UNAKOTI DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 2018-2019 UNAKOTI DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY. GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA. Chairman of DDMA. {DM & Collector) Unakoti District, Kailashahar MLS_SAGE ' ;.'r't'tl I)istriL:t I'lan, rnatr:rgemeltt itottltl ttot be done sui:cessfirllv. I)istrict I)isaster.managerlreut plan is ''rl to n)allitge tlte pt'occss cllbctirel.r,,', Lirrrcly anrl .joitrtl.y u'ith all clcpar.ttnents 9{' thc L)istrict. .\ ' 'i tlisastcr tilttc artd chain o1-r,l'orlis t'clatctl to r'(iscr.lc opelation can lte takrn to tlie aflectccl arcas 1,itlr I tttanlrou et' anri sttl;lrortirrg cqrriprne'llts ti.lr cornbatil)g the rlisaster bolcllr. 'll l)istIict I)isiistcl' lllallilg'('IItttl.tt 1;lait ')ols-11) is rnaclt' i:ts ii ltat't of'11.r:llar.t,tlngss tirr. trl,irrg l)istlict Disastcr \'lanagcr:rrrrr Plan 2O1t-19 is an eflirr.t of l)isasrcl Nlanag.enrent (-ell o1- L.'nakoti 'i'll itlcorl)oratc(l in this plan.'l'itet lcr.:trrt rli,t,aslzrtiug tlooil 9u 12tlL 1e 1trl, .lrrrrc,2Ol8 [as c1r.igficrl ,ur. ' li,l t\i)i'l'it'ttt:e ltavt't;rlit'n irtto consi(t(,I'ittion at the titne t>1'prellarirrg this plan,f'zols-tg. .l:: trtlirt'tlratiort ttl tlit: sti'rhe lroirl('r's to r]ranag(, tht' t.lisasttt' in a lrtttt,rr. rr a.r,. \\,it]r t]rt: r..ar[.\. .ti,11 1vf [)istrii't l)isiistur nlAr]ilgc]llcnl I)lan 2Olg-111, \\,e cran fhce antl ntanage the lirtrrrt: tlisaslet. lalrinU . rr)lloIt o1'alI stakeholcler.s in ['nalioti I)isrr.ict. *r,L-K (D.Darl[,nJ, IAS) l)istrict Nlasistrate & Collector [.inakoti Distt'ict : Kailas]rahar. Chapter Contents Page No Message. 1 Profile of the Unakoti District. 01-03 2 Types of disasters, hazard risk and vulnerability 04-10 analysis in unakoti district 3 Flood & Cyclone crises, Contingency plan 11-15 4 District Disaster Management committee 16-19 5 Administrative arrangement -Zoning 20-26 6 Capability Analysis of Institution 27-28 7 Other resources/infrastructure available 29-33 8 SOP for District 34-36 9 Checklist for Department 37-41 10 Sub-Divisional Disaster Management 42-46 Co-ordination Teams 11 SOP for Disaster Management Team 47-53 12 Annexure-I 54-56 13 Annexure-II 57-61 1 CHAPTER -1 PROFILE OF THE UNAKOTI DISTRICT:- UNAKOTI, the smallest district of Tripura, is situated at the North-Western part of the state and is spread over an area of 686.79 Sq. Km. and consists total population of 3,28,365. The district started it’s administrative journey since last 21ST January 2012, after bifurcation from the erstwhile undivided North Tripura district. It is surrounded by two other districts of Tripura, namely, the present North Tripura district at the Eastern side and the Dhalai district at the South- western side, while it has a long international border with Bangladesh at it’s North- Western side. In fact it is a valley sandwiched between two hill ranges, namely the Longtarai at the West and the Unakoti hills at the East. Manu and Deo, these two are the main rivers, both flowing South to North, are the two main rivers nourishing the district. The district is comprised of 02 (two) Sub-Divisions, namely, Kailasahar and Kumarghat, 04 (four) Blocks, namely, Gournagar, Chandipur, Kumarghat and Pecharthal and 02 (two) ULBs, namely, Kailasahar and Kumarghat Municipal Councils. The district HQ is at Kailasahar, which happens to be one of the oldest district town of the state, earlier being the HQ of the then undivided North Tripura district and now the HQ of Unakoti district, has very rich educational and cultural heritage. Topographically Kailasahar is almost like a basin, the main town area being the sink of the basin, while the surrounding peripheries are like elevated edges. Even the Manu river is like a raised drain, the river bed being almost at equal altitude with that of the township area. Therefore, the whole Kailasahar town had to be protected by constructing 16 numbers of earthen embankments of total length more than 60 Kms surrounding it. The district is situated in highly vulnerable intense seismic region, i.e., in seismic zone – ‘V’. The hill range Unakoti is famous for having engraved pictures of gods and goddesses, created in ancient era, on stony hillocks, which is a popular place of tourist interest recognised by the ASI. Unakoti District Disaster Management Plan 2018-19 2 1 Unakoti District AT A GLANCE 1 Name of District Unakoti 2 Total Area 686.79 Sq Km 3 Total Population 3,28,365 4 Rural Population 2,90,118 5 Urban Population 38,247 6 No of Sub-Division 2(two) Nos- Kumarghat & Kailashahar 7 No of Blocks 4( four) Nos. Gournagar, Kumarghat, Pecharthal, Chandipur 8 No of Municipal Council 2(two) Nos. Kumarghat & Kailashahar 9 No of GP 55 Nos. 10 No of ADC Village 36 Nos. 11 No of Assembly Constituency 05 Nos. 12 No of MGNREGA Job card 52988 Nos. holders 13 No. of Hospitals / PHCs / SCs 1 No Dist. Hospital, 1 No Sub-Divisional Hospital (RGM Hospital),1 No. CHC, 6 Nos. PHC, 51 Nos. SC 14 No of DWS Division 2 Nos. (Kumarghat & Pechrthal) 15 No of VH / VFAC / VD 1 No. Hospital, 29 Nos. VFAC and 6 Nos. VD 16 No of Supdt. Of Fishery 1 No. (Kumarghat), 1 No. Fish Seed Centre Office 17 No of Forest Division & 1 No. Forest District located at Kumarghat, and ____ Range Nos of SDFOs Office 18 Agricultural Profile i. Geographical Area-686.79 Sq Km ii. Area under Forest-33039 iii. Permanent pasture & other grazing land-695.5. iv. Land under Misc. tree crops-3562.9 v. Cultivated waste land-1071 vi. Fallow land-915 vii. Net area shown17803 viii. Single crops-5778 ix. Double crops-10888 x. Triple crops-718 xi. Total cultivated area-23847.6 19 Education i. No of College-2 Nos at Kailashahar & Fatikray ii. No of HS(+2) School-22 Nos iii. No of High School- 35 Nos iv. No of Sr Basic School-86 Nos (State 86 + ADC Nil) v. No of Jr Basic School-157 Nos. (State80 +ADC 77) vi. No Of ITI- 1 No vii. No of Central School-1 No viii. No of Deaf & Dumb School – 1 No. Unakoti District Disaster Management Plan 2018-19 3 ix. No of Madrassa- 22 Nos (JB-21 +SB_Nil + HS-1) x. No of School( Grant in Aided-4Nos. (High-1+HS- 3) 20 DRDA DRDA Office is located in the DM’s Office Complex, Gournagar and implementing different poverty alleviation schemes. 21 Excise Foreign Liquor Shop- 10 Nos. Country Liquor Shop-4 Nos. Bonded Ware House-1 No Bottling Unit-1 No 22 Home Department Police Station- 5 Nos. 23 Police Out Post 1 No. (Fatikroy) Unakoti District Disaster Management Plan 2018-19 4 CHAPTER-2 TYPES OF DISASTERS, HAZARD RISK AND VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS IN UNAKOTI DISTRICT As defined by the United Nations Organization (UNO), “Any occurrences that caused damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life and deterioration of health and health services on a scale sufficient to warrant all extraordinary response from outside the affected community and area is known as Disaster. Disasters can be classified into natural disaster and man-made disaster. It can be classified as follows: NATURAL DISASTER MAN-MADE DISASTER Cyclone/storm Fire Accidents Earthquake Road/Motor Accidents Flood Forest Fire Landslide Electrical Disaster Drought Food Poisoning Pest attacks Building collapse Diseases 1. Floods are recurrent annual phenomena and the Flood Management Plan should ideally be built to minimize losses of all types, primarily loss of human lives and secondarily, loss to property like livestock, crops, community assets, personal belongings etc. When disaster strikes, automatically, the District Administration has traditionally responded in all parts of the Country is an exemplary manner. However, if a good Disaster Management Plan is in place, every step taken in time of disaster will yield magnified resolution in the form of more effective rescue and relief operation. Our Plan should ensure that when a flood strikes there is standardized POA and rehearse procedure set in place so that precious time is not lost due to confusion regarding who is to do what. 2. Unakoti District is bestowed with a high average annual rainfall of 2700 mm (approximately) with average number of rainy days at 92 per year. Normally, rain arrives in late April and continuous up to October. However, the intensity of rainfall increases during the month of JUNE – September. Higher rainfall occurring during this period causes flood in low laying areas and erosion of land. The spatial distribution of rainfall under Unakoti District is as follows. Unakoti District Disaster Management Plan 2018-19 5 Information regarding water level of river of Unakoti District Sl Name Location of Level of Bangladesh Critical Danger Extreme Remar No of rivers Gauge expected warning level level in level in Danger ks (normal) level in mtr mtr mtr level in mtr in mtr 1 Manu Kailashahar 21.50 22.10 23.50 24.00 24.50 2 Manu Kumarghat NA NA 30.28 31.28 32.28 3 Deo Kumarghat 30.52 NA NA 31.02 32.02 Information on flood warning stations and flow of water between two stations Correlated levels at upstream gauge station SlNo station available Floodwarming Critical Namethe of river stationfromwhere Thegauge upstream advanceinformation Dangerlevel Gauge Gauge reading willbe Extreme level Flowofwater between Nameflood of warning 1. KCP-Deo 1 Kailashahar Manu 2. Fatikroy-Manu 40 Km 30.00 8-10 hrs 30 31 32 (CWS Gauge) 3.
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