Local Government Statistics 24/12/2015 As At

Local Government Statistics 24/12/2015 As At

Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 001 City of Albany Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Breaksea 3946 16.12% 02 Kalgan 4130 16.87% 03 Vancouver 4081 16.67% 04 West 4121 16.83% 05 Frederickstown 4201 17.16% 06 Yakamia 4003 16.35% District Total 24482 100.00% 129 City of Armadale Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Heron 5462 12.32% 02 River 5946 13.41% 03 Neerigen 5893 13.29% 04 Minnawarra 5560 12.54% 05 Jarrah 6485 14.63% 06 Lake 9228 20.82% 07 Palomino 5754 12.98% District Total 44328 100.00% 105 Shire of Ashburton Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Ashburton 51 1.75% 03 Tom Price 1412 48.56% 04 Onslow 389 13.38% 06 Tableland 124 4.26% 07 Paraburdoo 620 21.32% 08 Pannawonica 312 10.73% District Total 2908 100.00% 002 Shire of Augusta-Margaret River Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Leeuwin 2215 25.57% 02 North 3601 41.56% 03 Margaret River 2848 32.87% District Total 8664 100.00% Page 1 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 130 Town of Bassendean Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Bassendean 10141 100.00% District Total 10141 100.00% 003 City of Bayswater Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 10574 25.53% 02 Central 10840 26.17% 03 West 12081 29.17% 04 South 7926 19.14% District Total 41421 100.00% 116 City of Belmont Ward # Electors % Electors 01 West 7609 36.02% 02 South 7025 33.26% 03 East 6488 30.72% District Total 21122 100.00% 004 Shire of Beverley Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Beverley 1297 100.00% District Total 1297 100.00% 005 Shire of Boddington Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Boddington 1072 100.00% District Total 1072 100.00% 007 Shire of Boyup Brook Ward # Electors % Electors 02 Scott's Brook 213 18.62% 03 Benjinup 257 22.47% 04 Boyup Brook 442 38.64% 05 Dinninup 232 20.28% District Total 1144 100.00% 008 Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 703 21.94% 02 South 2501 78.06% District Total 3204 100.00% Page 2 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 009 Shire of Brookton Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Brookton 651 100.00% District Total 651 100.00% 010 Shire of Broome Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Broome 6371 82.65% 02 Dampier 1337 17.35% District Total 7708 100.00% 011 Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Broomehill-Tambellup 755 100.00% District Total 755 100.00% 012 Shire of Bruce Rock Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Bruce Rock 633 100.00% District Total 633 100.00% 117 City of Bunbury Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Bunbury 21113 100.00% District Total 21113 100.00% 013 City of Busselton Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Busselton 23675 100.00% District Total 23675 100.00% 141 Town of Cambridge Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Coast 8723 49.38% 02 Wembley 8943 50.62% District Total 17666 100.00% Page 3 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 118 City of Canning Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Mason 9847 19.10% 02 Bannister 10721 20.80% 03 Beeliar 9593 18.61% 04 Nicholson 10589 20.54% 05 Beeloo 10800 20.95% District Total 51550 100.00% 014 Shire of Capel Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Capel 9892 100.00% District Total 9892 100.00% 015 Shire of Carnamah Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Carnamah 368 100.00% District Total 368 100.00% 016 Shire of Carnarvon Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Town 2245 75.46% 02 Plantation 581 19.53% 03 Gascoyne/Minilya 90 3.03% 04 Coral Bay 59 1.98% District Total 2975 100.00% 017 Shire of Chapman Valley Ward # Electors % Electors 01 South West 385 46.11% 02 North East 450 53.89% District Total 835 100.00% 018 Shire of Chittering Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Chittering 3340 100.00% District Total 3340 100.00% 131 Town of Claremont Ward # Electors % Electors 01 South 2538 37.01% 02 West 2181 31.80% 03 East 2139 31.19% District Total 6858 100.00% Page 4 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 119 City of Cockburn Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 20864 33.30% 02 East 24428 38.99% 03 West 17354 27.70% District Total 62646 100.00% 019 Shire of Collie Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Collie 6024 100.00% District Total 6024 100.00% 020 Shire of Coolgardie Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Coolgardie 1715 100.00% District Total 1715 100.00% 021 Shire of Coorow Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Coorow 788 100.00% District Total 788 100.00% 022 Shire of Corrigin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Corrigin 805 100.00% District Total 805 100.00% 132 Town of Cottesloe Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 1388 25.45% 02 Central 1292 23.69% 03 South 1482 27.18% 04 East 1291 23.68% District Total 5453 100.00% 023 Shire of Cranbrook Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cranbrook 709 100.00% District Total 709 100.00% 024 Shire of Cuballing Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cuballing 611 100.00% District Total 611 100.00% Page 5 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 025 Shire of Cue Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cue 141 100.00% District Total 141 100.00% 026 Shire of Cunderdin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Cunderdin 800 100.00% District Total 800 100.00% 027 Shire of Dalwallinu Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dalwallinu 807 100.00% District Total 807 100.00% 028 Shire of Dandaragan Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dandaragan 2287 100.00% District Total 2287 100.00% 029 Shire of Dardanup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dardanup 8836 100.00% District Total 8836 100.00% 030 Shire of Denmark Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Kent/Nornalup 932 22.61% 02 Town 1487 36.07% 03 Scotsdale/Shadforth 1703 41.31% District Total 4122 100.00% 103 Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Derby/West Kimberley 3634 100.00% District Total 3634 100.00% 031 Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Donnybrook/Balingup 3963 100.00% District Total 3963 100.00% Page 6 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 032 Shire of Dowerin Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Rural North 109 21.21% 02 Rural South 140 27.24% 03 Town 265 51.56% District Total 514 100.00% 033 Shire of Dumbleyung Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Kukerin 39 8.57% 02 North 164 36.04% 03 South 104 22.86% 04 Dumbleyung 148 32.53% District Total 455 100.00% 034 Shire of Dundas Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Dundas 391 100.00% District Total 391 100.00% 133 Town of East Fremantle Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Plympton 1204 23.00% 02 Preston Point 1305 24.93% 03 Richmond 1352 25.83% 04 Woodside 1373 26.23% District Total 5234 100.00% 035 Shire of East Pilbara Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 144 4.98% 02 East 386 13.35% 03 Lower Central 120 4.15% 04 North 9 0.31% 05 North West 85 2.94% 06 South 2148 74.27% District Total 2892 100.00% 036 Shire of Esperance Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Town 5975 68.14% 02 Rural 2794 31.86% District Total 8769 100.00% Page 7 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 037 Shire of Exmouth Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Exmouth 1461 100.00% District Total 1461 100.00% 120 City of Fremantle Ward # Electors % Electors 01 East 3272 16.41% 02 City 3179 15.95% 03 South 3420 17.15% 04 North 3435 17.23% 05 Hilton 3102 15.56% 06 Beaconsfield 3528 17.70% District Total 19936 100.00% 038 Shire of Gingin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Gingin 3489 100.00% District Total 3489 100.00% 039 Shire of Gnowangerup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Gnowangerup 775 100.00% District Total 775 100.00% 040 Shire of Goomalling Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Goomalling 677 100.00% District Total 677 100.00% 121 City of Gosnells Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Gosnells 65776 100.00% District Total 65776 100.00% Page 8 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 041 City of Greater Geraldton Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Mullewa 435 1.84% 02 Chapman 3960 16.71% 03 Hills 4763 20.10% 04 Tarcoola 5008 21.13% 05 Port 3572 15.07% 06 Willcock 3089 13.03% 07 Champion Bay 2871 12.11% District Total 23698 100.00% 042 Shire of Halls Creek Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Halls Creek 1696 100.00% District Total 1696 100.00% 043 Shire of Harvey Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Harvey 16560 100.00% District Total 16560 100.00% 044 Shire of Irwin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Irwin 2497 100.00% District Total 2497 100.00% 045 Shire of Jerramungup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Jerramungup 724 100.00% District Total 724 100.00% 135 City of Joondalup Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 16895 15.77% 02 North 19438 18.15% 03 North-Central 19953 18.63% 04 South 15308 14.29% 05 South-East 16340 15.26% 06 South-West 19178 17.90% District Total 107112 100.00% Page 9 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 046 Shire of Kalamunda Ward # Electors % Electors 01 North 8744 23.09% 02 South East 8820 23.29% 03 North West 10343 27.31% 04 South West 9967 26.32% District Total 37874 100.00% 006 City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kalgoorlie-Boulder 15237 100.00% District Total 15237 100.00% 086 City of Karratha Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Karratha 6941 76.27% 02 Dampier 612 6.72% Wickham-Pt Samson-Roebourne- 03 1548 17.01% Cossack-Pastoral District Total 9101 100.00% 047 Shire of Katanning Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Katanning 2409 100.00% District Total 2409 100.00% 048 Shire of Kellerberrin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kellerberrin 780 100.00% District Total 780 100.00% 049 Shire of Kent Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kent 375 100.00% District Total 375 100.00% 050 Shire of Kojonup Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kojonup 1330 100.00% District Total 1330 100.00% 051 Shire of Kondinin Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Kondinin 551 100.00% District Total 551 100.00% Page 10 Local Government Statistics as at 24/12/2015 052 Shire of Koorda Ward # Electors % Electors 00 Koorda 296 100.00% District Total 296 100.00% 053 Shire of Kulin Ward # Electors % Electors 01 Central 126 21.28% 02 East 59 9.97% 03 West 181 30.57% 04 Town 226 38.18%

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