Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, November 15, 2007 OUR 117th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 46-2007 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Historical Society Saves Rare Books From Library Destruction By WAYNE BAKER Stan Lipson, curator of the Westfield the library disposes of books regu- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Historical Society’s collection, while larly when they become out-of-date, WESTFIELD — Westfield Histori- walking to the town’s train station, “seriously damaged,” duplicated or cal Society members and their fami- “noticed an unusually large pile, out of circulation. lies have saved carloads of books, enough to fill at least two or three George Gross, a historical-society identified by the society as “rare” and pickup trucks, of books and boxes of board member and registrar of the “collectable,” from destruction. books behind the library waiting for local Sons of the American Revolu- The books include some of the ear- the recyclers,” he related in an e-mail. tion chapter and a frequent user of liest published works of cartoonist Later in the e-mail, he said, “[My genealogical materials, said in an- Charles Addams, who grew up in wife] has just called to say that she and other e-mail to The Leader, “I only Westfield. Mr. Addams, who attended my daughter went to the site where, hope that those items there that have Westfield High School, achieved fame among other things, they ‘rescued’ quite been so valuable to me over the years by drawing for The New Yorker maga- a few about Westfield and genealogy will not have disappeared.” zine and inspired “The Addams Fam- labeled ‘Hopkins Room.’” The Hopkins Mr. Gross told The Leader that ily” television series. Room was the room at the old library – since the local history and genealogi- As part of the renovations nearing in the municipal building – that housed cal information does not circulate, he completion, library personnel reviewed local-history and genealogy materials. believes that the library had no way to the local-history collection, and books At the time, historical-society evaluate the relative merits of an item. that were duplicates or deemed not of members said it was unclear what On November 6, members of the local interest were selected for de- the implications of the disposal of public found a second group of books, accessioning (the library term for tak- these items represented. including multiple Westfield High ing books out of an entity’s records). Phil Israel, the director of the li- School yearbooks, put out for dis- Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader On the morning of October 23, brary, told The Westfield Leader that posal. Mr. Israel said these were a HONORING HEROES...As tradition, corresponding to the Armistice of World War I, Westfield citizens honor all veterans small group of books that had been at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, last Sunday at the World War I Memorial. intended for the earlier disposal. Mr. Israel acknowledged that er- rors were made, especially in the case State Attorney General Subpoenas of the Addams yearbooks, saying, “We just weren’t aware that he was the editor” – a reference to Mr. Addams serving as the art editor for Union County Democratic Chair the high school’s annual yearbook in By DEBBIE HOFFMAN financial records from Camelot Title deny an investigation,” said Peter 1929. Some of his cartoons also ap- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Agency, a Woodbridge-based company Aseltine, a spokesman for Attorney pear in the 1928 edition. COUNTY – Union County Im- in which she owns a minority stake. General Anne Milgram. Ron MacCloskey, an expert on Mr. provement Authority (UCIA) coun- “The revelation shortly after the Mr. Williams confirmed the exist- Addams, estimated the yearbooks to sel Jonathan Williams confirmed to November elections that Charlotte ence of subpoenas but would not pro- have a value in the $1,000 to $3,000 The Westfield Leader this week that vide specifics on what documents range. Mr. MacCloskey also said some UCIA executive director Charlotte were sought. recognizable Westfield sites and names DeFilippo, chairwoman of the Union “The subpoenas are only a request appear in Addams’ cartoons, drawn County Democratic Committee, has for documents, and the UCIA is com- from the early 1940s to the mid-1970s. been served with five subpoenas by plying with that request and will get Michael J. Pollack for The Westfield Leader He cites a law firm named after some the state Attorney General’s Office, that information to the Attorney IT’S GOOD TO BE QUEEN...Westfield Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan expresses of Mr. Addams high-school friends, demanding documents and other in- General’s Office by the end of the her joy at being re-elected during the GOP vote counting party on November 6. She and her runningmates, Jim Foerst, Mark Ciarrocca and Frank Arena swept the Rialto Theatre, the Arcanum Build- formation about her public and pri- month,” he said. the elections for town council. Mr. Foerst, Mr. Ciarrocca, Westfield Mayor ing and the former John Franks de- vate business dealings. The UCIA, by state definition, pro- Andrew Skibitsky and Mr. Arena stand in the background. partment store as examples of the sub- Ms. DeFilippo also serves as a vides “the county, municipalities, jects for the cartoons. legislative aide to Assemblyman Neil school districts, authorities, non-profit Mr. MacCloskey also said the Cohen (LD-20, Roselle). The sub- organizations and private redevelop- Council Considers Cutting Addams family lived in two or three poenas were served in September and ers with additional financing options homes in town, most notably at 522 October. The Star-Ledger broke the for their equipment purchases and Elm Street, where a plaque marks story on November 9. capital projects.” Holiday ‘Free’ Parking Time their residence. He also said many Ms. DeFilippo revealed to The Led- A Republican-majority freeholder By CHRISTINA M. HINKE permitted lot parking for a four-hour people mistake the home at 411 Elm ger that the subpoenas seek: board established the UCIA in 1986. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader limit. Street as being Mr. Addams’ home. Financial and other documents for Susan Cook for The Westfield Leader The ordinance that effectively cre- WESTFIELD — During an abbre- The request from the Westfield Area Mr. Lipson said there is now an the last three years from the UCIA, an IN CHARGE...County Democrat Party ated the UCIA states that the author- viated Westfield town council meet- Chamber of Commerce and the “agreement in principle” with Mr. explanation of her duties as Mr. Cohen’s Chair Charlotte DeFilippo reads the ity would be responsible for “low- ing on Wednesday, Town Adminis- Downtown Westfield Corporation Israel to permit the historical society aide, all records relating to the county winning vote results for Union County cost financing of capital structures trator Jim Gildea announced a re- (DWC) also restricts dates of free and other organizations to provide Democratic Committee’s involvement Democrat candidates at L’Affaire Res- and facilities within the County of quest to change the downtown holi- parking to December 15 through Janu- input to the library regarding future in last year’s primary election in Roselle taurant in Mountainside at the close of Union through the establishment of a polls on November 6. Assemblyman day free parking from all-day street ary 1, whereas it was about three to disposal of local-history books. The (where allegations of voter fraud are Neil Cohen listens in the background. pool governmental loan program.” parking to a two-hour limit for on- four weeks in December last year. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 being investigated), and a client list and Current projects the UCIA has fi- street parking with additional non- The finance department will go over DeFilippo and other Union County nanced include the expansion of the the numbers to see if it is financially Democrats were served subpoenas Union County College Elizabeth cam- viable, officials said. comes as no surprise,” said Phil Morin, pus, a new fire station in Linden and Westfield Council Starbucks made a request to the Union County Republican Chairman. the Linden library project, according town for their regular mobile sam- “I became aware of [the subpoe- to recent UCIA meeting minutes on Voting Results pling program that includes a van and nas] the Friday before the election the Union County Watchdog Asso- a tent where free samples are handed and received word on Friday from ciation website. (unofficial, by ward) out to pedestrians. Starbucks would The Ledger that they were aware of The subpoenas are directed at Ms. Ward 1 like to hold it on Saturday, December the story,” Mr. Morin said. “I’d like to DeFilippo, and not for any actions of 1, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., but a location know why the story was deliberately UCIA commissioners. Katz Arena that would not compete with other held until after the election.” “There is a real sensitivity to the 1-1 126 114 coffee houses is being sought, Mr. When contacted by The Times, the issues here,” Mr. Williams said. “The 1-2 102 187 Gildea said. The chain coffee shop state Attorney General’s Office would volunteer members of the board worked 1-3 94 138 had originally requested to have the not confirm the report. very hard on very worthy projects.” sampling at the Elm Street field across “By policy, we cannot confirm or CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 1-4 161 225 from Acquaviva delle fonti restau- 1-5 136 177 rant.
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