THERMOGUARD® INSULATION °" November 25. 1987 \ MR. MICHAEL TOWLE NOV § 0 1987 U.S. Environmental Protectibn'Agency, Region III PA. CERCLA remedial Enforcement Section (3HW12) 373)A D • HI 8Ul Chestnut Street, 6th Floor JLTA-KeglOIl ill Philadelphia, PA. 19107 'j ' Dear Mr. Towle, ; Pursuant to your letter of^October 7, 1987 please be advised of the following: .„._„.,——.. Thermoguard Insulation Company manufactures Cellulose Insulation. This is comprised-of-ground newsprint, borax, and boric acid. The formula used in making the end product is 80$ newsprint, 20% boraxvand boric acid. We have been manufacturing this product at this facility for approximately 10 years. Early in 198U the business changed hands and some of the old records disappeared. Some of what I am going to tell you can be substantiated,while other relies on the best memory of an employee who has been here 8 years. To the best of our research we are able to assertain *-—' that we dealt with Valley Disposal for the period of 198U and 1985. However recollection.,by said employee would indicate that our dealings with them went back at least 2 years. We had at that time a Uo cubic yard box. We did not dispose solely of insulation at that time, but in addition regular office-type waste. We can determine that on 5 occasions during each 1981* and 1985 our box was dumped at the landfill in question. Valley Disposal on each removal gave us a slip of paper indicating that they took the box away, a copy of which is included. So you can see that Valley Disposal did not recognize our waste as hazardous nor do we now. At no time did any of our employees follow the removal truck over to ValTey's land fill. Therefore, we have no way of knowing exactly what Valley did with it when they got it over there. Pursuant to point 8 in your document, I am able to categorically state that no one in our Company or its officers MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 1 680 EAST RACE STREET . ALLENTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 1 81 03 P.O. BOX 2527 INSULATION SPECIALISTS 142-10-2/17/84 have any interest real or indirect in the Novak Sanitary Land Fill. (J I am also enclosing as I stated to you on the phone copies of the Merck Index and Dangerous Properties of Indus Materials? pages which pertain to the toxicity of used in our process, kindly note page U8l of D.P.I.M. in any of our research are we able to find a determination condemning any of our waste as a hazardous substance. I apologize for being late with my response to you however, I wanted to give you a good comprehensive response which took a little more time than I figured on. Should you require any addition information please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, William A. Savacool General Manager Allentown / \ WAS: klj Enclosures •:•") O 479 BORAZOLB Shippins Regulations: Section 1 1. BLEACH LEATHER I.C.C.: Clast C explosive. Countermttwrn Coast Guard Classification: Class C explosive. Shipping Regulations: Section II. BLASTING CAPS WITH SAFETY FUSE-MORE '"^Tite^Tca'rge*." '"'"""' "* ****' ' (paMeB|er)> i,«.low. THAN 1000 Shipping Regulations: Section 11. BLISTERING BEETLES. See cantharides. I.CC: Explosive A. not accepted. BLISTERING FLIES. See cantharidet. BLASTING GELATIN. See explosive*, high. _..._ ,_._ _. „ Synonym: SNO. BLUE LEAD. See lead sulf ate. Shipping Regulations: Section 11. BLUE STONE. See copper suttate. BLASTING OIL. See nitroglycerine. BLUE VITRIOL. See copper sulfate. BLASTING POWDERS. See explosives, low. BOILER COMPOUND LIQUID exposed to heal Sh'ppmg Regulations: Section 11. Description: A caustic solution. all (Section 6). ICC. Classification: Qas* A explosive-nol accepted. Toxicity: See sodium hydroxide. Coast Guard Classification: Class A explosive. Shipping Regulation*: Section II. BLAU GAS I.C.C.: Corrosive liquid; white label 10 gallon*. General Informalbw Coast Guard Classification: Corrosive liquid; white label Composition: Typical gas will analyze 51.9% ilium man ts; BOLTOEN SALT. See ehromalcd zinc arsenate, tassiura nitrate 0.1% carbon monoxide; Z7% hydrogen: 44.1% methane; Bomb?' Practice, non-explosive, with electric primer* or 1.2% nitrogen, etc. ata^SJSS,, Hazard Analysis ICC-Sect TJ Acute Local? 0. 1ATA: Not restricted (passenger and cargo). ;r and cargo). j Acute Systemic: Inhalation 1 BOMBS. SAND-LOADED OR EMPTY. See explosives. Chronic Local: 0. high. Chronic Systemic Inhalation I. Shipping Regulations: Sectkm 11. Fire Hazard: Dangerous, when exposed to flame (Section 6). |ATA: Not restricted (passenger and cargo). Explosion Hazard: Slight, when exposed to flame (Section 7). Disaster Hazard: Moderately dangerous; when heated, it BONE ASH. See cataum phosphate, tribasie. ""• , bum* and h can react with oxidizing materials. RHNV ntrcr ilogr,ms(pa* V^S&nTrol-Section 2. SSSteLlta j nitr&lc, sin* Storajs 2nd Hflfidnnjz SccttoAr. Mpptnf Rc{Ul3tioftsi Sccttofl 11. Hszwtl Attslvslft IATA: Flammable gas. red label not acceptable (pa*- Toxie Hazard Ratine , senger). 140kilogram*(cargo). AcaleL^. ln*M,., BLEACHING POWDER. Acute Systemic: 0. ... General Informatkw Chronic Local: Irritant I. Synonym: Calcium hypochlorite, chlorinated lime, calcram Chronic Systemic: Inhalation I. chloridehypochlorUe. TLV: ACGIH (recommended); SO million particle* per > Description: While psjjder. • .-•- \ cubic foot of air. See also nuisance dusts. tr and cargo). • Formula:(OCl(CK»-4H3)r^r^ Cooatermeasum . .. .... ] Constant: FToltfnmU. Ventilation Control: Sectiosl :xplosives, high. Hazard Analyst* Personal Hygiene: Section 3. live. See explosives, _ _„_ ~ 1'severe irriutio. of ski. and emit IATA: Exploarve, not acceptable (passenger and cargo). ive. fumes capable of caushnptttaioaaiy edema. BORAOC AOD. See boric acid. Fire Hazard: Moderate by chemical reaction with com- • MILD bustible material* (Section 6). BORANES. See bonm hydrides. SS. Caution: A powerful oxidizcr. Deflagration occur* ta contact with combustible substance*. Expteskw Hazard: Moderate, ia it* solid form when heated £^^°??!'!!?V,il,., »Sertk»7V Synonyms: Tmcal; tmkal. ^OM° ExplosM Range: Whe, heated suddenly above 2irF. Description: Whit. gray, bluish or greenish whhe streak. Disaster Hazard: Dangerous, whea heated to decomposition c.^I!.£|oS.o!i n im?n or on contact with acid or acid fume*, it emit* highly toxic fume* and explode*; it win react with water or *-OIB™™: "?"? ZLFlf, 10W OR stea«r»m ton produc nrndnre* toxi Inztce an andd corrosiv mrrmtvee fumes futne;K i ti lca CnM reacre«Ett ~ '«niV» « *«r V, O. I Ventitaiuni Control: SMfcml BORAZINE. See S-triazaborane. Personnel Protection: Section J. nvcnibte chmfOE First Aid: Sectionl. BORAZOLE TT.. Storage and Handling: Section 7. General IntormattM .: IttJ ilMft (IpOMCt Shipping Regulations: Section II. Description: Colorless liquid. ! Coast Guard Classification: Hazardous material Formula: BtN.H*. i! j BORDEAUX, ARSENITES, LIQUID 480 Mol wt: 80.53. mp: -SS'C..__,...__.„„, bp: 53'C, d: 0.824. lion__, emit_.__,_.s highl,y toxi__ c ._..._ _ _..„..-_„_._ Hazard Analysis at i)*C. ' * water or steanuo produce toxic and flammable vapors. Toxicity: Unknown: Hazard Analysis Cotmtcrmeasures - thiocyanoaceute Toxic Hazard Rating: Storage and Handling: Section 7. ! Disaster Hazard: Da '•FTj Acute Local: Irritant3; Ingestion3; Inhalation 3. lion or on conu '!' ' Acute Systemic: U. BORINOAMINOBORINE highly toxic fume Chronic Local: Irritant 2. General bfonaatioB Ccuatcrmcasures Chronic Systemic: U. Description: Colorless liquid. Storage and Handling Fire-Hazard: Dangerous by chemical reaction lo produce Formula: B,H,N. /%w,'X stnonnimiur c~ flammable or even spontaneously flammable gases (Sec- Constants: Mol wt: 42.70. mp: -66.5' C. bp: 76 J'cTJip • ButcuBurANt, set ! . to"0)- A 14.7. BOROCAINE. Caution: Hydrolyzes in water to evolve boron hydrides. Hazard Analysis . General Information Explosion Hazard: Detaib unknown. See also boron hy- Toxidty: See boron compounds. Synonym: Procaineb drides. Fire Hazard: It may evolve boron hydrides upon reaction Description- Crystals. Disaster Hazard: Moderate: when heated to decomposition : with water or acids (Section 6). Formula: C,,H,,N,oi it emits toxk fumes; and upon reaction with water it can ; Disaster Hazard: Dangerous; when heated to decomposi- Constants: Molwt:45 evolve toxic and flammable gases. • tion. it can emit toxic and flammable decomposition Hazard Analysis Counlcrneasurcs . products. Toxic Hazard Rating: Ventilation Control: Section 2. - I Acute Local- U Personnel Protection: Section 3. BORNEO CAMPHOR. See d-borneol. : A«t£ Systemic Inj First Aid: Section I. d-BORNEOL | Chronic Local:'irrii |j , BORDEAUX. ARSENITES. LIQUID. See arsenic and General bfocmarlon ... ! Chronic Systemic 1 •? f copper compounds. .jtaonymt: «r-Camphanol; bomeo camphor. • Fir.ito.rf.wi., Shipping Regulations: Section 11. Description: Hexagonal crystals, peppery odor and burning nre Hazard. Slight, w IATA: Prison "ft'poUo^'labeirT lite? (passenger). 220 C01"""";. M°{. r*%., i^M- MPr ™!& *?'' 2'2*C |: liters (cargo). Hiza^A.alys^ BOROETHANE. See L.j BORDEAUX. ARSENITES. SOLID. See arsenic and Toxic Hazard Rating: BORON copper compounds. Acute Local: Irritant I. , General bfonoatioa Shipping Regulations: Section II. < Acme System ic: ingest km 2. '•• Description: Monodin I.C.C.: Poison B; poison label. 200 pounds. Chronic Local: Irritant I. phous powder. ,1 Coast Guard Classification: Poison B; poison label. " Chronic Systemic: Ingestion I. : Formula-& '•• IATA: Poison B, poison label, 25 kilograms (passenger), Toxidty: Can cause nausea, vomiting, mental disturbances I Constants: At wt: 10.1 f 95 kilogram (cargo). - and convulsions. at20*C '•' .nBr.r..lrV,«r * A fite Hazard: Slight, when exposed to heat or flame; it can Hazard Analysis BORDEAUX MIXTURE. See copper compounds. tnet with oxidizing material. i TpxJchyV&elboron cot BORIC ACETIC ANHYDRIDE. See boron acetate. T"'S'SIlTfE!!^.,..o rent rire: Water,, carbo «..h~n. dioxide ,IL»M,, dr Hy™ chemica rf.»mi^,li o r« ,car «-, • Firleo H4ardjjr Or :by Moden chemk* BOBICACIDIlK, bon tetrachloride (Section 6). '. See also powdered i General lafonnatloa -- Storage end Handling: Section 7. Explosion Hazard: An i Synonyms: Boracicacid; o-borjcacid. Shipping Regulations: Section II.
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