.oruaiMi j-crins i>any Pr^ per annum, in advance. rW,t i INSURANCE. BONDS. •^published rt3y (Sundays excepted) b BONDS. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS directory. Portia.Punishing Co.. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE SIX'PER CENT. treasury department, DAILY At ins Exchange PRESS Stbebt. Portland. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE # Washington, Feb 4,1871. Advertising Aeonev Public is EBMs:—EigUt Dollars a Tear In advanci COMPANY, notice hereby eiven, that boots will! e POIiTLAM). opened a‘dveBT„e. OF NEW YOKE. on tbe sixth day ot March next, in this coat | and GOLD try in umj.e, lor sub-criptions to tbe .Nation The illahic stutc Press F. 8. President. BONDS, Loan, under the Act WINSTON, B. A. 3I.CIBDY, Vice President. anproyc.l July 14,1870,entitle Free from Government Tax. J',a, f,®1aiitbonzj tbe Refunding 01 the NhMou8 I Agricultural Implements A FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1871. --- 8ee«u ‘‘u‘e‘idui8“1 .bii'liubcd every Thcksdav Morning a t CO; OF IOWA, La*rc'lt' arhrovc 1 BAWYEK * No. #» no WOODKOKI), 119 Ex.-hanrc a if in at $2.00 I Made Ja.'uary’20,'lse7Ltt'" St! year; paid advance, January Jst, 18M, to the Commissioner of Maine. sat Which year bttiU ai>J snbscrto'lons tray be made Portland, Rutland, O uuJ e9t"rpeJ-10 first-class [manner tbe wego i'hirsgt Pori land and Railroad *utbor**' Aaents 01 the Gov Auctioneer. anon”0'7 ■ Ogdcnsburg w"* b® announ.-ed Railroad. Bates of Advertising.—One inrh of ASSETS.$44,009,155.78, (All Cash.) 8'i°“8" liereaner. 1 he 1.ratios C. W. HOLMES, No. 327 space three classes 01 CurigressSt. Auction Sales in length of constitutes a INVESTED Viraf °°lT,‘r,,sea Bonds, d«T every Evening. Private Sales the Pch. lbo till column, “square.” AS FOLLOWS: 180 Miles °t b*e hundred during .lay. ’"•MMrm"1 Cist, of ■Ions otnt“ mil ° 81.50 per square daily first week. 75 cent Railroad, rdi1,9,FU>rtb,‘”,?ou“t ,he "•«» Cash on hand, In Banks and at ‘"easuri t>udChicago U-ulm.n~b*'i!r' ‘,' per week after; three or Tiust‘Companies, interest, S2C08 9I074 Bonds. which completes (heir oiiuawSrS'r'rco'"'atot -V8ar,i ,rom 'be Agencies for Col. insertiens, less, $1.00 First entire line, with ihe ex their l s .e. and tn. tlat Sewing Machines. CreiSicK Roblo Ol G™* other after Mortgage ot ter W. ""'iai continuing every day first week, 5 ceptlm laying the track on y f'»5«ble qnar S. DYER, 159 Middle Sr ever H. H. Hav’s. All Mr. cents. twenty-five miles tnc,un!ati!eSe’ute,est't1®1, ®e,,t-* Speakeb:—Tlietime tor New Second. Bends 10 Ih. er annum kinds ol Machines lor sale localin" Ihe York Mate Sucks, (.t cosi)... rt,. uim/in which Is Qdv® and lo let. Repaving, & Half already graded. They thus opan the mult, Ds ot 01 Portland Rutland Rtilload, square, three insertions or less. 75 cents ; Bt-a1 Kdnte,... and Interest Payable jnliar., payable 'br,ee bun,|ie according to *45 383 07 Principal ,b® P'nasurt the provisions ol one week. 81.00; 50 cents per week after. Balance due Agents, in course of oftheUni,e.Sut:raoerfi,?eeC,?",-a' itscharter.exphcd U.-e, ;ii»t by transmission,.. 77. 7 777 7 7.7 65 SsS :« 1 01 their i-sue. and the .lat. Baker*. Special one third in Gold. First beaiin” inm',''“r! 'J!'01 187a Tile directors 01 that C .ration Notices, additional. Liac Across the Stati W, 0. No. 12 Pearl .ip eaily Under bead of A Through COBB, Street. in tbe session mcrements,” $2.00 pei piesenled a petition wiiu au ac- Add Interest, sccrmd. but not from north to LUDum0:n,tttt',#ral9o,f®“nr-Ti«er~r square per week; three insertions or less $1.50 due. ^'sMStono south, and, by making a slight detou: companying lor an extension of Tbe bnve authority lo offer n,,jil kill, asking Advertisements inserted iu the Maini nudrreisurd at one point, b"„drc I Hhoes—Gents Oustcun Work. far Premiums due b it not yet ihey givo mnih:nsofdS ‘.0,lnyeabr?rcoin°' XT AI'f EU time locating the above named road.— State Press” (which has a reported.. ...77777.777. r „ in female >0c Bonds of tbe Porllomdaud ot the Unite.! BKH1*T. No. tot large circulaiioi Deieried, Qtiaiierly. and Sciiii-.inouai states, at?" Sl“u: Middle Street. This was in ol Premiums. , 11957377 Direct ott etr tbtet,Tear*Hum | eminently proper, and ought not to every part the State) for $1.00 per squari Present market valuo 01 Stocks in Railroad at Commuiiicatiou Between St* Louii i-sue, and interest, excess ol cost... 00 O^deovburtf ttompany bearing paym e q iar meet with but it for first and 50 cents .Y..‘.W. 428.6:4 lerly iu col at tbe r»te nt t tr any opposition; appears in insertion, per square foi Ibe very lew of 90 wilh ac- nod si. Paul. percent nerann..™ Booksellers and Su. ft oner* each pnre Snh crtbers .0 the Lean will have evidence before your railroad commit ire iliat subsequent insertion. Gross Dec. t reierence in 1 HOYT. Poqq & all Assets, 31st, 1870,.$14,609,155 78 crued interim in currency. Thi* line of loll wing order, BREED, 92 Middle an Address communications to Railroad will have very special advan namely: street. attempt had been made io so fur over- Increase In ne* assets for Su0icrib8r“ ,ur lt70. «7 ito or- cr tagei Ur both 8,luaI amounts of each clas 1 reach tbe PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. l«»cai and ihrough basin is, be«ide oMJonde intention ol the original charier, Dividend surplus to podey holders. over Tills road is now completed to West i .. v ennui*m Baldwin, such «»"hdHndt^ which the oi 1SC8 in laillr Bece pis f,r an. tupertor railroad connections as will secure U 1 Second. Subscribers lor Legislature good premiums policies, in 1870. .isimVta and trains are to that 33 mi'es irom equal amounts 0! bond heceu.i* lor ... running point, It a diteres, at tbe rate Prln,“,’» as intere-t, len's, large portion of the bearing ot lonr ■ nd a half re 1 No'. Exchange, granted, lo seiiously affect tbe rights and Portland. II’ West Faidwio tbe road is carrying trade of the grea cent, and mQEr*rtSws£I?t.n Paid Claims death, and yond graded 01 bouds bearing inter.st at tha an at BUSINESS by endowments matured..'.7 2 019 22162 North-west The rateo 1 SMALL & piivileges o1 other corporal ions,and tempt CARDST to Fryeburg. 50 miles from Portland, and tbe rails nipper rent. shackkokd, No. 35 Plntn -nreet. lias Third, thereby been made to iuflict a serious 0Ter will be laid to subscribers lor five per cent, bends. *<00.000 more than ita death claims and endow- Ibat point as early m the spriDg as lRST h[ow upou the credit aud corn mi rcial meifrT.on^sn'a’id1 n*i87neipn !?71!!!eHS''.<^C",beil!gprohibited by It- charier Irorn MORTGAGE When a is made the Bonnet and prosper- mi« here Tr ! invesiingln any nut the safest securities, the weather will permit. From the road snb'cription subscriber wll ot the soth eiliihite7!0' W *> w'H be the Fryeburg be required to g- g- ity city ol Portland. In other words, JOHN 0. WINSHIP lm kindv* seen, LAEGs-SY.not 10 aay the safest. institution of deposit two per cent. 1 f the atnoun I UNDEUWtXiD.No.3in* Conmss the 1 17 «*penw8 It under contract to Conway, N. H., to which point thereof, to be Street. ortlaud & Rochester Havino\piI»EATa^)r^I^D‘"^a,•,8 a*el7a®e beinc less than any otber company in the country. accoutre I lor oy tie Goveriimeo Railroad Company 1 ,or,hm P»eat company for more than trains will ran in when the nonds are have Iraudu Attorney at 27 year*. we are prepared to lurui<b facts, July. 1871. 7 Per delivered; and payment may b, Cabinet cully claimed and have even es- Law, *n *'a,'a Ct. made either >n com Furniture msur,uN and on or m tablished the Company, invite any wbo des«ie information The road has thus far been built and Gold Bonds lends ot the United State Manufacturers a point ol departure lor the West in- »ur»ject^.olc™lConeus'1Van,a^eiJ equipped v «V*-IWK»Ty THRU. JOHNSON * Rooms Mo. 5 A O Fluent to the which are BONDS, at their par value CO.. No. 13* Union Street. side ol the limits ol Block, from cash subscript ions Capital Stock; hut to issued upon this toad are the of Portland—a limited, it 1'®e'T®d in payment will be to thi city amonut !JoLC0 n, apDtied c aim without Corner of and Sts eompleto it to Bartlett, N. H.. and to provide addi- to *10,000 per mtte (wtrf.o roads of five bonds. foundation, wroo", Congress Exchange hum? re4®"jPlionTbs twenty gtaiiugly iroo>* .'6,808 to bom's win ne registered or Carpenters and Builders. aud in our We D, Little & Co, 401-2 St« tional equipment for its inci easing business, the $40,000.) and arc ottered at SO ami issued with con unprecedented State. No satisfac- lt»B. jaSdly Agts,, Exchange ^"sued bv sub-ci ibers. WHITNEY * MEANS. Pearl the reason has W*u _POBTLAWP, accrued Ti n *?"’ Uegi-tered st, opposite Park.
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