A PDF file And does not need to be purchased by students although a hard-copy version is available for purchase. [Selected AdditionAl documents to be distributed by the instructor.] Optional Secondary Readings: Richard P. Heitzenrater, John Wesley and the People Called Methodists. NAshville: Abingdon Press, second edition, 2013. Referred to in the schedule following As Heitzenrater, JWPCM”. Syllabus, UM History (Campbell), Summer (Hybrid) 2017 Page 3 Russell E. Richey, Kenneth E. Rowe, And JeAn Miller Schmidt, American Methodism: A Compact History; NAshville: Abingdon Press, 2012. Referred to in the schedule following As “Richey, Rowe, Schmidt, AMCH”. Classroom Attendance and Participation. Students are expected to attend on- cAmpus clAss sessions (see note on Attendance below), to tAke notes on lectures And to participate actively in discussions. I would greAtly desire, moreover, thAt they would sing well (in parts). Use of Turnitin.com for Examinations and Short Research Papers. The mid- term exAm, finAl exAm, And short reseArch pAper will be submitted viA turnitin.com through the course’s CAnvAs web site. Turnitin.com will check for content thAt matches internet content, content from other students, And other AvAilAble content (e.g., books And Articles). It will Almost AlwAys flAg direct quotAtions. These Are acceptable if the student AppropriAtely marks (by quotAtion marks or block format) the materiAl quoted And gives AppropriAte Attribution. However, the instructor regArds quotAtion As the weAkest form of AcAdemic work, And A high similArity score viA Turnitin.com will count against your score for your work even if directly quoted materiAl is AppropriAtely marked And Attributed. You may write your exAm essAys and short research paper in English or Spanish. Responses to On-line Lectures. Students are required to respond to each lecture by wAy of questions posted in the CAnvAs system. Students Are expected to respond to each question with at least two sentences, and then to pose a further question. This is a pass-fAil Assignment to demonstrAte thAt students Are viewing and thinking About the lectures And the questions posed About them. Mid-Term and Final Examinations. EAch student will complete mid-term And finAl exAminAtions thAt will involve composing essays in response to specific questions set by the instructor. The purpose of the exAminAtions is to demonstrAte the student’s general knowledge of United Methodist history in the period defined and to demonstrAte the student’s Ability to think criticAlly And creAtively About this history. Each exAm counts as 35% of a student's grade for the course. The mid-term exAm will be set on Wednesday 14 June 2017 and will be due by 5:00 pm that day. The finAl exAm will be set on Friday 30 June 2017 and will be due by 5:00 pm on that day. The final exAm is not cumulAtive. Short Research Paper. Each student will present a short research paper documenting some specific Aspect of United Methodist history (including the history of predecessor denominAtions of the UMC) with reference to primary historical documents, i.e., documents thAt dAte from the period being studied. The purpose of the short reseArch pAper is to demonstrAte the student’s Ability to cArry out focused research in A specific Area of United Methodist history. A proposAl for the short reseArch pAper should be submitted by Friday 16 June 2017. The proposal for the reseArch pAper should indicAte A) the question to be exAmined, b) A hypothesis concerning this question, and c) a bibliography of sources to be utilized, including Syllabus, UM History (Campbell), Summer (Hybrid) 2017 Page 4 primary historicAl documents. Short reseArch pApers should be roughly 8-10 pages in length (using double-spAced text And A reasonably sized font, e.g., 11-12 points, with one-inch margins). PApers may not exceed twelve pages in length. The papers should be documented According to stAndArd formats for reseArch documentAtion (Turabian, Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations). I expect to see substAntiAl use of primary historicAl documents in these pApers. Credit will be given for the study And use of relAtively rAre materiAls (e.g., unpublished manuscript sources or congregAtionAl records, As contrAsted with published materiAls AvAilAble readily online or in published AnnuAl conference journAls). The short research pAper counts 30% of A student's grade in the course and is due on Friday 7 July 2017. Class Procedures Grading. The course grAde is bAsed on the instructor’s evAluAtion of the mid-term exAminAtion, the final exAminAtion, And the short reseArch pAper. The mid-term And final exAms each count for 35% of the student's final grade for the course. The short research pAper counts 30% of A student's grade for the course. Failure to pArticipAte in the on-going work of the course including posting in response to questions on the lectures constitutes grounds for fAilure of the course As A whole, And grAdes may be Adjusted bAsed on clAssroom and on-line participation or the lack thereof. Absences. Students may not miss more thAn one-seventh of the totAl number of class sessions. For this course, this meAns thAt students may not miss more thAn three hours of class sessions. An absence beyond that Amount of time may be grAnted in exceptionAl circumstAnces unforeseen At the beginning of the semester, by permission of the instructor. Communications. The instructor may be reAched in the following wAys: Ted A. CAmpbell Office: 100 Selecman Hall Office Telephone with voice mail: 214-768-4885 Office Fax: 214-768-1042 Email: [email protected] Office Address: Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University PO Box 750133 DallAs, TX 75275-0133 Syllabus, UM History (Campbell), Summer (Hybrid) 2017 Page 5 Course Schedule All on-cAmpus clAss session meet in Prothro Hall room 206. Morning sessions are 9:00 Am to 12:00 m. Afternoon sessions Are 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Evening sessions are 5:00 pm through 9:00 pm. Thursday-Friday June 1-2: (morning, Afternoon, evening on ThursdAy, morning on Friday). In the interim period, students watch UM history videos and work on paper proposAls At home. They should study the materiAl for course segments 1 And 2 (in the course outline below). Wednesday, June 14: Students take mid-term exam At home And turn in the exAm and paper proposals by 5:00 pm on FridAy. The mid-term exAm covers course segments 1 And 2. Monday-Tuesday, June 15-16: Students meet in DAllAs All dAy MondAy (morning, Afternoon, And evening) And TuesdAy morning (12 hours totAl). In the interim period, students watch UM history videos and work on their final pApers At home. They should study the materiAl for course segments 3 And 4 (in the course outline below).
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