University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1978 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 1-23-1978 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 80, 1/ 23/1978 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1978 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 80, 1/23/1978." 81, 80 (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1978/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r-------------------------------------7.--------------------------------------------------··~· • ~-'P~~('iA"L CvLLEC'ElONS SONY TRINITRON PLUS color TV full guaran(re, TUTORING AVAILABLE FOR Minority Studen" over payments of9,39 per month. 266-5812. 1127 1. PERSONALS ~nd MerJ in Nurliing for Chemistry J II, 212: Bialogy t<~ke ~ 123, 238:; Math 102: Nursing Pathology 240; Phar• TAPPAN MICROWAVE OVEN bmwningelemenl, 8. MISCELLANEOUS ACCURATil-------------------- INFORMATION ABOI.IT con· macology 2.76. Cali217~2S07, 1/20 m~mory temperature probe, 5 yr full warranty. Take tmccption, sterilization, abortion. Right 10 Choose, TYPING: REPORTS, RESUMES, genc<al. 898- over paymeni'i of$8.17. 268-4393. 1127 294-0 171. 2/1 5 5927, 1120 PIONEER COMPLI)TE SYSTEM two 6-way Ne\N Mexico DIVERS DO IT DEEPER. Come to UNM's Scuba Pioneer speakers, cassette and turntable, a good PART-TIME JOB GRADUATE, students only. bargain 7.1!1 per monlh. 268-4394. 1/27 Afternoons and evening.~. Must be uble to .. work ·CHEAP WATERBED~l Water Trips $89,9_5 buys Club Wed. Jan. 2.S, 7:30pm at Johnson Gym 124. Friday and Saturday nights. Must be il years old. you I) dark walnut stamcd ~rame, 2) :;afet~ hner, 3) 1125 4. HOUSING KIRBY RED CLAS::$lC commen:!almodcl, 3 months . foam comfort pad, 4) any Sli".C mattress; wnh J.year Apply m person, no phone calls please. Save-Way- , , 1 NE 255~2289 2/23 MARY I'V~ WAITED 2 days and you still haven't old. Must sell cheap~ 7,81 monthly. 266-58.72, I /27 1 589 95 3407 c 1 Liquor S1ores <J,I 5704 Lomas NE, 5516 Menaul NE g.uaran ee, ' • en ra · · . DAILY llhown up for lunch o.t Carrara's. Either it's over for WBAT IS A COLLEGE INN? Tired of cooking and RECORD YOUR OWN 8-tracks, Magnavo~ S-track 1/27 NEW STOCK OF COlTON w;J.rp. Come sec. The good between us or maybe you didn't know they dcanjng- Need a place to live for Spring term­ player/recorder, wilh fasl forward, dual meters and Weavers' Studjo, 12-5 pm. 205 StanfordSE. 265-9100 WANTED FIGURE MODEL for art school. Phone moved to 108 VaSsar SE, just I. block west of Girard. Come to the College Inn. 303 Ash NE, 243-2881 1/20 lots more, $45, 255·6610 1/20 1/20 Monday, January 23,1978 843-6862 I /20 I'll meet you· there 1omorrow for lunch. P1ease show SMALL 1-BR HOUSE' UIJfurnished near campus. SILKSCREEN, WITH FRAME, prints excellent shirt up. Nic~. J/20 Very private, One person only. No pets, $145, ·plus designs, 525.255.-6610 1/20 NEED PERSON(S) WITH pick-up-help move. 344- 2540 1120 LOOKING FOR MR. GOODCLASS1 Try ANTH utilities. Phone 265-5459. 1124 ON CAMPUS RESERVED parking, paved Jot, $20 9. TRAVEL 8 384, an introduction to Mesoamerican archaeology 2 BDRM APT for rent. Four blot:ks f(om UNM. ~cmester, Contact Mike Tale, 277-4045. days, or 1826 BABYSITTING, CLEANING 1·2 afternoons/week. ';;( t~ught by an,experl on the ancient Maya (MWF, l). Parlly furnished, $185 all utilities pajd, 877-53391/25 Mesa Vista NE nights, l/23 247-2915 evenings, John. 1/20 WEEKLY RIDES AVAILABLE throughout USA, .... Or ANTH 440, a new course dealing with worldwiJe -·~-- ,~ 3 BDRM HOUSE, close, $350.247-8647. 1/25 SINGER FUTURA ZIGZAG sewing machine. Top BABYSITTER fi0R TWO .children, afternoons, lTC 265-9860. 1/24 adaptations to tropical environments (T Th, II). ~ of the Line-, Slightly used but still under warranty, must have own r:ar. Cai188J-4123 6-9 pm. (/23 1978 EUROPEAN CHARTERS available. lTC 255- :;:: TheJ;e classes Are still open, so enroll today, 1/24 LARGE UNFURNISHED I and 2~bdrm apts. From - $165, 444 Espanola SE. No pcts;265-4083 1/20 .(Automatic bobbin winder, ha'i computerized but­ SELL SPECIALTY T-SH1RTS. Commission. Part­ 6830, l/3r 49 CENTS, AMERICAN CIGARETTES; y, block tonholer and does hundreds of rancy stitche.o;, Reg. timeol full lime. CAII221-'il38 1/23 FEMALE ROOMATE NEEDED. Own bath, Not Enough T :z" from UNM ar. ?ipe & Tobacco Road, 1078 Cornell $800, now $150 cash. 294-8755. 1123 ~ SE, Opc!l Monday thru Saturday 9-6. 1/27 fireplace, luxurious home ne~r ·UNM. Vegetarian ACROSS 52 Parasitic UNITED Feature Syndicate preferred. SIZ5 mo., Carol266·4888. 1123 20 USEO PORTABLE TV'S. $30.00 io $60.00 441 worm 0 FAST-PITCH SOFTBALL TEAM forming. Wyoming NE, 255-5987 211 t;<"~-::.-1'-:-tT:-:h:Tur;::'lsd ay' s Pu zz Ie So tv;..e~dt-::::-r.::-r::-t -~ lnlcrcsl cd Players call298-6476 after 6:00p.m._ 1/20 GRAD STUDENT WILL share thfee bedroom house ·1 Reality 54 Comply with one Qr ~wo M/F. $100 monlh includes utilities. Alfib S-TRACK WITH FM radio. 8-track has fast 5 liquid jet '58 Stately P.. PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES FORMING: Short Furnishedj fireplace, adobe. North Valley. 842-9434. rorward, program r~:peat. "and under da!ih slip mount, intensive courses ill shooting black-and-whiie, color. 1 0 N. Amer. 59 Do the same 1123 Excellent condition, S50 w/~caKers. 268-7396 Arter Learn a permanent, valuable skill. Small groups 5pm. t 1124 plant- 60 Withhold Profs Take Blame I BLOCK FRDM CAMPUS: furnished, $80, designed to suit your present knowledge: absolute 66-DATSUN GOOD HEALTHY innerds but nreplace, non-smoker. 247~9800, eves, call Mike 14 Latin wings 62 Grumble bcglnnerll or intermediates. Special sessions in out~ crumbling complexion! $485. 345-2796 1/24 1 5 Alloy- 65 Flock door portraiture, nature & scenics, sports action. LARGE FURNISHED I bedroom apt. 10 minutes By ROBERT R. LEE Intensive dnrkroom instruction if requested, from campus $180 lncludcs gas and hot water no child FAT, HEALTHY, SHEPARD-CROSS pups. $5, coated steel .f!'Excuse Reasonable tuition. Groups rill Up quickly so call or pets 915 Alvarado SE 266-1216. 1/23 898-0614 1/24 16 Biblical ?"Poker · LOBO Staff Writer soon for information. A-Photographer, 1717 Girard I SINGLE ROOM, rinalc, co-ed residential co-op MINI CASSETTE RECORDER, with mar~y place holding Publishers, shippers, instructors NE, 265-2444. 1/20 ., close to ct~mpus. 247-2515 1/2(1 feature~. $35, 255·6610 1120 17 "Lights out" 70 Field of f(nd UNM book store personnel all JAZZ SAXAPHONIST SUPREME Grover FEMALE NON-SMOKER ROOMATE wanted. CALCULATOR ROCKWELL "SLIDE RULE" 1 8 -- --- costs study hflve a part in getting texts into the Wnshington returns to UNM's Popejoy Hall on Two-bedroom house share half rent $80.00 plus with AC adaptor, $25. 255·6610 1/20 1 9 Shade of 71 .Creed Wed., Feb. I at 7:30 p,m. Tickets for this ASUN­ clepo~it, Close to Winrock. For appl. call Lucy, 766· LADY'S 10-SPEED BICYCLE, like new, $65. 255- red ..z--2 Sicily sight hands of students each semester. M/PEC Presentation are available at the SUB and 76718am-5pm. 1/20 MIO 1/20 Popejoy Hall bo1< offices and at all Ticketmaster 20 Kinswoman 73 Bird Students who have experienced CAMPUS SPECIAL LARGE one-bdrrn, full car- ~ CASSETIE CAR STEREO, panasonic, with auto locations. 211 22 Secluded .74':Squalid • peted, $120, no lease. 262-2751, Valley Rentals, $30 reverse, $25. 255·6610 1120 the frustration of being unable to DESI'ARA'fELY WANTED, INTRODUCTION to valley '}-s"Do business fcc. 1/20 TYPEWRITER REMINGTON MANUAL po"able, find a required textbook in the Modern Circuit Analysis by CalahM, Macncc:, 24 --- Pan Alley DOWN $)0. 25)-6610 1120 McMahon.Holt, RineharJ, Winston publisher. If t 11,! BLOCKS TO UNM, coz':l one-bdrm, yard $75. bookstore may be inclined to blame Deller Hurry! 262·1751, Valley Rentals, $30 fee. 1/20 25 Apprises 1 Lard and in1Crested in loaning or selling lhis book please ROCKING CHAIR, SOLID maple, $50.255-6610 27 Brought suet the store management. coni act Dr. Kosch mann at 277k3140 or Mabel Grey al AVAILABLE SOON, EXTRA large 4-room.housc, 1120 23 Move 46 Room cor- 277-4924 2/3 fenced yard, pels OK, Sl20. 262~ 175.1, Valley Rcnta!s, JAZZ SAXAPHONIST SUPREME Gro'<' . forth molars' 2 Turkish quickly ner BUt some instructors say it's the 29 --------Hal regiment Photos by Wendell T. Hunt WANTED SORORITIES OR GIRLS clubs to have a $30 fcc. 1/20 Washinglon returns to UNM's Popejoy Hall on 26 Lazy person 48 Frenzy teacher's fault. Queensway fashion show 10 earn cash for profit. Call BIKE TO CLASS. Fancy 2-bdrm., fenced yard, kids, Wed., Feb. I at 7:30pm. Tickets for this ASUNM­ 32 John---: 3 Culminations 28 Abound 51 Negotiates "As often as not, when I've had 299-0655 for details. 1/27 pets, $155. 262-275 I, Valley Rentals. $10 ft>~. I /7fl PEC Presentation arc available at the SUB and Arctic 4 Examined 53 Struck Popejoy Hall Box Offices and at all Tickctmastcr 29 Breathe difficultie-s (getting books), it's my LIVE JAZZ AT NED'S through the Happy WALK TO UNM.
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