cOmmuNITy SPARKS Strong turnout for kids triathlon YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Page 3 Volume 110, Number 21 Wednesday, May 23, 2018 $1.00 SPORTS 2018 PRImaries Candidate Back on Top forum tonight in Sparks By Kayla Anderson Sparks Tribune Wolf Pack add This evening at 6 p.m., to its 2018-19 39 North Downtown will schedule be hosting a candidate fo- rum at the Veterans Me- Page 9 morial Office at the Outlets at Legends, across from the IMAX movie theater on 300 Howard Drive. Sparks voters are invited to come and meet the candidates running for the Ward 4 City Council seat and the Mayor of Sparks who will be on the 2018 Primary Election bal- lot. While many people know current City Coun- cil members Charlene By- bee (re-running for Ward Nevada baseball John Byrne/Tribune 4) and Ron Smith (running team wins regular Members of the Spanish Springs High softball team raise the state championship trophy for Mayor), this will give and celebrate after defeating Douglas 6-2 on Saturday afternoon at Bishop Manogue residents a chance to learn season title High School in Reno. about the other candidates Page 9 for these positions and ask questions in person and via Facebook Live. The candidates running INSIDE Cougars capture second for Mayor include: Ron Smith, Eric Wacker, Jeff Bo- Weather...............................2 nano and Wendy Stolyarov State Briefs..........................2 (who will not be able to at- Opinion............................10 state title in three years tend). Candidates running Puzzles..............................13 Springs coach Jeff Davidson. “This is the for Ward 4 include: Brian Advice...............................14 By Eric Dahlberg Sparks Tribune most fun group of girls I’ve coached and they Hunt, Rudy Viola Jr., and Classified Ads..................15 worked hard all year. It was a total team ef- Charlene Bybee (who will Legals................................16 The wait wasn’t nearly as long, but the fort.” not be able to attend due to outcome was just as sweet for the Spanish A big part of that team effort was star an already-booked engage- Springs High softball team. pitcher Tyra Clary, who picked up a win ment). After winning its first two games of the and went the distance in each of the state Within a general format, Follow us on tourney, the Cougars defeated Douglas 6-2 to tournament games. The sophomore’s seven the candidates will each be Twitter: capture the 4A state softball title Saturday at innings of two run ball in the championship allowed to give an opening @SparksTribune Bishop Manogue. It’s the second title in three game was even more impressive due to the statement up to three min- years for Spanish Springs, who defeated the fact that she took a ball off her leg in the utes and share their posi- very same Tiger team five days earlier to win first inning inning and limped back out in tions on issues affecting the regional championship in the continua- the second before going the distance. Clary Sparks by answering ques- tion of a suspended game from May 12. was also hit in her non pitching hand in the tions asked by a modera- “I’m so happy and proud of this team, it’s quite an accomplishment,” said Spanish > See CHAMPS, Page 8 > See FORUM, Page 4 SPARKS Get the digital edition. SEE MORE sparkstrib.com Tribune News | Sports | Trending Now Your Community Newspaper Since 1910 ONLINE! 2 May 23, 2018 yOuR SEvEN-Day fOREcast WEDNESDAY THuRSDAY fRIDAY SaTuRDAY SuNDAY mONDAY Tuesday 71/52 73/53 62/47 64/48 72/53 80/54 84/53 A p.m. t-storm in Partly sunny; Partly sunny, a Variable clouds, a Periods of Sunny; pleasant Sunny; warm spots pleasant thunderstorm t-storm sunshine and warmer NEvaDa news bRIEfS Associated Press and two people were killed. Two ties fatally shot a 77-year-old man The notification didn’t mention a more people were killed in the other after he threatened to kill officers lawsuit filed in federal court by an car. The pickup truck flipped, killing responding to a domestic dispute eighth-grade student’s parents after Fire alarm activates the driver. A female passenger flown and struck one of them with his car he was twice told to remove or cover sprinklers that Floods reno to a hospital. She is expected to sur- while attempting to flee the scene his pro-gun clothing because it vio- courthouse vive. south of Carson City over the week- lated the dress code. RENO — A sprinkler system acti- The crash closed the highway near end. The lawsuit remains pending but vated by a fire alarm has flooded part Amargosa Valley for hours. The sheriff’s office identified the the president of a Second Amend- of a Washoe County courthouse and victim Monday as Jimmy Alan ment group supporting the lawsuit forced the closure of the district attor- 2 democrats seeking nevada Moss of Yerington. He was pro- says the dress code change is a step ney’s office in Reno for the day. governor nomination to nounced dead at the scene Satur- toward resolving the litigation. spar on TV The fire alarm was activated and day night. Brandon Combs of the Firearms the Mills B. Lane Courthouse was LAS VEGAS — The two top Demo- The deputy who was hit by the car Policy Coalition also said attorneys evacuated across the street from the cratic candidates for governor in Ne- was treated for multiple injuries but for both sides have discussed ways main district courthouse at about vada are set to debate in a one-hour has been released from a local hospi- to bring the lawsuit to an amicable 7:40 a.m. Monday. live broadcast in Las Vegas. tal. end. No fire was reported but the water Chris Giunchigliani (joon-kihl- The sheriff’s office says Moss ap- from the sprinklers caused an unde- ee-AHN’-ee) and Steve Sisolak peared to be intoxicated and made nevada mining report puts termined amount of damage. (SIHS’-oh-lahk) are Clark County threats to “kill the police” during the state 5th in World gold production The Reno Justice Court and the Dis- commissioners vying to make it dispute at a residence on Shadow trict Court Family Division housed in through the June 12 statewide party Lane near Indian Hills north of Min- CARSON CITY — State officials the Mills B. Lane building reopened primary. den. say Nevada ended 2017 as the top Monday afternoon. But the district The winner is expected to face a He was shot and killed as he fled in gold-producing state in the U.S., and attorney’s office isn’t expected to re- Republican choice to replace ter- his vehicle. fifth worldwide in production of the open until Tuesday. m-limited GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval One sergeant and three deputies precious metal behind the countries The Reno Fire Department and a in November. have been placed on paid adminis- of China, Australia, Russia and Can- restoration crew are continuing to as- Giunchigliani goes by “Chris G.” trative leave while the Carson City ada. sess the extent of the water damage. She’s a former teacher who casts her- sheriff and Nevada Division of In- The Nevada Division of Minerals self as more progressive than Sisolak. vestigation conduct an investiga- reported last Thursday that mines 5 killed in Fiery crash aFter Sisolak was highly visible as com- tion into the officer-involved shoot- in the state produced 5.64 million car tries to pass pickup mission chairman after the Las Vegas ing. ounces of gold in 2017, up 3.2 percent LAS VEGAS — Five people are Strip shooting last year. from 2016. dead and a sixth is injured after a fi- They’re likely to clash over gun con- Washoe county school Meanwhile, the average annual ery crash in southern Nevada. trol and the Raiders stadium deal that district no longer bans price of gold increased 6 cents, from pro-gun clothing The Las Vegas Review-Journal re- Sisolak supports and Giunchigliani $1,251 per ounce in 2016 to $1,257 per ports the Nevada Highway Patrol opposes. RENO — The northern Nevada ounce last year. says the three-vehicle collision in Nye They also differ on a developer’s school district that serves the Reno Silver production in the Silver State County happened when a car tried to plan for 5,000 homes near scenic Red area no longer bans pro-gun cloth- decreased 5.2 percent in 2017 com- pass a pickup truck on U.S. Highway Rock Canyon National Conservation ing. pared with 2016, to just under 8.5 mil- 95 on Sunday afternoon. Area outside Las Vegas. The Reno Gazette Journal re- lion ounces. Authorities say when the car ports that the Washoe County The average annual price of silver moved into the southbound lane, it deputies shoot, kill School District notified parents decreased 10 cents year-to-year, to collided head-on with a car and then yerington man near carson Thursday that a revised dress code $17.04 in 2017. city hit the side of the truck about 85 miles has changes that include no lon- Nevada copper production in 2017 northwest of Las Vegas. CARSON CITY — The Douglas ger prohibiting clothing that “pro- was 146 million pounds, down 9 per- The passing car burst into flames County sheriff’s office says depu- motes weapons.” cent from 2016. CONTACT US: Publisher: Sherman Frederick - [email protected] (702) 525-2440 Managing Editor: Eric Dahlberg - [email protected] (775) 316-2265 Advertising: [email protected] Legals: Tammy Creedon - [email protected] Circulation: Kristy Stralla - [email protected] Classifieds: [email protected] Contact Us By Phone: 775-358-8062 Sparks Tribune (ISSN 0899-9583) USPS (000461) is published Wednesdays by Battle Born Media, LLC, 155 Glendale Ave.
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