http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 447 ) GENERAL INDEX. * N.B.—A SPECIAL INDEX of the DONORS of OLD CHURCH PLATE, and of the PARISHES to which the Plate belongs, will be found on pages 433-439. Abbot, Rev. Ralph, 89. Baldwyn, Mrs. Alice, 105. Achenden, St. Mary of, 66. Barden, 51. Ackroyd, Mrs., tablet of, 221. Baret, Rev. Roger, 112. Adams, Mr., 80. Barfreston Church, 142-151. jElfric, Arohbp., 14. Barham Heath, 42 ; Rev. Jas., 92. Aileraer's brass, 214. Barrow, Richard, 84. Aileward, Rev. Robert, 112. Bartlett, Rev. Thomas, 126. Alborne, Rev. Thomas, 123. Baschurche, Rev. Thomas, 123. Alexander alias Zinzan, Henry, 56; Basset, of Drayton, Ralph, Lord, 36, Jas., 57. 40-41. Amesbury Camp, 12. Bateman, Rev. Edward, 126. Amherst's, Earl, farewell letter, xlix. Bayford (Sittingbourne), Roman in- Angell, Mrs., 192. terments at, 1-8. Anglo-Saxon graves, 11. Beadle, P., 222. Annandale, William, Marquis of, 56; Beatrichesdenne, 66. George, 56. Beavor, John de, 167. Anne, Queen, at Lullingstone Castle, Bedall, Rev. John, 112. 100,109; Church Plate of her reign, Bedingfield, Thomas, 75. 358, 408-413. Belgrave, Rev. Riohard, 123. Anstey, Rev. Michael, 113. Belvedere, All Saints, 223. Arnoyn, Rev. John, 88. Bempde, John Vander, 56. Arundel, Sir William, 40. Bensbury Camp, 12. Ash by Sandwich,Church Plate,363,433. Benson, Rev. P. G., vicar of Hoo, sells Ashford, 67 ; early history of, 161-78; Bishop Gunning's communion plate, St. Mary's, 98,172; South, 98. 347. Asshetesford, William de, 163. Bergavenny, George Nevill, Lord, 48. Assheton, Sir Ralph, 166. Berkeley, Sir Thomas, 52. Astall, Rev. Richard, 123. Berrye, Abraham, 182. Astyn, Rev. Nicholas, 87. Bethersden and its church, 66-96 ; Atkenson, Rev. John, 87. church plate, 85, 433. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 165, 177. Betteshanger Church, lxv; house, Audley, Hugh de, 33-35, 37. lxvi. • Aunoell, Rev. William, 86. Beverley, Rev. William, 87. Austen, Edward, 71; George, 97; Bexhill, Milton, 7. Rev. John, 126; Judith, 97; Robert, Bicknor Church Plate, 349, 385. 97. Biddenden, 163, 169; Church Plate, • Avery, James, 82. 333, 369, 378. Avisford, Roman coffin, 6. Bigbury Camp, 13. Billing's Mound, 13. Badlesmere, Lord, 32. Bishoptree, Rev. John, 112. Baker, Gregory, 344,436; Mary, 72; Blechyndon, John, 177. Matthew, 232-3. Bluet, John, 110. Baldwin, Archbishop, 151. Boteler, Sir William, 70. Baldwin, of Stede Hill, W., 70. Boleyn, Sir Thomas, 60. 448 GENERAL INDEX. Boughton Aluph, manor, 66. Accounts, 1484-1580,289-320; Chap- Boughton Malherbe Church Plate, 352, lains of Roper's Chantry, 289; Vicars 396. of St. Dunstan's, 290; Inventory of Bourchier, Archbishop, 43; Hugh Church Goods, 314-18 ; Enthrone- Stafford, Lord, 40, 42. ment of Archbishops, 27-8, 31; St. Bourne, Dick, 243, 250,252,258; John Edmund, Archbishop of, 226. de, 35. Canterbury, 433 ; Cathedral Plate, 338, Boye, Rev. Thomas, 86. 353, 370, 378, 387, 394, 431; Parish Boys, Rev. Alan, 86. Church Plate, 433. Bradshaw, John, 56. Capel, 51. Brampton, John, 132-3. Carey, Henry, 52 ; Sir William, 52; Brandon, Thomas, 233. George, Lord Hunsdon, 52. Branketre, Rev. Adam de, 112. Cator tablets, 282. Bray, John, Lord, 105; Erideswide, 105. Cave, Mr., 57. Bredgar Church Plate, 348-9, 433. Chamberlayne, Rev. William, 112. Brent, Amy, 262; John, 263; Wil- Charing, 90, 172, 341-2, 353 ; Arohi- liam, 262. episcopal Manor House, 266-8 ; Bret, Thomas, 75. Church, 260-5; Church Plate, 341-2, Brethiam, Rev. Thomas, 67. 353, 379, 433. Bretyndene, John, 35. Charlton, Sir Richard, 234. Brionne Castle, 15. Chart, 161; Great, 169-70 ; Little, Brisk, Rev. Peter, 122. Calehill, 230 ; Church Plate, 382. Bristol Castle, 32. Chatham, the Earl of, at Chevening, Bristow, Miss Prances, 134-5. 132-3. Brok, Rev. John Atte, 86. Chattesworth, Rev. William, 112. Brook, 161; Place, 168; George, of Chelsfield, Margaret, 227. Cobham, 104. Chester, Ralph, Earl of, 18,19. Brown tablet, 221. Chesterfield, Philip, Earl of, 85 ; Coun- Browne, Rev. Robert, 113. tess of, 121, 352, 396. Bruce, Lord, 242. Chestre, Rev. Richard de, 112. Buckener, Rev. Dr. Thomas, 124. Chevening Church, 114-26 ; House, Buckingham, Anne, Duchess of, 43; 127-133. Edward, Duke of, 46-8; Eleanor, Chicheley, Archbishop, 229 ; Florence, Duchess of, 48; Henry, Duke of, 229; William, 229. 44-6; Humphrey, Duke of, 41-3; Chilham, 162. John, Earl of, 57; Katherine, Choute, Sir George, 70-1, 85. Duchess of, 46 ; Thomas, of Wood- Chowne, Sir George, 64. stock, Earl of, 39 ; Walter Gifford, Chute, Edward, 86 ; Sir George, 70; Earl of, 18. Philip, 86. Buckinghamshire, Elizabeth, Lady,l 38. Cicke, Charles, 195. Bucknall, Sir William, 134. Clanricard, Richard, Earl of, 56; Ulick, Burgh, John de, 33 ; Elizabeth de, 34. Marquis of, 56. Burghersh, Bartholomew, Lord, 227. Clare Castle, 18, 33 ; College, 33-4; Burleigh, Lord, 52; Chantry, farm, Priory, 18,19. etc., 260-1. Clare, Gilbert (ob. 1314), 31, 33; Gil- Burley, Sir Richard, 39; Sir Simon de, bert Rufus (ob. 1295), 28-31; Gil- 164. bert de (Strong-bow), 18,19; Gilbert Burnet, Rev. Richard, 95. de (ob. 1152), 19 ; Gilbert de (ob. Burton Leonard, Peter of, 86. 1230), 20, 21; Elizabeth, Lady de, Burwell, Mr., of Wickham, 50. 33-4; Matilda, Countess of, 20; Bury St. Edmunds, 20. Richard de (ob. 1136), 16-19 ; Rich- Button, Thomas, 85. ard, Earl of (ob. 1207), 20; Riohard, Butterfield, W., on Mongeham Church, Earl of (ob. 1262), 21-2, 26-8; Robert, 18; Roger, Earl of (ob. lxiv. 1173), 19,20; Richard de (ob. 1091), Bycterle, Rev. William de, 122. 16, 18; Walter de, 18. Byngham, Rev. Jno., 87. Claremont, Adeliza, daughter of Count Csesar, Sir Charles, 52; Sir Julius, 52. of, 18. Cameron, J. D., 82. Clarence, Humphry, Duke of, 44; Candy, Mr. Charles, 115. Lionel, Duke of, 34. Canterbury, St. Dunstan's Church, Clarke, Rev. Edward, 124. GEN AJ INDEX. 449 Clavel, Rev. Thomas, 112. Davies, Rev. Daniel W.; 94; Richard, Cleke Pond, Sittingbourne, 2. 220. Clementson, Rev. William, 96. Dawlyn, Rev. John (1560), 113. Clerk, Rev. William, 87. Deakins, Mr., 57. Clerke, Cecilia, 70, 97; Mary, 69; Sir Deane, Rev. John, 112. William, of Eord, 69-70. Dell, Rev. Henry, 93. Clinch, George, on West Wickham. Denys, Rev. Thomas, 87. Church, 277-84. Derby, Earl of, 29; Henry, Earl of, Clyffe-at-Hoo, Church Plate, 328, 368, 37, 39 ; Rev. Robert de, 173. 394,425. Dering, Catherine, 264 ; Rev. Edward, Cobham, Anne, 44; Elizabeth Brooke 264. (nie Peche), 104,105; George Brook, Desmond, Earl of, 39. 104; George, Lord, 106 ; Henry de, Despencer, Hugh le, 33-4. 35 ; Sir Reginald, 37 ; Sir Thomas, Devon, Harriet, Countess of, 282; 44; Thomas Brooke, Lord, 104; Wil- Baldwin de Redvers, Earl of, 21. liam, Lord, 172. Dios, William, 263. Cok, Eelice atte, brass in Erith Church, Dixon, Edward, 109; Sarah, 100,109. 155, 214. Dokett (Duckett), Rev. Robert, 123. Cole, Rev. Robert, 89; Rev. George, 96. Dorman, Mr. Thomas, on visits of two Colepeper, Thomas, 35, 165. Queens to Sandwich, 58-63; on The Collimore, Lady Mabella, 68. Sandwich Book of Orphans, 179-200. Colt, Thomas, 176. Dover Castle, 29, 43; Church Plate, Constable, Robert, 196. 353, 346, 362, 434. Controne, Rev. Pan-Bon-de, 122. Dowle, Rev. Andrew, 87. Copley, Rev. Jno., 87. Drake's, Dr., new edition of Hasted's Cornwallis, P . Wickham, 86; Marquess, History of the Hundred of Blach- 138; Lord, xliv. heath, 440. Cotton, Sir Thomas, 64 ; Sir John, 253. Draper, Brass, 215 ; Rev. William, 123. Cotyngham, Rev. Richard, 174. Dubois, Captain, 129. Courtlodge Farm, 243, 251, 254-6, 258. Dukinfield, Lady, 139; Sir Nathaniel, Courtney Sutton, 71. 137. Cowper, J. M., on Churchwardens' Dumvile Arms, 70 ; John, 71. Accounts of St. Dunstan's, Canter- Dygges, James, 2'34. bury, 289-321. Dyke, Colonel John D., Ill; Lady Cranmer, Robert, 116 ; Thomas, 116. (Anne Hart), 109; Sir John D. (ob. Crayford Church Plate, 332, 388, 426, 1810), 110; Sir Percyvall (ob. 1846), 427, 432. 111; Sir Thomas (ob. 1756), 100, Craythorne, William, 233. 109-10; Thomas (ob. 1831), 110. See Criel, Radulphus, 214. also Hart-Dyke. Criell, Rev. Jno., 123. Dyne Monuments, 71-2; Pedigree, Criol, Simon de, 163-4. 72-3. Crisp, Sir John, 134; Sir Nicholas, 134. Cromwell, Thomas, Lord, 287. Eanswith's, St., Reliquary in Folke- Crouch Arms, 67. stone Church, 322-326. Curson, Sir Robert, 232-3. Eardley Monuments, 209, 212, 221, Curteis, F. W., 78, 8 1 ; Rev. Whitfeld, 223. 79, 81. Eastry Church, Ixvi-lxx; Church Cuthbert, Rev. Robert, 87. Plate, 363, 382, 407, 415. Eaton Bridge (Edenbridge), 257. Dacre, Lady (nee Fienes), 118-19; Effingham, Anne Lady, 134,138. Richard L., Lord, 128; Thomas, Elizabeth, Queen, at Sandwich, 58-61. Lord, 120,128 ; Tombs and Inscrip- Eltham Palace, 50; Communion Cup, tions, 119-20. 336. Dalby, Rev. Thomas, 96. Erith Church, Ancient Architecture Dalison, Maximilian, 65. in, 152-160; Inscriptions on Monu- Dalmeny, Lady, 130. ments, 209-224 ; Church Plate, 426. Damory, Roger, 83. Essex, Frances, Countess of, 50 ; Ro- Darell, John, 230; Mr., 261. bert, Earl of, 56. Dartford, 257; Church Plate, 332,434. Etchden in Bethersden, 66. Dauling, John, 428; Mary, 428 ; Rev. Everdon, Rev. Riohard do, 122. Riohard, 97; R. and E., 428. Evesham, 30. VOL. XVI. u (I 450 GENERAL INDEX. Ewell, Isaac and William, 54. Richard de Clare, Earl of (ob. Exeter, Ann, Duchess of, 44; 1262), 21, 27-8; Richard, Duke of, Humphrey, Earl of, 44. 44; Thomas, Duke of, 40-1. Eynsford Church, xliv-xlviii. Glover, Stephen, 86. Glyune, Sir Stephen, 114. Godfrey, Lambard, 55 ; Richard, 55. Fane, Sir Ralph, 51. Godwin, Earl, 161, 163. Farnaby Tablets in West Wickham Goldsmid, Sir Julian, 57.
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