
ROCZNIK POLSKIEGO TOWARZYSTWA GEOLOGICZNEGO ANNALES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ GÉOLOGIQUE DE POLOGNE Vol. XLVIII — 1: 27—37 Kraków 1978 Stefan W. Alexandrowicz1, Krzysztof Birkenmajer2 UPPER MAASTRICHTIAN AND PALEOCENE DEPOSITS AT SZAFLARY, PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT, CARPATHIANS, POLAND <4 Pig., 1 Tab.) Utwory górnego mastrychtu i paleocenu w Szaflarach, pieniński pas skałkowy ■ (4 fig., 1 tab.) Abstract: At the contact of the Pieniny Klippen Belt with the Podhale Flyseh (Palaeogene) at Szaflary (Polish Carpathians), occur late Maastrichtian and Paleocene deposits of small thickness, characterized by aibundant, pre­ dominantly planktonie foraminiferal assemblages, developed in a facies unknown from the Klippen successions in Poland. These deposits correspond to a zone known in Slovakia as the „peri-KBppen” zone, resp. Myjava Furrow, which was situated to (the south of the Klippen Belt basin and its southern exotic massif, and to the north of the folded Central Carpathian (Su'b-Taitric and High-Tatric) units. INTRODUCTION At the contact of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Podhale Palaeo­ gene flyseh at Szaflary (Polish Carpathians), occur late Maastrichtian and Paleocene deposits developed in a facies unknown from the Klip­ pen successions of Poland. These rock’s are younger than the young­ est ilithostratigrap'hic units of 'the Klippen successions, which are rep­ resented by preorogenic flyseh of the Sromowce Formation (Coniacian to Lower Campanian — see Birkenmajer, 1977) in the southern tectonic units, and by pelagic Globotruncana marlis of the Pustelnia Marl Member (Turonian to Lower Maastrichtian — see A lexandro­ wicz, 1975; Birkenmajer, Jednorowska, 1976; Birken­ majer, 1977) in the northernmost part of the geanticlinal Czorsztyn Succession. 1 Instytut Geologii i Surowców Mineralnych AGH, al. MLokiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków. 8 Zakład Nank Geologicznych PAN, ul. Senacka 3, 31-002 Kraków. — 28 The Paleöcene rooks at Szaflary have been recognized in 1964 by Durand --Del g a (1965) on microfaunal investigation by J. M a g- n é. Small outliers of the Campanian-Maastrichtian, Paleocene (?) and Eocene-Oligocene rocks of small thickness, have been traced west of Szaflary, along the boundary of the Pieniny Klippen Belt with the Podhale Palaeogene, by Morgi el and Sikora (1972, 1973). The sequence discussed differs both in age and in facies from those recog­ nized in the Klippen successions (Birkenmajer, 1965, and later papers), and represents an independent succession which was attribu­ ted to the so-called „Złatne succession” by Morgiel and Sikora (op. cit.), but correlated with the Myjava succession of West Slovakia by Birkenmajer (1977, p. 140). T he M aastrichtian unit of the succession is partly coeval with the Maastrichtian flysch and molasse of the Jarmuta Formation, which is represented by coarsely to fine- -detrital clastics with abundant rock material from the Klippen succes­ sions as secondary deposit, and which was deposited unconformably upon folded Klippen successions and, besides, in the Magura basin (Graj­ carek Unit — see Birkenmajer, 1965, 1970, 1977) — to the north of the Czorsztyn geanticline. Fig. 1. Location of Szaflary within the Pieniny Klippen Belt. 1 — Magura Nappe; 2 — Podhale Flysch; 3 — Pieniny Klippen Belt; 4 — Northern and southern tec­ tonic boundaries of the Pieniny Klippen Belt Fig. 1. Położenie Szaflar w pienińskim pasie skałkowym. 1 — płaszczowina magur­ ska; 2 — flisz podhalański; 3 —• pieniński pas Skałkowy; 4 — północna i połud­ niowa granica tektoniczna pienińskiego pasa skałkowego The present paper gives the results of lithologie and microfaunal investigations of a section exposed along the right bank of the Duna­ jec River at Szaflary (Fig. 1), at the southern contact of the Pieniny Klippen Belt. The field work fwas done in 1969. LITHOLOGY, MICROFAUNA AND AGE OF THE DEPOSITS The section along the right bank of the Biały Dunajec River expo­ ses several! Upper Cretaceous lilt bostratigraphic units of the Pieniny Succession (Fig. 2: 6—S) on the north, and a 25 m thick complex of Cd £ g "O ? a> fQ »000 cu g - g 3 c/> a ■S'S ^ Sg^l? .0 d ,'0«s sSö,a o *? s-s J ® j.s tuo cö w ^ ^ £ v £ «g^g” *£5 •■-> g§ oi - eMä ś G tu V ^ 0) cd ' 3 CD 0N'Ö « bh . —G15 o g I iT-k £ > . >» O S) C- >N O 5 N t-i cd g - J Ctf -(-< o1 ^ s ! ; K. ^ S OS - h i* l . £ cfl a r.a w| g yji rt ISI tn <n M 8 cd -Ü O ^ S a , «1 I I OIE cd C'JI « o _Q 0) M M ^ uV * i>£J 00 pj Æ Ui S ' o cd 1) M01 tfl N»i Ct.rl S?| O >j nj 3 y ■£'m O Ä a <M Swllg|'S o I M ^ G :£ '•£ § C?J« I cd- cd cd W a * p : G «h ^ I 2 £ U J- I § «M <u ia f-i t-. •*-( g ~n 'O <D <?li° i , M (IJ «1H M ^ it? c . .£ M « bd Ö< iG Ph m a< CO ;.“ K m u ä >> M !s'| ' . » 1 1) « PL, tO) a g G • •~' V C d t5 ■I •S S-g^g§I|lgi l,- - ^ ■ _ M □ > ca c - g s | | 5 pöS“(§ Sö8§g M f i ü P §} 3 2 Ö<u 'S■§ 'SS "WJ y <u~ fl) §.ggwl _ , £ < “ æ 3 . * •Hl,ü -, ft)'V ,_|C .a - p5 aj co .S q E ^w â g ö to 3» « ^ g ■§ V-e-3 ö f li ■s s iii “5 0> M r l S Irl!h ’>5 ni 0) cd ■5 .^ j ,1^ J3,-4 9" wS 'öaca £, f i « | i S Ü £ £} Cd -H V3 w cy tj «h s&S p *3 SZ1m "H,2 „ fi ®g ^ S"l§sr . s r S s ‘ rĆ-I T3‘P ■»co 'S.O sbf MS"*' § Cd O .2 |x) 1 G■ sm s s JT ^ X S n O CO -S 01 e . - X3 cd u g I o- . CU « ^ G I 3 05 G ^ C W . • M <U rt) »—« </) bJO cd g cd 35 Wl {-I , .5 cö . x: 2 I .0 -r* p >> O! w SO jd a S, m-( w) à'w 'o 30 — Maastrichtian and Paleocene rocks on the south, at the contact with the Podhale Flyseh (Zakopane Formation, Upper Eocene). The rocks are vertical or dip at very steep angles to the south or to the north, and are often recumbent. The Maastrichtian-Paleocene complex is repre- AGE M ID D LE PALEOCENE Fig. 3. Lith-ostratigraphie coluimn of the Upper Maastrichtian and Middle Paleocene sediments at Szaflary, f — Tectonic contacts Fig. 3. Kolumna lit o stratygraficzna osadów górnego mastrychtu i środkowego paleo­ cenu w Szaflarach, f - kontakty tektoniczne sented by two lithostratigraphic units of formation rank: the older marly complex (with sandstone-sedimentaTy breccia intercalation in the middle) which yielded Upper Maastrichtian foraminifers, and the youn­ ger, shaly complex which yielded Paleocene foraminifers (Fig. 3). Upper Maastrichtian Unit 1 (8 m) The oldest part of the Maastrichtian complex tectonically contacts with the Podhale Flyseh (Zakopane Formation, Upper Eocene) which is overturned in a narrow zone adjoining the contact, then (further south) it dips normally towards the south. The Maastrichtian unit 1 is repre­ sented by pale-grey, pale-green, whitish weathered, strongly cleaved marls and m arly limestones (Fig. 2: 1). Ten samples for microfauna were taken. The microfossils were dif­ ficult to separate from hard marls and marly limestones, where they were often deformed, and only softer marls yielded determinable forms. The dominant element of the microfaunal spectrum (Tab. 1: as­ semblage 1) is represented by planktonie forms, of which Globotrun- cana stuartiformis Dalbiez is the most common, and is associated with stratigraphically important G. stuarti (Lapparent), G. conica White, Abathomphalus mayaroensis (Bolli) and Pseudotextularia spp. Of the T a b le 1 Microfaunal spectra of the Upper Maastrichtian (units 1, 3) and Middle Paleocene (unit 4) pelagic sediments from Szaflary s _ single; r — rare; f — few; c — common; a — abundant Species Ldfchostratigraphic unit: 1 Assemblage: 1 Reophax sp. s s Hormosina ovulum ((Grzybowski) r s Nodellum velascoense (Cushman) s Glomospira charoides (Jones et Parker) r Glomospira gordialis (Jones et Parker) s s Ammodiscus siliceus (Tenquem) s r Trochamminoides irregularis White s Textularia. plummerae Lalicker s s Spiroplectammina semicomplanata (Carsey) r r Gaudryina of. pyramidata Cushman s s s Tritaxia tricarinata Reuss r s s Areno bvlimina sp. s s s Dorothia bulleta Carsey s s s Dorothia trochoides (Marsson) r s s Leniicidina maorodisca (Reuss) s s Lenticulina milcoxensis (Cushman et Ponton) s Astacolus compressas (d’Orfoigny) Vaginulina trilobata (d’Orbigny) s Neoflabellina cf. numdsmalis Wedekind s Pseudoglandulina parallela (Marsson) s Gyroidinoides nitidus (Reuss) s r Stensioeina caucasica (Subbotina.) s s Stensioeina pommerana Brotoen r s Eponides cf. franhei Brotzen r Anomalina cf. welleri (Plummer) Gavelinella pertusa (Marsson) Pseudovalvulineria cf. praeacuta Vassilenko Cibicidoides cf. actulagayensis Vassilenko Globigerina triloculinoides Pllumimer a Globorotalia aegua Cushman et Renz r Globorotalia angvlata (White) c Globotruncana area (Cushman) f Globotruncana contusa -(Cushman) f Globotruncana conica White f Globotrunca-na of. gagnebini Tilev s Globotruncana ganss&ri Belli r Globotruncana stuarti (Dapparemt) r s Globotruncana stuartiformis Dadbiez c r Abathomphalus mayaroensis (BoLli) r Rugoglobigerina rugosa (Pllummer) f c Reussella szajnochae (Grzybowski) s s Pleurostomella sp. s s Aragonia ouezzanensis (Rey) s Bolivina incrassata Reuss s Bolivinoides giganteus Hiiltermann et Koch s Pseudotextularia acervulinoides (Egger) r s Pseudotextularia elegans (Rzehak) f s Pseudotextularia varians (Rzehak)^ s — 32 — benthie forms, the most characteristic are: Gavelinella pertusa (Mars- son), Stensioeina pommerana Brotzen, S. caucasica (Su'bbotina) and Reussella szajnochae (Grzybowski). The variation within the foramini- ferai 'spectrum between the samples is negligible, and depends on the percentage of benthos (10—20%). The assemblage indicates the Upper • Maastrichtian, possibly the latest Upper Maastrichtian, age of the marls.
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