Odiham Journal Index 1979-2017 1 16th Century facts Cross J Aut 2003 p31 Household life at that time 2 1930's Description John Champion Aut 2012 p 51 A 1930 Description of Odiham 3 A Trafalgar Connection David Bowman Aut 2015 p 7-12 Was the letter genuine? 4 Acquire, Jean Marie Chamberlain P Spr 1990 p15 married Sophie Brooks 20.6.1811 5 Addison, Rev W R F Millard S Aut 2009 p30 VC Hop pickers, Granny Agricultural Legacy Mary Bennett Spr 2013 p 2-5 Women & Children working in 1868 Photos 6 Girdler, Steam Engine 7 Agricultural Legacy Mary Bennett Spr 2013 p 6-7 Watercress - a local crop Photo Orchard House Neal Pither, Pithers & Ernie Holdaway, Strete Agricultural Legacy Ted Isley Spr 2013 p 7-10 Carting & horses Photos Farm Barn, Ted Ilsley, 8 Shire horse Agricultural Legacy Eric Denton Spr 2013 p 11-16 Ploughing & tractors Photos Tractors, milk churns 9 Agricultural Legacy Mary Knight Spr 2013 p 16-19 A Land girl's memories Photos Land girls 10 Agricultural Legacy Laura Dorman Spr 2013 p 20-22 Odiham Common in the past Photos Horse & Cow 11 Agricultural Legacy Mike Morton Spr 2013 p 23-24 Odiham Common in the present Photo Marsh Gentian 12 13 Agricultural Legacy Steve Lyons Spr 2013 p 25 Odiham Common SSSI Photo Coppicing Various inc.sale details Agricultural Legacy Mary Saunders Spr 2013 p 26-30 40 years of farming in Odiham Photos 14 of Dogmersfield Estate Agricultural Legacy Dick Lane Spr 2013 p 31-34 The Vets start in Odiham 15 Agricultural Legacy Antonia Nichols Spr 2013 p 35-36 Modern veterinary practice Photos Various 16 17 Agriculture Benford J Spr 1981 p6 Disaster fund set up after heavy rain 18 Agriculture Benford R Spr 2001 p15 1960s to present day 19 Agriculture & Industry Millard S Spr 1989 p19 Society founded 1786 20 Agriculture and Industry Spruce D Spr 1983 p2 Odiham Society for 21 Agriculture and Industry Spruce D Spr 1991 p23-26 Odiham Society for 22 Agriculture in Hampshire Kirkpatrick D Aut 2008 p40-1 Report on 400 years of farming 23 Air-raid shelters Holmes P Aut 1989 p21 WW2 24 Air-raid wardens Holmes P Aut 1989 p22-3 Memories of 25 Airship Millard S Spr 2006 p21-2 Photo near chalk pit 1913 Found at The Raven Aitken, James Millard S Spr 1996 p15 John the Painter, criminal 26 in Hook - 1777 27 Alanbrooke, Field Marshall Lord Nelms A Spr 1991 p20-22 Memories of 28 Albert Terrace, London Road Millard S Aut 1991 p22-23 Former workhouse 29 Albion House Millard S Spr 2006 p32 Photo 1893 with White family 30 Aldershot, Military Straffen S Aut 1992 p12 History - talk by Tim Childerhouse 31 Aldershot, Military Marlow M Spr 1996 p31-2 Effect on local area 32 All Saints Paton T Aut 2000 p24 Millennium contribution WIP by Michael All Saints Church Tim Paton Spr 2012 p 33-35 Adapting to modern needs Photos 33 Marchant Seating in different All Saints Re-imagined Simon Lloyd Aut 2013 p 63-65 Vision for the future of the church Photos 34 churches 35 Alms Houses Sumpter E Aut 1979 p2 New Alms houses near completion 36 Alms Houses Adams P Spr 1980 - cover sketch 37 Alms Houses Adams P Aut 1982 p12 sketch 38 Almshouses, The Adams P Aut 1995 p31 Photo. c1908 39 American Civil War technology Reggler M Aut 2006 p39 Talk given by David Kirkpatrick 40 Angel Inn, Odiham Benford J Spr 1981 p6 Closed 1947 41 Angel Inn, Odiham Spr 1994 p28 photo c1890 42 Angel Inn, Odiham Marlow M Spr 1994 p27-31 Closed 1954 43 Angell-James, John Millard S Aut 2002 p40 Obituary 44 Angell-James, John Millard S Aut 1998 p15 Family history, photo 45 Angell-James, John Millard S Aut 1998 p15 Biography 46 Angell-James, Manley Millard S Aut 1998 p16 Biography. Photo 47 Angevin Empire Millard S Spr 1990 p22 map 48 Angus Cottage Millard S Spr 1990 p29 was Sturtons 1278/9 49 Antarctic experiences Riley P Spr 2009 p35 Member Richard Harris' s lecture Sum 2016 p 52- Appendix 1 Magna Carta Archeology Project finds Photo Sheila Millard 50 55 51 Appleton, Harry Aut 1995 p7 obituary North Warnborough with Mission Hut boys Arcadia - A pre-war vision D H Moutray-Read Spr 2014 p 8-12 Odiham Parish before WW1 Photos and men & Airship in 52 Chalk Pit Archaeological Education Liz Good Aut 2013 p 50-51 Field academy at North Warnborough Photos Digs 53 54 Archaeology Hampshire Kirkpatrick D Spr 2001 p36 Report on talk by David Allen Conference - Roman Villa & Lodge Photo. artefacts from Archaeology N E Hants Pratt J Spr 1992 p17 base of pot 55 Farm, Lodge Farm 56 Archaeology Odiham Jenkins V Spr 1988 p16 At Odiham oil borehole Photos -Roman Finds in North Warnborough and fibula, bone comb, Archaeology Odiham Millard S Spr 2006 p38-39 Odiham butter mould, grave 57 and Lodge Farm 58 Archeology in the High Street Hannah Fluck Spr 2011 p57 Life in Odiham 900 years ago 59 Archery Fields- west of Appleton H Spr 1979 p2 Planning consent 60 Architectural conservation Kirkpatrick D Aut 2007 p32 Talk by Colin Amery Walter R Doran @ Odiham Cottage Archivists Notes Sue Smith Aut 2017 p 3-4 Update on the progress of the archiving Photos Hospital, Class photo Buryfields? With Harold 61 Ruffle 62 Armada beacon Aut 1988 p31 sketch and celebrations 63 Army history 18th century Kirkpatrick D Aut 2004 p35 Talk by Alan Turton 64 Army manoeuvres Youdan A Aut 1992 p39 photo - Swan Bridge 1915 65 Army, coming to Hants. Marlow M Spr 1996 p31 Effects on area Arnold John Mott Sheila Marsh Aut 2015 p 16-17 My uncle, my hero 66 67 Assadourian, Dr R Assadourian, R Aut 2000 p26 Millennium contribution 68 Assembly Rooms Benford J Aut 1980 p8 Became unsafe 1938 69 Assembly Rooms Spr 1993 p34 Charlotte 70 Assembly Rooms Millard S Aut 1992 p13 Charlotte Terrace, sketch History and reproduction of poster 1860- Assembly Rooms, Odiham Millard S Aut 1992 p13 71 1938 72 Assembly Rooms, Odiham Sims R Spr 2009 p24-26 history of brewery 73 Atkins, Tommy Mitchell M Spr 1995 p14 Legend of - born Odiham 1784 74 ATM - Odiham High Street John Champion Spr 2017 p 21 ATM/Telephone Box 75 Austen, Jane Kirkpatrick C Aut 1998 p24 Talk by Jane Bowden 76 Australia - The First Fleet Kirkpatrick D Aut 2007 p39 Talk by Mem Fitzpatrick 77 Awards, Bar. Wentworth Lawrence D Aut 2001 p35 Winners wrote Thomas the Awdry, Rev W V Millard S Spr 1991 p11 Curate of Odiham 1936-9 78 Tank Engine etc 79 Bailiff Nelms A Aut 1991 p19 evictions in 1920s 80 Baker family Youdan A Aut 1986 p12 taxidermist 81 Baker Francis Millard S Aut 1990 p27-28 trade token 82 Baker Hall Drayton M Aut 1991 p9 Photo and article on scouts & guides 83 Baker Joe Nelms A Spr 1991 p20-22 Long Sutton Memorial 84 Baker, Mr Holmes P Aut 1994 p28 Produced local postcards 85 Bankers of Odiham Marlow M Spr 1995 p23-25 Local and national history of banking 86 Baptismal Font, Odiham Aut 1984 p25 sketches 87 Baptist Chapel Millard S Aut 1995 p33 King Street, photo 1928 88 Baptist Chapel Millard S Aut 1995 p34 Rev Rueben Wilson first Minister 89 Barber Henry Millard S Spr 1985 p10 Bridewell keeper 1835 90 Barn at Hellis House Spr 1980 p10 Listed Building 91 Bartley Heath Tyler R Spr 1988 p24 new nature reserve 92 Bartley Heath Sharrod D Spr 1992 p23 93 Bartley Heath Aut 1997 p25 Photo ponies grazing Introduction of New Bartley Heath Sharrod D Spr 1996 p21 Grazing, photo. Ted Champion 94 Forest ponies Whitesmith & Barton, George Millard S Spr 2000 p27 Donation of his family bible ironmonger 1884- 95 1911 96 Barton, J Millard S Spr 2000 p27 Photo c 1910 photo and history of ex RAF hanger Barton, Jack Millard S Aut 1987 p37 97 used by Jack in his builders yard Basing House Reynolds J Spr 1993 p29-31 Civil War - extracts from talk - sketches 98 Basingstoke - Battle of Church Clarke B Aut 2010 p39 Report on unrest - March 1881 99 Square 100 Basingstoke Beer Riots Osgerby J Aut 2010 p38 Report on book by Bob Clarke 101 Basingstoke Canal Adams P Aut 1980 p14 sketch 102 Basingstoke Canal Adams P Aut 1988 - cover new lift-bridge at Tunnel Lane - sketch 103 Basingstoke Canal Berry D Aut 1991 p29 history of Wharf House 104 Basingstoke Canal Field P Aut 1992 p24 105 Basingstoke Canal Weiss A Spr 1994 p17 Bicentenary celebrations 106 Basingstoke Canal Millard S Spr 2001 p22 Purchased by William Carter 1905 107 Basingstoke Canal Ferguson M Spr 2002 p21-24 War, Water & Wenches talk unrestored section beyond Greywell Basingstoke Canal Riley P Aut 2008 p20 tunnel designated a Natural England 108 Nature Reserve 109 Basingstoke Canal Philip Riley Aut 2016 p 3-4 Canal News during 2016 Photos Barges, Andy Atwell Basingstoke Canal Philip Riley Aut 2017 p 14-15 Update on recent work Photo Canal 110 Report by the Basingstoke Canal Basingstoke Canal Philip Riley Spr 2015 p 47 111 Society Basingstoke Canal Update Alexandra Hulse Aut 2014 p 36-37 Barn & boats Photo Odiham Wharf 112 113 Bats Hope P Aut 2003 p35 Photo and swarming study Greywell tunnel 114 Bayley, Dr Joseph Reggler D Aut 2001 p22-24 19th century history of health care 115 Baynes, Rev J P Paton P Aut 1996 p9-11 Hospital Sunday's established 1907 Robert May's - Any BBC broadcasts from Odiham Millard S Spr 1996 p15 All Saints 29th June 1969 116 Questions - 1967 117 BBC broadcasts from Odiham Kirkpatrick D Aut 1997 p7 Out and About with Sally Taylor BBC broadcasts from Odiham Millard S Spr 2006 p21-2 Bishop of Winchester at All Saints 1969 118 119 Beech trees at Dunleys Hill Adams P Aut 1985 p17 sketch 120 Bell Ringing in Odiham Chetwynd-Talbot Aut 1987 p33 History of and sketches of bells 121 Belsher family Marlow M Spr 1999 p30 122 Bentote, Mr Jones G Aut 1994 p23 baker in 1920s - memories of 123 Billy Belgium Millard S Spr 1992 p12 Refugee in Robert Mays 124 Birch, Henry Millard S Aut 2004 p21-23 Chemist 1820-1828 125 Birch, William Millard S Aut 1994 p12 Clockmaker 19th century 126 Birch, William Marlow M Spr 1997 p32 Royal Insurance Agent 1875 127 Blackout Holmes P Aut 1989 p21 WW2 128 Blacksmiths Shop Millard R Spr 1985 p27 sketch 129 Blackwater Valley study Sheppard H Aut 2003 p13 background report 130 Blake, Harry Nelms A Aut 2003 p35 Verger 1874-1897 Became known as Blake, Thomas Holmes Millard S Aut 1995 p34 purchased Farthings 1881 131 Blakes Cottages 132 Blakes Cottages Millard S Aut 1995 p33 Oast House Cott.
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