C (!, C/l < J < u .CJ 0 c-: 0- 0 N I- 0 Cl) -:i; .,.._. Schl'esinger's Comment ::: C/1 C/1 • -..:ic:: Causes Arab Arousal s= ..J WW • WASHINGTON - Secretary Discussion in the Open ., C .0 .: of Defense James 'R. Schlesinger's The comments brought into the • < • comment that there was a "risk" open a dicussion that has been go­ > ing on in the United States and O' 0 that- military power might be used •,:; X against the_Arabs if oil curbs be­ Western Europe· almost since the 0:: N n. ONLY ENG LI SH-J EW /SH W EE KLY IN R. I. AND SOU THEA ST MAS S. come really severe has aroused a curbs on production and sales storm of protest in ·the Middle were announced during the Arab­ [vu. NUMBER 46 FRID~Y. JANUARY. IS, 1974 20¢ PER COPY 12 PAGES East, according to Drew Middle­ Israeli war in October: ton of the New York Times. British members of Parliament, Mr. Schlesinger's remark has in unofficial contacts in · London, also produced an acknowledgment have discussed military inter­ by military - "gunboat diplomacy" vention with American officials. in the circles of the difficulties of The Economist, the authoritative contemporary world. Mr. Schlesi­ British weekly, implied editorially nger has said since making his that the Arabs should not omit original comment that the likeli­ possible military retaliation from hood of deployment of western their calculations, and a Lebanese military power in the Middle East weekly magazine, Al Diyar, pub­ is "extremely low. lished what it described as the de­ The United States remains dedi­ tails of American contingency cated to the independence of free plans to occupy the Persian Gulf states, he emphasized, and that in­ fields. cludes the states in the Middle Military sources, discussing the East. subject of intervention generally, The original statement, made in are cautious. They say that such a television interview was made in operations, which would probably response to a question whether involve airborne troops at the out­ there might be increasing demands set, might be easy to launch, but from Americal)s to show force, if that there would be serious prob­ the Arab embargo began to hurt lems in sustaining them. severely. Mr. Schlesinger con­ They and State Department of­ WALTER ADI.ER LEONARD E. JOHNSON JOHN J. CUMMINGS, JR. ceded "that that is a risk" and ficials also stress that any inter­ added: vention would involve a serious "We should recognize. that the risk of Soviet military action in Three local Businessmen To Chair Dinner independent powers of sovereign the Middle East. Moreover, this states ·should not be used in such a might well be on a scale far larger way as would cripple the larger than in October, when four Soviet For National Jewish Hospital Awards mass of the industrialized world. air-borne divisions and a fleet of · That is running .too high a risk, transport aircraft were assembled, Three prominent Providence helped lead the succ~sfl!l.Ji~t for lions to the community, he has re­ and it is a source of danger, I appareQtly to voice the threat of · businessmen have been named co­ the establishment of Westminster ceived awards from the Boy Scouts think, not only from our stand- intervention in the Sinai Desert to chairmen of National Jewish Mall, and was among 25 business of America, the president of the - point but from the standpoint of bolster the tenuous Arab-Israeli Hospital's dinner in honor of and professional leaders who Italian Government and ·1he Credit _the oil-producing nations.", cease-fire. Bishop Louis A. Gelineau. They worked with Penn Central in Women's Business Club of -Rhode are Walter Adler, an attorney with arafting a plan to relocate rail Island. Adler, Pollock and Sheehan Inc., facilities in Providence and . Survey S_how_s 119 R~for~ Rabbis .and hospital trustees John J. Pawtucket. · He has been active Proceeds from the dinner-will aid Cummings, Jr., president of the with the Children's Friend and the' Denver-based hospitai"s pro-, Will Perform Mixed"'Marriages Industrial National Bank of Service, the Rhode Island Festival grams for research, treatment and NEW YORK - TJ\ere are but only four will do so on the Rhode Island, and Leonard E. of Arts, the Citizens Scholarship education in asthma, tuberculosis, about 119 Reform rabbis who will Sabbath, when Jewish marriages Johnson, former president of Foundation of ll.hode Island, Inc., emphysema and immunological dis­ publicly and readily admit· that traditionally are not held. Gladdings, Inc., who is a and the Southern New England orders. In Rhode Island alone more consultant for Garden City Section of the Natio.nal than 7,600 days of patient care have they officiate at mixed marriages throughout the country, according 'The Best Tradition' Builders, Inc., Cranston. Conference of · Christians and been provided to children and "Rabbinic participation in to a survey released last week by The dinner will be held March Jews. adults regardless of their race, faith mixed marriages is in the best the Rabbinic Center and 12 at the Colonial Hilton Inn, In recognition of his contribu- or ability to pay. tradition of Reform Judaism. It is Counseling Service._ Cranston. During the dinner, an attempt to respond 'in a positive Bishop Gelineau will receive the Reform And Conservative Hit · Rabbi Irwin Fishbein, a Reform way to the increasing incidence of respiratory disease center's 1974 rabbi and director of the list of the mixed marriage in a mobile and Honor Award for his outstanding rabbis. In addition, he said there open socie\y," the rabbi said. civic and humanitarian Orthodox On Conditions were "more than 100 other rabbis At its annual conference last accomplishments. NEW YORK American Conservative organizations noted . who officiate at such marriages June the Reform rabbinic body Walter Adler has been a leaders of Reform and that "the majority of Jews in the but who for one reason or another went on record, by a vote of 321 practicing attorney in Rhode Conservative Judaism accused world are non-Orthodox .. and said do not wish their names to be to 196, in "opposition to Island since 1923. He is a member Orthodox officials in Israel of that restricting the definition of included in the public list.:. of the Bar Associations of Rhode participation by its members in stip ulating "irresponsible" conversion would "endanger Releasing the survey from his any ceremony which solemnizes a Island and Florida. In the conditions for their participation Jewish unity at a time when that offices at Westfield, N.J., Rabbi mixed marriage." The resolution community, he has been an active in a new coalition government. unity is needed more than ever." Fishbein said the rabbis who did not make provision for alumni of Brown University, and The accusation was made in a "This irresponsible exercise of performed the mixed marriages sanctions. Rabbi Fishbein at the has served as secretary of the class statement issued here by the political power would be an "don't care wh_o knows about it." time was a member of the of 1918 for 56 consecutive years. Rabbinical Assembly, the United injustice to the views of th,e H,s center, which was e_st~bhshed dissenting , group on the mixed- He is director of the Narragansett Synagogue of America, the World majqrity of Israel's citizens and an three years ag~, . spec,ahzes ID - marriage committee. Council of the Boy Scouts of Council of Synagogues, the affront to the majority of Jews problems of married couples ID America and has received Central Conference of American living outside the Staty of Israel," which one member is not Jewish. Orthodox and Conservative numerous awaFds in recognition of Rabbis, the Union of American the statement said. spiritual leaders have been his leadership. The first president Hebrew Congregations and the In a related move, Art-hur The Central Conference of unyielding and consistent in_ their of Rhode Island Camps. Inc., he World Union for Progressive Hertzberg, president of the American Rabbis, the Reform opposition to mixed marriages is now honorary president and Judaism. American Jewish Congress, sent a rabbinate's national body, has unless the non-Jewish partner director. In the statement, the Reform telegram to M'rs. Meir declaring opposed its members officiating at converted according to Jewish mixed marriages. John J. Cummings. Jr.. is and Conservative officials that efforts to "coerce changes" in religious laws. · president of the Industrial indicated that they were upset by the Law of Return "could not be more ill-timed or more damaging Usts Based on Suneys to National Corp. (INC) and r.eporls that the National Tllttat •s.m,al' Seen to the maintenance of worldwide Rabbi Fishbein, who performs The Rabbinical Council of c hairman of all other INC Religious party, the major Jewish solidarity." mixed marriages, said that in 1969 America, a prominent Orthodox subsidiaries. A member of the Orthodox political force in Israel, "The efforts of one group to a total of 61 Reform rabbis Research and Planning Committee was seeking a change in Israel's body, at its annual meeting i~ assert exclusive access to religious performed mixed marriages and in June called on Jewish secular and and the Government Relations Law of Return and · that it had conscience must not be given the 1971 there were 78 on the list. All religious organizations to bar from Council of American Bankers made a commitment by Premier · sanction of legislation," he said. lists, he said, were based upon leadership ranks those who marry Association (ABA), Cummings is Golda Meir to seek such a change "It is essential that these divisive mail surveys of the 1,100 rabbis out of the faith and those whc;; also a member of the executive a condition of participation in the attemps to disparage large who arc members of the central officiate at such marriages.
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