November 16, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 12 17685 development of character and the acquisition Spending over six months in combat, per- bloodiest battles of World War II—the first of truth. Education is about offering one’s best haps the longest of any American unit in the Black Marines in the Navy. After 70 years, to the world and I thank Dr. Patil for offering war, the 369th suffered approximately fifteen they have finally received the honor they de- his best to us. hundred casualties but received only nine hun- serve for a legacy we must not forget to pass I also commend Mr. Puri for his work. As dred replacements. Unit histories claimed they on to our future generations. President Obama has stated, the U.S.-India were the first unit to cross the Rhine; they per- Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join my col- partnership is ‘‘one of the defining relation- formed well at Chateau-Thierry and Belleau leagues and a very grateful nation in very spe- ships of the 21st century,’’ and having worked Wood, earning the epithet ‘‘Hell Fighters’’ from cial congressional salute to my dear friend with Mr. Puri for more than a decade, I can their enemies. Whereas African American General Nathaniel James, Retired, National assure my colleagues that the U.S.-India rela- valor usually went unrecognized, well over one President and all of the officers and members tionship is stronger because of his advocacy hundred members of the regiment received of The 369th Veterans’ Association, Inc. as we for and on behalf of India and Indian Ameri- American and/or French medals, including the celebrate our Veterans Day 11–11–11. cans. His passion for education and his rela- first two Americans—Corporal Henry Johnson f tionships with key Members in the House and and Private Needham Roberts—to be award- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Senate will ensure the success of the Obama- ed the coveted French Croix de Guerre. Singh Knowledge Initiative. The most celebrated man in the 369th was Once more, I thank DPU, AUSIB, and the Pvt. Henry Lincoln Johnson, a former Albany, HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART SLLF for expanding cultural, economic, edu- New York, rail station porter, who earned the OF FLORIDA cational and political ties between the two nickname ‘‘Black Death’’ for his actions in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES largest democracies in the world. These orga- combat in France. In May 1918, Johnson and Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Pvt. Needham. Roberts fought off a 24-man nizations deserve our support for expanding Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall German patrol, though both were severely the presence of American universities across No. 838, I was unable to make the vote. Had wounded. After, they expended their ammuni- India, a country that sends more students to I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ the USA than any other country in the world. tion, Roberts used his rifle as a club and f f Johnson battled with a bolo knife. Johnson was the first American to receive the Croix de HONORING LIEUTENANT COLONEL IN SALUTE OF THE 369TH VET- Guerre awarded by the French government. RHYS W. HUNT, 2ND LIEUTEN- ERANS’ ASSOCIATION HARLEM By the end of the war, 171 members of the ANT ANDREW S. HEDIN, AND HELLFIGHTERS—A CONGRES- 369th were awarded the Legion of Honor. Dur- CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT SIONAL RECOGNITION IN CELE- ing the war the 369th’s regimental band JASON R. RED UPON RECEIPT OF BRATION OF VETERANS DAY 11– (under the direction of James Reese Europe) THE DISTINGUISHED FLYING 11–11 became famous throughout Europe. It intro- CROSS WITH VALOR duced the until-then unknown music called HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL jazz to British, French and other audiences, HON. ZOE LOFGREN OF NEW YORK and started an international demand for it. OF CALIFORNIA At the end of the war, the 369th returned to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES New York City, and in February 1919, paraded Wednesday, November 16, 2011 through the city. Thousands lined the streets Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, as a veteran of to see them: the parade began on Fifth Ave- Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. the Korean War, known today as the ‘‘Forgot- nue at 61st Street, proceeded uptown past Speaker, I rise to acknowledge and honor ten War’’, I am honored with great American ranks of white bystanders, turned west on Lieutenant Colonel Rhys W. Hunt, 2nd Lieu- pride and democracy to salute all my fellow 110th Street, and then swung on to Lenox Av- tenant Andrew S. Hedin, and Chief Master comrades, buddies and all of the officers and enue, and marched into Harlem, where black Sergeant Jason R. Red upon their award of members of The 369th Veterans’ Association New Yorkers packed the sidewalks to see the Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor. on this very special day as we celebrate Vet- them. The parade became a marker of African The Distinguished Flying Cross is America’s erans Day 11–11–11. American service to the nation, a frequent oldest military aviation award. In 1926, the First organized in 1916 as the 15th New point of reference for those campaigning for 69th Congress established the Distinguished York National Guard Infantry Regiment and civil rights. In the 1920s and 1930s, the 369th Flying Cross to honor any person serving in manned by black enlisted soldiers with both was a regular presence on Harlem’s streets, the Armed Forces who distinguishes him or black and white officers, the U.S. Army’s each year marching through the neighborhood herself ‘‘by heroism or extraordinary achieve- 369th Infantry Regiment, popularly known as from their Armory to catch a train to their an- ment while participating in an aerial flight.’’ the ‘‘Harlem Hellfighters,’’ was the best-known nual summer camp, and then back through On August 9, 2009, Lieutenant Colonel African American unit of World War I. Federal- the neighborhood on their return two weeks Rhys W. Hunt, 2nd Lieutenant Andrew S. ized in 1917, it prepared for service in Europe later Hedin, and Chief Master Sergeant Jason R. and arrived in Brest in December. The next In World War II, the formation was orga- Red participated in a heroic mission near month, the regiment became part of the 93rd nized as the 369th Antiaircraft Artillery Regi- Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan. Colonel Hunt Division (Provisional) and continued its train- ment, and served in Hawaii and along the flew the lead aircraft, PEDRO 15, in an effort ing, now under French instructors. In March, West Coast. The Harlem Hellfighters have to save five critically wounded American sol- the regiment finally received its Federal des- served in every major conflict since its incep- diers from an ongoing firefight. A Navy SEAL ignation and was reorganized and reequipped tion, including Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, Team, call sign JAGUAR 09, was taking according to the French model. That summer, and the War on Terrorism in Afghanistan. The heavy fire by a larger force of Taliban fighters. the 369th was integrated into the French 161st unit survives today under the command of The team, including their five wounded, was Division and began combat operations. Colonel Reginald Sanders as the 369th holed-up in a walled compound and needed Dubbing themselves ‘‘Men of Bronze,’’ the Sustainment Brigade Battalion of the New immediate evacuation. soldiers of the 369th were lucky in many ways York Army National Guard. Despite the potential of enemy fire, Lieuten- compared to other African Americans in 1918 As a veteran myself in a so-called ‘‘Forgot- ant Hedin supervised the loading of four of the France. They enjoyed a continuity of leader- ten War’’ in American history, I know what it wounded before the aircraft cabin ran out of ship, commanded throughout the war by one is like to come home and feel unrecognized. space. Colonel Hunt directed his wingman to of their original organizers and proponents, On the eve of 11–11–11, the United States begin an approach to load the final patient, but Colonel William Hayward. Unlike many white Senate passed legislation, which the United as PEDRO 15 began its climb out of the zone, officers serving in the black regiments, Colonel States House of Representatives voted unani- it came under fire so intense that both Lieu- Hayward respected his troops, dedicated him- mously 422–0 to honor the Montford Point Ma- tenant Hedin and Colonel Hunt felt the con- self to their well-being, and leveraged his polit- rines with the nation’s highest civilian honor, cussion from the blast. Lieutenant Hedin en- ical connections to secure support from New the Congressional Gold Medal. These truly gaged an enemy squad, temporarily sup- Yorkers. great American men fought in some of the pressing the threat. Chief Red took tactical VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:10 Mar 25, 2015 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E16NO1.000 E16NO1 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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