![Lianrl]P0tpr Ie Oentinned Svarm; a Few Eprlnkleo Abonttown IB Cfiwwrvtog Ffifii of Omploymont in Order to Assist Those Who Can Ukply, but Othenvtee Aa V^A](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
nCTOAT, OCTOBER 17.1«47 > Thfi WiMther A v e n f* Dfitly CtrcalAtioa FAGS FOUETEElf Porecoet of D. fL Weather BoreoU iffianrbeatfr tufttina ^frralft Foe tbe Moatb mt Septcashcr, 1847 Partly cioadv aafi very mild to­ asw ached’-ila was quite In ^ vea- 9,221 night; Sunday partly clendy and lant for foam due to thslf hours 8m Cs fipsn Jtfit H m LocalBanks lianrl]p0tpr iE oentinned svarm; a few eprlnkleo ABontTown IB Cfiwwrvtog Ffifii of omploymont In order to assist those who can­ UkPly, but othenvtee aa v^a. not transact buaineaa during the Manehe$ter-^A City of Village Cltarm i t u k Bradlqr «i * 5 5 * 2 1 ? ^ Local restaurdht proprietors Issue Notice are making an effort to com­ usual offks hours, 'A e Savings B»nk of Manchester and A e Man- ply with the government re­ Advemkdag ea Pate It) PRICE FOUR CENTS quest to Oonasrve food. They To Oiler Services to cheater Trust Company have de­ qVOL. L X yiL , NO. IS MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1947 <TWEtVE PAGES) have tried to arrange their cided, ea an axperlment, to open menus to comply with the gov­ Those Inconvenienced each Auraday, holidays axchidad, niM Jao^tyr. w . a w ernment request but find thU 'rt-om 4:00 tf 8:80 o'clock. MniB— ttet there ere • few w * does not always meet with the By New Schedule A la arrangement which be*, Two Killetl in Crossing Crash M lM In the evminr nif-hoA ln * customer’s desire for meat on comes effective October 2Srd, will S a m«tal work chwew Tuesday and poultry producU since March J8 of this year the probably become permanent If It Expects Majority Landing Fatal thu f«n by the t . w . on Aursday. local banks, In common with most becomes evident that It la a naed- lafomwUon on Um n if- All. however, report that of ths banks In this State, New ed aarvlce. lnw1H"g cleee » • / *>• oM ^ ed there appears to be an effort w e- Cheriee H. B u n ^ tele- on the part of the patrons to England and New Tork, have re­ To Support Little MOS, end on the metel craft comply with the present- rul­ mained closed Ssturdsys lir con­ S l^ tto in Mre. WUUem E. 8teck- ing. formity with leglslstlon enacted Aboard Plane; •I, telephone 8086. by tha last aeaalon of the Legisla­ DIABETES The Dorcee Society of Eknenuel ture. Assembly Program Ijotheran church will obeerve Ite Business concerns quickly ad­ 88th mnnlrc-reery with e blrthdey Emanuel Plans justed themselves to the change pnfty tonlkht et eijht o clock et and most Individuals were able to S t church. In charcecharee of co ^ e lr- Special Service arrange for their banking needs American Delegation nen__ ___Mre. Edwardward IWerner and without serious Inconvenience. Bread Price Mre. Erneat Johnson. However, a relatively few cua- WEI-DON DRUG CO. Confident on First Test On Sunday evening, at 7 o’clock tomera and some non-depoaltora Pnorription Pharmariata Vote on Marshall’s ‘Little Hope’ Seen o f , lira. Grace Lockwood of 8 Mar* the MIselonarv Circle of the Eman­ have voiced complaints that the 601 Main St. A l. 58*1 Jump Slated W ^l Continue Former Senator nrut Road la chairman of a food uel Lutheran rhurch will present a Proposal to Over* Saving Any More o f M e. which membere of the Ro- Candlelight Service, ‘A e Light of Taken by Death bertaon PTA will hold tomorrow the World", •♦. the church. haul Machinery of Paris Strike Crew o f Five and mornins from nine o’clock on In A e program la built around the May Stimulate Greater Rale’s store. This 1* the flret pro­ life of Christ, with the following United Nations Today Participation in 39 PuRsengers on ject of this asaociatlon which was persons Uklng part: Reader, Mrs. French Transport; braanleed In the spring, .and the Carl Olson: Ughtbearer. Laurtne ‘Save Slice’ Campaign Subway and B ur Work- praceeds will bo used for the bene­ Hoaglund: Candlebearers, Nancy Lake Success, Oct. 18.— (/P) ertt lo Slay Out; Military Planes Tak­ fit of the pupils. Bunsel, Betty Zimmerman. Mar­ —The first test vote on Sec­ Washington, Oct. 18.—(flV-‘A e guerite HInrichs, Lillian Larson, Fabric Gloves retary of State George C. AmrriraiiR A r r a i 1 e d ing Part in Searcl; S t Monica’s Mothers ClrcJe of Esther Olson, Barbara Johnson, prospect of widespread Increasea this town were ijuests at an or- Marshall’s proposal to over­ in the price of bread may stimu­ For Possible Survivors Gall Johnson, Avis Beechler, Mae Paris, Oct. 18--(fl^—Paris’ sub­ tanleatlon meeting 'Tuesday eve- Wogman, Elslo Swanson, Viola Double woven cotton or aueded rayon gloves in haul United Nations machin­ late greater participation by east­ "inr, at which four new Catholic way and bus workers voted today, Nelson, EMitJi Johnson; Singers, ery comes up today and the ern housewives in President Tru­ Faria, Oct. 18.— (/P)— Five MoUicrs Circles were Instituted In Haxel Andersfjn. soloist. Eleanor the new leather trim or nil fabric gloves, 4 or 6 on the eve of French municipal the pariah of S t Francis of As­ American delegation was man's "save a slice of bread 1 persons are <]ead an(l 37 miss- Johnson, Herbert Bengtaon, Ralph day” csonpaign. elections, to continue their strike, sisi Oiurch, South Windsor, the Axlnger; Organist, Clarence W. confident of piling up an im­ nff as the result of the crash first in that area. Offlcers of S t button length On the heels of the baking In­ which the government has charged Eelsing. 0 pressive majority. anding yesterday of a Mar- Monica’s circle were in charge. Tbie tniUal balloting lineup in dustry’s promise to promote sales 'Fwa MInneupolla men, returning from • oqulrrel hunt, were killed when this gasoline track over­ was politically motivated. A e committee arranging for this of small loaves of bread, open seille-Oran plane in the Medi- service consists of Bldlth Johnson, the S7-nation Political committee turned and fen onto the rear end of an automobile after the vehicles had collided at a highway Inler- With the strike in Its sixth day, The October meeting of the (11 a. m., e.o.t.). was expected on faced pies and two-layer-only aectloB Bear Minneapolis. (AP wirephoto). a Communist union' leader assailed uerranean, the plane’s oper­ chairman; Mae Wogman and Lil­ cakes, bakers In New York and beard of trustees of the Manchea lian Helaing. A e public Is cord­ the question of establishing a the American government as “re- ating company eaid to^y. ter Memorial hospital will be held $1.50 and $1.98 pr. wonderful drafting group to Iron out differ­ Baltimore scheduled a one cent netionary” ana charged th.at the ially Invited. loaf price increase on bread start­ The Paris office of the airline next Tuesday evening at 7:30. An offering will be received for ences between the U. B. proposal United States was attempting to said a series of amendments from ing Monday. Seven Escape dictate to S(»clalist Premier Paul company said ita information The Ladies Aid Society of the the iMnefIt of the Mlaelonary Cir­ And one official of the Ameri­ Say Stalin Wishes came from a telegram saying the cle. Colors: Black, Brown, Wine, Green, Tan, IMum. countries supporting the plan gen­ R.amadicr. B u o k l n g h a n Congregational erally. can Bakers association told a escort vessel Sabre had rescued a way porter that he "would not be aur- . Granted 15 Per Cent Inrreaaa pilot mechanic and a man named church has set the date of Friday Endorsed by Maoy Oelegatloas Military Train About 36.000 French merchant evening, October 24 for lU annual prlsed” if bakera in other cities Huyghc and had picked up five Only Russia and her supporters have to boost prices "in view of To Resolve Issues seamen and shore workers, who unidenUllcd bodies while scouring’ M e of gift arUcles, also Jama, have spoken against the plan for struck Thurad‘.iy for 20 per cent Jellies and other Items, the work wheat at 88.05 a busheL" the area around the scene of the to look! a year-around “Uttle Assembly" All But One of Prison* wage Incrc.aees, were scheduled to AuKUBHaa lamerzan. former crash. of the mbmhers. A turkey supper A e Baltimore Evening Sun said Unitod Rtatea arnator from Con- in debate this week and American baking firms in Philadelphia and return to work at noon tomorrow, will be served In cotmectlon with ^^rs Recaptured, One Labor Members olj ' ■ » after having tied up all French iMwUrttt, died today In Washing­ A e company said It had "Uttle sources based their optimism on other eastern cities would an­ hope" of saving any more of the the sale, the flrM tables at six general endorsement from a long ports for three days. A maritime ton at the age at 78. o’clock. Mrs. Dwight A. Bliah nounce a one ceht a loaf increase Critically Wounded British Parliament iNews Tidbits crew of five and 56 paaoengera, •01 ll^ixroisivl iUMINIW list of delegations, Including Brit­ early next week. official aald the strikers had been general chairman. ain, Fnu.ee and (Jhiha. See No Thought of granted a 15 )ier cent increase. who were reported to include alx Every glanee applauds Saving Orala for Months Salt Lake City, Ogt. 18—(fl'l— Culled From (/P) Wires Transport Union Leader Eugene children and two babiea.
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