IICSA Inquiry-Westminster 11 March 2019 1 Monday, 11 March 2019 1 Q. If there are any problems with the equipment, 2 (10.00 am) 2 Mrs Mowatt, or if, for any other reason, you just need 3 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the 3 to take a short break, just say so, and we will have 4 second week of this public hearing. Mr O'Connor? 4 a break. Do you understand? 5 MR O'CONNOR: Good morning, chair. Our first witness this 5 A. Thank you. 6 morning is Frances Mowatt. As you can see, she is 6 Q. Just a few questions about background first, Mrs Mowatt. 7 giving evidence by videolink. Perhaps if I can 7 You now live in Essex, don't you? 8 establish that we can both hear each other and then I'll 8 A. I do. 9 ask for her to be sworn. 9 Q. But previously, you lived and worked in Chester? 10 MS DOREEN FRANCES MOWATT (sworn) 10 A. I didn't live in Chester, but I worked in Chester. 11 (Evidence given via videolink) 11 Q. We don't need to know exactly where you lived, but you 12 Examination by MR O'CONNOR 12 lived just outside, I think? 13 MR O'CONNOR: Could you give us your full name, please, 13 A. About 23 miles, yes. 14 Mrs Mowatt. 14 Q. When you lived outside Chester, you moved there, 15 A. My full name is Doreen Frances Mowatt. 15 I think, or at least you started working for the City of 16 Q. Mrs Mowatt, I know that you have had the procedure for 16 Chester Conservative Association in 1975? 17 this morning explained to you. I am going to ask you 17 A. That's correct. 18 some questions first and, when I finish, the chair and 18 Q. What was your job, what was the title of your job, at 19 panel may have some questions for you. You have got 19 that time? 20 a bundle of documents in front of you, mainly witness 20 A. I was the agent and secretary to the City of Chester 21 statements, and the chair and panel have got the same 21 Conservative Association. 22 bundles in front of them. So if I ask you to look at 22 Q. Now, we are going to talk a little bit more about what 23 some documents, we will be looking at the same documents 23 that job involved, but did that remain your job for some 24 here in court. Do you understand? 24 time, until you left Chester, I think, in 1988? 25 A. Thank you, yes. 25 A. Yes, the beginning of 1988. With additions to my Page 1 Page 2 1 responsibilities, the job was basically the same. 1 A. Yes, indeed. It was organising voluntary workers for 2 Q. You have said that that job started in 1975 and, at that 2 victory. 3 time, Peter Morrison was the MP for Chester, wasn't he? 3 Q. Having started in 1975, Mrs Mowatt, I think it is right 4 A. He was. 4 to say that you fought, or were involved in fighting, 5 Q. I think he was first elected the year before, in1974? 5 three General Elections during your time in Chester? 6 A. Yes, indeed. 6 A. That is so, yes. 7 Q. He remained the MP throughout the time that you were 7 Q. Those would have been the elections in 1979, 1983 and, 8 there; he was still the MP when you left in 1988? 8 lastly, 1987? 9 A. Yes, he was. 9 A. Correct. 10 Q. You mentioned that part of your title and part of your 10 Q. The 1987 election was also Mr Morrison's last election; 11 job being the election agent for the Chester 11 he didn't fight the 1992 election, did he? 12 Conservative Association. That role has some very 12 A. I believe not. 13 specific responsibilities, particularly at the time of 13 Q. Can you remember, Mrs Mowatt, when you found out that 14 a General Election, doesn't it? 14 Mr Morrison didn't intend to fight the 1992 election? 15 A. Yes. 15 A. I heard about it when the vacancy was published in 1991. 16 Q. For example, responsibilities relating to campaign 16 Q. In other words, after you had left Chester? 17 financing? 17 A. Several years. 18 A. Yes. I had to raise a fighting fund to cover all 18 Q. I wondered whether you'd found out earlier than that. 19 expenses of the election. 19 Even perhaps during the 1987 election, did Mr Morrison 20 Q. Was it also part of your responsibility to account for 20 perhaps tell you privately that that was going to be his 21 the way in which that money had been spent? 21 last election and he wasn't going to stand again? 22 A. Yes, I was responsible for making a return of election 22 A. No, he didn't. 23 expenses within the due timetable. 23 Q. Can you give us an idea of your relationship with 24 Q. You were aware of all those responsibilities of being an 24 Mr Morrison, please, Mrs Mowatt? You worked with him 25 election agent at the time that you did that job? 25 for some time. How did you get on with him? Page 3 Page 4 1 (Pages 1 to 4) Epiq Europe Ltd www.epiqglobal.com Lower Ground, 20 Furnival Street (+44)207 4041400 [email protected] London EC4A 1JS IICSA Inquiry-Westminster 11 March 2019 1 A. We got on very well, yes; professionally, that is. He 1 Q. You mentioned a moment ago that Mr Morrison was popular 2 was a very good constituency member of parliament. For 2 in Chester and you gave some examples of different areas 3 him, nothing was too much trouble for everyone who 3 in society, different groups of people, who found him to 4 approached him for help. The professions in the city, 4 be a good MP. Was that part of your job, if you like, 5 business and commerce, greatly admired him, not only his 5 improving his image and talking to people on his behalf 6 diligence, but for everything that he achieved in the 6 in Chester? 7 City of Chester. He was a very popular member of 7 A. No, that wasn't my role. The voluntary workers -- I had 8 parliament. I knew nothing of Westminster, where he 8 branches in every one of the local government areas. 9 lived, worked and socialised. 9 The voluntary workers were very keen to promote 10 Q. Mrs Mowatt, Mr Morrison obviously spent a fair amount of 10 Mr Morrison, and I kept records, mainly, of their work. 11 his time in Westminster, in the House of Commons? 11 Q. I just want to ask you about a few other people, and 12 A. He did, and he was also, from -- I think it was from 12 just ask whether you knew them. First of all, a man 13 1986, he was vice chairman and was in Conservative 13 called David Robinson, who I think was initially 14 Central Office. 14 a Labour Party agent, and then became the candidate in 15 Q. Would it be fair to say that part of your job between 15 the 1987 election, the Labour candidate. Do you 16 elections was looking after the interests of 16 remember him? 17 the Conservative Party and also Mr Morrison's interests, 17 A. I remember him being the Labour candidate at the 1987 18 political interests, in Chester while he was down in 18 election. 19 London? 19 Q. I am going to ask you some questions about him in 20 A. Yes. Largely, of course, on an annual basis, we would 20 a moment, but just moving on, do you remember 21 have local government elections in what was then the 21 Christine Russell? 22 Chester Corporation, and also the county council 22 A. Yes. Christine Russell, I think she was his agent. 23 elections, and I was also looking after the interests of 23 Q. In the Labour Party? 24 the Cheshire West European member of parliament, and of 24 A. I never met her. 25 course Mr Morrison. 25 Q. I see. Page 5 Page 6 1 A. Yes, in the Labour Party, yes. 1 Q. I was going to ask you what prompted the move, 2 Q. What about Grahame Nicholls, Mrs Mowatt? 2 Mrs Mowatt, and I think you may have already given us 3 A. I knew of him. I think he was the Trades Council and 3 some of the answer to that question? 4 the National Union of Public Employees' representative. 4 A. Yes. Happily, over the 50 years that I have conducted 5 But I never met him. 5 parliamentary elections, I developed a reputation for 6 Q. You never met him in all the years that you were in 6 winning those elections, and I was headhunted to come 7 Chester and doing that job? 7 down to Essex with the specific job of securing the 8 A. I never met him, ever. 8 return of a Conservative member to the European 9 Q. You have already mentioned, Mrs Mowatt, that you moved 9 Parliament, as the then existing member of parliament 10 away from Chester, and that was the time that you moved 10 was retiring.
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