Poles apart – poles on-line Proceedings of the 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy, 17-21 June 2002, Copenhagen Edited by Kirsten Caning and Vibeke Sloth Jakobsen Danish Polar Center 2002 Poles apart – poles on-line Proceedings of the 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy, 17-21 June 2002, Copenhagen Edited by Kirsten Caning and Vibeke Sloth Jakobsen Danish Polar Center Publication no. 10. Copenhagen Danish Polar Center, 2002. © 2002 Danish Polar Center Cover layout Irene Seiten Printed by Special-Trykkeriet Viborg a-s Front cover: Photo from The Arctic Institute collection of historical photographs showing students from the Teachers College in Godthåb in the 1860’ies. Photo H.J. Rink/© Arctic Institute. Back cover: The participants of 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy gathered outside the venue on 18 June 2002. Photo Henning Thing/Polarphotos 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy was supported by the IFLA´97 Fund, NordInfo, and Polar Libraries Colloquy. This publication may be ordered from Danish Polar Center Strandgade 100 H DK-1401 Copenhagen K Denmark Phone +45 32 88 01 00 Fax +45 32 88 01 01 Email: [email protected] homepage: www.dpc.dk Internetshop: www.polarshop.dk ISBN 87-90369-56-4 2 Contents Hanne K. Petersen: Welcome to the 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy 5 Vibeke Sloth Jakobsen: Introduction 7 SESSION 1: Cooperation in the online age Susan Grigg: Digital archives for Alaska 9 Daria O. Carle and Juli Braund-Allen: ARLIS, a model for successful partnerships in the online age 16 Lynn Lay: A collaborative effort to get online: a story of cooperation, frustration and success 22 SESSION 2: Information loss Victoria Tchourikova: The importance of making access to Russian libraries and archives easy 27 Lyle D. Perrigo: Information and data preservation issues 28 SESSION 3: Databases Kathleen Murray, Gale Dutcher, John Iliff and Susan Elliott: Circumpolar Health Information Center: the first year and hopes for the future 35 Arto Vitikka: Developing a map search interface for Arctic Research Institute database using GIS system integrated with SQL relation database 41 SESSION 4: The library users in the online age Satu Ihanamäki and Maija Koponen: The Polytechnic Library and education in a sparsely inhabited province 45 Martha Andrews: Electronically influenced changes in library users’ behavior: a case study at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) 48 Helena Kokko: The library network and the active users in Lapland 54 SESSION 5: Bibliographic resources Nancy C. Liston: The bibliography on Cold Regions Science & Engineering – now and the future 58 Sharon N. Tahirkheli: The evolution of the Cold Regions Bibliography Project through migration and cooperation 62 SESSION 6: Picture collections Silvia Sarti and Donatella Alesi: New trends of the Italian National Antarctic Research Programme Library: projecting a database of Italian Antarctic expeditions pictures 68 Teresa Mullins: Snow and ice data sets at NSIDC: analog versus digital in issues of cataloging, archiving, and access 70 Grete Dalum-Tilds: Historical Greenland online 75 SESSION 7: Arctic resources and collections Fred Inge Presteng and Berit Jakobsen: Searching for polar information in Norway 83 Julia H. Triplehorn: Library services at the Keith B. Mather Library for its international clientele 86 Sylvie Devers: French Polar research and resources 89 Berit Jakobsen: Libraries at high latitudes 92 Marcel Brannemann: Useful links to two German bibliograhic meta databases 96 3 SESSION 8: Planning the future Elisa Jeremiassen: A Greenlandic Inuk librarian’s point of view on the future of Inuit libraries, language and literature 109 Dorthe Søndergaard Jørgensen and Erika Nielsen: Groenlandica and the Ilisimatusarfik Library – past, present and future 99 James H. Anderson: The ideal University of Alaska Science Library 104 SESSION 9: Polar literature David H. Stam and Deirdre Stam: Silent friends – books and reading on polar expeditions 113 Raimund E. Goerler: Alone, a classic of Polar literature: questions and answers 120 SESSION 10: Polar publishing Ron Inouye and D.W.H. Walton: Publishing and the scientific community 128 SESSION 11: International cooperation Niels Einarsson and Philip N. Cronenwett: Bi-national electronic initiatives: the Stefansson experience 131 Shirley Sawtell: From Baffin Island to Cambridge to Baffin Island: making available a special collection held in the SPRI to the Inuit community of Pond Inlet from where it originated 137 SESSION 12: Historic resources preserved for the future Julia Finn: The Indian Affairs Annual Reports (1864-1990): a unique Canadian history source on the web 141 William Mills: Virtual Shackleton at the Scott Polar Research Institute 145 Brian Walmark and Louise Wuorinen: Whispers from the past. Part II 150 Laura Kissel: Have tape, will travel: the Polar oral history program at the Ohio State University 154 Anne Morton: Arctic America: the Hudson’s Bay Company and Knud Rasmussen’s fifth Thule expedition, 1921-1924 160 POSTERS Brian M. Hartmann and Julia H. Triplehorn: Polar climate resources at the Keith B. Mather Library, Geophysical Institute and International Arctic Research Center 166 Chisato Jimura: Information sources from Japanese polar research organizations 166 Silvia Sarti, Donatella Alesi and Mario Castorina: Italian policy for Antarctic data management: The Siria Project 168 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy Business meeting 20 June 2002 169 Programme 172 List of participants 176 4 Welcome to the 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy Hanne K. Petersen versity of life on Earth, but apparently it serves Danish Polar Center also as a basin for global pollution transported mainly by atmospheric and ocean pathways from A very warm welcome to Copenhagen, to the Dan- sources located far away from the region. Even if ish Polar Centre and to the 19th Polar Libraries Col- much of the Arctic remains in a natural state, its loquy! Welcome to participants from all of the Arc- nature and wildlife is facing various threats tic countries, and to friends of the Arctic nations. It caused by man. is a pleasure to see you here in Copenhagen, and it The Arctic is highly visible in issues regarding is a special pleasure once again to welcome the the climate change. According to scientific results Greenlandic participants to the colloquy. as well as long-term observations by arctic resi- I hope you will enjoy being in this historic part dents, climate change is already taking place with of Copenhagen. You will find the Danish Polar a strong and largely unpredictable effect on the Centre down the street in the middle of an area arctic nature and arctic communities. where the business of the Royal Greenlandic Climate change is expected to bring about the Trade Company was conducted for more than 200 highest temperature increases on Earth in the Arc- years, until 15 years ago. Our building used to be tic. Thawing permafrost poses dangers to commu- a cooper’s workshop where the barrels for whale nities and industries in many parts of the Arctic oil were made. It was built in 1806 whereas the big and could, with increasing emissions of green- neighbouring warehouse is from around 1765. The house gases, accelerate climate change. Climate big warehouse is now being restored and will be- change may also lead to an acceleration of stratos- come a cultural centre for the North Atlantic na- pheric ozone depletion in the region. Changes in tions. In a few years we hope that the former Roy- ocean currents are possible and carry the risk of al Greenland Trade area will be a centre for North severe effects on living conditions in some parts of Atlantic culture. the Arctic. I think this colloquy is important for many rea- To respond to these challenges the Arctic Council sons, but I would like to focus on two areas. was established. The Arctic Council is an intergov- The Arctic has a growing visibility in the global ernmental forum for representatives from all the context. arctic countries. The arctic indigenous peoples Capacity building and providing access to participate on a permanent basis. knowledge in the arctic regions and about the arc- I have been a delegate from Denmark in the tic regions is of paramount importance to issues Arctic Council. It is obvious to me that capacity regarding the global climate change. building and cooperation among educational in- During the last century Arctic communities and stitutions in the Arctic is very important for the cultures have remained resilient despite huge so- Arctic communities. cial, demographic and technological changes. Arc- The goal of the Polar Libraries Colloquy, to pro- tic populations depend to a certain extent on tra- vide a forum for librarians and others concerned ditional sources of livelihood, but traditional ways with collecting, keeping, and disseminating polar of using the environment and its resources have information, is extremely important for capacity become economically less viable, partly due to building, both on the local, the regional and inter- technological advances. New economic activities national level. Information on all issues should be are urgently needed to support the populations in retrievable for users anywhere. the Arctic. An outcome of the extended cooperation in the The Arctic is a very special component in the di- Arctic Council is the University of the Arctic. This 5 is an international non-governmental organisation This conference will cover some of the current dedicated to higher education in the Circumpolar issues in digital library research and hopefully North. The University of the Arctic is a decentral- identify priorities for the next phase. The rapid ized university offering programs of academic ed- development of networked information delivered ucation and research, contributing to the regional to users directly through their desktop challenges educational capacity, and stimulating cooperation the traditional role of libraries as a physical space among participating institutions. I see this initia- and librarians as information professionals. How tive also as an opportunity to strengthen the coop- can libraries meet the challenge? Will there be an- eration among the Arctic libraries.
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