ACA Loses First Round on Taxes \ SEE STORY BELOW Weather HOME Fair today then clouding up to- night with periods of rain likely tomorrow. High today 50-55, low THEVMLY VJPPTQTFTf tonight In mid 40i, high tomor- FINAL row In 50s. Saturday's outlook, mostly cloudy and colder. V MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 125 , RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Keansburg's Clerk Lung Infection, Not Heart, Called Death Cause Contends Petitions Washkansky Succumbs CAPE TOWN, South Africa failing organ in the historic op- The surgical team headed by|Suspected pneumonia, then fighting for his life but there Is (AP) - A post mortem today eration. Prof. Christian N. Barnard hadj thought perhaps the rejection ten- very little hope." 'Fatally Defective' watched closely for two expectedjdency was working—not against A respirator was used in ef- showed that Louis Washkansky "After the operation there was KEANSBURG — Although relative calm between the hours of 9 a.m.~4 p.m.," Mr. died of a severe localized infec at least part of my daughter still dangers—the body's tendency to the grafted heart but against forts to assist his breathing. prevailed at the Borough Council meeting Marion advised in his letter. tion of the lungs, and his trans- alive in Mr. Washkansky. But now reject foreign tissue and, because Washkansky's own tissues. Shortly after Washkansky died, Not knowing exactly what they his 41-year-old wife, Ann, entered last night, the political bomb dropped after- SAVS rrs -COWARDLY' planted heart worked well until she is completely dead." of drugs to fight that tendency, the very end, his anesthetist re- the stripping away of many of the were up against made the treat- the hospital weeping. Her brother, ward should provide enough fuel to keep Mr. Collichio, a staunch antagonist of His daughter, Denise Ann, suf- ported today.- ment more difficult, they said. Solly Sklar, and Washkansky's the controversial pot boiling well into the the administration and an announced candi- fered fatal brain damage when body's natural defenses against new year. Wasfckansky, reprieved from fa- struck by a car Dec. 2 and Dar- infection. Shortly before Washkansky died, brother, Tevia, accompanied her. date supported by the LSMFT group, called An Excellent Prospect Speaking at a press conference called this tactic "cowardly." tal heart disease by the world's vail gave immediate permission After almost two weeks of a spokesman for Groote Schuur Washkansky had been consid- immediately after the meeting. Municipal "It is an attempt on their part," Mr. first human heart transplant 18 for her heart to be used in the steady progress, Washkansky de- Hospital said: "His heart is still ered an excellent prospect for a Clerk Harvey Marion said that the recent Collichio said, "to avoid the electorate and days ago, died earlier today after transplant. veloped lung complications last beating strongly but it is the heart transplant. His own badly petitions seeking a recall of the present be judged for their transgressions over the five days of fighting lung com- "I'll pull through," Washkansky weekend and his condition slowly lungs that are the cause of his administration are "fatally defective." past few years. plications. kept insisting after the operation. deteriorated. The doctors first critical state. The doctors are (See HEART, Pg. 3, Col. 2) Mr. Marion, in a letter to former mayor "We intend to take this before the courts, The anesthetist, Dr. J. Ozinsky, Louis Collichio, Mrs. Lawrence McDermo't and if necessary we will institute new peti- said both Washkansky's lungs and Mr. Anthony Cappadona, all members of tions. But as sure as we are alive, there were affected by patches of pneu- the Lets Save Money for Taxpayers (LSMFT) will be a recall election," Mr. Collichio con- monia caused by a very virulent Federal Judge Rebuffs Commuter Group group, called attention to a state statute cluded. form of germ. and a Superior Court case to back his claim Thomas J. Kennedy, a candidate with The infection had spread be- of the petitions faulty form. Mr. Collichio and John Ziegler as p#rt of low the chest "in a small way" "Inasmuch as the petition is totally im- the LSMFT ticket, accused the council of but Washkansky was otherwise proper in form under the law and fatally "running scared." "as clean as a whistle," the doc- defective on its face, I hereby inform you "The recall election will go one way tor said. that you may pick it up and sign a receipt Ozinsky said the post mortem Tax Battle Round Lost or the other," he said. By "the other," Mr. for same at the borough hall any week-day (See CLERK. Pg. 3, Col. 8) vindicated the principle of heart By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON town, N. J., president of the 2,- Had a three-judge court been! The commuters contention had transplants. NEW YORK — The American 500-member association, said the formed, the right of appeal from been that non-residents are taxed Washkansky, except for periods Commuters Association yesterday decision will be appealed either its decisions direct to the Su- on an equal tiasis of residents of sleep, remained conscious lost the first round of its court to the U.S. Court of Appeals or preme Court would have been as- but are denied the use of three- most of Wednesday night and his fight to void non-resident state directly to the U.S. Supreme sured either side. quarters of facilities and services pulse rate was strong until just and city income taxes here. Court. Judge Bonzal held that available otherwise only to resi- before death, Ozinsky said. The Federal Judge Dudley Bonzall To Plan Next Move ACA should move through dents. 3 SAMsMiss anesthetist said he spent the declined, in a 13-page opinion, to 1 0. John Rogge, chief counsel administrative agencies and state They relied in their court move night arWashkansky's beside giv- couffs of New York. He" saw TIO on -a federal statute -assuring all ing him air manually through an hear an ACA argument that til after Christmas. Mr. Mitzner discrimination in taxing non-resi- citizens of equal rights. air bag and by machine. levies on the incomes of com- and Mr. Rogge's associate on the dents of the jurisdictions making "While a state does not have He said Washkansky was un muters violates the federal con- case, Herbert Berk, said the pro-1 the levies and held that cases to arrive at any exact justice in able to talk because of the tubes stitution. cedure on appeal will be de- cited by ACA lawyers on similar its taxing structure," Mr. Rogge Attacking B52s in his mouth but was able to Bernard M. Mitzner, Middle- termined next week. points were not germane. (See TAX, Pg. 2, Col. 6) communicate until just before he died. SAIGON (AP) — Communist The Communist forces are miles up, had about 30 seconds The autopsy on the 53-year-old gunners fired three SAM missiles known to have long yearned for to complete evasive action after wholesale grocer's body could in last night at a flight of US B52 a crack at the strategic bombers their own radar picked up the fluence plans the surgical team bombers attacking the demilita- with the high-altitude SAMs—the missiles streaking up at them. at Cape Town's Groote Schuur Shore Regional High Staff rized zone, but all three of the missiles that downed an Ameri No Planes Damaged Hospital had made for more heart Soviet-built rockets missed, the can U2 over the Soviet Union— Beyond saying that none of the transplants early next. year. U.S. Command reported. and they have repeatedly at- planes was damaged, the Air Shortly after Washkansky's op- tempted to slip the missiles far It was the first time the U.S. Force did not disclose what hap- eration, a Brooklyn,-iv Y., heart enough south. Command has made a combat pened next in the skies over the surgeon. Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz, Disturbed by Salary Offer report of Red efforts to get the By last night, they had a mis- DMZ. Normally the huge jets performed a transplant on a 2'/2 high-flying, eight-engine Superfor- sile site secretly in operation would have little chance to es- week-old boy but the new heart WEST LONG BRANCH - An by Dec. 16, with at least two board's president, William L. hold a meeting. This kept the tresses with the Russian surface- about 10 miles north Of the de- cape the darting missiles. But the failed after six hours. Kantrowitz offer by the Shore- Regional members of the board, indicating Reilly, said it was not possible teachers away from a scheduled to-air missiles. Washington re- militarized zone between North United States had developed new said he could not explain the Board of Education for an across that such a meeting would be for the board to meet by faculty review of a report on ported earlier Communist efforts and South Vietnam. When their tactics and electric countermea- failure of the operation but he the board raise is unsatisfactory considered a "positive gesture" Dec. 16, but he did meet Tues- board-staff-administration rela- in September and October, with- radar scopes picked up the bomb- sures to foil the SAMs in the still believed in the procedure to teachers who seek a larger in- and further association action day with Mr. Robinson. tionships, being prepared for high out giving details, when the Pen- ers, the Red gunners unloaded more than two years since the "I feel completely empty," said crease at the top of the salary would be withheld.
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