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Foreign Rugby Team W orld News Policy and Accepts Loss Perspectives: Oppression From Kiwis Focus on Africa Abroad page6 page 13 m page 10 D ailv Nexus Voi. 67, No. 69 Wednesday, Januarylam iovw 21,19871 0 0*7 IUniversity aXof ^alSXaiaaKiaCalifornia, Caa«Santa4 n DBarbara n»Un va One Section, 16 Pages Current list of AIDS Virus to Candidates for Cause Changes Chancellorship in Future Life, Reduced to 10 Expert Predicts By Matt Welch Assistant News Editor By Doug Aral lanes Campus Editor The Chancellor Search Com­ mittee narrowed the field of As a result of the deadly Acquired Immune candidates for the UCSB chan­ Deficiency Syndrome virus, tremendous social, cellorship to 10 at its third meeting political and economic changes will occur in the 1990s in Laurel Heights this weekend. and beyond, futurist John Platt said in a Tuesday UC President David Gardner lecture. eliminated eight nominees from an Drawing from comparisons to the Black Plague, 18-person list compiled at the which swept Europe in the 1300s, as well as other committee’s previous meeting. He epidemics in history, Platt extrapolated that AIDS indicated that he would present his will leave few areas of society untouched. recommendations to the UC What separates AIDS from other epidemics is that Regents at their March meeting. it works in “ slow motion,” which leads some to “ What we’re doing is getting to believe it is less serious than previous diseases, he the next step in the process,” told over 150 people in the UCen Pavilion. religious studies professor and According to AIDS experts, 100 million people committee member Walter Capps worldwide will have AIDS by 1991, Platt said. “ A said. “ Our goal is to develop a quarter of a million people with a communicable short list (of candidates), and disease is . catastrophic,” Platt said, quoting David we’re not quite there yet.’* ■Baltimore, co-chair of the National Academy of “ We’re on schedule to be able to Science’s panel on AIDS, “ and that’s the rock bottom make an announcement at the projections for 1991.” meeting of the regents in mid- Recent studies estimate that 1 percent of the March,” Capps continued. “ We American population carries the AIDS virus, which were hoping to make it in currently is uncurable. About 270,000 people in the February at the regents meeting at U.S. have AIDS. UCSB, but we found out that not Because there is a long delay between the time of everybody was going to be there.” infection and visibility of symptoms, the number of TOM REJZEK/Naxu» Gardner is expected to pare AIDS victims will increase even if a vaccine is Are We Not Men?! — Matt Duffy and Glen Hansen "walk like Egyptians" developed in the near future, he explained. down the list to “ three to seven Tuesday in the 4th Annual Picture Yourself Contest, sponsored by the La candidates,” then meet again with Exposure to the virus, made through contact with Cumbre Yearbook. Over 50 students participated, and photographers will an infected person’s bodily fluids, is continuing at an the committee to discuss the in­ continue shooting contest poses from 10-2 p.m. in front of the UCen terviewing process, Capps said. alarming rate because people who contract AIDS through Friday. (See CHANCELLOR SEARCH, p.4) (See AIDS, p.12) New Member Fills City Council Position Vacated by Tom Rogers ideas, but the council felt that they could work with By Sheryl Nelson her positions.” Reporter Miller, who has thought of running for a city council position for some time, believes she can After 13 rounds of elimination, Harriet Miller was make a positive contribution to the council’s per­ recently selected from among 26 applicants to fill formance. “ I bring experience and sense of caring the Santa Barbara City Council seat vacated by for the people who live here,” she said. “ Govern­ Tom Rogers, who was elected in November to the ment affects our lives and it is important for us to be County Board of Supervisors. a part of that process.” Most of the other applicants would have been equally acceptable, Mayor Sheila Lodge said, but Miller does not believe her addition to the council Miller’s experience in decision-making and her will alter its balance. “ There won’t be a marked incredible credentials gave her an edge over the change in council decision just because I am now a other candidates. member. Generally, I have not had any problem or “ She was state superintendent of public in­ difference of opinion with the council overall,” struction in Montana, served on the board of regents Miller explained. in the Montana university system and was According to Smith, Miller supports council executive director of the American Association of decisions on major issues including water, housing Retired Citizens, just to name a few of the positions and downtown revitalization. “ She will come in as a she has held,” council member Sid Smith said. “ She council member familiar with the city issues,” he has also been in a number of non-profit said. organizations in Santa Barbara.” Council member Lyle Reynolds supported Miller Miller holds strong beliefs about community from the outset. “ We wanted someone who would housing. “ Because of my background on the City listen to the public, engage well in debate, and enjoy Housing Authority Board, I will be urging (the working with people,” Reynolds said. “ I strongly council) to consider creative approaches to housing, thought that she had all those qualities, along with particularly in the downtown area,” she added. experience and credibility.” The growing problem of the homeless community The Santa Barbara City Council had never is one of her continuing concerns. “ There isn’t a previously used the balloting process by which single solution to the problem,” she said. “ The state Miller was selected. The council had to fill the and federal governments have abandoned their vacancy since the general election won’t be held responsibilities. It is too big of a problem for the city KEITH MADIGAN/Naxu* until October 1987, Rogers explained. to solve by itself.” Harriet Miller has replaced Tom Rogers on the Santa “ I think the balloting process worked well,” Miller plans to run for re-election in October, but Barbara City Council. She was selected to fill Rogers' seat Rogers said. “ Miller has an excellent background to said she has no further political ambition than her after his election to the County Board of Supervisors. tackle problems of the city. She and I have different city council seat. 2 Wednesday, January 21,1987 Daily Nexus From the A ssociated Press W orld Nation State Three Charged in Assassination Crews Supplying Contras Were Governor Issues Warnings of of Swedish Leader Olof Palme Allegedly Flying Back Cocaine 'Bitter' Trade War to Japanese STOCKHOLM, Sweden — Police arrested three suspects WASHINGTON — Federal drug investigators uncovered TOKYO — Gov. Deukmejian told Japanese businessmen in last February’s assassination of Prime Minister Olof evidence last fall that American flight crews covertly today that they must act quickly to avoid a “ bitter” Palme, and suggested today that the killing was linked to ferrying arms to Nicaraguan rebels were smuggling bilateral trade war, and received a polite but firm a government crackdown on a leftist Kurdish group. cocaine and other drugs on their return trips to the United rebuttal. The three were “ informed of suspicion of complicity in States, administration officials said Monday. Speaking to the powerful Japan Federation of Economic the murder of Olof Palme,” said the statement from the When the crew members, based in El Salvador, learned Organizations, Deukmejian said, “ Time is short. Nothing Stockholm Police Chief Hans Holmer and Chief that Drug Enforcement Administration agents were less than the swift elimination of Japanese barriers will Prosecutor Claes Zeime, who have investigating their activities, one of defuse the trend toward retaliation led the investigation. them warned that they had White in Washington, D.C.” Palme, 59, a four-term Socialist House protection, the officials said. But Sony Corp. chairman Akio prime minister, was shot in the back Recent congressional in­ Morita, in an impromptu speech, last Feb. 28 while walking with his vestigations have shown that the said Americans must be as patient wife down a busy Stockholm covert arms-supply operation was in waiting for Japan to open its thoroughfare. set up and managed with significant markets as the Japanese have been The statement did not say when direction from Lt. Col. North, the at times. the three were arrested, give their National Security aide who was “ When we were tackling (a repeal identities or say where they were being held. Police dismissed in November. of) the unitary tax method, we took as long as 10 years and spokesperson Carin Brange said a news conference would The crew member’s warning, made after investigators exercised patience,” Morita said, referring to a system in be held Tuesday afternoon. had searched his house in San Salvador for drugs, caused some U.S. states that taxes multinational corporations on The police statement said “ several of the persons af­ “ quite a stir” at the Ilopango Air Base, where the covert the basis of their global earnings. fected” by the police measures were Kurds with ties to the contra supply operation was based, said an American The system, stongly opposed by the Japanese, was Kurdish Workers Party, a Marxist organization that seeks official familiar with intelligence reports on the matter. recently repealed in California in what Deukmejian called to set up a separate Kurdish state in Turkey.
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