Characterization ofth e Buzurasuppressaria single- nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus genome: a (phylo)genetic study Zhihong Hu Promotores: dr. R.W. Goldbach Hoogleraar ind eViologi e dr.J.M .Vla k Persoonlijk Hoogleraar bijhe t Laboratorium voorVirologi e f, f.- Characterization ofth e Buzura suppressaria single- nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus genome: a (phylo)genetic study Zhihong Hu proefschriftte rverkrijgin gva nd egraa dva ndocto r opgeza gva nd erecto r magnificus vand e Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen dr. C.M.Karssen , inhe topenbaa rt everdedige n opdinsda g8 septembe r 1998 desnamiddag st ehal ftwe ei nd eAul a ( U>A aS^^<C O Thewor k presented inthi s thesiswa scarrie d out atth e Laboratory ofVirology , Department of Plant Breeding and Crop Protection, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, the Netherlands, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan ,People' s Republic ofChina . The work was initiated by a Marie Curie grant from EC and supported by the Wageningen University and Research Center (PhD sandwich grant). The research was also supported by grants from the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands, the Chinese Academy of Sciences andth e National NaturalScienc e Foundationo fChina . Hu,ZhiHon g Characterization ofth eBuzura suppressaria single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus genome:a (phylo)geneti c study- Z.H .H u ThesisWageninge n -wit h ref.- wit hsummar y inDutc han dChines e ISBN90-5485-917- 2 Subject headings:baculoviru s BIBLIOTHEEK LANDBOUWUNIVERSITEIT WAGENINGEN pUoS^ » ^H- Fv. - £ ;, Single (S) »TKflkuWpte (M) nucteooapsidjweleopolyfMMfrovtaait * do not represent j*.. 1 distinct«rakiWMK ygroups . Ï. ,.% 1 Gene homotoMr *nd gene arrangement ar* independent parameters to study r,;. 1' .' be^utovirtiaphytogeny , |f "•' ] fNrtftesfe i £/*, j Theexpar*r»eri^byftmet«£arer»teufficlem ?"-•'_, ; !«• verytBttrópre«rtonf«etofof bact*)vJri»Bs. jf,< J •, i fin «*, fm^ftofceyJU* f-A AfeUaMnet«/. , 1998. Hh*0y24f,379-391. • ' • ,i !$ Thecomplet egttaom oseo^anesdetorminstlo ho fthoGrim-po»>ti»ol>«ctafHg nJOftW w ^: ' SBJMMBV lus nojt yottoo* t o understanding the genattedtffefene e between Grem- |.' ... '•• positive andGfiim-negatlv ebacteria . fc; Xvnst«re k 199$ Huurt390; 249*6$. jL-_ fc TheA tvftro intf^ac^rbetweenRN A Md PI of cautflower mosaicvteus , described • by Cftovsky «fiè/^ has no functionalalgrijffcaoc e ta explaintb * movement of this f- •' ^viru sthroug hpfanfa . ; OKoWtKitf^ t&1;Pnc./ttA<&.Sd. USA m 2476-2494. I****t»t.t 1993,Vtoaer ! 195;291-999. * *• . - 'i - • ti. : The introduction of protaaae inhibitors int» stents mayBsoipe r ö» ose of baculovirtiees «fed A»«»«» thvrtogfensü for insectcontrol . ; Jof>0sm**i*.. t$96.mœh. 14,331433; * 't 7. j h nwy be e sn^ planet butth eworW ewhhk i ereinfinit» . '(..•#. , [Modest yhelp sjp|n et og oforwar dwherea sconcei t make«on eteg behind . 9. ;I nChin ate a w^elwaysb emor epopula r thancoffee . " j . 1 ;tÖ. MlfiteraeyisiiTCoffoctlycwisloVed tobest ... \S. BureaucracywftjioiitsystemisesbsdasaeystetnwWwutbureatierBcy. Steffinge» behorend-bf het proefschrift: :,,\ Charactarteationo f tfW Btaun mm/msatii singlBHHiclcoc*peldrsjdaoBo*yftBO>pWùa / . genome: a' (shytolgeneiiestud y September, 1998 ZhjhongHu 1 ! I r- •*.:..._ .. - 1 ... .- %^**Wi*^ri^0Z*F*r*j^içs^ '_ ? k *•„ r -, i^ "-> -Ä. , 4* *,.J '-'/-'--••«f " V - f X* *r/if i ."%•', „ *~'* \ ~-s.' , ",**Jl i te-* - .; *^'S.^ ^ lictfi! ^ * *" £T' '^ '^X*^ ~ ia«»! 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First of all Iwoul d like to thank Basil Arif, for science, humour, trips and swimming. Basil, without your help the thesis would not have been the same as it looks now. As a coach you can be proud of yourself because my swimming is significantly improved and this sport was one of my best friends during my thesis writing. I thank you and Elaine for showing me around the Europe and for the wonderful weekends we spent together. I am fortunate to be a friend of Johannes Jehle, a wonderful personality and with whom I had lots of helpful discussions. The time I spent with Basil, Johannes, Peter Krell, Liu Yi (Jenny), Mira Toister- Archituv and Delia Munoz were days occupied with science, humour and the occasional cookies, when Peter was in a generous mood. I have received lots of help from the friends and colleagues in the Department of Virology in Wageningen. Special thanks to Douwe Zuidema for his scientific input and continuous support; to John Martens for his valued supervision in the beginning, helpful discussions and friendship; to Monique van Oers, René Broer and Bep van Strien for their critical help throughout the study and writing of this thesis; to Joop Groenewegen for his excellent collaboration in my research and for repairing my Dutch bicycles. I have appreciated so much my interactions with everyone in the baculovirus group: Magda Usmany, Els Klinge-Roode, Felix Bianchi, Wilfred Ukel, Marielle van Hulten, Jozsef Hajos, and previous colleagues Lilian Colbers, Ruud Mans, Marcel Kool, Hans Flipsen, Jacco Heidens and Stan de Kort. My friends and office-mates, Lilian and Els,wer e so kind to allow me all the table space and computer time during my thesis writing. I wish to acknowledge and thank several students who contributed to my research: Jolanda Westerlaken, Thomas Luijckx and Leonie van Dinten. My gratitude also goes to the friends and colleagues outside the baculovirus group, in particular to Jan van Lent, Ine Derksen, Wout Rozeboom, Thea Bemmel, and Dick Peters for their help in and outside the lab. The thesis would not have been finished without the solid support that I received from my home institute, the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am indebted to the directors of the institute, professors He Tianfu, Li Xinge, Zhang Xianen, Gong Hanzhou and previous director professor Chai Yiquan for their support and understanding. I owe a great deal to my friends, colleagues and students in our group. Professor Jin Fen and Chen Xinwen took over all my responsibilities when I was in the Netherlands. Professor Jin Feng, you were the first to initiate the molecular research on BusuNPV. Thank you and professor Zhang Yinlian for your forever warm support which means much to me. Xinwen your contributions are excellent and your friendship is warm. While in the Netherlands, my students back in China were also ably supervised by professors Peng Huiying, Wang LuMing, Wang Hanzhong, and Zu Bichun. I am greatful to them.Further I appreciate all my students, Li Mei, Luo Baojun, Wang Hualin and Liu Lan, for their understanding, hard work and good results. Special thanks to Li Mei for her excellent contribution to the research on HaSNPV. I thank my colleagues in Virology Section, specially professors Ke Lihua, Liang Bufeng and Ding Qingquan for their support and help. Many researchers in my home institute have done the pioneering work to develop BusuNPV as a successful biocontrol agent and it is their initial work that paved the way for me to conduct the research outlined in this thesis. These scientists earn respect and appreciation, in particular professor Xie Tianen who led all the projects and Liu Mingfu who made his early contribution to the molecular biology of BusuNPV. I also thank Sun Junsong for his contribution to the study and professor Liu Xinyuan, Li Minjin, Wang Zixuan and Lu Zaohai for their contribution to the initial molecular characterization of BusuNPV and the nice time I had in Shanghai. Many people have made my stay in the Netherlands most comfortable and enjoyable. I thank Rinske and her family for my time in La Ventana in Bennekom. My Chinese friends in Wageningen made me feel at home, special thanks go to Yu Dazhao, Zhang Liru and Tom, Huang Jiang, He Qian and ToTo. Since one rarely gets opportunity to acknowledge old friends for what they have meant and continue to mean in one's life, I here acknowledge Zhongqiong, Feng Ming, Amy, Zhang Lu, Shuchan, Zeng Hong and Xiao Jie. And I am glad that I finally have an opportunity to thank my middle school teacher Huang Songsheng for initiating me to science. My family plays the central role in my life and, therefore, lastly but most importantly, I am so very grateful to my husband Yiwu for his love, continuous support and understanding which served as guiding lights and fostered my motivation throughout my whole PhD period. I thank my father, mother and my grandmother DaiXiuqin g for teaching me the values of life that gave me strength through the difficult times and also showed me how to enjoy the beautiful life. My warm thoughts are for my sister Xiaorong and her family for their support. Yiwu's parents have given me love and understanding for which Ia m forever grateful. To the people I love and to my home country, Zhihong Wageningen, July 1998 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Characterization of the Buzura suppressaria single- 11 capsid nucleopolyhedrovirus polyhedrin gene (J.
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