Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected] AGENDA OF THE BRADFIELD COMBUST with STANNINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING to be held on MONDAY 15th FEBRUARY 2021 at 7.30pm Members of the press and public are welcome to attend and may speak on any item on this agenda for the first 10 minutes of the meeting. They may remain and observe the rest of the meeting. To join the meeting, the ZOOM LINK is: Topic: BC&S Parish Council meeting Time: Feb 15, 2021 07:30 PM London https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82097889043?pwd=K21NaVlPb0Rlb2FCTk1yZ21NWmxHZz09 Meeting ID: 820 9788 9043 Passcode: 924865 This meeting is held by virtue of the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 These Regulations came into force 4th April 2020 UK Statutory Instruments 2020 No. 392 PART 2 Regulation 5 2020/155 RECORDING OF MEETING a. To establish whether it is the intention of any person to record the meeting. 2020/156 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE a) Council to receive apologies for absence b) Council to consent to accept apologies received 2020/157 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST b. To receive Members’ declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (as defined by the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012) where these Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: a) Have not already been entered into the register and b) Relate to a matter to be considered 2020/158 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Members of the public may speak about specific items on this agenda 2020/159 UPDATES FROM COUNTY and DISTRICT COUNCILLORS a. To receive an update from C/Cllr K Soons (report previously emailed to all councillors) b. To receive an update from D/Cllr S Mildmay-White 2020/160 MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on PAPER A MONDAY 23rd NOVEMBER 2020 a. To receive the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st September 2020 and to authorise the Chair to sign the same. b. Business remaining from the meeting not on this agenda 1 Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected] 2020/161 MATTERS RELATING TO STANNINGFIELD VILLAGE HALL (Cllr Staff or Cllr Mears will take this item) a. Report on the progress of the kitchen/ bar area improvement project at Stanningfield Village Hall and confirmation of the appointment of an electrical inspection contractor (requirement of insurers, 5 yearly commitment) 2020/162 MATTERS RELATING TO THE ALLOTMENTS, STANNINGFIELD a. Update on allotment renewals. a) To discuss Spring inspection of cultivation b) Request to create an additional allotment: Please would Councillors consider marking out another allotment (creating a number 23) b. To discuss Spring inspection of cultivation 2020/163 MATTERS RELATING TO THE VILLAGE GREENS a. Unmade road surrounding Stanningfield Green: To discuss the PAPER B measures and actions to be taken to rectify further damage to the periphery road of the Green at Stanningfield 2020/164 MATTERS RELATING TO FLOODING a. Clarification of statutory responsibilities for flooding and recent PAPER C occurrences 2020/165 MATTERS RELATING TO STREET SIGNAGE and FURNITURE a. Update of renovation and usage of the red phone box at Stanningfield (Cllr Veal) b. Replacement of sign denoting the Stanningfield boundary 2020/166 MATTERS RELATING TO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY a. Report of blockage by effluent at Little Saxes Farm and subsequent PAPER D response from landowner 2020/166 MATTERS RELATING TO THE PLAY AREA STANNINGFIELD a. West Suffolk District Council SLA for Agreement PAPER E b. To confirm COVID Restrictions are being adhered to by the public c. Play Area Inspection report PAPER F 2020/167 MATTERS RELATING TO PLANNING a. To discuss application No. DC/21/0031/HH PAPER G (Re-Consultation) Consultation Period Expired 9 February 2021 th (extension from Planning Officer granted to 19 February) Sent to Councillors 19.01.2021 Householder planning application - two storey side extension to form annexe Location: Stone Cottage , 2 The Street, Bradfield Combust, IP30 0LP Applicant: Lois Wallbridge Agent: Mr Leigh Graves - AHP Design https://planning.westsuffolk.gov.uk/onlineapplications/ applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QMRGJNPDH8700 b. To Note consensus of opinion on application No. NMA(A)/17/1248 2 Bradfield Combust with Stanningfield Parish Council Nicola Glading, Parish clerk, 6, Albert Rolph Drive Lakenheath, Suffolk IP27 9DA Tel: 01842 337488 Email: [email protected] Consultation Expiry: 25 January 2021, sent to Councillors 04.01.2021 Proposal: Nonmaterial amendment to DC/17/1248/HH -the change/ we wish to apply for is a colour choice of 'Iron Grey' to the external cladding of our extension Location: Old School House, The Street, Bradfield Combust, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk NO OBJECTION 2020/168 GOVERNANCE: REVIEW OF POLICIES and PROCEDURES a. To review BC & S Standing Orders PAPER H b To review BC & S Financial Regulations PAPER I c. To review BC & S Data Protection Policy PAPER J d. To review BC & S Media Policy PAPER K e. To review BC & S Internal Controls PAPER L f. To review BC & S Code of Conduct (Deferral suggested pending NALC review) g. To review BC & S Complaints procedure PAPER M h. Review of BC & S Asset Register PAPER N i. Review of BC &S Risk Assessment PAPER O 2020/169 FINANCE/ AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS a. To approve the accounts payable December 2020 and January PAPER P 2021 b. To review and note the Financial Report Quarter Three (to Dec 2020): PAPER Q 1. Cash book 2. Income 3. Bank reconciliation 4. Budget comparison 5. Bank Statements c. To confirm requirements for the provision of online banking PAPER R d. Update on the implementation of internal auditors report 2019- 2020 e. To discuss the Reserves allocation PAPER S f. To Note the Precept Request inclusive LCTSG PAPER T 2020/170 CHAIRS ITINERARY and REPORTS (on the night) a. Chairs report b. Councillors reports to include (i) Update on provision of an electric vehicle charging point at Stanningfield (Cllr Langham) (ii) Additional funding received £500 (Cllr Mears) 2020/171 EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION To exchange any relevant information at the discretion of the Chairman (i) Damage to reflectors Donkey lane (ii) Replacement of Stanningfield sign Date of next meeting: May 10th 2021 3 .
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