Planning Applications Report Special Planning Committee 5 December 2013 Bolton Council has approved a Guide to Good Practice for Members and Officers Involved in the Planning Process. Appendix 1 of the Guide sets down guidance on what should be included in Officer Reports to Committee on planning applications. This Report is written in accordance with that guidance. Copies of the Guide to Good Practice are available at www.bolton.gov.uk Bolton Council also has a Statement of Community Involvement. As part of this statement, neighbour notification letters will have been sent to all owners and occupiers whose premises adjoin the site of these applications. In residential areas, or in areas where there are dwellings in the vicinity of these sites, letters will also have been sent to all owners and occupiers of residential land or premises, which directly overlook a proposed development. Copies of the Statement of Community Involvement are available at www.bolton.gov.uk The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol ● to show where a letter of objection has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in this report have been annotated with the symbol to show where a letter of support has been received from an owner or occupier of a property shown on the Report Plan. The plans in the report are for location only and are not to scale. The application site will generally be in the centre of the plan edged with a bold line. The following abbreviations are used within this report: - UDP The adopted Unitary Development Plan 2005 RSS Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West of England 2008 PCPN A Bolton Council Planning Control Policy Note PPG Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Guidance Note MPG Department of Communities and Local Government Minerals Planning Guidance Note SPG Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Guidance SPD Bolton Council Supplementary Planning Document PPS Department of Communities and Local Government Planning Policy Statement TPO Tree Preservation Order EA Environment Agency SBI Site of Biological Importance SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest GMEU The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit The background documents for this Report are the respective planning application documents which can be found at:- www.bolton.gov.uk/planapps INDEX Ref. No Page No Ward Location 89159/12 4 HOBL REEBOK STADIUM AND BOLTON ARENA, BURNDEN WAY, HORWICH, BOLTON, BL6 6JW 89226/12 27 HOBL BOLTON WANDERERS ACADEMY LAND, OX HEY LANE, LOSTOCK, BOLTON Date of Meeting: 05/12/2013 Application Reference: 89159/12 Type of Application: Outline Planning Permission Registration Date: 11/12/2012 Decision Due By: 11/03/2013 Responsible Brian Johnson Officer: Location: REEBOK STADIUM AND BOLTON ARENA, BURNDEN WAY, HORWICH, BOLTON, BL6 6JW Proposal: DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED SPORTS AND EDUCATION FACILITIES; MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL AND HOTEL BUILDINGS WITH ANCILLARY RETAIL, RESTAURANT/CAFE, OFFICE, AND ASSEMBLY/LEISURE USES; CAR PARKING; AND ASSOCIATED WORKS. Ward: Horwich and Blackrod Applicant: Burnden Leisure PLC and Bolton Middlebrook Leisure Trust Ltd Agent : Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Officers Report Recommendation: Delegate the decision to the Director Proposal The application as submitted, is in outline for a mixed development as described below. It seeks approval for means of access details only and all other matters are reserved for later approval, (those being the details of appearance, scale, layout and landscaping). The access proposals are as follows; · Vehicular access to the Grand Arc will be provided from Stadium Way with traffic accessing the site using the signalized junction with Burnden Way and Stadium Way. · Various junctions will be improved in the surrounding area, including at the junction of the A673 Chorley New Road and De Havilland Way, the Spirit of Sport roundabout, the M61 Junction 6 and the exit from Burnden Way on to De Havilland Way. The building/uses proposed within the application comprise the following elements: An upgraded and reconfigured Arena building for full time sports college/academy use, providing accommodation for up to 500 students. The construction of a new sports building (measuring approximately 105 metres long, 45 metres wide and 20 metres high), linked to the Arena, to accommodate flexible sports halls, tennis courts and changing, welfare and administration facilities at ground floor level and an indoor football pitch with viewing lounge at first floor level. Upgraded sporting facilities within the existing Arena complex, including; 5 · improvements to the running track area, · the provision of a 3G artificial match football pitch and improved spectator facilities, · the retention and upgrading of the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and; · the relocation and improvement of 5-a-side football facilities, replacing 4 existing floodlit pitches with 7 new floodlit pitches. The erection of a new education building to the south of Burnden Way, providing approximately 5,000 sq.m. of accommodation over 5 storeys, associated with the Arena and free school/sports academy. The restructuring and expansion of the West Stand to the Reebok Stadium, to provide up to 3,000 sq. m. of accommodation incorporating hospitality areas and administration facilities. The erection of up to 27,740 sq. m. of floor space in a ‘grand arc’ of buildings of up to 7 storeys, on land adjacent the North Stand of the Reebok Stadium. The proposed floor space will comprise a mix of uses, potentially including: · Up to 2,500 sq.m. of Class A1/A3 retail and food and drink floorspace; · Up to 2,500 sq.m. of Class B1 office floorspace; · Up to 2,500 sq.m. of Class D2 additional sports/leisure floorspace consistent with, and complementary to, the wider development scheme; · A hotel (likely to be an aparthotel) of up to 60 rooms; · Up to 200 residential apartments. Some additional car parking for the apartments will be proposed, as well as potentially for the retail development. This will be provided by rationalizing the existing car parks and undeveloped land and/or providing decked/undercroft parking. There will be limited works to the West Stand of the Reebok Stadium (including demolition) and to the northern elevation of the Arena. Site Characteristics The proposed development site measures approximately 25 hectares in area and comprises the Reebok Stadium and car park, the Bolton Arena complex and part of Burnden Way. The Arena complex comprises the Arena building, a running track, football pitches, tennis courts and car parking. Middlebrook Police Station is also included within the ‘red-edge’ of the site. The land forms part of the wider Middlebrook area, an out-of-town urban area comprising a mix of retail, leisure, employment and residential uses. Horwich Parkway Railway Station is located immediately to the south of the development site and is also close to Junction 6 of the M61. Horwich Loco Works is approximately 570 metres to the north west of the site, which has been allocated by the Council as a comprehensive mixed-used employment and residential development (8 hectares of land and 1700 dwellings are proposed respectively). Red Moss SSSI and SBI are over 570 metres to the north west of the site. Dwellings in the locality are in excess of 350 metres from the site (to the south) and 400 metres (to the north). Policy NPPF 2012 6 National planning policy guidance is provided by the NPPF and is a material consideration in the determination of this planning application. It states that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute towards the achievement of sustainable development and in that context identifies three core principles to sustainable development, economic, social and environmental, all of which should be taken into account in achieving sustainable development. Relevant to this application, NPPF states that policies and decisions on planning applications should achieve positive outcomes in terms of the provision of community facilities including, sport and other local services contributing to the improvement in sustainable communities. Bolton's Core Strategy 2011 Strategic Objective 1 Seeks to maximise access to health, sporting and recreation facilities, especially for those living in the most deprived areas, and to increase opportunities for walking and cycling. Strategic Objective 2 Seeks to increase opportunities for education and deliver improved educational facilities. Policy CG1 seeks to enhance biodiversity in the borough by protecting sites of urban biodiversity including trees, woodland and hedgerows from adverse development, and improving the quality and inter connectivity of wildlife corridors and habitats. Policy CG2 requires development proposals to demonstrate the sustainable management of surface water run-off from developments. On brownfield sites the rate of run-off should be 50% less than conditions before development. Policy CG3 encourages new development to secure high quality, inclusive design which contributes to a sustainable, attractive and accessible built environment. New development should be sympathetic to the character, appearance and landscape quality of the surrounding area in terms of the height, scale and form. Policy A1 is directly reflective of Objective 2 regarding increased opportunities and delivery of education facilities and services. Policy CG4 seeks to ensure that new development is compatible with surrounding land uses and occupiers in order to protect amenity, privacy, safety and security. Policy IPC1 requires that developers make reasonable provision or contribution towards the cost of appropriate physical, social and green infrastructure. Policy M7 confirms that the council will ensure that the scale and massing of new development along the M61 corridor respects the distinctive landscape qualities and relates sympathetically to the surrounding area. Policy P1 identifies a need to deliver a sufficient supply of new employment land (between 145 – 165 ha. up to 2026) to meet requirements. The M61 corridor is identified as an area for economic growth where up to 110 ha.
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